1. An experiment was designed to obtain nonspecific transcription from both strands of a DNA
molecule. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in achieving this?
A. I nclude the RNA holoenzyme in the reaction.
B. U
se the core enzyme of RNA polymerase.
C. Enrich the preparation with sigma subunit.
E. I nclude the RNA holoenzyme in the reaction and use the core enzyme of RNA polymerase are
both effective.
A. β
B. β
C. σ
D. both β and σ
E. n
one of the choices are correct.
3. Which of the following techniques would be most useful in testing the ability of the core RNA
polymerase to bind to the promoter?
A. g
el filtration
B. S
1 mapping
C. immunoblotting
D. DNAse footprinting
E. n
orthern blotting
4. E. coli has seven genes (rrn) that encode rRNAs. Which of the following is a true statement
regarding the rrn promoters?
A. D
skA is required for the regulation of rrn transcription by ppGpp alarmone and iNTP.
B. i NTP directly controls promoter activity.
he lifetime of rrn promoters will be significantly increased.
A. T
B. T
he levels on iNTP will increase.
C. rrn transcription will be insensitive to iNTP and ppGpp.
E. N
one of the choices are correct.
6. Place the following in the order that they occur during transcription initiation:
1 - formation of open complex; 2 - formation of closed complex;
3 promoter clearance; 4 - synthesis of about 10 nucleotides
A. 1
, 2, 3, 4
B. 2
, 1, 4, 2
C. 2, 1, 2, 4
D. 3, 1, 2, 4
E. 3
, 2, 1, 4
7. Which of the following precursors would be most appropriate to use in an experiment of the first
10 nucleotides in the initiation phase of transcription?
A. [ α-32P]ATP
B. [ 14-C]dATP
C. [β-32P]ATP
D. [γ-32P]ATP
E. [ 14C]CTP
A. c leave DNA molecules.
B. d
enature or melt DNA promote region.
C. remove methyl groups from RNA.
A. I t does not have a DNA-binding domain.
10. Which of the following would most likely occur if an in vitro transcription assay is performed using
a cell extract containing an alpha subunit without the C-terminal domain?
A. P
olymerase would become tightly associated with the promoter.
B. P
olymerase would become more susceptible to proteolysis.
C. Transcription will be accelerated.
E. R
ecognition of the UP element would be faster.
11. Which of the following is most involved in elongation of the RNA transcript?
A. s igma factor
B. U
P elements
C. -10 region
A. s igma-factor
B. U
P region
C. alpha-factor
D. beta
E. b eta prime
13. Which of the following compounds is effective in inhibiting RNA chain polymerization in an in vitro
transcription assay?
A. t reptomycin
B. a
C. streptolydigin
A. T
hey contain an inverted repeat.
B. T
hey contain a hairpin loop.
C. They contain several T's in the nontemplate strand of DNA.
D. Only They contain an inverted repeat and they contain a hairpin loop are correct.
E. T
hey contain an inverted repeat, they contain a hairpin loop, and they contain several T's in
the nontemplate strand of DNA are correct.
A. T
hey contain several T's in the notemplate strand.
B. T
hey consist of inverted repeats.
C. They form hairpin loops.
E. R
ho has helicase activity.
16. Which of the following is true about the holoenzyme in an open complex?
A. T
he DNA is bound mainly to the sigma-subunit.
B. T
here no interaction between the sigma factor and the -10 region.
C. There are two Na+ ions in the core enzyme .
E. T
he DNA is bound mainly to the sigma-subunit and there no interaction between the sigma
factor and the -10 region are both true.
17. A series of E. coli mutants was created by replacing two of the aspartic residues in the b′-subunit.
Which of the following is the most like outcome in these mutants?
A. T
he binding capacity of the subunit for magnesium will be reduced.
B. T
he cells die because such mutations are usually lethal.
C. The subunit will bind more tightly to other subunits in the enzyme complex.
E. T
he binding capacity of the subunit for magnesium will be reduced and the cells die because
such mutations are usually lethal are correct.
A. G
B. N
C. sigma-factor
D. rho-factor
E. n
one of the choices are correct.
19. An experiment was conducted to determine the hairpin loop region in termination. Two DNA
templates were prepared and used in an in vitro transcription assay. The samples were analyzed
for release of the RNA polymerase.
Construct 1 - hairpin sequence removed; Construct 2 - two copies of hairpin sequence inserted;
Construct 3 - normal DNA with only one hairpin sequence
Construct Level of truncated Nascent RNA released (arbitrary units)
1 10
2 11
3 10
A. h
airpin loops are not required for termination.
B. t wo hairpin loops rapidly destabilize the polymerase.
E. b oth hairpin loops are not required for termination and two hairpin loops rapidly destabilize the
polymerase are possible explanations.
20. Which of the following techniques is suitable for the study of DNA:RNA hybrid formation during
A. D
NA:protein crosslinking
B. D
NAase I footprinting
C. DNA:RNA crosslinking
D. two-dimensional PAGE
E. F
RET analysis
21. The DNA binding sites for RNA polymerases are called ______________.
22. ______________ can be used to block initiation of RNA synthesis.
23. The sigma subunit in RNA polymerase is necessary for the transcription of intermediate genes
and RNA elongation.
True False
24. The core RNA polymerase must bind tightly to the promoter in order to initiate transcription.
True False
25. A closed promoter complex is one in which the holoenzyme is loosely bound and the DNA
remains in double-stranded form.
