REE 201 Manual - 2023
REE 201 Manual - 2023
REE 201 Manual - 2023
Practical Manual
Course Teacher
D. Ramesh
Professor and Head
Course Associate
B. Prabha
Research Associate
I.D.No. :
Where, n is the day of the year
Derived solar angles
Altitude angle (α)
It is the vertical angle between the projection of Sun’s rays on the horizontal plane
and the direction of Sun’s rays.
Zenith angle (θz)
The angle between the beam from the Sun and the vertical and is the complementary
angle of the Sun’s altitude angle.
Solar azimuth angle (γs)
It is a horizontal angle measured from the north to the horizontal projection of Sun’s
rays. This angle is positive when measured westwise.
Horizontal surface Inclined surface
Slope (s)
It is the angle between the plane surface, and the horizontal. It is taken to be positive
for surface sloping towards south and negative for surfaces sloping towards north.
Surface Azimuth Angle (γ)
It is the angle in the horizontal plane, between the line due south and the projection
of the normal to the surface (inclined plane) on the horizontal plane. It can vary from -180° to
+180°. By convection, the angle will be taken negative, if the projection is east of south and
positive if west of south for Northern hemisphere and vice-versa for southern hemisphere.
Zero point being south.
Relationship between basic Earth Sun angles and derived angles
cos θz = sin α = cosΦ cosω cosδ + sinΦ sinδ
sin γs = secα cosδ sinω
Sunrise/ Sunset hour angle and Day length for horizontal surface
ωs = cos-1 (-tanΦ tanδ)
Td = ωs
= 23.43o = 23o 25' 56″
Example 2.2
Calculate the angle made by beam radiation with the normal to a flat-plate collector on
December 1, at 9:00 a.m. solar time for a location at 28o 35' N. The collector is tilted at an
angle of latitude plus 10o with the horizontal and is pointing due south.
Since the collector is pointing due south, γ = 0
Declination on December 1 (n=335) is
= – 22.11o
Hour angle ω corresponding 9.00 hour
ω = 15 (12 – 9) = 45o
Angle of incidence
θT = cos-1 [cos(Φ-s) cosω cosδ + sin(Φ-s) sinδ]
= cos-1 [cos(28.58o– 38.58o) cos45o cos(– 22.11o) + sin(28.58o– 38.58o) sin(– 22.11o)]
= cos-1 [cos(10o) cos45o cos(22.11o) + sin(–10o) sin(– 22.11o)]
= cos-1 [cos(10o) cos45o cos(22.11o) + sin(10o) sin(22.11o)]
= cos-1[0.6451 + 0.0653] = 44.72o
Example 2.3
Determine the altitude and azimuth angle at 3 pm (IST) on June 15, for Bombay (18 o 54' N,
72o 49' E). For the same location, determine the angle of incidence over a south facing
surface with tilt angle of 15o with the horizontal. Also calculate the hour of the sunrise and
the length of the day.
Altitude angle
Local Solar Time,
LST = Indian Standard time – (Lst - Llocal) x 4 + Equation of time
= 3h 0' – (82o 30' – 72o 49') x 4 – 0' 09″
= 3h 0' – (9o 41' x 4) – 0' 09″
= 3h 0' – 38' 44″– 0' 09″
= 2h 21' 7″
Hour angle ω corresponding 9.00 hour
ω = 15 (12 – 14h 21' 7″) = 15 x - 2.351944° = - 35.27916o = 35o 161' 45″
Declination on June 15 (n=166) is
= 23.31o = 23o 18' 51″
Considering horizontal surface θ = θz
cos θz = cosΦ cosω cosδ + sinΦ sinδ
= cos18.9 cos23.31 cos(- 35.27916) + sin18.9 sin23.31
= (0.946 x 0.9184 x 0.8163) + (0.3239 x 0.3957)
= 0.7092 + 0.1281 = 0.8373
cos θz = sin α = 0.8373
α= sin-1 (0.8373) = 56.856o = 56° 51' 21″
Solar Azimuth angle
sin γs = sec 56.856 cos23.31 sin(-35.27916)
= 1.829 x 0.9184 x (- 0.5775) = - 0.97
γs = sin-1 (-0.97) = - 75.93o = - 75° 55' 48" = 284° 4' 12" East of North
Angle of incidence over a south facing surface with tilt angle of 15 o with the horizontal
Since the collector is pointing due south, γ = 0
Angle of incidence
θT = cos-1 [cos(Φ-s) cosω cosδ + sin(Φ-s) sinδ]
= cos-1 [cos(18.9o -15o) cos23.31o cos (-35.27916o) + sin(18.9o -15o) sin(23.31o)]
= cos-1 [cos(3.9o) cos23.31o cos(35.27916) + sin(3.9o) sin(23.31o)]
= cos-1 [(0.9977 x 0.9184 x 0.8163) + (0.068 x 0.3957)]
= cos-1[0.7479 + 0.0269] = 39.213o = 39° 12'
= 39° 12' 46.8" = 39° 12' 47"
Sunrise hour
ωs = cos-1 (-tan18.9o tan 23.31o)
= cos-1 (-0.3424 x 0.4308)
= 98.48o
Sunrise hour = 12 – (ωs/15) = 12 – 6.5653 = 12 - 6 h 33' 55" = 5h 26' 5"
Length of the day
1. Determine the local solar time corresponding to 10.00 a.m. I.S.T. on February 8 for a
location in India at 87.5o east longitude.
