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DASH-8 SOP Complete

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Table of Contents

PART – 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 8
General...................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Team .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Authority of PIC ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Crew Resource Management (CRM)....................................................................................................... 10
Automation ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Use of AP/ FD Controls............................................................................................................................ 11
Monitoring .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Radio Communication............................................................................................................................. 12
Weather Radar ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Sterile Cockpit ......................................................................................................................................... 13
DASH-8 Q400 Operational Specifications and Recommendations ........................................................... 14
CHECKLISTS ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Cockpit Preparation ................................................................................................................................ 16
Cockpit Preparation Flow Pattern ........................................................................................................... 18
Cockpit Preparation Checklist ................................................................................................................. 19
Normal Checklists ................................................................................................................................... 22
FLOW CHECKS ............................................................................................................................................. 27
FLIGHT PREPARATION ................................................................................................................................. 30
Reporting Time ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Dispatch briefing ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Combined Briefing ................................................................................................................................... 30
Equipment & Documentation ................................................................................................................. 30
Arrival at the Aircraft ............................................................................................................................... 31
Aircraft Maintenance Log ........................................................................................................................ 31
Allocation of Tasks ................................................................................................................................... 31
Passenger Clearance ............................................................................................................................... 31
Refueling with passengers onboard ........................................................................................................ 32
EXTERNAL CHECK ........................................................................................................................................ 33

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COCKPIT PREPARATION ............................................................................................................................... 39

COCKPIT SAFETY CHECK........................................................................................................................... 39
COCKPIT PREPARATION (POWER UP) ...................................................................................................... 40
COCKPIT PREPARATION – CAPTAIN ........................................................................................................ 45
COCKPIT PREPARATION (FIRST OFFICER) ................................................................................................. 52
Flight Management System (FMS set-up) ............................................................................................... 54
Load Sheet and Take-off Data ................................................................................................................. 59
Reduced Power Takeoff .......................................................................................................................... 60
TAKEOFF BRIEFING ..................................................................................................................................... 61
Captain’s Briefing .................................................................................................................................... 61
F/O’s Briefing ........................................................................................................................................... 62
ENGINE START / PUSH BACK........................................................................................................................ 63
General .................................................................................................................................................... 63
Push Back ................................................................................................................................................ 63
ORIGINATING BEFORE START (Checklist) ................................................................................................. 64
BEFORE START (Checklist) ....................................................................................................................... 64
START APPROVED (Checklist) .................................................................................................................. 65
PUSH BACK AND START APPROVED (Checklist) ....................................................................................... 65
Start Procedure ....................................................................................................................................... 66
AFTER START (Checklist) .......................................................................................................................... 67
POWER BACK ........................................................................................................................................... 69
TAXI ............................................................................................................................................................. 70
General .................................................................................................................................................... 70
Taxi Technique ........................................................................................................................................ 70
Runway Incursion Avoidance................................................................................................................... 71
TAXI CHECK (Checklist) ............................................................................................................................ 71
LINE UP (Checklist) .................................................................................................................................. 72
TAKE-OFF ..................................................................................................................................................... 74
General .................................................................................................................................................... 74
Take-off Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 75
AFTER TAKE-OFF (Checklist) .................................................................................................................... 77
Crosswind Take-off .................................................................................................................................. 78
Noise Abatement Procedures ................................................................................................................. 78
Normal Take-off Profile ........................................................................................................................... 79
CLIMB .......................................................................................................................................................... 80

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General .................................................................................................................................................... 80
Altimeter setting ..................................................................................................................................... 80
Speed....................................................................................................................................................... 80
Step Climb ............................................................................................................................................... 80
CRUISE ......................................................................................................................................................... 81
General .................................................................................................................................................... 81
CRUISE (Checklist) ................................................................................................................................... 83
DESCENT ...................................................................................................................................................... 84
General .................................................................................................................................................... 84
Approach/Landing Briefing ...................................................................................................................... 85
DESCENT (Checklist) ................................................................................................................................ 85
Altimeter setting ..................................................................................................................................... 86
Descent Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 86
Holding .................................................................................................................................................... 87
APPROACH & LANDING ............................................................................................................................... 88
General .................................................................................................................................................... 88
APPROACH (Checklist) ............................................................................................................................. 88
LANDING (Checklist) ................................................................................................................................ 89
Stabilized Approach ................................................................................................................................. 90
Approach and Landing Procedure ........................................................................................................... 91
General ................................................................................................................................................ 91
Precision Approach.............................................................................................................................. 93
Non-precision Approach...................................................................................................................... 97
Visual Approach................................................................................................................................. 101
Missed Approach / Rejected Landing ................................................................................................ 103
Landing .............................................................................................................................................. 106
Crosswind Landing............................................................................................................................. 107
AFTER LANDING......................................................................................................................................... 108
General .................................................................................................................................................. 108
AFTER LANDING (Checklist) ................................................................................................................... 109
SINGLE ENGINE TAXI.................................................................................................................................. 110
General .................................................................................................................................................. 110
Operational Considerations ................................................................................................................... 110
Taxi Procedure after landing ................................................................................................................. 111
Abnormal Procedures............................................................................................................................ 111

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SHUTDOWN............................................................................................................................................... 112
General .................................................................................................................................................. 112
Shutdown Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 113
SHUTDOWN (Checklist) ......................................................................................................................... 114
LAST FLIGHT (Checklist) ......................................................................................................................... 114
STANDARD CALL OUTS .............................................................................................................................. 115
General .................................................................................................................................................. 115
FGCP Call Outs ....................................................................................................................................... 116
AUTOPILOT Call Outs ............................................................................................................................. 118
Engine Power Call outs .......................................................................................................................... 118
Aircraft Configuration Call Outs............................................................................................................. 119
Call outs between Cockpit and Cabin Crew ........................................................................................... 119
Push Back .............................................................................................................................................. 120
Engine Start ........................................................................................................................................... 120
Taxi ........................................................................................................................................................ 120
Take off.................................................................................................................................................. 121
Climb ..................................................................................................................................................... 122
Cruise .................................................................................................................................................... 122
Descent ................................................................................................................................................. 122
Approach and Landing........................................................................................................................... 123
Shutdown .............................................................................................................................................. 124
Callouts on Deviation ............................................................................................................................ 125
SAMPLE R/T COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................ 126
HAND SIGNALS .......................................................................................................................................... 130
PART – 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 133
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 134
REJECTED TAKE-OFF .................................................................................................................................. 138
Rejected Take-Off Procedure ................................................................................................................ 139
ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKE-OFF AFTER V1 ......................................................................................... 140
Engine Failure/Fire after V1 Procedure ................................................................................................. 141
Engine Failure/Fire after V1 Profile ....................................................................................................... 143
ENGINE FAILURE / FIRE / CRITICAL MALFUNCTIONS ENROUTE................................................................. 144
Engine Failure / Fire Inflight Procedure ................................................................................................ 145
Engine Fail / Fire Shutdown Procedure ................................................................................................. 145
SINGLE ENGINE DRIFTDOWN PROCEDURE................................................................................................ 146

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ENGINE FAILURE / FIRE / CRITICAL MALFUNCTIONS ON APPROACH ........................................................ 149

Single Engine Missed Approach / Rejected Landing Procedure ............................................................ 150
Single Engine Missed Approach / Rejected Landing Profile ................................................................... 151
EMERGENCY EVACUATION ........................................................................................................................ 152
DIVERSION ................................................................................................................................................. 154
General .................................................................................................................................................. 154
Diversion Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 154
EMERGENCY DESCENT .............................................................................................................................. 157
General .................................................................................................................................................. 157
Emergency Descent Procedure ............................................................................................................. 158
Emergency Descent Profile ................................................................................................................... 159
EGPWS....................................................................................................................................................... 160
General .................................................................................................................................................. 160
Terrain Recovery Procedure .................................................................................................................. 162
TCAS .......................................................................................................................................................... 163
General .................................................................................................................................................. 163
Traffic Collision Avoidance Procedure ................................................................................................... 164
WAKE TURBULANCE .................................................................................................................................. 165
General .................................................................................................................................................. 165
Wake Turbulence Category and Separation .......................................................................................... 165
WINDSHEAR .............................................................................................................................................. 166
General .................................................................................................................................................. 166
Windshear In-Flight Recovery Procedure .............................................................................................. 168
WET RUNWAY OPERATION ....................................................................................................................... 169
CONTAMINITAED RUNWAY OPERATION ................................................................................................... 170
COLD WEATHER OPERATION ................................................................................................................... 172
General.................................................................................................................................................. 172
Ground De-icing / Anti-icing ................................................................................................................. 172
De-Icing Procedures .............................................................................................................................. 173
Taxi ........................................................................................................................................................ 174
Take-Off ................................................................................................................................................ 175
Enroute, Climb, Cruise and Descent ..................................................................................................... 175
Holding and Approach .......................................................................................................................... 176
Landing .................................................................................................................................................. 176
Parking .................................................................................................................................................. 177

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PILOT INCAPACITATION ........................................................................................................................... 178

INADVERTENT SELECTION of Both CONDITION LEVERS to START/FEATHER in Flight ............................... 180

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PART – 1
(Normal Operating Procedure)

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Biman Bangladesh Airline’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Dash8 Q400 pertains to specific
procedures related to Dash8 Q400 aircraft only. They establish sequence, designate individual crew
duties and where necessary furnish brief explanations. The basic building blocks of this company
procedure are the Bombardier Dash8 Q400 Aeroplane Operating Manual (AOM), Aircraft Flight Manual
(AFM) and Biman Operations Manual (OM A, B, C). Practical Dash8 operating experience and the
company culture have been merged with these procedures to produce the company procedures.

The procedures:

• Allow efficient operation of the DHC8 Q400,

• Reduce crew workload while maintaining the highest possible level of safety.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are a set of procedures that serve to provide common ground for
all crew members. Another qualified pilot could replace an active cockpit crew member during the flight,
and the operation would continue safely and smoothly.

Pilots must adhere to the company Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). It is important that each pilot
knows what to expect of the other and that each pilot can perform his tasks without continual reference
to the other for agreement. Occasionally, there is a need to depart from some aspect of the SOPs. In this
case, the aspect should be clearly briefed and announced as “Non-standard”. Non-standard calls should
be the exception rather than the norm. If a difficulty is found in following these SOPs, it must be

The Team

The aim of the process of cockpit management is to achieve safe and economic operation of the aircraft.
This requires a team effort led and managed by the Captain. The team includes the cabin crew.

