A Simplified Charge Balancing Algorithm For Modular Multilevel Converter
A Simplified Charge Balancing Algorithm For Modular Multilevel Converter
A Simplified Charge Balancing Algorithm For Modular Multilevel Converter
Fig. 2. Different module’s capacitor voltage when MMC is operational
For modulation of MMC, various PWM techniques based
on a single modulating are already proposed. In this simpli-
fied new algorithm, phase disposition (PD) PWM technique
is used. As can be seen, around the x axis symmetrically
triangular carrier waves are displaced depending upon the no
of modules in MMC [7]. Comparison of modulating wave
with all these carrier waves produces switching signals [8].
For ‘N’ number of modules in each arm ‘N’ number of carrier
waveforms are required. Fig.3 shows the PD-PWM method for
a nine level MMC.
Fig.1 shows the structure of a modular multilevel converter.
Each module consists of a half bridge module with a capacitor.
Each phase is called one leg of the converter and each leg
consists of two arms, upper and lower. There is an inductor
in each arm to suppress higher order harmonic and circulating
currents [1]. A single capacitor for DC bus is not used. Instead
the DC bus capacitance is divided among individual modules.
Each leg is controlled and finally produce the required output
voltage [7]. Each arm has its own impedance.
A half bridge module is generally used in MMC, which has Fig. 3. Phase disposition modulation technique
two complementary switches Sx and S. When one switch is
kept ON then other is turned off and vice versa. Depending As the DC bus capacitor is divided in all the modules as
upon the switching of these two switches of the half bridge small scale capacitors, the full load current flows through
module, a module can be inserted or bypassed when MMC is all the inserted modules capacitors when MMC operates.
operational. It can be seen from the fig.2 that when Sx = 1 and Depending upon the load current direction the inserted module
S = 0 then the module is inserted and it produces Vcell voltage capacitors get highly charged or discharged as shown in fig.2.
as output. If Sx = 0 and S = 1 then the module is bypassed If the capacitor voltage of all the modules are not balanced
and output voltage of the module is zero. As requirement of then output voltage waveform can not be controlled. So a
proper charge balancing algorithm is needed for a MMC for are needed. All carrier waveforms are named as 1,2,3....N and
its proper functioning. are shifted from x axis in increasing order. Depending upon
the required load voltage, the modulating signal crosses the
III. D ISADVANTAGE OF EXISTING ALGORITHM FOR carrier waveforms. If the required load voltage is low then
CHARGE BALANCING modulating signal may not cross all the carrier signals.
In existing algorithm [1,6,7,8,10], shown in fig.4, first the In this algorithm there is no need to calculate the number
number of modules that need to be inserted or bypassed of new modules need to be inserted or bypassed every step of
to produce required output load voltage is calculated. This operation. From the number of carrier signals those are crossed
number is compared to previous state to find if any new by the modulating signal, the number of modules needs to be
module needs to be inserted or bypassed. This is a complex inserted or bypassed can be directly calculated. From fig.5 it
procedure and not needed in the new algorithm. can be seen that when modulating signal crosses first carrier
Secondly the load current is measured to find if it is going to waveform then one module from upper and one module from
charge or discharge the inserted module capacitors. After that lower arm are inserted and all other modules are bypassed.
all modules are sorted depending upon their capacitor voltages. When the modulating signal crosses two carrier waveforms
If load current is positive and new modules need to be inserted then two modules in upper arm and another two modules
then the inserted module’s capacitors are going to be charged. from lower arm need to be inserted all other modules are
The lowest capacitor voltage module needs to be inserted for bypassed. Similarly when the modulating signal crosses all
highest possible time and highest capacitor voltage module carrier waveforms then all modules needs to be inserted to
needs to be inserted for lowest possible time. If load current is produce the required load voltage.
negative and new modules need to be inserted then the inserted
module’s capacitors are going to be discharged. So the highest
capacitor voltage module needs to be inserted for highest
bypassed becomes very tedious if MMC has very high number
increasing number of modules in MMC. In the new algorithm
the gate signals can be given to the switches directly without Fig. 5. Calculation of number of modules need to be switched on or off
any calculation. directly from PD technique
From fig.5 and fig.6 it can be easily seen that when
modulating signal is compared to the carrier wave form,
Vinter−pulse,1,j has higher time period (Tinter−pulse,1,j )
than Vinter−pulse,2,j and Vinter−pulse,2,j has longer dura-
tion (Tinter−pulse,2,j ) than Vinter−pulse,3,j and so on. The
Vinter−pulse,N,j has the shortest time period.
