Insufficient Demand of Water Supply in Poblacion Kinoguitan: It'S Impact and Resolution
Insufficient Demand of Water Supply in Poblacion Kinoguitan: It'S Impact and Resolution
Insufficient Demand of Water Supply in Poblacion Kinoguitan: It'S Impact and Resolution
Table of Contents
I. Background of the Study
Abstract ……………………………………………….
Statement of the problem ……………………..
Objectives …………………………………………….
Theoretical Framework ………………………….
Conceptual framework ………………………….
One of the most important life sustaining natural resources that a country should
continually protect, preserve and enhance is water. All forms of life depend on water.
Access to clean and potable water immensely contributes to the improvement of the quality
of life. The human body needs to continually consume regular amounts of water in order to
replace lost body fluids and to function properly. The production of food and raw materials
by the agricultural sector as well as the manufacturing, mining and construction activities in
the industrial sector all require huge amounts of water as a major input. The cheapest form
of electricity comes from hydroelectric power plants which rely on water flowing through
man made dams in various major river systems. The provision of uninterrupted water supply
improves the living conditions of all households and supports the continued expansion of
economic activities whether in agriculture, industry or the services sector. A severe water
shortage will lead to a deterioration in the quality of life as well as economic losses for firms
heavily dependent on water as a major input for production.
Generally, this study aims :
1. To determine the alternative ways of restoring water supply
2. To identify the cause and effect of the problem
3. To elaborate the affected aspects of insufficient water supply
A. Conceptual Framework
B.Theoretical framework