2. Determine the local solar time or local apparent time corresponding to 14.30 hrs (IST)
on July 1, at Bombay (latitude 19o 07' N longitude 72o 51' E). (E= -4')
3. Determine the local solar time and declination at Ahmedabad (Longitude 72 o 40' E,
Latitude 23o 00' N) corresponding to 14.30 IST on December 15. (Take E = 5' 13″).
4. Calculate the angle made by beam radiation with the normal to a flat-plate collector
pointing due south located in New Delhi (28o 38' N, 77o 17' E) at 9:00 hour solar time on
December 1. The collector is tilted at an angle of 36 o with the horizontal. Also calculate
the day-length.
5. Calculate the Sun’s altitude angle and azimuth angle at 7:30 a.m. solar time on August
1 for a location at 40o N latitude
6. Determine the solar time and azimuth angle at for sunrise on August 1 for a location at
40o N latitude
7. What is the zenith angle and azimuth angle of the Sun of July 4, at 4:30 p.m. IST at a
location latitude at 38o 51' N and longitude 77o E. Given Equation of time E = -4.4 min.
8. Calculate the sunset hour angle and day length at a location latitude of 35 o N on
February 14.
9. a. Calculate the day length at location (latitude = 28 o 35' N, Longitude = 77o 12' E) on
December 1.
b. Calculate the day length on May 1 for a south facing surface located at New Delhi
(28o 38' N, 77o 17' E) and titled at an angle of 40o.
10. Calculate the angle of incidence of beam radiation at 14:00 solar time on January 20
at latitude 35o N on surfaces with the following orientation: (i) Horizontal; (ii) Tilted to
south at slope of 40o; (iii) At slope of 40 but facing 40 o west of south; (iv) Vertical, facing
south and (v) vertical facing west.
Ex. No.: 2 Study and problems of hourly, daily and monthly solar radiation
Date: using pyranometer
Working principle
A pyranometer is operated based on the measurement of temperature difference
between a black surface and a white surface. The potential difference created in the
thermopile owing to the temperature gradient between the two surfaces is used for
measuring the global or sky radiation.
Pyranometer consists of a black surface which heats up when exposed to solar
radiation. Its temperature increases until the rate of heat gain by solar radiation equals the
rate of heat loss by convection, conduction and radiation. The hot junction of a thermopile is
attached to the black surface, while the cold junction is located under a guard plate so that
they do not receive the radiation. The temperature difference between the hot and cold
junctions is a function of the radiation falling on the surface. As a result, an emf is generated
which is a measure of the global radiation. The sensitive surface is covered by two
concentric hemispherical glass domes to shield it from wind, rain and other environmental
affects. The glass dome have uniformly high transmission characteristics throughout the
spectral range of 0.3 to 3.0 μm. A desiccator in the body prevents dew on the inner side of
the domes, which can cool down considerably on clear windless nights.
Ho = Isc dt
Ho = Isc dω
= a1 + b1
a1 and b1 are constants and are related to the latitude, the elevation and the sunshine hours
= monthly average of the daily diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface (kJ/m 2. day)
= 1.411 – 1.696
ii. Garg and Garg equation
= 0.8677 – 0.7365
Monthly average hourly global radiation
Collares- Pereira and Rabl equation
= (a + b cosω)
Where, a = 0.409 + 0.5016 sin (ωs – 60o)
b = 0.6609 – 0.4767 sin (ωs – 60o)
= (a + b cosω)/ fc
Where fc = a + 0.5 b
Monthly average hourly diffuse radiation
Liu and Jordan equation
Satyamurthy and Lahiri equation
= = -2.420
Sunrise hour angle
ωs = cos-1 (- tan22o tan -2.420)
= cos-1 (-0.404 x 0.0423) = 89.02o = 1.554 radians
=Ho [a + b ]
values given in the Handbook of Solar Radiation Data for India, = 18511 kJ/m2 day,
= 4198 kJ/m2 day.
Ex. No.: 3
Sun path diagram
Ex. No.: 4
Problems on Thermal losses and efficiency of flat plate collectors
hp-c is the convection coefficient between the plate and the cover, can be found by using the following
empirical relations:
For 45°, and mean plate temperature of 10°C
W/m2 K (or)
kcal/hr m2 K
where ΔT is the difference in temperature between plate and cover in oC and l is the plate spacing in
cm if mean plate temperature is other than 10°C.
kcal/hr m2 K
The radiation coefficient from plate to the glass
The cover glass temperature is found by noting that the heat loss from the plate to cover is the same
as from plate to surroundings
The procedure is to guess a cover temperature from which h pc hr-pc and hr-cs are calculated. With these
heat transfer coefficients and hw, Ut is calculated. These results are then used to calculate T c from the
above equation. If Tc is close to the initial guess, no further iteration is needed; otherwise the newly
calculated Tc is used and the process repeated.
Assuming cover temperature of 40°C
tc = 40°C; = 55°C
= 6.68
= 5.69 W/m2 K
= 2.82 W/m2 K
= 43.7 W/m2 K
= 7.97 W/m2 K
= 32.2oC = 32oC
With this new value of tc
= 6.45
= 5.47 W/m2 K
= 3.05 W/m2 K
Second estimate at Ut
= 7.96
= 32.3oC = 32oC
W/m2 K
= 1.0185
= 8.11 W/m2 K
UL= overall loss coefficient (neglecting edge losses)
UL= 8.11+ 0.9 = 9.01 W/m2 K
Example 4.2.
For the conditions of example 1, calculate overall loss coefficient, assuming the collector bank 3m x
10m and collector thickness= 7.5 cm.
