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Conference Paper · September 2014


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2 authors, including:

Vasiliki Perraki
University of Patras


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29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition


V.Perraki, and L. Megas

Department οf Electrical αnd Computer Engineering, University of Patras, 26110 Patras, Greece,
Tel: ++30 2610 996467, Fax: ++30 2610 996811.
Email perraki@ece.upatras.gr; megas.labros@gmail.com

ABSTRACT: This work deals with the comparison between the photovoltaic properties as well as the energy
provided by a Photovoltaic module installed in fixed tilt angle and an identical one adapted on a tracker. The modules
have been installed on the roof of Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of Patras,
Greece (latitude 380) and operated under real weather conditions. The PV properties of the tested modules which are
experimentally measured during a long period are compared with those extracted from simulation through the PVSol
software. The excess of the energy produced by the PV module installed on single axis tracker with 380 tilt angle,
relative to the PV module installed with constant inclination has been found experimentally equal to 23% and
theoretically equal to 24.6%.
Keywords: tracking, tilt angle, simulation

1 INTRODUCTION been compared to the outcome of PV Sol program, where

irradiation, temperature and more weather parameters for
The performance of PV modules is affected by their any place on Earth are offered by “Meteonorm”, a global
orientation and tilt angle with respect to the horizontal Meteorological accurate Database.
plane. Solar Tracking Systems based on predefined sun
paths ensure a significant increase in the percentage of
the received solar radiation as well as the maximization 2 EXPERIMENTAL SET UP
of the tracking efficiency, due to the optimal incidence
angle and to the collection of diffused solar radiations in We have plotted hundreds of current-voltage
case that this is the prevalent amount of the total energy characteristic curves (with an increased number of active
received by the surface of the PV modules. This, results tracking steps) by performing experiments over a period
in the increase of the PV module conversion efficiency. of one year. Monocrystalline silicon solar modules (with
The tracking efficiency is referred [1] to the ratio similar electric characteristics), have been installed one in
between the energy of the solar direct radiation normally 380 fixed tilt angle facing south and the other on a single
incident on the PV module and the energy of the solar axis tracker with 380 inclination. We have analyzed
direct radiation available on the site. The tracking several electric characteristics, and made our experiments
energetic gain is hundreds of Wh/day, while the daily under different weather conditions. The measuring
consumption of the linear actuators has been found from station, Fig.1, consists of a pyranometer, module
the field tests equal or less than 0.5 Wh/day [2], which is temperature sensors, a PVPM measuring devices and a
not in fact taken into account in industrial systems. The personal computer, connected to each one of the
tracking system thus plays a key role in increasing the modules. In addition we have made a comparison of
efficiency of the PV systems. experimental results with theoretical results obtained
At the beginning of the application of PV, although from the program PVSol Expert.
solar trackers were considered as a necessity to
maximizing the energy production from very costly solar
panels, they were technically complicated, unreliable and
with expensive control systems. As solar module pricing
declined, developments in the mechanical design of
trackers continued, clever installation techniques and
system layouts were designed, and control systems were
improved in sensors, software and cheap electronics. As a
result, even with solar module pricing in the $0.50-$1.00
range, PV trackers make good financial sense for
extended photovoltaic parks [3]. These gains are even
more valuable in geographic areas with high direct
irradiance, because in these areas there is a lot of Figure 1: Photovoltaic outdoor measuring setup
cloudness early in the morning or late in the afternoon,
compensating thus the extra cost of trackers.
From a practical standpoint, knowledge of the 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
outdoor performance of the PV modules working under
real operating conditions on a fixed or tracked mode, is Based on data gathered by scientific instruments of
an essential requirement for their successful application high precision, records concerning the PV properties of
and their reliability, stability and degradation and the modules installed on a fixed orientation as well as on
constitutes crucial parameters [4]. a single axis tracker are presented. The results provided
Detailed experimental results relative to the show that the modules which are installed on trackers
annual/monthly energy yield from fixed and variable have superior properties than those installed on constant
orientation modules operating in real conditions have inclination, due to the almost perpendicular incidence of