PIC Pilot in Command

Capt. Captain

F/O First Officer

PF Pilot Flying

PM Pilot Monitoring

LH/RH Left hand / Right hand seat position for completion of particular tasks due to the
location of controls

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Authority of PIC

• The PIC has full authority:

- To initiate, continue, divert or terminate a flight in the interest of the safety and security
of the aircraft and its occupants.
- Not to accept an aircraft prior to departure of a flight if dissatisfied with any aspect of
the airworthiness and/or maintenance status of the aircraft.
- To execute his flight with regard to aircraft operation and safety.
- Over his crew members on duty and off duty when away from home base.
- Over his passengers during flight, i.e. from closing until opening of cabin doors to the
extent that may include restriction of freedom of one or more occupants until they are
delivered to appropriate authorities in order to maintain discipline on board.
- Overall the Flight Personnel to off-load any one at base or to put off from duty enroute
for the safe conduct of the flight. (However, such action must be communicated to the
Operations Control by first available means followed by detailed debrief report).
- To ensure a flight is not commenced unless the usable fuel required in accordance with
OMA is on board the aircraft and is sufficient to complete the planned flight
- In emergency situations, the PIC is authorized to follow any course of action deemed
necessary in the interest of safety. He may, in such situations, deviate from prescribed
methods, local regulation or procedures to the extent required by considerations of
- The PIC has the authority and responsibility to declare an emergency situation
whenever deemed necessary. When exercising his emergency authority, the PIC shall
keep the proper control station fully informed regarding the progress of the flight and
actions taken.
(Refer to OMA 2.3.0 for detailed information regarding PIC duties and responsibilities)

• The Captain shall perform the landing personally whenever the following conditions
- Close to minimum runway length for landing,
- Crosswind close to maximum authorized component,
- Major deficiencies on the aircraft or ground installations,
- When Copilot have less than 100 hours P-2 on type or 25 Sectors P-2 on type,
- experience (whichever is higher),
- Any other unfavorable conditions.

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Crew Resource Management (CRM)

1. General
The philosophy for the operation of all multi pilot airplane types is based upon the assignment
of specific duties and responsibilities to the Pilot Flying and Pilot Monitoring of the airplane.

2. Pilot Flying (PF) Responsibilities

The PF is responsible for operating the airplane safely, within the limitations set out in the Flight
Manual and for ensuring that good CRM is practiced at all times during the flight. The PF will call
for and monitor the completion of all normal, abnormal and emergency checklists and ensure
compliance with ATC instructions and clearances.

3. Pilot Monitoring (PM) Responsibilities

The PM is responsible for monitoring the safe operation of the airplane and for acting upon any
instructions from the PF. The PM will read and ensure the completion of all required checklists
when called for and will be responsible for all radio communications, unless otherwise
instructed by the PF.

4. Crew Coordination
Effective crew resource management and crew coordination will be utilized at all times. It is
imperative that each crew member beware of the duties and responsibilities of the other crew
member. Normally, a crew member shall not perform any function, or take any action, unless
the other crew member, if present, is first informed. If a crew member is required to leave the
cockpit, upon return he/she will be informed of all actions taken during his/her absence.

5. Pilot/Flight Attendant Communications

The PF will normally handle all communications with the cabin crew. For normal communication
use the CALL button to contact the cabin crew. The Purser will come to the flight deck or
respond on the interphone.


1. General
The purpose of modern automation in the cockpit is to reduce the workload for pilots, improve
situational awareness and increase safety. It provides a tool for the crews to manage airplane,
navigation and interface systems more efficiently. Pilots must understand that there are
different levels of automation available and must be able to select the most appropriate level
for any phase of flight to ensure the highest level of situational awareness.

2. Automation Levels
Level 1 – Raw data, no automation at all. The pilot is hand-flying the airplane without the use of
the airplane flight guidance system. Pilots should revert to this mode of operation when unsure
of the status of navigation or flight guidance system (mode confusion). This mode is also useful
during terminal operations when a last minute runway change is issued and traffic awareness
may be compromised if one or both pilots go “head down” to make flight guidance system
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Level 2 – Use of flight director. The pilot is hand-flying the airplane using the flight director.
Level 2 automation is typically used during take-off and initial departure.
Level 3 – Use of flight director, autopilot. The pilot is flying the airplane through the flight
guidance system and autopilot. This can be referred to as tactical use of automation. Situational
awareness can be compromised if at least one crew member is not tasked with the
responsibility of monitoring the airplane’s flight path.
Level 4 – Use of flight director, autopilot, plus FMS vertical and lateral path guidance. The pilot is
flying the airplane using LNAV/VNAV. This mode can be considered as strategic use of
Situational awareness can be compromised if at least one crew member is not tasked with the
responsibility of monitoring the airplane’s flight path.

3. Automation Backup
When using the flight management system as the primary navigation source, the PM should
have his/her
avionics set so as to provide a ‘raw nav’ backup (VOR/ DME) on his/her navigation display.

Use of AP/ FD Controls

1. General
The crew member responsible for the manipulation of the heading bug, course selector, altitude
pre-select and Flight Director Modes will be determined by the state of the autopilot as defined

2. Autopilot Engaged
The PF will make any required heading bug, course select, altitude pre-select and Flight Director
Mode changes. The PM will observe and verify the settings made by the PF.

3. Autopilot Not Engaged

The PM will make any required heading bug, course select, altitude pre-select and Flight
Director Mode changes when requested by either the PF or by ATC. The PM will inform the PF of
the change. The PF will observe and verify the settings made by the PM.

4. Altitude Assignment
The PM sets the assigned altitude in the altitude alerter and orally repeats the altitude. The PF
confirms the altitude assignment and alerter setting.

The monitoring function is as important as the flying function.
All pilots also make mistakes. The monitoring function is intended to pick up those errors that will
inevitably be made. In most cases, all that is required is a few words to draw the pilot’s attention to the
error. He then corrects it. In extreme cases, PM may need to take control. Fine judgement is required,
but this action should be taken well before aircraft safety is compromised.
Deviations from the expected may be due to tiredness, illness (perhaps leading to incapacitation) or
instrument failure. So, the monitoring pilot should be aware of his colleague’s condition and check both
sets of instruments if errors are apparent.
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Of course, it is not just the deviation from the expected that is important. The trend is also important. A
deviation that is clearly being corrected needs no mention; the converse, one that is diverging quickly
with no sign of correction, must be announced. So, for most of the flight regime, the monitoring pilot
uses his experience and judgement to decide whether or not to announce a deviation. If he decides to
announce a deviation, he must do so clearly. The announcement must include the parameter and either
its value or its deviation from the expected target.

PF should acknowledge any announced deviation and take corrective action. If PF has not responded
after two calls, the monitoring pilot must take control. However, on take-off, failure of the PF to respond
immediately to the “80kt” call and during the approach, failure to respond to the “100 above minima”
call above DA/DH should be regarded as evidence of incapacitation. Further advice is contained in
OM Part A Section 5.3.0.

Radio Communication

1. General
It is the responsibility of the PM to communicate on the radio and change frequencies unless
temporarily relieved of that duty by the PF during high workload phases of flight.

2. Radio Tuning and Communication

The PM tunes and identifies all navigation aids. Before tuning the PF’s radios, or changing FMS
data, the PM announces the changes to be made. In tuning the primary NAVAID, the PM
coordinates with the PF to ensure proper selection sequencing with the autopilot mode. After
tuning and identifying the PF’s NAVAID, the PM announces, “………facility tuned and identified”.
When tuning the radios for ATC communication, the PM places the new frequency in the
‘standby head’ (i.e. preselected) at the time of receipt. After contact on the new frequency, the
PM retains the previously assigned frequency for a reasonable time period, usually until
communication is established on the new frequency.

Comm 1 will be used for ATC.

Comm 2 will be used to monitor Guard frequency 121.5 at all time except for receiving ATIS
and communicating with clearance delivery, company and other airport agencies.

Weather Radar

The weather radar should be used for operations anytime it is necessary in the crew’s judgment. During
all night operations, irrespective of weather conditions, the weather radar is to be displayed on at least
one MFD. If, prior to departure, crews require weather radar to be switched on they are to use the
appropriate procedures and observe all associated safety considerations (AOM Vol 4 –6.15.9). The pilot
operating the radar should inform the other pilot before any change is made.

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Sterile Cockpit

Workload is highest in the lower levels. So, to enhance flight path control and monitoring below FL 100
a sterile cockpit policy is to be used.

Under sterile conditions:

• Headsets must be used for all communications. Use of headphones is mandatory from
engine start to the top of climb and from the top of descent until engine shut down. If
the cruise section of the flight is at FL 200 or below, the crew must remain on headsets
at all times.
• Operational documentation must not be completed.
• Conversation must be limited to operational issues.
• Interaction with the cabin crew must be limited to that required by the normal,
abnormal & emergency procedures.

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DASH-8 Q400 Operational Specifications and Recommendations

Following are some important operational aspects which requires in everyday flights. For more and
detailed information refer to AOM, AFM and OM.

1. Certified for:
• IFR / VFR day and night
• Flights in icing conditions
• The nav-equipment meets the requirements for RNP 5 (B-RNAV)

2. Required RFF category types:

• For destination: 6
• For alternates: 4
3. Wake turbulence category: Medium (ICAO), Large (FAA)
4. Approach category: C
5. Dimensions:
• Wingspan: 93ft 9in
• Tire track: 31ft 9in
6. Limitations:
• Maximum tailwind for Takeoff and Landing: 10 kt
• Minimum pavement width for a 180°turn: 85ft
• The minimum runway width: 98ft
• The minimum taxiway width: 50ft
• After take-off or go-around, the minimum height for AP engagement is 1000 ft AGL.
• For precision and non-precision approaches the AP must be disengaged at or above 200
ft AGL.

7. Use of APU:
• Limit APU starting cycle and usage as minimum as possible,
• In hot weather do not use the APU where GPU and Aircon both are available,
• In cold weather do not use APU if GPU is available.

8. Recommendations:
i. Use reduced power for take-off and landing whenever possible and safe as per
performance and limitations (except for the first flight of the day and in turbulent
ii. Keep TERRAIN mode displayed on one of the MFD when below MSA.
iii. Acceleration altitude is 1000ft AGL (unless different NADP applied).
iv. Turning after take-off is not recommended below 1000ft AGL.
v. In normal condition, use power 850/MCL for climb and reduced power for landing
vi. In normal condition, switch OFF the STBY HYD PRESS and PTU CNTRL as soon as possible
after take-off (after Flap retraction) and switch ON as late as possible before landing
(before selecting Flap).
vii. Use auto pilot in high workload situations such as a departure in a busy TMA.
viii. Carry out single engine taxi after landing wherever it is safe and comfortable.
ix. Power back is not recommended unless it is absolutely necessary (turning is not allowed
in reverse).

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1. General
A Challenge and Response or Read- and-Do method will be used to execute the checklist
depending on the phase of flight. After the PF calls for the checklist, the PM challenges by
reading the checklist aloud. The PF verifies that the items designated PF (or his seat position) are
accomplished and responds orally to the challenge items designated on the checklist as PF (or
his seat position). The PM confirms accomplishment of the item and responds orally to his own
challenge. In all cases, the response (by either pilot) is confirmed by the other and any
disagreement is resolved prior to continuing with the checklist. Any time gear, flap, trims, or
condition lever selection is required, both pilots should verify and confirm the relevant position
in regard to the above controls. After the completion of any checklist, the PM states “…Checklist
Completed”. This allows the PF to maintain situational awareness during checklist phases and
prompts the PF to continue to the next checklist, if required.

2. Flow Patterns
The use of flow patterns is an efficient method of accomplishing the cockpit setup for normal
procedures in each phase of flight. After running the flow pattern, the checklist must be used to
verify the setup. Flow patterns are not used for abnormal or emergency procedures. In case of
an emergency, accomplish the memory items first (if any), maintain control of the airplane and
call for the appropriate checklist when the situation allows.