The collector thickness is 7.5 cm. If the edge insulation is the same as bottom insulation, then
Uedge Aedge = x Ap
Uedge Aedge = (10+3+10+3) x 0.075 = 1.76 W/K
If we base the loss on collector frontal area
= 7.2 W/m2 oC
= 7.393 W/m2 oC
Example 4.4.
Data for a flat plate collector used for heating the building are given below:
Factor Specification
Location and latitude Baroda, 22o N
Date and time January, 1, 11.30 to 12.30
Annual average intensity of solar radiation 0.5 langley/min
Collector tilt 37oN (latitude +15)
No. of glass covers 2
Heat removal factor for collector 0.810
Transmittance of the glass 0.88
Absorptance of the plate 0.90
Top loss coefficient for collector 6.80 kcal/hr. m2 oC
Collector fluid temperature 60oC
Ambient temperature 15 oC
Calculate: (i) Solar altitude angle; (ii) Incident angle and (iii) Collector efficiency
= = -23o
Solar hour angle ω=0 (mean of 11.30 to 12.30)
Sin α= cosΦ cosω cosδ + sinΦ sinδ
= cos22o cos0 cos(-23o) + sin22o sin(-23o)
=0.927 x 1x 0.9205 + 0.3746 x –(0.3907)
= 0.85 – 0.146
α = sin ( 0.704) = 44.7o
Now Rb =
Effective transmittance absorptance product
< >=
Useful gain,
= 28.07 kcal/m2h
Collection efficiency
η= = = 0.06 = 6%
1. Calculate the top loss coefficient (Ut) for a single glass cover with the following specifications:
Plate emittance= 0.95; Plate to cover spacing= 2.54 cm; Ambient temperature= 25°C; Wind
speed= 3 m/s; Mean plate temperature= 75°C; Back insulation thickness= 5cm; Insulation
conductivity= 0.045W/m K (0.0387 kcal/ hr m K) and Collector tilt= 40°
2. Data for a flat plate collector used for heating the building are given below:
Factor Specification
Location and latitude Coimbatore, 11o N
Date and time March 22, 14.30 to 15.30 (LST)
Annual average intensity of solar radiation 0.8 langley/min (560 W/m2)
Collector tilt 26o
No. of glass covers 2
Heat removal factor for collector 0.82
Transmittance of the glass 0.88
Absorptance of the plate 0.93
Top loss coefficient for collector 6.84 kcal/hr. m2 oC (7.95 W/m2 oC)
Collector fluid temperature 75oC
Ambient temperature 25 oC
Calculate: (i) Solar altitude angle; (ii) Incident angle and (iii) Collector efficiency
Ex. No.: 5
Testing of solar water heater
To test the solar water heater to assess its performance
Solar water heater converts solar energy into thermal energy and is transferred to
water to generated hot water. The performance such as hot water generation, temperature
of hot water, efficiency of hot water system etc. can be assessed by the following
procedures. The assessment can be carried out for a specific period say 8 hours in a day.
Instruments required
Pyranometer and Thermometer
1. Measure the collector area and note down the capacity of the solar water heater.
2. Fill the cold water tank up to the solar water heater capacity
3. Record the ambient temperature, solar radiation and initial temperature of water.
4. Check the hot water outlet for the water temperature (Th) and note the time taken
Parameters to be measured
Solar insolation in the study period, S = W m-2
Capacity of hot water system, Q = lpd
Length of the collector, l = m
Width of the collector, w = m
Number of collectors, n =
Atmospheric temperature, Ta = °C
Specific heat of water, Cp = kJ/kg °C
Cold water temperature, Tc = °C
Hot water temperature, Th = °C
Total collector area, Ac, m2 = n x length x width of each collector
= nxlxw
1kWh = 3600 kJ
Thermal efficiency, % =
Result: Thermal efficiency of solar water heater = _________ %
1. Determine the collector area to supply 200 litres per day, hot water at a temperature of
65oC, for a family at a location where average radiation intensity available is 6 kWh/m 2.
The temperature of supply water to the bottom of storage tank is 15 oC. Collection
efficiency may be assumed to be 30%.
2. Determine the size of the heating array from the following factors: The daily heating
needs of the home during the heating season are 100 kWh/day. The available daily
insolation on the array is 4 kWh /m 2 day. Also assume that each panel has an area of
1.5 m2, an efficiency of 50 per cent, and that one third of the heating will come from
auxiliary heaters.
3. Estimate the temperature rise of the water in a 100 litre capacity thermosyphon solar
water heating system during a typical day of operation. Estimate also the electricity
saved because of the use of a solar water heater and the corresponding reduction in
the monthly electricity bill. Assume the system has one FPC, 2 m 2; solar insolation is
5 kWh /m2 day and 50% collector efficiency
Ex. No.: 6
Testing of natural convection dryer
To test the natural convection dryer to assess its performance
Solar dryers are used to generate hot air and subsequently the hot air can be used
for various applications viz. space heating, drying of various commodities such as grains,
vegetables, fruits etc. The performance such as quantity of hot air generation, hot air
temperature, system efficiency etc. can be assessed.
Instruments required
Pyranometer, thermometer and air flow meters
● Place a known quantity of onion / chilly / green leaves (W 1) to be dried in the tray and
keep inside the dryer.
● Measure the hot air temperature inside the solar dryer and sample weight,
periodically until the product attains the storage moisture content.