In this algorithm firstly all modules of one arm of one phase
are sorted depending upon there capacitor voltages. A sorting
algorithm is applied on all Vcap,u,i,a and on all Vcap,l,i,a of
a phase. The sorting algorithm is explained with the help of
following example. Suppose after sorting it is found that,
Vcap,l,N −1,a < Vcap,l,N −4,a < Vcap,l,1,a .... < Vcap,l,3,a
Then in next step the direction of load current is measured.
Fig. 4. Existing algorithm Suppose in first case it is found that,
Il > 0
IV. P ROPOSED ALGORITHM As the load current is positive, it is going to charge the
The simplified proposed algorithm is based on phase dis- module capacitors. So highest time period switching signal
position modulation technique. For ‘N’ number of modules must be given to lowest capacitor voltage module and lowest
in each arm of each phase, ‘N’ number of carrier waveforms time period switching signal is given to highest capacitor
Vgate,l,N −1,a,p = V̄inter−pulse,N,a
Vgate,l,N −1,a,n = Vinter−pulse,N,a
Similarly switching signals are given to all other modules of
phase ‘a’. For module SMu,2,a and SMl,3,a which has highest
capacitor voltage, the switching signal will be,
Vgate,u,2,a,p = Vinter−pulse,1,a (5)
Vgate,u,2,a,n = V̄inter−pulse,1,a
Vgate,l,3,a,p = V̄inter−pulse,1,a
Vgate,l,3,a,n = Vinter−pulse,1,a
By this strategy, charge balancing is done in the MMC
modules. Fig.7 shows the flowchart of simplified proposed
algorithm. Comparing fig.4 and fig.7 it is clear that two steps
are removed in proposed algorithm.
Fig. 6. Sending gate signals directly to the module switches for charge
balancing for the upper arm for Il > 0 and Il < 0
Voltage (V)
Reference voltage
Voltage (V)
0 −1000
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Time (Sec)
Voltage (V)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (Sec) −1000
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Time (Sec)
Fig. 8. Phase voltage waveform of nine level MMC 1000
Voltage (V)
Fundamental component of V
Vab −1000
1000 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Voltage (V)
Time (Sec)
−1000 Fig. 10. Reference voltage, phase voltage and fundamental component of
phase voltage of nine level MMC
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (Sec)
Voltage (V)
a Capacitor voltage of SM
20 200 u,1,a
Current (A)
0 100
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (Sec)
−20 300
Voltage (V)
Capacitor voltage of SM
200 u,2,a
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (Sec) 100
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (Sec)
Voltage (V)
Fig. 9. Line voltage and line current waveform of nine level MMC Capacitor voltage of SMl,2,a
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (Sec)
voltage level is 200V. The output phase voltage is 800V 50 300
Voltage (V)
Capacitor voltage of SM
Hz AC. 200 l,1,a
Here in fig.9 the output line to line voltage (Vab ) and line 100
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
current (Ia ) are presented. The output line voltage has fifteen
√ Time (Sec)
steps. It can be seen from the figure that line voltage is 3
times of phase voltage as load is star connected. Depending
upon the load, the load current is 38A. Fig. 11. Different module’s capacitor voltage when MMC is operational
In fig.10 the tracking of output voltage in closed loop
control of modular multilevel converter is conferred. To get 201
Module Capacitor voltage
the fundamental waveform of the output phase voltage, the
output staircase waveform is passed through a low pass filter 200.5