29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition

sunlight, resulting thus to the superiority of these devices Figure 3 indicates that the temperature does not differ as
in kilowatt hours per kilowatt of installed power and the maximum power Pmax, although both modules receive
efficiency. different amount of solar radiation during the day.
In this work we present the results between two Theoretically the temperature of the modules, Tmod,
similar modules, a (Conergy) fixed south facing module increases with the illumination (due to the partial
with 380 tilt angle and a (Five Stars) module mounted on conversion into those of the solar radiation into thermal
a single axis Tracker with 380 inclination. We have energy) wich changes during the day. However the
chosen to present the variation of their PV properties modules do not exhibit a significant difference in
during a summer sunny day where the irradiation and the temperature, because this parameter depends also on
temperatures are high and their influence will be obvious. other factors such as ambient temperature.
The difference in substantial properties observed The ratio Pmax / PSTC for the two modules is shown in
between the two modules, is due to the fact that the the same figure. As expected these diagrams are similar
Tracker is rotated around its vertical axis during the day in form with the corresponding ones to the maximum
"following" the sun. This retains the solar module power Pmax of the modules. However, what is interesting
perpendicular to the sun early and late in the day, while is that this ratio for the Tracked module is larger
collecting significantly more energy than the fixed throughout the day in relation to the fixed module, which
module facing south. is interpreted as a function of modules closer to the
standard conditions.
The variation of the solar radiation, G, incident on the
two modules as well as the maximum power they deliver
during the presented day, are shown in Fig.2. As the
Tracked module is rotated around the vertical axis T (oC) Tracked T (oC) Fixed
according to the movement of the sun it receives greater Pmax/Pstc Tracked Pmax/Pstc Fixed
amount of solar radiation, specifically the morning and
afternoon hours resulting in particularly noticeable 80 0,8
difference in solar radiation between the two modules. 75 0,7
Those hours the fixed module forms large azimuth angle 70
with the sun, as it is oriented towards the south, while the 0,6
sun is east or west respectively. On the contrary at solar 0,5
Tmod (0C)

Pmax / P stc
noon, when both panels are facing south, the solar
radiation incident on them is the same. Natural 55 0,4
consequences of the difference in solar radiation received 50 0,3
by the two modules are the different maximum power 45
they deliver. Especially in the morning and afternoon 0,2
hours, the difference in power output is large, as the 0,1
Tracker receives more solar radiation than the fixed 35
module. This difference in power and energy delivered is 30 0
less at midday since both modules are facing south. 9:07 11:31 13:55 16:19 18:43

Time (h)

G (W/m2) Tracked G (W/m2) Fixed

P (W) Tracked P(W) Fixed Figure 3: Variation of the modules temperature as well as
the ratio of Pmax to Pstc during a sunny day of June for the
1200 fixed facing south PV module and the one axis tracked
65 module.
55 For the fill factor, Fig. 4, one can observe that during
800 the most part of the day FF provided from the fixed
G (W/m2)

Pmax (W)

module ranges between 63-66%. The tracked module
600 presents an almost constant FF of about 66 % during the
day, due to the almost flat curve of P max for the tracker
400 35 during the day. The efficiency of the modules, presented
in the same figure, is higher in the case of the tracked
200 25 modules especially around solar noon, due to the higher
values of Pmax.
0 15
9:07 11:31 13:55 16:19 18:43 Figure 5 presents the Power-Voltage plots, which
Time (h) were obtained from experiments at different times during
a summer day. The graphs have been extracted using the
program PVPMdisp adapted to the PVPM device.
It has been observed that early in the morning, the
Figure 2: Variation of the incident radiation G (W/m2) as maximum power output of the tracked module is about
well as the maximum output power P max (W) during a 80% higher than that given by the fixed. This superiority
sunny day of June for the fixed facing south PV module decreases approaching to solar noon, when it falls almost
and the one axis tracked module. to zero, while the maximum power is assigned later.

29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition

Fig. 6 illustrates the monthly output energy which is

FF (%) Tracked FF (%) Fixed produced from a fixed south facing PV module with 38 0
η (%) Tracked η (%) Fixed tilt angle as well as from a similar module, installed on
single axis tracker with inclination 380. In the same figure
80 11,5
is presented the energy which can be monthly produced
78 11 from the same modules, by applying the PVSol software.
76 The module which is installed on the single axis tracker
generates about 23.9% more energy than the one south
74 facing, which is installed on a yearly fixed tilt angle, and

Efficiency (%)
Fill Factor (%)

72 24,7% more when it is calculated by the Pvsol program.

9,5 The yearly energy gain of the calculated energy, to the
9 experimental is about 2,37% for the fixed and 2,97% for
68 the tracked module.
64 8
7,5 E(kWh)SimFixd E(kWh)SimTracked
60 7 E(kWh)ExpTracked E(kWh)ExpFixed
9:07 11:31 13:55 16:19 18:43 17
Time (h)

Figure 4: Fill factor and efficiency variation during a
sunny day of June for the fixed facing south PV module 13
and the one axis tracked module.