Table 7.1
Sl. No. Intensity(Volts) Current (mA)
1. 100
2. 150
3. 200
5. Spectral Characteristics
i. Set the intensity of the lamp to a convenient level say 200 V. Adjust the load at the
optimum value.
ii. Put the different colors filter over the solar cell and for each filter the note voltage and
the current and record these readings in the table.
iii. The wavelength corresponding to each color is noted and calculate the output power
iv. Plot a graph for Power Vs Wavelength.
Table 7.5
Sl. Filter Colors Peak Wavelength Voltage, Current, Power
No. Transmitted, Ao V volts I amps P = VI, mW
Illumination Characteristics
It is seen that the current through the solar cell
increases as the intensity of the light falling on the solar cell increases.
Area Characteristics
The power delivered is proportional to the surface area of the solar panel exposed to
the light. It is governed by the relation, P = K A Where, P is the total power available A is the
area of the Cell K is a constant. The dependence of P on A is shown in the Fig.
Spectral Characteristics
The response of a solar cell to light depends on the wavelength of the incident light
also. In the sunlight, different colors have different intensities. The variation of power on
wavelength is shown in the Fig.
Ex. No.: 8
Sizing of SPV systems
After estimating the energy requirement of the load, the next step is to choose appropriate
electronics suitable for this PV system
Inverter selection
The inverter should be selected in such a way that it should supply the desired power to the
load. The desired power for the load is the total power connected to the load. The total connected
power of the load is equal to the desired output power of the inverter. In practice, it is good to choose
an inverter having power capacity higher than the total connected load. Once knowing the output
power of the inverter we need to know what power must be supplied to the inverter. By considering
the efficiency of the inverter, one can estimate the required input power to the inverter.
Matching the calculated inverter capacity with that available in the market
Once we estimate the size or power capacity of the inverter we need to see what is available
in the market. A choice of the inverter is important as the available inverter will decide what input DC
voltages it can take it input side.
It is good to choose an inverter which can take high input DC voltage. High voltage will
require less current in the same system for the same power flow. Less current means less power loss
and thinner wires, less cost of the system.
DC – DC converter selection
If there are DC loads in the system, then we may require different voltage levels of the Dc
voltage. This is because various DC load may requires different Dc voltages for proper functioning.
The function of converting one DC voltage level to other DC voltage level is obtained by DC – DC
converter. The choice of the DC to DC converter depends on the connected DC loads, particularly
input voltage range of the DC appliances. The input voltage to the DC to DC converter will be the
system voltage which can be 12V or 24 V or 48 V or any other value. High voltage is preferable
because as the system voltage increases, the current flowing in the system will decrease, hence he
thickness of wire decreases ultimately the cost and wear and tear.
The SCC or MPPT should be chosen as per the required input and output voltage and current
of load and battery. It should be able to handle the currents and voltages that are likely to be flowing
in the system.
The inverter and DC to DC converters will have some losses because they will have less than
100% efficiency. We have to choose batteries in such a way that they should not only supply the
power and energy required by the load, but also be able to supply the loss of energy in inverter/ or DC
to DC converters. In order to size the battery, we have to consider the following parameters:
a. System voltage ampere-hour (Ah) capacity of the battery
Ah = Wh/V
b. DoD of batteries
It indicates how much of the total charge of the battery can be used. In solar PV, deep
discharge batteries are used with DoD in the range of 50 to 60%.
The number of cloudy days for which we want to store the energy is referred as ‘number of
days of autonomy”. The batteries in standalone PV systems store energy to supply the power to the
load during non-sunshine hours. Whatever estimation we have after considering the DoD, we need to
increase the capacity of the batteries to store the extra energy for the number of days of autonomy. All
the three parameters can be put together in one simple equation for the estimation of total Ah capacity
of batteries required for a given standalone PV system.
Number of batteries
The PV module must supply enough energy to the battery, so that battery can supply energy to the
inverter, in order to supply to the load as per the need. We can determine the input energy that must
be supplied by the battery bank (input energy that must be produced by PV module on daily basis) if
we know the energy supplied by the battery to the inverter and efficiency of the battery.
Daily solar radiation = STC power density x Equivalent daily sunshine hours
We can say that for 5kWh/m2 day, the solar radiation is equal to 5 hours of 1kW/m 2 or the equivalent
daily sunshine hour is 5.
PV module sizing
If we divide the daily energy that needs to be supplied by the PV module by the equivalent
daily sunshine hours, we will get the required power of PV modules.
Fuses, wires and junction should be chosen for the maximum possible currents and voltages
that are likely to occur in the system. The parameter used for choosing the products is current.
Example 8.1
Design a Solar PV system for a house which contains 3 fans of 70 watts each running for
4 hours a day, 3 tube lights of 35 watts each running for 8 hours a day and a refrigerator of
250 watts running for 6 hours a day (consider battery autonomy zero days).
Load Inverter
The nearest inverter capacity available to 610 VA is 650 VA, so, the inverter capacity is 12V, 650VA
a. Battery capacity
Energy (Wh) System Voltage Battery capacity DoD (%) Actual battery
(V) (Ah) capacity (Ah)
Actual battery capacity (Ah) Standard battery capacity (Ah) No. of batteries
a. Energy calaculation
Total Energy (Wh) Battery efficiency (%) Energy from PV module (Wh)
Energy from PV module (Wh) No. of sunshine hours (h) PV module wattage (W)
c. Number of PV modules
System Max. DC Voltage (V) & Current (A) SWG Fuse Switch /Junction box
1 12 V, 60 A (4 batteries x 15 A)
System Max. AC Wattage (W) System AC voltage (V) Max. AC Current (A)
System Max. AC Voltage (V) & Current (A) SWG Fuse Switch /Junction box
1 230 V, 3 A
1. Design a Solar PV system for a house which contains 3 fans of 70 watts each running for
4 hours a day, 3 tube lights of 35 watts each running for 8 hours a day and a refrigerator of 250
watts running for 6 hours a day. Consider 2 days battery autonomy.