Item Action
BEFORE START Challenge and Response
AFTER START Challenge and Response
TAXI Read and Do
Challenge and Response (configuration items:
trims, and condition levers)
LINE UP Read and Do
CRUISE Read and Do
DESCENT Read and Do
APPROACH Read and Do
LANDING Challenge and Response (Landing Gear, Flaps,
Condition Levers)
Read and Do (remaining items)
SHUTDOWN Challenge and Response
LAST FLIGHT Challenge and Response

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Cockpit Preparation


Documentation……………………………………………………………….. check
Safety Equipment ……………………………check serviceable & secure
Escape Hatch…………………………………………………………………. secure
Oxygen Masks / Qty………………………………………………………… check
Circuit Breakers…………………………………………………………………check
Alt Gear Doors / L/G Inhibit switch……………………closed / Normal


For DC External Power

Battery Master / Main, Aux & Stby……………………………………… on
Main Bus Tie………………………………………………………………………… Tie
All Displays…………………………………………………………………………… on
DC Ext Power………………………………………………………………………. on
Bus Voltage……………………………………………………………………… check
Position Lights……………………………………………………………………… on
Recirc Fan…………………………………………………………………………… on

For APU Power

Battery Master / Main, Aux & Stby………………………………………. On
Main Bus Tie………………………………………………………………………… Tie
All Displays…………………………………………………………………………. On
Caution / Advisory Lights…………………………………………………… Test
Position Lights……………………………………………………………………... On
(Confirm APU area is clear)
APU Pwr …………………………………………….………………………………… On
APU Fire Detection……………………………………………………………. Test
APU Start…………………………………………………………………………. Press
APU Gen…………………………………………………………………………. press
APU Generator Volts / Load……………………………………………. Check
Battery Temperature………………………………………………………. Check
Bleed Air 1 and 2………………………………………………………. Min / Off
Temp Control……………………………………………………………. Auto / set
Recirc Fan……………………………………………………………………………. On
APU Bleed (20 Sec) …………………………………………………… As req’d

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For Battery Power Only

DC Gen 1 and 2……………………………………………………………… On
Main Bus Tie…………………………………………………………………. Tie
Ice Protection………………………………………………………………. Off
External Lighting…………………………………………………………… Off
Ignition 1 and 2………………………………………………………… Norm
Recirc Fan……………………………………………………………………… On
Bleed Air 1 and 2…………………………………………………. Min / Off
Emergency Lights………………………………………………………… Arm
Passenger Signs……………………………………………………………. On
Power levers………………………………………………………………. Disc
Condition levers……………………………………………………. Fuel Off
Briefing…………………………………………………………………… Review

START APPROVED (Battery Power Only)

Battery Master / Main, Aux & Stby………………………………. on

All Displays……………………………………………………………………. on
Fire Detection*……………………………………………………………. test
Emerg Brake / Pressure……………………………………. Set / check
Doors / Fueling Lights…………………………………………………… Out
Anti-Collision………………………………………………………………. Red
Position Lights………………………………………………………………… on
Engines…………………………………………………………. Clear for start

Note: Complete Cockpit Preparation before proceeding to AFTER START checklist.

* System Check Once Every 24 Hours Flying Day

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Cockpit Preparation Flow Pattern

• Captain/LH
• First Officer/RH

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Cockpit Preparation Checklist


DC Gen 1 and 2……………………………………………………………. on

Ice Protection / WS Heat & Wipers……………………………. Off
Landing / Taxi Lights…………………………………………………… Off
ELT……………………………………………………………. Auto / Armed
Fire Detection* ………………………………………………………… test
Fuel / Hyd Valves……………………………………………………. Open
Baggage Smoke Warning (Aft and Fwd) *………………… test
Panel Lighting……………………………………………………. as req’d
Ignition 1 and 2………………………………………………………. Norm
Cabin Altitude Controls………………………………………………. set
Exterior Lights……………………………………………………. as req’d
Emergency Lights……………………………………………………… Arm
Passenger Signs…………………………………………………... as req’d
Caution / Advisory Lights……………………………………………. test
Temp Control……………………………………………………………… set
Bleed Air 1 and 2………………………………………………… as req’d
AC External…………………………………………………………………. Off
AC Gen 1 and 2……………………………………………………………. on
GPWS Override………………………………………………………. norm
Nosewheel Steering….………………………………………………… Off
Stall Warning 1 and 2*……………………………………………… test
ADC 1 and 2……………………………………………………………… test
CB and Panel Lighting…………………………………………. as req’d
Smoke Goggles (if applicable) ………………………………… check
Flight / Taxi………………………………………………………………. Taxi
Stick Pusher / Elevator Trim Shutoff………………………. norm
Clock………………………………………………………………………. check
GPWS………………………………………………………………………… test
PFCS………………………………………………………………………. norm
Flight Guidance Controller……………………………………… check
Speed Bugs…………………………………………………………………. set
Altimeters…………………………………………………………………… set
PFD…………………………………………………………………………. check
MFD………………………………………………………………………. check
PFCS Indicator………………………………………………………… check
Integrated Standby Instrument………………………………. check
ED…………………………………………………………………………… check
ED messages…………………………………………………………. check

* System Check Once Every 24 Hours Flying Day

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Fuel quantity ………………………………………………………… Check

Landing Gear Sel / Lights / Horn …………………………… Check
GPWS Landing Flap …………………………………………… As req’d
Stby Hyd Press / PTU / Hyd #3 Isol Vlv …………………. Norm
AHRS ……………………………………………………………………. Check
FMS …………………………………………………………… Programmed
EFIS Control Panel ………………………………………………………Set
PFD / MFD OFF / BRT selector*……………………. Off then Brt
Pitch and Roll Disc ……………………………………………………… In
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2……………………………………………. Off
Fuel Transfer……………………………………………………………... Off
Power levers ……………………………………………………………. Disc
Condition levers ………………………………………………… Fuel Off
Autofeather*………………………………………………. Test then off
Alternate Feather 1 and 2 ……………………………………… Norm
Emerg Brake / Pressure …………………………………. Set / check
Control Lock ………………………………………………………………. On
ARCDU ………………………………………………………………... On / set
TCAS* ………………………………………………………………………...Test
Trims ……………………………………………………………… Check / set
ESID Control Panel ……………………………………………………… Set
ED OFF / BRT selector*..………………………………… Off then Brt
EFIS ATT / HDG Source……………………………………………. Norm
EFIS ADC Source ……………………………………………………… Norm
Wx Radar* ………………………………………………………………… Test
Flight Compartment Door Emergency Access*…………… Test

* System Check Once Every 24 Hours Flying Day

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ARCDU ……………………………………………………………… On / set

ATIS/Wx ………………………………………………………………. Obtain
EFIS Control Panel ………………………………………………………. Set
FMS (if applicable) ………………………………………. Programmed
AHRS ………………………………………………………………………. Check
Clock …………………………………………………………………………… Set
Stick Pusher / Elevator Shutoff………………………………... Norm
Anti-skid*…………………………………………………………………… Test
MFD ………………………………………………………………………… Check
PFD.…………………………………………………………………………. Check
Speed Bugs …………………………………………………………………. Set
Altimeter ……………………………………………………………………. Set
Smoke Goggles (if applicable) …………………………………. Check
CB and Panel Lighting …………………………………………… As req’d
Oxygen Press …………………………………………………………… Check
Fwd Outflow Valve ………………………………… Normal / guarded

* System Check Once Every 24 Hours Flying Day

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Normal Checklists


(This checklist must be done on First flight of the day and both crew change)

GPU / APU …………………………………………………………………... On

External Check ………………………………………………… Completed
Cockpit Preparation ………………………………………… Completed
Briefing……………………………………………………………. Completed


Escape Hatch …………………………………………………………. Closed

Alt Gear Doors / L/G Inhibit switch …………..Closed / Normal
Circuit Breakers ………………………………………………………. Check
Battery Master / Main, Aux & Stby ……………………………… On
Passenger Signs …………………………………………………………… On
Emergency Lights ………………………………………………………. Arm
Anti-Skid………………………………………………………………………. On
Fuel Transfer / Qty …………………………………………...Off / check
Emerg Brake / Pressure …………………………………… Set / check
Power levers ………………………………………………………………. Disc
Condition levers ………………………………………….………… Fuel Off
Take-off Data …………………………….………………………. Reviewed


Take-off Data and Speeds …………………………………………… Set

Doors / Fueling Lights ………………………… Closed / Lights out
APU Bleed …………………………………………………………………… Off
Recirc Fan …………………………………………………………………… Off
Anti-Collision ……………………………………………………………… Red
Engine ………………………………………………………… Clear for start


Take-off Data and Speeds …………………………………………… Set

Doors / Fueling Lights ………………………… Closed / Lights out
APU Bleed …………………………………………………………………… Off
Recirc Fan …………………………………………………………………… Off
Anti-Collision ……………………………………………………………… Red
Nosewheel Steering……………………………………………………… Off
Emergency Brake (Confirm with ground).…………... Released
Engine ………………………………………………………… Clear for start

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Ext Pwr / APU ……………………………………………………………… Off

Main Bus Tie………………………………………………………………… Off
Bleed Air 1 and 2 …………………………………………. On / as req’d
Battery Temps ………………………………………………………… Check
Condition levers ………………………………………………………… Max
Recirc Fan ……………………………………………………………………. On
Stby Hyd Pres / PTU ……………………………………………………... On
Hyd #3 Isol Vlv…………………………………………………………… Open
Hyd Press & Qty ………………………………………………………. Check
Elevator Travel ……………………………………………………Full travel
Hyd #3 Isol Vlv …………………………………………………………. Norm
Flight / Taxi*……………………………………………………. Check / Taxi
Flap …………………………………………………………………………. Select
Deice Pressure …………………………………………………………. Check
Rudder Travel ……………………………………………………. Full travel
Nosewheel Steering ……………………………………………………... On
Windshield Heat / Pilot Side Window Heat.…………… As req’d
Wx Radar / Nav / Comm ………………………………………………. Set
Transponder ………………………………………………………… As req’d
PFD / MFD / ED ………………………………………………………… Check
Yaw Damper ………………………………………………………… As req’d


Taxi Light ……………………………………………………………. As req’d

Altimeters …………………………………………………………………. Set
Flight Instruments …………………………………………………. Check
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2 ……………………………………………. On
Autofeather …………………………………………………………… Select
Flap ………………………………………………………… _____Set / ind
Trims ………………………………………………………………………… 3 set
Condition levers…………………………………………… ___% / Max
T/O Warn …………………………………………………………………. Test
Pitot Static Heat …………………………………………………………... On
Ice Protection ………………………………………………………. As req’d
Caution / Warning Lights …………………………………………. Check
Flight Clearances ………………………………………………. Reviewed
Cabin ……………………………………………………………………… Secure

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F/A Notification ……………………………………………………As req’d

Bleed Air 1 and 2………………………………………… Min / as req’d
Anti-Collision ……………………………………………………………White
Yaw Damper ……………………………………………………………… On
Transponder / TCAS ……………..……Squawk__ / TA ONLY ABV
WX Radar…………………………………………………………… As req’d
Flight Controls ……………………………………………… Check / free
Flight / Taxi ………………………………………………………………Flight
Landing / Taxi Lights …………………………………………… On / Off