True False
26. TATAAT is a consensus sequence located at -10 upstream of the transcription start site.
True False
27. The FRET technique allows the study of the movement of two molecules relative to each other.
True False
28. The alpha subunit recognizes the UP promoter element.
True False
29. As transcription proceeds, the strain introduced in DNA is relaxed by DNA topoisomerases.
True False
30. The catalytic centers of some polymerase cores contain magnesium ions.
True False
6 Key
1. An experiment was designed to obtain nonspecific transcription from both strands of a DNA
molecule. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in achieving this?
A. Include the RNA holoenzyme in the reaction.
E. Include the RNA holoenzyme in the reaction and use the core enzyme of RNA polymerase
are both effective.
A. β
B. β′
C. σ
D. both β and σ
A. gel filtration
B. S1 mapping
C. immunoblotting
D. DNAse footprinting
E. northern blotting
4. E. coli has seven genes (rrn) that encode rRNAs. Which of the following is a true statement
regarding the rrn promoters?
A. DskA is required for the regulation of rrn transcription by ppGpp alarmone and iNTP.
A. The lifetime of rrn promoters will be significantly increased.
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 2, 1, 4, 2
C. 2, 1, 2, 4
D. 3, 1, 2, 4
E. 3, 2, 1, 4
7. Which of the following precursors would be most appropriate to use in an experiment of the
first 10 nucleotides in the initiation phase of transcription?
A. [α-32P]ATP
B. [14-C]dATP
C. [β-32P]ATP
D. [γ-32P]ATP
E. [14C]CTP
A. cleave DNA molecules.
A. It does not have a DNA-binding domain.
10. Which of the following would most likely occur if an in vitro transcription assay is performed
using a cell extract containing an alpha subunit without the C-terminal domain?
A. Polymerase would become tightly associated with the promoter.
A. sigma factor
B. UP elements
C. -10 region
A. sigma-factor
B. UP region
C. alpha-factor
D. beta
E. beta prime
13. Which of the following compounds is effective in inhibiting RNA chain polymerization in an in
vitro transcription assay?
A. treptomycin
B. ampicillin
C. streptolydigin
A. They contain an inverted repeat.
D. Only They contain an inverted repeat and they contain a hairpin loop are correct.
E. They contain an inverted repeat, they contain a hairpin loop, and they contain several T's in
the nontemplate strand of DNA are correct.
A. They contain several T's in the notemplate strand.
16. Which of the following is true about the holoenzyme in an open complex?
A. The DNA is bound mainly to the sigma-subunit.
B. There no interaction between the sigma factor and the -10 region.
E. The DNA is bound mainly to the sigma-subunit and there no interaction between the sigma
factor and the -10 region are both true.
A. The binding capacity of the subunit for magnesium will be reduced.
C. The subunit will bind more tightly to other subunits in the enzyme complex.
E. The binding capacity of the subunit for magnesium will be reduced and the cells die
because such mutations are usually lethal are correct.
A. GreB
B. NusA
C. sigma-factor
D. rho-factor
19. An experiment was conducted to determine the hairpin loop region in termination. Two DNA
templates were prepared and used in an in vitro transcription assay. The samples were
analyzed for release of the RNA polymerase.
Construct 1 - hairpin sequence removed; Construct 2 - two copies of hairpin sequence
inserted; Construct 3 - normal DNA with only one hairpin sequence
Construct Level of truncated Nascent RNA released (arbitrary units)
1 10
2 11
3 10
A. hairpin loops are not required for termination.
E. both hairpin loops are not required for termination and two hairpin loops rapidly destabilize
the polymerase are possible explanations.
A. DNA:protein crosslinking
B. DNAase I footprinting
C. DNA:RNA crosslinking
D. two-dimensional PAGE
E. FRET analysis
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 06.02
Weaver - Chapter 06 #21
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Section: 06.03
Weaver - Chapter 06 #22
23. The sigma subunit in RNA polymerase is necessary for the transcription of intermediate genes
and RNA elongation.
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Section: 06.01
Weaver - Chapter 06 #23
24. The core RNA polymerase must bind tightly to the promoter in order to initiate transcription.
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Section: 06.03
Weaver - Chapter 06 #24
25. A closed promoter complex is one in which the holoenzyme is loosely bound and the DNA
remains in double-stranded form.
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Section: 06.02
Weaver - Chapter 06 #25
26. TATAAT is a consensus sequence located at -10 upstream of the transcription start site.
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 06.02
Weaver - Chapter 06 #26
27. The FRET technique allows the study of the movement of two molecules relative to each
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Section: 06.05
Weaver - Chapter 06 #27
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 06.02
Weaver - Chapter 06 #28
29. As transcription proceeds, the strain introduced in DNA is relaxed by DNA topoisomerases.
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Section: 06.04
Weaver - Chapter 06 #29
30. The catalytic centers of some polymerase cores contain magnesium ions.
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 06.02
Weaver - Chapter 06 #30
6 Summary
Category # of Questions
Blooms Level: 1. Remember 5
Blooms Level: 2. Understand 16
Blooms Level: 3. Apply 1
Blooms Level: 4. Analyze 2
Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate 6
Section: 06.01 2
Section: 06.02 11
Section: 06.03 10
Section: 06.04 3
Section: 06.05 4
Weaver - Chapter 06 30