2. Design a SPV system for a factory which contains 1 hp motor operating for 4 hours a day,
8 tube-lights, each of 50 watts operating for 7 hours a day. Consider 1 day autonomy for
Ex. No.: 9
Design of SPV system for small grid connected application
Basic principles to be followed when designing a quality grid-connected PV power plant for
small power applications are as follows:
1. Select a packaged system that meets the owner’s needs. Customer criteria for a
system may include meeting annual energy requirements, reduction in monthly
electricity bill, environmental benefits, desire for backup power, initial budget
constraints, etc.
2. Size and orient the PV array to provide the expected electrical power and energy.
3. Ensure the roof area or other Installation site is capable of handling the desired
system size.
4. Locate the array to minimise shading and interference with obstructions.
5. Ensure that suitable cable ducts are available to lay DC cables from array to the
6. Ensure control room is available indoors to house inverter as well as DC and AC
distribution boxes.
7. Specify sunlight and weather resistant materials for all outdoor equipment.
8. Design the system with a minimum of electrical losses due to wiring, fuses, switches
and inverters.
9. Design the system in compliance with all applicable building and electrical codes.
10. Ensure the design meets local utility interconnection requirements.
Steps of System Design
We need to design the system to meet annual energy consumption requirements.
The solar radiation available in India normally varies from 4 kWh/m 2 to 7 kWh/m2.
Solar PV modules are rated for Standard Test Condition (STC) which is equal to sunlight
power density of 1000 W/m2 or 1 kW/m2 and Temperature of 25° C. Suppose at location, the
daily solar radiation is 5 kWh/m2day, can be written as 1kW/m2 x 5 hours/day, is equal to the
power density of 1kW/m2 for 5 hours per day. In this case, 5 hours/dayis referred as the
equivalent sunshine hours.
= = 4 kW
Step 4: Estimate the AC power output of inverter or PV plant output power
AC output power losses consists of AC cable losses, typically of the order of 2 to 5%.
The modules are typically soiled by dust, dirt, bird droppings etc. Typical module
soiling loss is estimated at 5%.
= 3 %+ 11.25 %+ 5% = 19.25%
= = = 5.11 kWp
Step 11: PV array configuration
The PV array configuration or the number of PV modules to be connected in series or
in string, and the number of parallel strings depend on the inverter voltage ratings.
In such cases, either we choose some other inverter to fit our PV array arrangements
or we change our PV system requirements to match with the inverter rating.
Various Balance of Systems (BoS) components are required to integrate the system.
Example 9.1.
A solar PV array is rated at 100 V/50 A DC. System power losses are 20%. What is the AC
power fed into the grid? If the grid voltage is 240 V AC, what is the AC current fed into the
1. Design a grid connected PV system for fulfilling the load energy requirement of
12 kWh/day. Assume that grid is available full time and no battery storage is required.
Give the details of all component selected for this plant. Take average ambient
temperature of 25°C, and average solar radiation of 5.5 kWh/ m2 day.
2. A solar PV array is rated at 96 V/150 A DC. System power losses are 22%. What is the
AC power fed into the grid? If the grid voltage is 240 V AC, what is the AC current fed
into the grid?
3. A solar PV module is rated for Voc = 36 V, Vmp=30 V, Isc=8.5 A and Imp=7.9 A.
Design a solar PV string to produce DC voltage output of 120 V. What will be the DC
current output of the string? What will be the DC power output of series-connected
4. A solar PV string is rated for Vmp=400 V and Imp=8 A. Design a series-parallel
connected solar PV array to generate 16 kW DC power. What will be the DC output
voltage and current of the array?
Wind shear influences both the assessment of wind resources and the design of wind
turbines. The mean wind speed increases with height, which defines the phenomenon called
wind shear. In wind energy studies, two mathematical models or ‘laws’ have generally been
used to model the vertical profile of wind speed over regions of homogenous, flat terrain
(e.g., fields, deserts, and prairies) viz., , the Log law and the Power law.
where U(z) is the wind speed at height z, U(z r) is the reference wind speed at height z r, and
zo is the surface roughness length, which characterizes the roughness of the ground terrain.
Table 10.1 Values (Approx.) of surface roughness length for various types of terrain
Where ρ - air density (kg/m3); A-Area swept by the rotor (m2); v- wind velocity(m/s);
Cp – Rotor power coefficient and η- drive train efficiency
Capacity factor
The capacity factor of a wind turbine at a given site is defined as the ratio of the
energy actually produced by the turbine to the energy that could have been produced if the
machine ran at its rated power over a given time period
Example 10.1
a) Determine the wind speed at a height of 40 m over surface terrain with a few trees, if the
wind speed at a height of 10 m is known to be 5 m/s. For your estimate use two different
wind speed estimation methods. b) Using the same methods as part a), determine the wind
speed at 40 m if the trees were all removed from the terrain.
a) First Method: Assume a simple logarithmic wind profile. The wind speed at a height of
40 m can be calculated via
From Table 10.1, zo = 100 mm = 0.1 m
= 6.59 m/s
b) First Method: With the trees cut down, assume a rough pasture surface terrain. Using
the data from Table 10.1, zo = 10 mm = 0.01 m. Thus:
= 6.07 m/s
Example 10.2
A 30 m diameter wind turbine is placed on a 50 m tower in terrain with a power law
coefficient (α) of 0.2. Find the ratio of available power in the wind at the highest point the
rotor reaches to its lowest point.