Landing Gear ………………………………………………………………... Up

Flap …………………………………………………………………………………. 0
Autofeather ………………………………………………………………… Off
Climb Power ………………………………………………………………… Set
Bleed Air 1 and 2 …………………………………………… On / as req’d
Stby Hyd Press and PTU Cntrl ……………………………………. Norm
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2 ………………………………………………. Off
Engine Temps & Pressures ………………………………………. Check
Ice Protection ………………………………………………………. As req’d
Cabin Press & Temp Controls …………………………………… Check
Passenger Signs …………………………………………………… As req’d


Altimeters …………………………………………………………………. Set

Power ………………………………………………………………………… Set
Cabin Press ……………………………………………………………. Check
Passenger Signs ………………………………………………… As req’d
Lights …………………………………………………………………. As req’d


Altimeters …………………………………………………………………… Set

Approach / Landing Briefing …………………………………. Review
Cabin Alt Controls ………………………………………………………. Set
Ice Protection ……………………………………………………... As req’d

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Altimeters ……………………………………………………………………. Set

Lights …………………………………………………………………… As req’d
GPWS Landing Flap …………………………………………………. Select
Fuel Transfer ………………………………………………………………. Off
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2 ……………………………………………… On
Stby Hyd Press and PTU Cntrl ………………………………………. On
Hyd Press & Qty ………………………………………………………. Check
Passenger Signs …………………………………………………………… On
Caution / Warning Lights …………………………………………. Check
Cabin ……………………………………………………………………… Secure


Ice Protection ………………………………………………………. As req’d

Landing Gear ……………………………………………… Dwn / 3 green
Flap ………………………………………………………… _____ Set / ind
Condition levers …………………………… Reduced Np Max / Max
Bleed Air 1 and 2 ………………………………………… Min / as req’d
F/A Notification …………………………………………………… As req’d


Control Lock …………………………………………………………………. On

Transponder ………………………………………………………… As req’d
Wx Radar …………………………..………………………………………. Stby
Flap ………………………………………………………………………………… 0
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2 ……………………………………………… Off
Yaw Damper ………………………………………………………………… Off
Flight / Taxi ………………………………………………………………… Taxi
Anti-Collision……………………………………………………………… Red
Lights…………………………………………………………………... As req’d
Ice Protection ……………………………………………………………… Off
Main Bus Tie ……………………………………………………………… Tie
APU ……………………………………………………………………. As req’d
Bleed Air 1 and 2 …………………………………………………. As req’d

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Taxi Light …………………………………………………………………... Off

Emerg Brake ………………………………………………………………. Set
Stby Hyd Press and PTU Cntrl …………………………………. Norm
Power levers ……………………………………………………………. Disc
Condition levers ………………………………………. Start & Feather

Passenger Signs …………………………………………………………. Off

Nosewheel Steering …………………………………………………… Off
Wx Radar …………………………………………………………………… Off
Transponder ……………………………………………………………… Stby
Bleed Air 1 and 2 (25 secs) ………………………………… Min / Off
APU / GPU …………………………………………………………... As req’d
Emergency Lights ………………………………………………………. Off
Condition levers (30 secs) …………………………………… Fuel Off
Lights …………………………………………………………………. As req’d
Battery Master / Main, Aux and Stby ………………….. As req’d


Recirc Fan …………………………………………………………………. Off

All Displays ………………………………………………………………...Off
Anti-Skid …………………………………………………………………… Off
Door Lock Isolate Switch………………………………………. Isolate
External / Internal Lights …………………………………………. Off
Main, Aux & Stby Batteries ………………………………………. Off
Battery Master …………………………………………………………. Off

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Before Start

Anti-Collision………………… Red
APU Bleed………….……………Off
Recirc Fan………….……………Off

After Start

Captain F/O
Ext Pwr / APU……………………………….…….……… Off Bleed Air 1 and 2…………………………………………… On
Main Bus Tie…………………………….…………………. Off Recirc Fan……………………………………………………… On
Flight / Taxi*……………………….…………. Check/Taxi Stby Hyd Pres / PTU………………………………………. On
Rudder Travel (Confirm tow bar removed) ……… Hyd #3 Isol Vlv…………………………………………… Open
…………………………………………………….…… Full travel Flap…………………………………………………………… Select
Nosewheel Steering……………………………………. On Elevator Travel……………………………………. Full travel
Wx Radar…………………………………………………… Stby Hyd #3 Isol Vlv…………………………………………… Norm
MFD 1………………………………………………………… Nav


Pitot Static Heat…………………. On
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2……. On
Autofeather…………………… Select
RDC TOP………………...……As req’d

Line Up

Captain F/O
Flight / Taxi……………………………………………… Flight Landing / Taxi Lights………………………………. On/Off
Anti-Collision………………………….………………… White
Bleed Air 1 and 2…………………………… Min/as req’d
HDG mode…………………………….…………. Press twice
Yaw Damper………………………….……………………… On
Flight Controls…………………….…………. Check / Free
F/A Notification……………………….………………. Notify
Transponder / TCAS………………….…………………… On
WX Radar……………………………………………………… On

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After Take Off

Stby Hyd Press and PTU Cntrl ………………...………. Norm
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2 ……………………………………. Off

Climbing Passing 10,000’

Landing Lights……………………………………………………. Off
Cabin Press…………………….……………………………… Check
Passenger Signs (with Captain’s permission) ……… Off


TCAS……………………………………………………………… Below

Descend Preparation

Both PF & PM
Speed Bugs………………………………….…….………….……Set
MDA………………………………………………………….………. Set
Course……………………………………………………….………. Set
Fuel Imbalance and Quantity………….……………… Check
GPWS Landing Flap………………………….………………Select
FMS…………………………………………………….……………… Set
Nav / Comm……...………………………………………………. Set

Descending Passing 10,000’

Landing Lights…………………………………………….……… On
Passenger Signs (with Captain’s permission) ….…. On


Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2 …………………………….……… On
Stby Hyd Press and PTU Cntrl ………………….…………. On


F/A Notification…………………….………………………. Notify
Bleed Air 1 and 2 ……………………….……… Min / as req’d
Landing / Taxi Lights (when clear to land).……… All On

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After Landing
(After clear of active Runway and at taxi speed)

Captain F/O
Flight / Taxi …………………………………………… Taxi Main Bus Tie ………………………………………….……… Tie
Pitot Static Heat ………………………………….………. Off
Ice Protection ………………………….…………………… Off
Lights………………………………………….…………. As req’d
Anti-Collision………………………………………….…… Red
Bleed Air 1 and 2 …………………………… On / As req’d
Yaw Damper ………………………………………………… Off
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2 …………….……………… Off
Control Lock ………………………………………. Check On
Flap …………………………………………………………………. 0
Transponder ………………………………………… As req’d
Wx Radar ………………………….……………………….. Stby
APU ………………………………………………………. As req’d


Captain F/O
Emerg Brake …………………………….……………Park (After Emerg Brake Set)
Nosewheel Steering ……………………….………. Off Stby Hyd Press and PTU Cntrl ……………………… Norm
Condition Levers.…….………………. Start/feather (25 secs after Condition levers to Start/feather)
(30 secs after Condition levers to Start/feather) Bleed Air 1 and 2……….…………………………… Min / Off
Condition Levers.……………….……………. Fuel off Transponder ………………………………………………… Stby
(After Engine shut down) Wx Radar …………………………………………………………Off
Passenger Signs …………………………………………Off
Emergency Lights ………………………………………Off
Anti-Collision …………………………………………… Off
PA to F/A…………………… Check clear, open door

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Reporting Time
The crew must report to the Operation Control or airport 01:00 hr. before departure time for a routine
scheduled flight; different times apply to training flights (01:30hr) and VVIP flights (02:30hr).

Dispatch briefing
A qualified flight dispatcher will brief the Captain at the Ops Control briefing room (at base station) or in
the aircraft (at outstations) regarding the specific flight which should include:

- Aircraft technical status,

- Operational Flight Plan,
- Weather information,
- PAX load and Cargo,
- Any items that requires Captain’s acknowledgment.

The First Officer obtains:
- The OFP, ATC Flight Plan and overflying permissions,
- Met Folder
- Passenger Clearance Form
- SAFA Form
- Writing pads

The Captain is responsible for the fuel management of each sector by analyzing A/C status, weather,
NOTAMs and other relevant aspects. However, the First Officer should be encouraged to participate in
the decision-making process.

Combined Briefing
The Captain will brief the cabin crew on:
- Flight Routes/Cruising Altitude/Flight Time
- Weather
- Taxi time
- Status of relevant aircraft systems
- Refueling
- Cabin crew control of cabin temperature
- Any other relevant information
Both pilots must participate in pre-flight discussion

Equipment & Documentation

Each pilot should have a high visibility vest and a personal flashlight; the aircraft flashlights are for
emergency use only. Each pilot must carry all necessary documents (e.g.: ID, License, passport, CRM
card, SEEP card, Medical Certificate) as per OM(A) 5.13.0 and all must be current.

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Arrival at the Aircraft

On arrival at the aircraft:
• Check pins and covers stowed
• Check that the aircraft is chocked
• Check that Engine and APU blanks are removed

On the Flight Deck:

• Check Parking Brakes to Park
• Position Lights to ON
• Check the refueling status
• Check the aircraft maintenance logbook

Aircraft Maintenance Log

The Captain who is accepting the aircraft has to receive a written certification and briefing of its
airworthiness by means of the release signature on Aircraft Maintenance Log (AML) which is valid for 03
hours from released time. By checking the various sections of the Aircraft Technical log (Hold Items List,
last repairs and checks, maintenance release), he shall make himself familiar with the technical
conditions of the aircraft. If required both pilots should refer to appropriate MEL and CDL as required.
The PIC shall append his signature on the release sheet of the AML indicating his acceptance of the
aircraft for the flight.

Minimum Equipment List (MEL): MEL is a document that assist us in minimizing delays to aircraft
schedules by authorizing us to identify inoperative equipment with which a flight may continue to a
station where time, spare and facilities are available to effect rectification.
The MEL does not include all the mandatory required items such as wings primary flight controls, flight
spoilers, flaps, engines, landing gears etc. All items which are related to the airworthiness of the aircraft
and not included in the list, are required to be operative for conducting a flight.
MEL is stored in the Flight Deck Library behind the F/O seat.

Configuration Deviation List (CDL): CDL is a list, established by the organization responsible for the type
design with the approval of the State of Design, which identifies any external parts of an aircraft type
which maybe missing at the commencement of the flight, and which contains, where necessary, any
information on associated operating limitations and performance correction.
The CDL is usually prepared by the aircraft manufacturer and is part of the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM).
CDL can be found in AFM Supplement 41.

Allocation of Tasks
The F/O will perform the Cockpit Safety Checklist. The Captain performs the External Inspection and his
management tasks. On a turn-round, the Captain may allow the First Officer to perform the External

Passenger Clearance
Normally Passenger clearance should be given minimum 20 mins before scheduled departure time for
domestic flights and 30 mins for international/regional flights.