8:28h,Fixed 8:28h,Tracked
10:34h,Fixed 10:34h,Tracked
11:36h,Fixed 11:36h,Tracked 9
12:58h,Fixed 12:58h,Tracked
15:08h,Fixed 15:08h,Tracked
16:24h,Fixed 16:24h,Tracked 7

80 5



Pout (W)

Figure 6: Graphical representation of (experimentaly

measured and simulated) monthly energy output
40 delivered by the fixed south facing module with 380 tilt
angle as well as by the module installed on single axis
30 tracker with 380 inclination.

20 Figure 7 shows that the mean value of the monthly

PV module temperature throughout a year, ranged
10 between 18 0C in January to 480C in August. It
demonstrates in addition that the efficiency exhibits small
0 seasonal variations ranging from about 10% in summer to
0 5 10 15 20 11.7% in March, as has also been previously published
V out (V) [5]. The same figure presents the monthly mean produced
energy per kilowatt peak (kWh/kWp) from the tracked
module which is about 24.6% higher compared to the one
Figure 5: Output power (Pout) versus output voltage (Vout) from the fixed module.
of a fixed facing south PV module (under optimal tilt The module which was installed on the fixed base has
angle) and a tracked module at different hours during a produced 1397 kWh/kWp annualy, (with a mean annual
day. efficiency of 10.98% which is significantly lower than
the one of 12.4 % provided by the manufacturer), while
Furthermore, comparative plots of the energy yield, the module on the single axis tracker 1717 kWh/kWp,
in each case, were obtained using the PV*Sol expert 4.5 - energy yield 23% above than the fixed one.
VALENTIN software. This program gives the The calculated value of the energy yearly delivered by
opportunity to design and simulate PV systems by the tracking system is 1768 kWh/kWp, which is 24.68%
introducing the meteorological parameters for the sites higher than the corresponding to the energy delivered by
representing the mean values over twenty years. the fixed south facing module. Experimental results have

29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition

also shown that the electric energy consumed by the Engineering, London, CRC Press, 2000
linear actuators is small enough and may be ignored [2] V. Popa, I. Visa, D. Diaconescu, 24th EUPVSEC
when compared to the energy gain resulting from the Hamburg, Germany 2009, p3680.
implementation of the PV tracking system. [3]
Tmod(0C) kWh/kWpExpFixed cle/2014/08/listen-up-whats-the-deal-with-solar-trackers
[4] Makrides G, et al, Ren2ewable and Sustainable
kWh/kWp,ExpTracked η(%)Exp.Fixed Energy Reviews, February 2010, pp.4.
175 15 [5] V. Perraki and V. Georgitsas, 25th EUPVSEC
14 Valencia 2010, 4AV 3.92
Tmod (0C), kWh/kWpExp


115 12
35 9
15 8

Figure 7: Graphical representation of the experimentaly

measured and simulated monthly output energy kWh/
kWp delivered by the fixed south facing module with 380
tilt angle and by the module installed on single axis
trackers with 380 tilt angle, as well as module
temperature and efficiency.


We have realized experiments outdoors during a long

period and theoretical calculations, using a module
installed in fixed tilt angle and in tracking mode, in a
geographic area of the North hemisphere (380 latitude).
The incident radiation G, the output power P out, Tmod, the
ratio Pmax /Pstc, , FF and efficiency during a sunny day, as
well as the output power (Pout) versus output voltage
(Vout) have been presented for the fixed facing south PV
module and the one axis tracked module. In addition
monthly energy output experimental and simulated
(kWh/ kWp) delivered by fixed south facing modules
with 380 tilt angle as well as by modules installed on
single axis trackers with 380 inclination, as well as
module temperature and efficiency are presented.
Importantly, as a conclusive remark it may be highlighted
that the main advantage of a tracking system is the
superiority of the photovoltaic properties and the energy
yield, in comparison to this delivered from modules
installed in fixed slope. Our experimental results agree
with the simulated ones when applying the PVsol
program which presents the corresponding records of the
the energy delivered by the PV modules for each case.

Many thanks must be addressed to Mr K. Kidoniatis,
graduate of the Department of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, for providing certain measurements.


[1] R. Messenger, J. Ventre, Photovoltaic System

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