D = 30 m, hub height = 50 m, α = 0.2
zlow = 50 - 15 = 35 m
zhigh = 50 + 15 = 65 m
The ratio of the wind speeds is:
= 1.13
The ratio of the powers is the cube of the ratio of the wind speeds:
Example 10.3
Find the size of a wind turbine rotor (diameter in m) that will generate 100 kW of electrical
power in a steady wind (hub height) of 7.5 m/s. Assume that the air density is 1.225 kg/m 3,
Cp = 16/27 and η = 1.
P = 100 kW; v = 7.5 m/s, ρ = 1.225 kg/m3, CP = 16/27, η = 1
100x 1000 =
D =28.8 m
Example 10.4
Based on average speed data only, estimate the annual energy production from a horizontal
axis wind turbine with a 12 m diameter operating in a wind regime with an average wind
speed of 8 m/s. Assume that the wind turbine is operating under standard atmospheric
conditions (ρ = 1.225 kg/m3). Assume turbine efficiency (including blades and drive train) of
The annual energy production (in kWh) can be determined from:
Annual energy production (kWh) = (Efficiency) (Pa) (8760 hrs)
For an average wind speed of 8 m/s, Pa is determined as
= 35467 W = 35.46 kW
Annual energy production = (0.4) (35.46) (8760) = 124,300 kWh
Example 10.5
A 40 m diameter, three bladed wind turbine produces 700 kW at a wind speed (hub height)
of 14 m/s. The air density is 1.225 kg/m3. Find: a) The rotational speed (rpm) of the rotor at a
tip-speed ratio of 5.0. b) What is the tip-speed (m/s)? c) If the generator turns at 1800 rpm,
what gear ratio is needed to match the rotor speed to the generator speed.
b. m/s
Example 10.5
Find the capacity factor of a 5 kW wind turbine generating annually 10 MWh
= 0.2283
Example 10.6
iv. Total Power produced by the turbine = x Area swept by the rotor
= Watts = 8184Watts
v. Torque at maximum efficiency
Maximum axial Thrust is
1385870 Newton
1. Prove that in case of horizontal axis wind turbine Pmax is 0.593 times the power available
in the wind stream
2. Wind at 1 standard atmospheric pressure and 15oC temperature has a velocity of 10
m/s. The turbine has diameter of 120 m and its operating speed in 40 rpm at maximum
efficiency. Calculate: a. the power density in the wind stream; b. the maximum
obtainable power density; c. a reasonably obtainable power density; d. the total power
and e. the torque and axial thrust
3. Determine the wind speed at a height of 50 m over terrain with a many trees and few
buildings, if the wind speed at a height of 20 m is known to be 10 m/s.
Ex. No.: 11
Weibull distribution model and wind rose diagram
Probability Density Function
The frequency of occurrence of wind speeds may be described by the probability
density function, p(U), of wind speed.
Also, the derivative of the cumulative distribution function is equal to the probability density
function, i.e.:
Weibull Distribution
Use of the Weibull probability density function requires knowledge of two parameters:
, a shape factor and , a scale factor. Both of these parameters are functions of and
. The Weibull probability density function and the cumulative distribution function are
given by:
Average velocity
The gamma function can be approximated by (Jamil, 1994):
Wind rose
A wind rose is a diagram showing the temporal distribution of wind direction and
azimuthal distribution of wind speed at a given location. It is a convenient tool for displaying
anemometer data (wind speed and direction) for siting analysis. It consists of equally spaced
concentric circles with 16 equally spaced radial lines (each represents a compass point).
The line length is proportional to the frequency of the wind from the compass point, with the
circles forming a scale. The frequency of calm conditions is indicated in the center. The
longest lines identify the prevailing wind directions. Wind roses generally are used to
represent annual, seasonal, or monthly data.
Example 11.1
Determine the expected number of hours per year of wind speed between 7.9 m/s and 8.8
m/s at site 1 in Figure 12.20 at an elevation of 20 m.
Ex. No.: 13
Design of rotor blade for horizontal axis wind mill
(b) Find an expression for the lift per unit height around a rotating cylinder in terms of the
free stream wind velocity, U (m/s), the rotational speed, n (rpm), and the diameter, D (m),
of the cylinder.
(c) Find the lift force produced by the cylinder in the inventor’s device in a 10 m/s
2. The operating conditions found at two different points of a blade on a wind turbine are
shown in Table.
These conditions were determined at 0 oC (32 oF), for which the kinematic viscosity is
1.33x 10-5 m2/s. What are the Reynolds numbers found at each blade section?
3. (a) Find angle of rel.wind, pitch angle, twist angle , and c for one blade section from
r/R=0.45 to r/R=0.55 (centered on r/R=0.50) for an ideal blade (assume C d = 0, a' =
0). Assume λ= 7, B=3, R=5 m, and C l = 1and the minimum Cd/Cl occurs at a = 7
(b) Assume that Cd/Cl actually equals 0.02 for the above blade section and that the
free stream wind speed, U, equals 10 m/s. Find Urel ; dFL1; dFD1; dFN1; dFT1; dQ1
for the blade section. Don’t forget to consider that the wind velocity is slowed down
at the rotor. Use a=1/3, a’ = 0. Assume the air density is 1.24 kg/m 3
(20 oC). (c) For the same blade section find C l, α, and a using the general strip theory
method (including angular momentum). Also find C l , α, and a if the rpm is increased
such that λ = 8. Ignore drag and tip loss. Use a graphical approach. Assume that the
empirical lift curve is Cl = 0.1143 α +0:2 (α in degrees): i.e. Cl = 0:2 at α = 0 degrees,
Cl = 1at α = 7 degrees.