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Refueling with passengers onboard

If refueling with passengers on board or boarding is considered likely, then following procedure must be
• All personnel, including flight crew, cabin crew and ground engineer/personnel connected with
the flight must be informed in advance. Passengers must also be advised. The Flight Crew must
convey the beginning and termination of the fueling operation to the Purser.
• A flight crewmember shall be on the flight deck during this operation. Two-way communication
using service interphone or visual signals must be maintained between the ground crew
supervising the refueling and the flight crew on board.
• The Purser must be positioned in the vicinity of the main door being used for passenger
embarkation/disembarkation and he/she will remain alert for any call either by interphone or by
PA from flight deck during the refueling in progress.
• Other emergency exit door must be guarded by other cabin crewmember who shall perform the
precautionary supervision in the cabin and be ready to evacuate the passengers without delay in
case of emergency.
• Cabin exits are designated for rapid deplaning or emergency evacuation, and routes to such
exits are unobstructed.
• The area outside designated emergency evacuation exits is unobstructed
• The cabin “No Smoking” sign must be ON and the cabin “Fasten Seat Belt” sign must be
switched off. Routes to all exit doors must be unobstructed.
• In the event of an incident, requiring prompt disembarkation or rapid evacuation of passengers,
the authorized ground engineer/re-fueling supervisor will use the quickest available means of
communication to notify the flight/cabin crew using:
- Flight or cabin service interphone
- Passenger steps
- Suitable aural or visual signals.
• Any marked smell of fuel or other potential risk must be reported by the senior cabin crew
member stationed at the main cabin door to the flight crew or the fueling staff respectively and
refueling/de-fueling must be stopped immediately.

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Before each flight, a thorough external check (walk around) of the airplane must be performed by the
flight crew to verify it is serviceable for flight. A walk around inspection is defined as an exterior visual
inspection. The emphasis of this inspection is the condition of those areas affected by normal wear (e.g.,
tires, brakes, props, exterior lights, etc.). Other items that may be affected by ground handling or service
equipment (e.g., fueling and other service panel doors, the area around the baggage door, flight control
surfaces, gear pins, etc.) should also be visually inspected. While checking the following items, note the
general appearance of the airplane for indications of defective, maladjusted or insecure installation.
Inspection starts at the passenger door and is completed in the following sequence:

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General Condition ............................................................................ Check

Antennas .......................................................................................... Check
Air stair Door .................................................................................... Check
AOA Vane ......................................................................................... Check
Pitot/Static Probe ....................................................................Check/Clear
Ice Detection Probe .................................................................Check/Clear
Windshield, Wiper and Side Window ...............................Check/Condition
Nose Gear Safety Lock ................................................................... In/Flush
Ground Communication and DC External Power Doors ...................Closed
Left Upper Nose Bay Door ..................................................................Open
Standby Battery .................................................................... Check/Secure
DC Contactor Box and Circuit Breakers .................................... Checked/In
Left Upper Nose Bay Door ....................................................Closed/Secure
Left Lower Nose Bay Door ..................................................................Open
Batteries ............................................................................... Check/Secure
Battery Sump Jar ............................................................Checked Contents
Left Lower Nose Bay Door ....................................................Closed/Secure
Aft Nose Gear Doors ......................................................................... Check
Nosewheel Tires ................................................................Check Condition
Oleo (0.6 to 3.5 inches/No leaks) ..................................................... Check
Forward Nose Gear Doors ................................................ Open/Condition
Nose Gear Wheel Well ....................................... Check General Condition
Taxi Light ........................................................................................... Check
Nose Gear Weight-Off-Wheels Sensors and Wiring ......................... Check
Radome ............................................................................................ Check
AC External Power Door (if installed) .............................................. Closed
Right Upper Nose Bay Door ................................................................Open
TRUs ...................................................................................... Check/Secure
Pump Handle .................................................................................. Stowed
DC Contactor Box and Circuit Breakers .................................... Checked/In
Right Upper Nose Bay Door ..................................................Closed/Secure
Right Lower Nose Bay Door ................................................................Open
Oxygen Bottle ................................................................................ Checked
Nosewheel SCU ................................................................. Checked/Secure
Alternate Extension Reservoir ....................................... Quantity/Checked
Compartment Area ...................................................... No Hydraulic Leaks
Right Lower Nose Bay Door ..................................................Closed/Secure
Outflow Vent .......................................................................................Clear
Oxygen Overboard Discharge Disc .....................................................Intact
Windshield, Wiper and Side Window ............................................... Check
Ice Detection Probe .................................................................Check/Clear
Pitot/Static Probe .....................................................................Check/Clear
AOA Vane ......................................................................................... Check
Standby Pitot/Static Probe ......................................................Check/Clear

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Lavatory Service Door ..........................................................Closed/Secure

Forward Baggage Door .........................................................Closed/Secure
Forward Emergency Exit ................................................................... Check
Forward Egress Light ........................................................................ Check
Right Engine Inspection Light ........................................................... Check
Lower Anti-Collision Light ................................................................ Check


Inboard Deicing Boot .........................................................Check Condition

Collector Bay Drains ..........................................................................Check
Engine Inboard Panels and Cowls .....................................................Secure
Inboard Nacelle Drains....................................................................... Clear
Oil Cooler Door ..................................................................................Check
Propeller Blades and Spinner .............................................................Check
Do Not twist or move Propeller Blades fore and aft. This will cause
prop seal deterioration and may cause the seal to fail.
Engine Intake/Leading Edge ............................................................. Check
Engine Outboard Panels and Cowls ................................................. Secure
Outboard Nacelle Drains .................................................................... Clear
Right Wing Inspection Light .............................................................. Check
Landing Lights ................................................................................... Check
Fuel Tank Drain and Magnetic Dipstick.............................................Secure
Outboard Deicing Boots ................................................................... Check
Surge Bay Fuel Drain ........................................................................ Secure
Fuel Tank Ram-Air (NACA) Vents ....................................................... Clear
Wingtip Position Lights ..................................................................... Check
Aileron and Geared Tab .......................………….………………………………Check
Ground Adjustable Tab ..................................................................... Check
Static Dischargers (6) ........................................................................ Check
Flap Track and Aileron Actuator Fairings .......................................... Check
Outboard Flap ................................................................................... Check


Refuel Panel Door .................................................................Closed/Secure

Right Main Gear General Condition ................................................. Check
Down lock Pin .............................................................................. Removed
Tires .................................................................................................. Check
Torque Link and Brake Assembly ...................................................... Check
Weight-On-Wheels Sensors and Wiring............................................ Check
Brake Lines ........................................................................................ Check

Brake Wear Indicators ...................................................................... Check

Oleo (1.5 to 4 Inches/No Leaks) ........................................................ Check
Hydraulic Quantity ............................................................................ Check

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Hydraulic Filter Indicators (3, No Red showing) ............................... Check

AC Contactor Box and Panel Condition ........................................... Secure
Right Main Gear Rear Doors ............................................................. Check
Right Main Gear Door Pin ........................................................... Removed
Inboard Flap ..................................................................................... Check


Aft Fuselage General Condition ........................................................ Check

Accumulator Pressure (Min 500 psi) ................................................. Check
Aft-Cabin Service/Emergency Exit .................................................... Check
Aft-Cabin Service/Emergency Exit Egress Light ................................ Check
Air Cond. Pack Ram Air Inlet (Dorsal Fin NACA Vent) ......................... Clear
Air Cond. Pack Exhaust ...................................................................... Clear
Rear Fuselage Access Door ..................................................Closed/Secure
APU Vent........................................................................................... Check
APU Generator Air Intake ................................................................. Check
APU Doors ............................................................................Closed/Secure
APU Drain Mast................................................................................. Check
APU Generator Air Exhaust ......................................................Check/Clear
APU Intake ......................................................................................... Clear


Right Vertical Stabilizer ..................................................................... Check

Tail Cone (RH) .............................................................................. Condition
Vertical Stabilizer Deicing Boot......................................................... Check
Navigation Antennas ........................................................................ Check
Right Horizontal Stabilizer ................................................................ Check
Deicing Boots .................................................................................... Check
Logo Light (RH) ................................................................................. Check
Right Stabilizer Tip Static Discharger (1) ........................................... Check
Right Elevator Static Dischargers (3) ………………………………………….... Check
Right Elevator ................................................................................... Check
Fore and Trailing Rudder (RH) .......................................................... Check
Rudder Static Dischargers (3) ........................................................... Check
Bullet Fairing Static Dischargers (2) ……….……………………………………... Check
Navigation Lights .............................................................................. Check
APU Exhaust ....................................................................................... Clear
Spoilers (on aft outboard wing sections) .................................... Retracted
Engine Exhausts ................................................................................. Clear
Fore and Trailing Rudder (LH) ........................................................... Check

Left Horizontal Stabilizer .................................................................. Check

Left Elevator ...................................................................................... Check
Left Elevator Static Dischargers (3) ................................................... Check
Logo Light (LH) .................................................................................. Check

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Left Stabilizer Tip Static Discharger (1) ............................................. Check

Deicing Boots .................................................................................... Check
Left Vertical Stabilizer ....................................................................... Check
Vertical Stabilizer Deicing Boot......................................................... Check
Navigation Antennas ........................................................................ Check
Tail Cone (LH)............................................................................... Condition


Aft Fuselage General Condition ........................................................ Check

Upper Anti-Collision Light.................................................................. Check
ELT Antenna ...................................................................................... Check
Air Cond. Pack Exhaust ...................................................................... Clear
Air Cond. Pack Ram Air Inlet (Dorsal Fin NACA Vent) ......................... Clear
Aft Baggage Door .................................................................Closed/Secure
Aft-Cabin Passenger/Emergency Exit Egress Light ........................... Check
Aft-Cabin Passenger /Emergency Exit …………………………………………… Check
Static Temperature Probe ................................................................. Clean


Inboard Flap ...................................................................................... Check

Left Main Gear General Condition .................................................... Check
Left Main Gear Door Pin .............................................................. Removed
Main Gear Rear Doors ...................................................................... Check
AC Contactor Box and Panel ...........................................Condition/Secure
Hydraulic Filter Indicators (3, No Red Showing) ............................... Check
Hydraulic Quantity ............................................................................ Check
Oleo (2 to 6 Inches/No Leaks) .......................................................... Check
Brake Wear Indicators ...................................................................... Check
Brake Lines ........................................................................................ Check
Weight-On-Wheels Sensors and Wiring............................................ Check
Torque Link and Brake Assembly ...................................................... Check
Tires .................................................................................................. Check
down lock Pin .............................................................................. Removed


Outboard Flap ................................................................................... Check

Flap Track and Aileron Actuator Fairings .......................................... Check
Aileron and Geared Tab .................................................................... Check

Static Dischargers (6) ........................................................................ Check

Wingtip Position Lights ..................................................................... Check
Fuel Tank Ram-Air (NACA) Vents ....................................................... Clear
Surge Bay Fuel Drain ........................................................................ Secure

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Outboard Deicing Boots ................................................................... Check

Fuel Tank Drain and Magnetic Dipstick.............................................Secure
Landing Lights ................................................................................... Check
Left Wing Inspection Light ................................................................ Check
Engine Outboard Panels and Cowls ................................................. Secure
Outboard Nacelle Drains .................................................................... Clear
Oil Cooler Door ................................................................................. Check
Engine Intake/Leading Edge ............................................................. Check
Propeller Blades and Spinner ............................................................ Check
Do Not twist or move Propeller Blades fore and aft. This will cause prop
seal deterioration and may cause the seal to fail.
Engine Inboard Panels and Cowls .................................................... Secure
Inboard Nacelle Drains........................................................................ Clear
Collector Bay Drains .......................................................................... Check
Inboard Deicing Boot ........................................................................ Check
Left Engine Inspection Light .............................................................. Check
Air stair Door Egress Light ................................................................. Check
Locking Devices ..............................................................................Remove
Main Gear – Remove left and right safety lock pins and stow them in pouch
Forward of the air stair door or in required location.
Nose Gear – Rotate nose gear ground lock door 90° counter-clockwise and
push fully in flush with fuselage.

