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Fundamental of Solar Energy

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Fundamental of Solar


A plane at earth’s surface

 Tilt, pitch or slope angle: β (in degrees)

 Surface azimuth or orientation: γ (in degrees, 0° due south, -ve in
east, +ve in west)

Summary of solar angles


Angle of incidence
 Angle of incidence (θ) is the angle between normal of plane and
line which is meeting plane and passing through the sun

Angle of incidence

 Angle of incidence (θ) depends upon:

– Site location (1): θ changes place to place
– Sun position (2/3): θ changes in every instant of time and day
– Plane direction (4): θ changes if plane is moved
 It is 0° for a plane directly facing sun and at this angle, maximum
solar radiations are collected by plane.

Angle of incidence
 If the sun position is known in terms of declination (day) and hour
angle, angle of incidence (θ) can be calculated as:
cos 𝜃 = sin 𝛿 sin ∅ cos 𝛽 − sin 𝛿 cos ∅ sin 𝛽 cos 𝛾
+ cos 𝛿 cos ∅ cos 𝛽 cos 𝜔
+ cos 𝛿 sin ∅ sin 𝛽 cos 𝛾 cos 𝜔
+ cos 𝛿 sin 𝛽 sin 𝛾 sin 𝜔

Angle of incidence

 If the sun position is known in terms of sun direction (i.e. solar

altitude/zenith and solar azimuth angles), angle of incidence (θ) can
be calculated as:
cos 𝜃 = cos 𝜃𝑧 cos 𝛽 + sin 𝜃𝑧 sin 𝛽 cos 𝛾𝑠 − 𝛾
 Remember, θz = 90 – αs
 Note: Solar altitude/zenith angle and solar azimuth angle depends
upon location.

 Calculate angle of incidence (θ) on a plane located in X
(Latitude=24.8508°N, Longitude=67.018°E) at 10:30am (solar time) on
February 13, if the plane is tilted 45° from horizontal and pointed 15°
west of south.
 Ф=24.8505°N=+24.8508°
 ω= 𝜔 = (𝑆𝑇 − 12) × 15 =-22.5°
 n=31+13=44
 δ=-13.94° cos 𝜃 = sin 𝛿 sin ∅ cos 𝛽 − sin 𝛿 cos ∅ sin 𝛽 cos 𝛾
+ cos 𝛿 cos ∅ cos 𝛽 cos 𝜔
 β=45° + cos 𝛿 sin ∅ sin 𝛽 cos 𝛾 cos 𝜔
+ cos 𝛿 sin 𝛽 sin 𝛾 sin 𝜔
 γ=15° west of south=+15°
 cos(θ)=(-0.0716)-(-0.1493)+(0.5753)+(0.2573)+(-0.680)=0.2303
8  θ=76.68°
Solar altitude and azimuth angle

 Solar altitude angle (αs ) can be calculated as:

 sin𝛼𝑠 = cos ∅ cos 𝛿 cos 𝜔 + sin ∅ sin 𝛿
 Solar azimuth angle (γs ) can be calculated as:

Shadow analysis (objects at distance)

 Shadow analysis for objects at distance (e.g. trees,

buildings, poles etc.) is done to find:
– Those moments (hours and days) in year when plane
will not see sun.
– Loss in total energy collection due to above.
 Mainly, following things are required:
– Sun charts for site location
– Inclinometer (A simple tool for finding azimuths and
altitudes of objects)
– Compass and information of M.D.
Shadow analysis
using sun charts

Sunset hour angle and daylight hours

 Sunset occurs when θz = 90° (or αs = 0°). Sunset hour angle (ωs ) can
be calculated as:

 Number of daylight hours (N) can be calculated as:

 For half-day (sunrise to noon or noon to sunrise), number of

daylight hours will be half of above.

 What is the sunset time (solar) on August, 14 in X
(Latitude=24.8508°N) and Y (Latitude=48.2753°N)? Also calculate
number of daylight hours for each city.
 n=212+14=226
 δ=14.1°
 X(ø=+24.8508°): ωs=+96.68° (i.e. 06:26 pm), N=12.9 hrs
 Y(ø=+48.2753°): ωs=+106.3603° (i.e. 07:05 pm), N=14.2

Profile angle

 It is the angle through which a plane that is initially horizontal must

be rotated about an axis in the plane of the given surface in order
to include the sun.
 It is denoted by αp and can be calculated as follow:

 It is used in calculating shade of one collector (row) on to the next

collector (row).
 In this way, profile angle can also be used in calculating the
minimum distance between collector (rows).
Profile angle

 Collector-B will be in shade of collector-A, only when:

 According to figure, for a 25° profile angle, will the collector-B be in
the shade of collector-A?

 Collector-B will be in shade of collector-A at the given profile angle


Angles for tracking surfaces
 Some solar collectors "track" the sun by moving
in prescribed ways to minimize the angle of
incidence of beam radiation on their surfaces and
thus maximize the incident beam radiation.
 Tracking the sun is much more essential in
concentrating systems e.g. parabolic troughs and


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