4. (a) Find angle of rel.wind, pitch angle, twist angle and c at all ten locations (r/R=0.10,
0.20, . . ., 1.0) for the Betz optimum blade. Assume λ= 7, B=3, R=5 m, and Cl = 1and
the minimum Cd/Cl occurs at a = 7 degrees.
(b) Sketch the shape (planform) of the blade, assuming that all the quarter chords lie
on a straight line.
5. The Better Wind Turbine Company wants to start marketing wind turbines. The plans
call for a 20 meter in diameter, three-bladed wind turbine. The rotor is to have its peak
power coefficient at a tip speed ratio of 6.5. The airfoil to be used has a lift coefficient
of 1.0 and a minimum drag to lift ratio at an angle of attack of 7 degrees.
(a) You, as the new blade designer, are to come up with two blade shapes as a starting
point for
the blade design. One shape assumes that there are no losses and that there is no
wake rotation. The second design is based on the optimum rotor shape assuming
that there is wake rotation (but still no losses).
(b) Find the chord length, pitch, and twist at ten stations of the blade, assuming that
the blade extends right to the center of the rotor. How do the chord lengths and the
twists compare at the tip and at the inner three blade stations?
Ex. No.: 14
Design of water pumping windmill
From power equation, power available is proportional to air density (1.225 kg/m 3) & is proportional
to the intercept area. Since the area is normally circular of diameter D in vertical axis aero turbines
Hence, 161.514 W (0.216 HP) power is required for pumping water under head of 1m.
Ex. No.: 15
Wind power Project Appraisal
C - Capital cost of the wind farm
R – capital recovery factor or the annual capital charge rate expressed as a fraction
E – wind farm annual energy output
M – cost of the operating and maintaining the wind farm per unit of energy output
The capital recovery factor, R is defined as
An estimate of energy, E (in kilowatt-hours), can be made using the following formula
E = h x Pr x CF x T
h – number of hours in a year , 8760
Pr – rated power of the wind turbine in kilowatts
CF - net annual capacity factor for the turbines at the site
T – number of wind turbines
The operating and maintenance cost, M is defined by:
where K is a factor representing the annual operating costs of a wind farm. The EWEA has
estimated this to be 2.5 per cent of capital cost. The operating and maintenance cost
includes manpower, consumables, spares, breakdown maintenance, insurance and also all
other statutory duties and expenses.
16.2. Annual energy output (AEO)
Qc = (UC/C)k
Qr = (UR/C)k
Qf = (UF/C)k
UC = cut-in wind speed
UR = rated wind speed
UF = furling or cut-out wind speed
K = Weibull shape factor
C = scale factor
Pe,ave = average power developed by wind machine
PeR = rated power developed by wind machine
Then, the capacity factor (CF) for the wind machine is given by,
Normalized power
16.3. Time value of money
16.3.1. Present Worth Approach
The future value of an investment C made today is given by
A1 = C (1 + i)
A2 = C (1 + i)2
A3 = C (1 + i)3
An = C (1+ i)n
where A1, A2, A3, ... , and An indicate the value in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd ... and nth year, respectively.
'i' is the interest rate or, as more commonly termed, the discounting rate.
In other words, the present value of a receipt after n year (An) is given by
Let us consider a uniform cash flow for n years as shown in Figure 16.1.
Present values of payment A in different years, discounted to the initial year (year 0) is,
Thus, the accumulated present value of all the payments put together is,
Above equation can be brought to standard geometric series by taking 1/(1 + i) common
A rise in general price levels is known as inflation and a fall as deflation. Inflation is
usually measured by the change in a price index- either the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or
the Wholesale Price Index (WPI). Price index is the ratio of the price of a stipulated basket of
goods and services at a particular year to the price in the base year (denoted as 100).
The discount rate corrected for inflation is termed the real rate of discount
(interest). The real discount rate (I) can be roughly taken as the difference between the
nominal interest rate and inflation.
Where, r is the rate of inflation
In economic evaluation of projects, it is necessary to distinguish between the real and
nominal discount/interest rates. If cash flows are adjusted for inflation and expressed in
constant money terms, the discount/interest rate used is the real discount/interest rate (I).
If the cash flows are not corrected for inflation, the discount/interest rate used is termed the
nominal discount rate (i).
The real rate of discount, adjusted for both the inflation and escalation, is then given by
Annual depreciation,
Where, S is the salvage value at the end of the life of the equipment
Life Cycle Costing
Present value of all expenses related to a specific option during its lifetime
where ACk is the annual cost or expenditure in the kth year. For constant annual costs,
In pieces of equipment which have components with different lives, the ALCC can be easily
computed as,
If AT is the rotor area, then cost per unit size of the turbine CA is given as
If CA is the cost of operation and EI is the kWh generated, both expressed in annual basis,
then the unit cost of wind-generated electricity is
Total annual cost of operation C A is the sum of the annual fixed costs Fc and variable costs
Now, discounting the operation and maintenance costs for n years to the initial year,
Including the initial investment CI the accumulated net present value of all the costs is
represented as
If PR is the rated power of the turbine and CF is the capacity factor, the energy generated by
the turbine in a year is
EI = 8760 PR CF
Thus, the cost of kWh wind-generated electricity is given by
Economic Merit
The merit of the project can be seen in terms of the following indices:
• Net present value (NPV): The present worth of the entire project.