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The full Cockpit Safety Checks must be performed on the first flight of the day and if the aircraft has
been powered down.

Documentation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… Check

Check all required aircraft documents as per OM(A) 5.13.0 are on-board.
Safety Equipment………………………………………………………………………………….…… Check serviceable &Secure
Safety equipment includes:
• Observer’s Life Vest stowed above observer’s seat.
Make sure life jacket is secured, serviceable and not damaged,
• Co-Pilot’s Life Vest stowed above the co-pilot’s seat.
Make sure life jacket is secured, serviceable and not damaged,
• Hydraulic Pump Handle - stowed on the bulkhead behind the co-pilot’s seat,
• Protective Breathing Equipment - stowed and seal unbroken,
• Observer’s Smoke Goggles - stowed on the bulkhead behind the co-pilot’s seat.
• Portable Fire Extinguisher - stowed on the bulkhead behind the captain’s seat.
Check pressure gauge indicates in the green range,
• Two Flashlights - stowed on the bulkhead behind the captain’s seat. Check serviceability,
• Fire Axe - securely stowed on the bulkhead behind the captain’s seat,
• Captain’s Life Vest - stowed above the captain’s seat.
Make sure life jacket is secured, serviceable and not damaged,
• Emergency Rope - stowed at left of the escape hatch above the captain’s seat.
Make sure rope is secured to the airplane.
Escape Hatch………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………… Secure
Make sure FLIGHT COMPARTMENT EMERGENCY EXIT HATCH is closed, secured and the handle is
selected to CLOSED position before starting engines.
Oxygen Mask / QTY…………………………………………...………………………………….……………...………………… Check
For the captain’s, co-pilot’s and observer’s (if installed) oxygen masks, check the following:
• Make sure the oxygen mask is clean and in good condition.
• Make sure hose is correctly attached and flow indicator shows green.
• The mask microphone jack must be inserted in the correct jack position on the audio jack panel.
Check the oxygen gauge on the co-pilot’s panel. The Minimum Dispatch Pressure at 21°C (70°F) is:

A/C Registration 2 Crew 3 Crew

S2-AGR 1300 psi 1800 psi
S2-AJW 1050 psi 1450 psi

Circuit Breakers……………………………………………………………. …..……………………………………………………… Check

Before entering the seats, make sure all circuit breakers are closed (pushed in). Check for open circuit
breakers visibly from the side.

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Landing Gear Alternate Release and Extension Doors……………………………………………………...……… Closed

Make sure the LANDING GEAR ALTERNATE RELEASE DOOR (above the co-pilot’s seat) and LANDING
GEAR ALTERNATE EXTENSION DOOR (on the floor, left of the co-pilot’s seat) are completely closed
before each flight.
L/G Inhibit Switch……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NORM
Make sure the LANDING GEAR EXTENSION INHIBIT SWITCH is set to NORMAL with the red guard closed.


If using DC External Power, proceed with For DC External Power

If using APU Power, proceed with For APU Power
If using Battery Power, proceed with For Battery Power Only

For DC External Power

BATTERY MASTER, MAIN, AUX & STBY BATT Switches………………………………………………….………………… ON
• The BATTERY MASTER switch connects main, auxiliary and standby batteries to the right and left
essential buses.
• The MAIN BATT switch connects the main battery to the right main feeder bus.
• The AUX BATT switch connects the auxiliary battery to the left main feeder bus.
• The STBY BATT switch connects the standby battery to the left main feeder bus.
Main Bus Tie………………………………….……………………….……………………………………………………………………… Tie
Manually connects the left and right main buses together.
All Displays……………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………… ON
Check voltages on Electrical page of MFD.
DC EXT Power…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ON
With DC external power available, set DC EXT PWR switch to EXT PWR position and confirm that:
• DC EXT POWER in green font appears on the MFD Electrical Systems page.
NOTE: With DC external power in use, #1 and #2 DC and APU generators are isolated.
With DC external power in use, the batteries are charging.
Bus Voltage………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Check voltages on Electrical page of MFD.
• If external DC voltage is less than 27.5 V:
Check MAIN BATTERY, AUX BATTERY and STBY BATTERY caution lights illuminate.
• If external DC voltage is greater than 31.5 V, external power will automatically de-energize.
Position Lights………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
Recirc Fan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ON


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For APU Power

BATTERY MASTER, MAIN, AUX & STBY BATT Switches……………………………………………………………….…… ON
• The BATTERY MASTER switch connects main, auxiliary and standby batteries to the right and left
essential buses.
• The MAIN BATT switch connects the main battery to the right main feeder bus.
• The AUX BATT switch connects the auxiliary battery to the left main feeder bus.
• The STBY BATT switch connects the standby battery to the left main feeder bus.
Main Bus Tie…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Tie
Manually connects the left and right main buses together.
All Displays…………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………… ON
Check voltages on Electrical page of MFD.
Caution / Advisory Lights………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Test
Hold CAUTION / ADVISORY LIGHTS TEST switch at TEST CAUT and make sure:
• Master CAUTION and WARNING lights flash,
• APU caution and CHECK FIRE DET warning lights illuminate and all remaining warning lights
• Press master CAUTION light and check light goes out,
• Press master WARNING light and check light goes out and warning lights cease flashing,
Hold at ADVSY - Check all advisory lights illuminate.
APU PWR……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………… ON
Push APU PWR switch light on the APU CONTROL panel.
Check APU FUEL VALVE OPEN advisory light illuminates.
APU Fire Detection……………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………… Test
Press and hold APU FIRE TEST switch and check:
• APU FUEL VALVE OPEN advisory light out,
• APU caution light and CHECK FIRE DET warning light illuminate,
advisory lights illuminate,
• Master CAUTION and master WARNING lights flash.
Release APU FIRE TEST switch and check:
• APU FUEL VALVE OPEN advisory light illuminates,
• APU caution light and CHECK FIRE DET warning light go out,
advisory lights go out,
• Master CAUTION and master WARNING lights go out.
NOTE: If APU FIRE TEST is performed while APU is operating, APU will shut down.
Position Lights………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
CAUTION: Ensure ground personnel and equipment are clear of the APU exhaust port.
APU Start Switch…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Press
Push and release the START switch light. Check STARTER advisory light (amber) illuminates then goes
out. Confirm STARTER amber light goes off and green RUN advisory light in APU PWR switch light
illuminates to show APU is operating. GEN WRN light illuminates.
APU GEN……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Press
Check GEN ON advisory light illuminates.
NOTE: If external power is selected, APU GEN WARN advisory light will remain illuminated.

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APU Generator Volts / Load…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… Check

Read voltages on the ELECTRICAL page. DC Bus voltages display should read approximately 28 volts on
all DC buses.
The APU GEN LOAD should read approximately 0.3, (maximum 1.0).
Battery Temperature…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check
Monitor battery temperature after APU start on the MFD - Electrical Systems page.
Bleed Air 1 and 2…………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………. MIN / OFF
Temp Control……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. AUTO / SET
The setting of these switches may vary depending on temperature requirements:
• Set both PACK CONTROL switches to the AUTO position.
• Turn the PASSENGER CABIN TEMPERATURE knob counter clockwise to the FA position or as
• Turn the FLT COMP TEMPERATURE knob as required.
Recirc Fan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
APU Bleed (20 s) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d
Push and release the APU BL AIR switch light. Make sure the BL AIR OPEN light illuminates.
NOTE: 1. Wait 20 s after APU RUN advisory light illuminates before selecting APU BL AIR switch on.
2. The APU consumes approximately 188 lb/h of fuel. Ensure there is a minimum of 1000 lb of
fuel in # 1 tank plus the quantity required for the duration of APU operation.


For Battery Power Only

DC Gen 1 and 2…………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………… ON
Main Bus Tie………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………. Tie
Manually connects right main feeder bus to the left main feeder bus.
Ice Protection……………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………. OFF
Make sure all switches on the ICE PROTECTION panel are set to OFF.
External Lighting………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………… OFF
All switches on the EXTERIOR LIGHTING CONTROL panel are set to OFF.
Ignition 1 and 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. NORM
Set IGNITION CONTROL 1 and 2 switches to NORM position.
Recirc Fan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
Bleed Air 1 and 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. MIN / OFF
• Set BLEED CONTROL switches to OFF.
Emergency Lights……………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………… Arm
Set EMERGENCY LIGHTS switch to ARM and make sure the EMER LTS DISARMED caution light goes off.
Passenger Signs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ON
Set passenger signs switches to FASTEN BELTS and NO SMOKING.
Power Levers……………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………… DISC
Condition Levers……………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………. Fuel off
Briefing……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………. Review

Continue with START APPROVED (Battery Power Only)

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START APPROVED (Battery Power Only)

BATTERY MASTER, MAIN, AUX & STBY BATT Switches……………………………………………………………………. ON

• The BATTERY MASTER switch connects main, auxiliary and standby batteries to the right and left
essential busses.
• The MAIN BATT switch connects the main battery to the right main feeder bus.
• The AUX BATT switch connects the auxiliary battery to the left main feeder bus.
• The STBY BATT switch connects the standby battery to the left main feeder bus.
All Displays………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………... ON
Check voltages on Electrical page of MFD.
Fire Detection……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Test
Hold alternately, for a minimum of 1 s, at ENGINE 1 and ENGINE 2 positions and check:
• PULL FUEL / HYD OFF handle light illuminates.
• FAULT A and FAULT B advisory lights illuminate.

• CHECK FIRE DET warning light illuminate.

• MASTER WARNING light flashes.
• ENGINE FIRE lights flash.
• Fire warning tone sounds.
Press ENGINE FIRE light and check:
• Check ENGINE FIRE lights stop flashing and fire warning tone is silenced.
Emerg Brake / Pressure……………………………………………….……………………………………………………. ON / Check
Make sure the PK BRK gauge on the MFD indicates hydraulic pressure above 500 psi (minimum
dispatch). If not, replenish pressure above 500 psi, then set the EMERGENCY / PARKING BRAKE LEVER to
NOTE: When starting engine # 1 first, a minimum park brake pressure of 1000 psi is required.
Doors / Fueling Lights…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Out
Make sure the following lights are off:
• FUSELAGE DOORS warning light
• FUELING ON caution light
When engine-start clearance has been received, proceed as follows:
Anti-Collision………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………… Red
Position Lights………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
Engines …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Clear for Start
The captain normally starts the # 2 engine first and communicates with ground crew.
The first officer looks out to make sure the propeller area is clear of personnel and equipment before
starting the engine.

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ENGINE START SELECT Switch……… Pull out then Set to # 2
Observes SELECT Light illuminates.
Calls “Starting engine #2, check clear”. Makes sure the area is clear.
Calls “Clear #2”.
ENGINE START Switch…………………………….……….……. Press
Makes sure START Light illuminates. Starts stopwatch running to time the

At 1st indication of NH:

Sets Condition Lever to START / FEATHER.

When SELECT light goes out:

Call: “Select light out”.
Bleed Air #2……………………ON/Normal

NOTE: Fuel flow indication on ED is not accurate until the engine is stable at idle NH.

Check that engine accelerates to above 64.2% NH and ITT does not exceed 920°C.
Observe SELECT and START Lights out.
For the appropriate engine, make sure oil pressure is greater than 44 psi, ENG OIL PRESS Warning
Light, ENG FUEL PRESS and ENG HYD PUMP Caution Lights off.
Make sure DC GEN Caution Light is off.

1. ENGINE SELECT Light will remain illuminated for approximately 15 s after ENGINE START and
SELECT Switches off.
2. When starting on aircraft batteries, ensure MAIN, AUX and STBY battery loads are 0.4 or less prior
to starting the 2nd engine.

Repeat start procedure for other engine.


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DC Gen 1 and 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ON

Ice Protection / WS Heat & Wipers……………………………………………………………………………….…………………OFF
Set all switches on the ice protection panel to OFF position.
PITOT / STATIC Switches…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………OFF
Landing / Taxi Lights……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
ELT………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Auto
With 3 Frequency ELT System (MS4-423100) Incorporated: (S2-AJW)
ELT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Armed
NOTE: Ensure ELT mode switch is fully in the ARMED position.
Fire Detection…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Test
Hold alternately, for a minimum of 1 s, at ENGINE 1 and ENGINE 2 positions and check:
• PULL FUEL / HYD OFF handle light illuminates.
• FAULT A and FAULT B advisory lights illuminate.
• CHECK FIRE DET warning light illuminate.
• MASTER WARNING light flashes.
• ENGINE FIRE lights flash.
• Fire warning tone sounds.
Press ENGINE FIRE light and check:
• Check ENGINE FIRE lights stop flashing and fire warning tone is silenced.
Fuel / Hyd Valves………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Open
Make sure fuel and hydraulic valves are open and
the green FUEL VALVE OPEN and HYD VALVE OPEN advisory lights are on.
Baggage Smoke Warning (AFT and FWD) ……………………………………………………………………………………..Test
NOTE: Direct sunlight on the smoke detectors in the forward and aft baggage compartments can
The forward baggage and aft baggage compartment doors should be closed prior to conducting
the forward baggage and aft baggage compartments smoke test.
Select Baggage AFT TEST switch to position 1 and check:
• Master warning tone sounds, MASTER WARNING and SMOKE warning lights flash and
SMOKE / EXTG, VENT INLT, VENT OTLT and AFT BTL ARM advisory lights illuminate.
Repeat with Baggage AFT TEST switch to position 2.
Select Baggage FWD TEST switch to TEST and check:
• Master warning tone sounds, MASTER WARNING and SMOKE warning lights flash and
SMOKE / EXTG and FWD BTL ARM advisory lights illuminate.
Panel Lighting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d
Set the panel lighting intensity to the appropriate intensity.
Ignition 1 and 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NORM
Cabin Altitude Controls …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Set
Set the controls as follows:
• AUTO / MAN / DUMP switch - Set at AUTO.
• CABIN ALTITUDE FWD OUTFLOW knob - Rotate fully counter-clockwise. Closes the forward
safety valve.
• LDG ALT control knob - Rotate to set the destination airport elevation on the LDG ALT indicator.
Exterior Lights…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………As Req’d

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Emergency Lights……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Arm
Make sure the EMER LTS DISARMED caution light goes off.
Passenger Signs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d
Set fasten belts and no smoking switches to FASTEN BELTS and NO SMOKING position.
Caution / Advisory Lights………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Test
Hold CAUTION / ADVISORY LIGHTS TEST switch at CAUT and make sure:
• All caution lights steady on.
• # 1 ENG OIL PRESS and # 2 ENG OIL PRESS warning lights turn on steady.
• All remaining warning lights flash.
• Push MASTER CAUTION light and make sure it goes off.
• Push MASTER WARNING light and make sure it goes off and warning lights stop flashing.
NOTE: FUSELAGE DOORS warning light will not flash with passenger or baggage door(s) open.
Hold CAUTION / ADVISORY LIGHTS TEST switch at ADVSY and make sure:
• All advisory lights and AP DISENG light illuminate.
• Particular attention must be given to the following advisory lights:
- Fire detection panel lights.
- De-ice and anti-ice lights.
- POWERED FLIGHT CONTROL SWITCHLIGHTS on the Glareshield panel, all 4 switch lights read
- Landing gear lights.
do not illuminate with the advisory light test.
Caution / Advisory Lights Dimming Switch………………………………………………………………………………As Req'd
• Set to DIM for minimum brightness of all caution and advisory lights.
• Set to BRT for maximum brightness of all caution and advisory lights.
Temp Controls………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Set
The setting of these switches may vary depending on temperature requirements:
• Set both PACK CONTROL switches to the AUTO position.
• Turn the PASSENGER CABIN TEMPERATURE knob counter clockwise to the FA position or as
• Turn the FLT COMP TEMPERATURE knob as required.
Bleed Air 1 and 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. As Req’d
AC External……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
AC Gen 1 and 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ON
GPWS Override ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NORM
Make sure the GPWS FLAP OVERRIDE switch light is Off and the plastic guard is in place.
Nosewheel Steering………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
Stall Warning 1 and 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Test
STALL WARN TEST switch - Select TEST 1 and release. Observe:
• # 1 STALL SYST FAIL and PUSHER SYST FAIL caution lights illuminate.
• Stick shaker activates.
• # 1 STALL SYST FAIL and PUSHER SYST FAIL caution lights out and stick shaker off.
• Repeat with STALL WARN TEST switch to TEST 2
(except in item - # 2 STALL SYST FAIL caution light illuminates).
ADC 1 and 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Test
Check ALT FAIL, IAS FAIL and IVSI FAIL flags are out on pilot’s and co-pilot’s PFD’s and

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valid SAT is displayed on ED.

ADC test switch - Hold at TEST 1 and check:
• The barometric altimeter shows 14360 ft on pilot’s PFD.
• The altimeter barometric setting changes to 990 hpa (29.23 in Hg) on pilot’s PFD.
• The maximum operating airspeed (VMO) is displayed as 284 KIAS on pilot’s PFD.
• The airspeed indicator displays 285 KIAS in red on pilot’s PFD.
• The indicated SAT is - 15°C and WTG 2 FAIL appears on ED.
• IAS, IAS MISMATCH and ALT appears on PFD’s.
• PITCH TRIM and ELEVATOR FEEL and AVIONICS caution lights illuminate.
• The overspeed warning horn is activated after 5 s.
NOTE: TCAS FAIL may momentarily flash on PFD’s and MFD’s during the ADC functional test.
ADC test switch - Hold at TEST 2 and check previous items above on co-pilot’s PFD except SAT does not
change and WTG 1 FAIL advisory message appears on ED.
CB & Panel Lighting…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………As Req’d
Operate circuit breaker and panel light switch to make sure the bulb operates then
set the flight instrument panel lighting intensity as required.
Smoke Goggles…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Make sure goggles are not scratched, are in good condition and properly stored.
Flight / Taxi……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………TAXI
Make sure the FLIGHT / TAXI switch on the GLARESHIELD is in the TAXI position.
Stick Pusher / Elevator Trim Shutoff……………………………………………………………………………………………NORM
Make sure the ELEVATOR TRIM & STICK PUSHER SHUTOFF switch lights are in the out position and the
amber PUSH OFF lights are not on.
Make sure clock is serviceable and the correct time is set and reset the Elapsed Time to 0 before each
GPWS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Test
• # 1 NAV receiver - Tune to any VOR frequency
• GPWS FLAP OVERRIDE switch - Normal and guarded
• GPWS caution light - Out
PULL UP GPWS TEST switch - Press and hold
Check that the GPWS caution light, GPWS FLAP OVERRIDE, PULL UP and BELOW G/S advisory lights
illuminate and the “GLIDESLOPE” and “PULL UP” voice warnings are audible.
NOTE: If Test response is unsatisfactorily, wait at least 30 s before repeating Test.
Make sure all 4 Powered Flight Control Shutoff switch lights on the glareshield are in the out position
and both the amber PUSH OFF or OFF switch lights are not illuminated.
Flight Guidance Controller……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Check
• Select left and right EHSI navigation data sources as required, using the corresponding NAV
SOURCE knobs.
• Select HSI SEL to side of pilot flying.
Speed Bugs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Set
Initially set VFRI and VCLIMB for the estimated weight given on CFP.
Altimeters………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Set
Set the local altimeter setting using the BARO SET knob on the INDEX CONTROL panel and confirm the
altimeter reading with the field elevation (within 75 ft).

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The following flight instruments should be checked for serviceability then set for departure or SID.
• EADI - Set display intensity to a comfortable level.
Make sure no red flags are in view and all displays are correct.
• EHSI (HSI) - Set display intensity to a comfortable level.
Make sure no red flags are in view and all displays are correct.
• IVSI needle indicates 0.
MFD…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Confirm MFD Selector function on the Engine & System Integrated Display Control Panel by cycling
through each of ENG, NAV, SYS and PFD.
PFCS Indicator……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check
Make sure all spoiler needles on the MFD indicate actual spoiler position.
The rudder may indicate a deflection left or right of center if a crosswind exists.
Integrated Standby Instruments (ISI)……………………………………………………………………………… Check and Set
Check No ‘ATT’, ‘IAS’ or ‘ALT’ Flag displayed.
Set the local altimeter setting and confirm the altimeter reading with the field elevation (within 75 ft).
ED……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Check for sensible indications on the gauges and read-outs, in particular:
• Fuel Quantity
• Fuel Temperature
ED Messages………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check
NOTE: If messages appear in the Engine Display advisory area, maintenance action is required before
Fuel Quantity……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Make sure the quantity of fuel indicated on the MFD - Fuel page, is sufficient for the flight.
Maximum fuel imbalance between contents of main fuel tanks is 272 kg (600 lb).
Landing Gear Sel / Lights / Horn…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check
• Make sure landing gear selector is selected down.
• Green LEFT / NOSE / RIGHT undercarriage lights are on.
• The L DOOR and R DOOR and / or N DOOR amber lights may be on if the landing gear doors are
• Hold the gear-warning horn test switch at TEST and make sure the horn sounds.
• Release TEST switch and horn should stop sounding.
GPWS Landing Flap………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d
STBY HYD PRESS / PTU / HYD # 3 ISOL Valve……………………………………………………………………………… NORM
Make sure all 3 switch lights are off (switch out).
Flap Indication…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Make sure the flap selection indicated on #2 MFD agrees with the flap lever position.
FMS……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… Programmed (Refer to 49)
Enter Flight Number BBCXXXX for Mode S transponder setup.
Set and check FMS according to Flight Plan.
Set and check Performance page according to Flight Profile and Load sheet.
EFIS Control Panel……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Set
• Set the dimming control knobs for nominal intensity on the PFD and MFD.