• Benefit cost ratio: The benefits from the project are in proportion with the costs
• Payback period: How many years will it take to get our investment back from the
• Internal rate of return (IRR): What is the real return of the project or the maximum
rate of interest at which we can arrange capital for the project?
Net Present Value
Net value of all benefits (cash inflows) minus cost (cash out flows) of the project,
discounted back to the beginning of the investment. The benefits include the income from
the sale of electricity generated. The cash outflow includes capital investment and annual
operation and maintenance costs.
Where, Dt is the depreciation at the tth year and p is the rate of depreciation
● The rate of depreciation may be taken as 2/n.
Example 16.1
A wind turbine generates 15768 kWh electricity in a year. The generated electricity is
sold to the utility at a rate of 5 Rs./kWh. The discount rate is 5 per cent. Calculate the
present worth of electricity generated by the turbine throughout its life period of 20 years.
Yearly revenue from the project = 15768 kWh x 5 Rs. /kWh = Rs. 78840
Accumulated present value of electricity generated is given by
= Rs. 982520.66
= Rs. 98251
Example 16.2
An amount of Rs.10,000 was borrowed at a discount rate of 7 per cent and invested in a
project. The loan has to be settled in 10 years through uniform annual repayment. Calculate
the amount to be paid annually.
The annual payment is given by
= Rs. 1423.77
= Rs. 1424
Example 16.3
Calculate the annual repayment in example 16.2, if the rate of inflation is 3 per cent.
The real discount rate, corrected for inflation is
= 0.039
Therefore, the annual repayment is
= Rs. 1226.9
= Rs. 1227
Example 16.4
In a state the Consumer Price Index in 1995 was 140 (with 1990 as the base year).
In 1990, an investment was made in a fixed deposit account which had an interest rate of
10 per cent. What is the real interest rate obtained on the investment?
Example 16.5
The cost of a 6 kW wind turbine is $ 5, 50,000 other initial costs including that for
installation and grid integration are 30 per cent of the turbine cost. Useful life of the system is
20 years. Annual operation and maintenance costs plus the land rent come to 3.5 per cent of
the turbine cost. Calculate the cost of generating electricity from the turbine when it is
installed at a site having a capacity factor of 0.25. The real rate of interest may be taken as 5
per cent.
The installation cost of the turbine = Rs. 550000 x 0.3 = $ 165000
Total initial investment for the project = 550000 + 165000 = $ 715000
= $ 0.039 kWh
Example 16.6
Illustrate the effect of capacity factor on the cost/kWh in Example 16.5. If a utility
company buys the generated electricity at a rate of Rs. 0.03/kWh, find out the break-even
capacity factor.
CF = 0.33
Example 16.7
Calculate the net present worth of electricity sales from the wind turbine described in
Example 16.5. Electricity price is $ 0.045 per kWh. Take the interest rate as 7 per cent,
inflation as 3 per cent and escalation as 2 per cent.
= 0.05
= = 0.02
With the rated capacity 600 kW and the capacity factor 0.25, annual energy production is
El = 8760 PR CF = 8760 x 600 x 0.25 = 1314000 kWh
Annual revenue from the sale of electricity at a rate of $0.045/kWh = 1314000 x $ 0.045
= $ 59130
= $ 966796
Example 16.8
A wind energy project of 2.4 MW installed capacity requires a capital investment of
$22,00,000. The site's capacity factor is 0.35. Annual operation and maintenance costs are
2.0 per cent of the initial investment with 5 per cent real rate of discount, calculate (i) net
present value,
(ii) benefit cost ratio, (iii) pay back period and (iv) internal rate of return. The useful project
life is 25 years and the local electricity price is $0.05/kWh.
Annual electricity production expected from the project
El = 8760 PR CF = 8760 x 2400 x 0.35 = 7358400 kWh
At the rate of $0.05/kWh, the annual return from the electricity sales is BA benefit delivered
annually = 7358400 x $0.05 =$ 367920
= = $5185444
Net present value operation and maintenance cost
= = $620134
Net present value of the project,
= 5185444-(2200000+ 620134) = 2365310
Benefit cost ratio
= =1.84
Payback period of investment
= 8.5 years
Internal rate of return
= 13.7%
Example 16.9
The useful life of a 600 kW wind turbine costing $525000 is 20 years. Compute its
depreciation in the 5th, 10th and 15th year by (i) straight line depreciation, (ii) declining balance
depreciation, and (iii) sum of the years digit depreciation.
Straight line method
Taking the salvage value as 10 per cent of the capital, the depreciation at the 5 th
year is given by straight line method
= $ 23625
In this method, depreciation for all other years is same.
Declining balance method
p=2/20 = 0.1
= $ 34445
= $ 20340
= $ 12010
Sum of the years digit method
= $ 36000
= $ 24750
= $ 13500
Example 16.10
Levelized equivalent amount
Suppose it was necessary to replace an alternator at a cost of $1000 during the
eleventh year of operation for a machine having an assumed 25-year life, and the interest
rate as 15 per cent. Calculate the worth of $1,000 cost at the beginning (year zero) and after
25-year life.
= $33.25