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• Set desired Navaids (VOR, ADF or FMS) using the bearing selector knob.
PFD / MFD OFF / BRT Selectors………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF then BRT
Pitch & Roll DISC………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. In
Make sure both PITCH and ROLL disconnect handles are pushed in.
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
Make sure the TANK 1 and TANK 2 AUX PUMP switch lights are off.
This can also be confirmed on the MFD - Fuel Systems page.
Fuel Transfer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
Make sure the FUEL TRANSFER switch is OFF and
make sure that both green VALVE OPEN lights are off on the MFD Fuel Systems page.
POWER Levers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DISC
Condition Levers…………………………………………………………………………………… FUEL OFF or START / FEATHER
AUTOFEATHER……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...Test / OFF
AUTOFEATHER Switch…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Press
Check SELECT advisory light illuminates.
Observe the following appear on ED:
Observe the following sequence appears twice on ED:
• UPTRIM appears,
• ITT and NH red radials increase,
• NTOP changes to MTOP and torque rating and torque bugs increase,
• A/F ARM appears,
• A/F SELECT appears,
• UPTRIM disappears,
• MTOP changes to NTOP and torque rating and torque bugs decrease.
Observe the following appear on ED:
NOTE: During the test # 1 or # 2 ALT FTHR advisory lights may illuminate momentarily.
If Autofeather test is aborted, A/F TEST ABORT message will appear on ED. If Autofeather test
fails, A/F TEST FAILED message will appear on ED.
If A/F TEST ABORT appears on ED, repeat the Autofeather test.
AUTOFEATHER Switch…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Press
Check SELECT advisory out and A/F SELECT message disappears on ED.
Alternate Feather 1 and 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. NORM
Make sure the white FTHR pushbutton indicator lights are off.
Emerg Brake / Pressure……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON / Check
Make sure the PK BRK gauge on the MFD - Hydraulic page indicates hydraulic pressure above 500 psi
(minimum dispatch).
NOTE: When starting engine # 1 first, a minimum park brake pressure of 1000 psi is required.
Control Lock…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
ARCDU…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON / Set
Select frequencies as req’d.
NOTE: Avoid transmission on VHF radios on frequencies within 200 kHz of any other tuned frequency.
Set selector switches to required COMM channels.
• EMERGENCY switch to NORM

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• Set MIC switch to BOOM

• HOT MIC switch as required
• Push the required rotary selectors down (ON) and set volume to a comfortable level.
NOTE: If BAD CONF message on ARCDU, cycle power off, then on.
TCAS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Test
Perform the appropriate TCAS system test.
Select TA / RA on the ARCDU TCAS / ATC Page.
NOTE: The ACAS II / TCAS II mode of operation is displayed on the PFD and ND / MFD.
Selecting TA / RA enables TA / RA mode for take-off.
TCAS is in STBY mode when the transponder is in SBY mode.
ACAS II / TCAS II will indicate FAIL on ARCDU with onside ATC set to SBY and offside ATC failed.
Select ATC ON to confirm ACAS II / TCAS II function.
Select TEST on the ARCDU TCAS / ATC Page and observe the following:
• TCAS TEST appears on EHSI / PFD,
• Intruder symbol test pattern is displayed on the ND / MFD,
• IVSI test indication is displayed,
• No failures are annunciated,
• “TCAS SYSTEM TEST OK” is announced.
If a fault is identified at the completion of the test, “TCAS SYSTEM TEST FAIL” is announced.
Select SBY on the ARCDU TCAS / ATC Page.
Trims…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check / Set
• Release control lock then cycle the aileron trim throughout its range then set trim needle to
center position.
• Re-engage control lock.
• Cycle the rudder trim throughout its range then set trim needle to center position.
• Cycle the elevator trim throughout its range then set trim needle to the required position for



NOTE: 1. When setting the elevator trim, holding the elevator trim switch for greater than 3 s will
cause the “elevator trim in motion” audio tone to sound and the ELEVATOR TRIM SHUTOFF
switch PUSH OFF advisory light to illuminate.
3. To avoid possible activation of the Take-off Configuration aural warning, with a Centre of Gravity
at or near the FWD or AFT Limit, set the ELEVATOR TRIM with the trim pointer “one half of the
pointer's width” inside the forward edge (with AFT CG) or inside the aft edge (with FWD CG) of
the TO trim band.
ESID Control Panel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Set
ED OFF / BRT Selectors…………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF then BRT
Carry out an electrical power reset on the ED display.
NOTE: The removal of all aircraft electrical power will accomplish the intent of the power reset of the
PFDs, MFDs and ED.

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EFIS ATT / HDG Source………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. NORM

EFIS ADC Source………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NORM
Wx Radar……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Test
Flight Compartment Door Emergency Access………………………………………………………………………………… Test
Confirm Flight Compartment Door is closed and locked and check:
• BAGG DOOR, CKPT DOOR, AUTO UNLK and FAIL advisory lights are out,
• INTERNAL DOORS caution light is out.
Momentarily press FLIGHT ATTENDANT emergency access switch and check:
• INTERNAL DOORS caution light illuminates,
• AUTO UNLK advisory light illuminates.
Select INTERNAL DOORS switch to DENY and check:
• INTERNAL DOORS caution light goes out,
• AUTO UNLK advisory light goes out.
• Flight Compartment Door is closed and locked.
EFIS Control Panel……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Set
• Set the dimming control knobs for nominal intensity on the PFD and MFD.
• Set desired Navaids (VOR, ADF or FMS) using the bearing selector knob.

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ARCDU…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON / Set
Select frequencies as req’d.
NOTE: Avoid transmission on VHF radios on frequencies within 200 kHz of any other tuned frequency.
Set selector switches to required COMM channels.
• EMERGENCY switch to NORM
• Set MIC switch to BOOM
• HOT MIC switch as required
• Push the required rotary selectors down (ON) and set volume to a comfortable level.
ATIS/Wx…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Obtain
Obtain latest Meter and departure information from ATIS or Ground control and review with Captain.
FMS…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Programmed (Refer to Page 54)
Enter Flight Number BBCXXXX for Mode S transponder setup.
Set and check FMS according to Flight Plan.
Set and check Performance page according to Flight Profile and Load sheet.
Make sure clock is serviceable and the correct time is set and reset the Elapsed Time to 0 before each
Stick Pusher / Elevator Trim Shutoff……………………………………………………………………………………………NORM
Make sure the ELEVATOR TRIM & STICK PUSHER SHUTOFF switch lights are in the out position and the
amber PUSH OFF lights are not on.
Anti-Skid………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
Turning the ANTI-SKID TEST switch on will cause it to do a self test.
Make sure INBD ANTI-SKID and OUTBD ANTI-SKID caution lights go off after 6 s, indicating the test is
MFD…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Confirm MFD Selector function on the Engine & System Integrated Display Control Panel by cycling
through each of ENG, NAV, SYS and PFD. Reset to SYS and check HYD quantity:
• No 1 system minimum dispatch 40%
• No 2 system minimum dispatch 40%
• No 3 system minimum dispatch 40%
The following flight instruments should be checked for serviceability then set for departure or SID.
• EADI - Set display intensity to a comfortable level.
Make sure no red flags are in view and all displays are correct.
• EHSI (HSI) - Set display intensity to a comfortable level.
Make sure no red flags are in view and all displays are correct.
• IVSI needle indicates 0.
Speed Bugs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Set
Initially set V1, VR, V2, VFRI and VCLIMB for the estimated weight given on CFP.

Altimeters………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Set
Set the local altimeter setting using the BARO SET knob on the INDEX CONTROL panel and confirm the
altimeter reading with the field elevation (within 75 ft).

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Smoke Goggles…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check

Make sure goggles are not scratched, are in good condition and properly stored.
CB & Panel Lighting…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………As Req’d
Operate circuit breaker and panel light switch to make sure the bulb operates then
set the flight instrument panel lighting intensity as required.
Oxygen Press.................................................................................................................................Check
Make sure the oxygen pressure gauge indicates in the green range. The minimum dispatch pressure is:

A/C Registration 2 Crew 3 Crew

S2-AGR 1300 psi 1800 psi
S2-AJW 1050 psi 1450 psi

Forward Outflow Valve……………………………………………………………………………………………. NORM / Guarded

Make sure the FORWARD SAFETY VALVE switch is set to NORMAL (full counter clockwise).

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Flight Management System (FMS set-up)

One pilot, normally the PF sets the FMS and the other pilot verifies the set-up. Use the departure
information and company flight plan (CFP) to initialize the FMS.
Note: Here is given some very basic initial FMS set-up for departure, for detailed information please
refer to FMS Operator’s Manual.

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1. Press [ON/OFF/DIM] to activate the system. A Self-Test Page will display the results of each test

2. If the Self Test is successful, the Copyright Page is automatically displayed for five seconds.


The Initialization Page is automatically displayed after successful self-test.

Position, date and time fields on the Initialization Page are prefilled with information obtained from the
GPS (as indicated by <GPS> at LSK [1L]). For non-GPS installations, position will be the same as when the
system was last powered down.
1. Press the [ACCEPT] LSK to accept the GPS position, time and date. All data will turn green;
indicating that initialization is complete.
2. If any of these fields are incorrect, manually enter or correct initialization data.
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Flight Plan Construction

After initialization, the system is ready to accept the flight plan. A flight plan can be created on the Flight
Plan Pages, cross filled from another FMS or copied from a route contained in the Pilot or Company
With no flight plan defined in the FMS, pressing [FPL] displays the empty Flight Plan Page.
1. Press [FPL] to access Flight Plan Page 1.

The cursor appears over an empty field and is ready to accept the next waypoint. Waypoint number “1”
will pre-fill with the airport from the initialization process, or the closest waypoint as derived from the
2. Type in the identifier for the waypoint or press [LIST] to locate the desired waypoint. The [NEXT]
and [PREV] keys are used to page through up to 10 pages of the closest waypoints. Press
[ENTER] to select a waypoint. The cursor will move to the next empty field.
3. To insert an airway:
a. Verify the previous waypoint is on the desired airway.
b. Press [LIST] to access the LIST Page and the [AIRWAYS] LSK to list the airways. Enter the
reference number of the desired airway.
c. Enter the airway terminator on the Airway Terminator Page and return to Flight Plan Page 1.
Continue entering waypoints into the flight plan to the destination airport.

Insert a SID into a Flight Plan

If a SID has been issued as part of the ATC clearance, it may be linked to the flight plan.
1. From any Flight Plan Page, press [MENU].
2. On Flight Plan Menu Page 1/2, press [DEPART], LSK [4L].
3. The Departure Page will pre-fill with the departure airport. Enter the reference number of the
runway at LSK [2R]. The cursor will advance to the SID field and a list of available SIDs will
4. Select the SID by entering the reference number. A list of transitions will appear.
5. Select a transition by entering the reference number.

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6. Press FPL, LSK [5R], to return to the active flight plan. The procedural legs of the SID will now be
a part of the flight plan.
When a SID, STAR and approach are linked into a flight plan, *NO LINK* will be inserted at the transition
points if the end waypoint of one procedure is not exactly the same as the beginning waypoint of the
next procedure. These can occur at the SID-to-Enroute, the Enroute-to-STAR and/or the STAR-to-
Approach transitions.
Delete the *NO LINK* using Flight Plan editing techniques or go Direct To another waypoint after the
*NO LINK* in order to maintain a continuous flight plan sequence.

Weight and Fuel Initialization

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Crossfill Fuel data:

1. Press [FUEL]
2. Press [MENU]
3. Press LSK [1R] to open the FUEL XFILL 1/1 page.
4. Select the applicable LSK for the FMS from which information will be sought. Data will then
crossfill from the chosen FMS to the other.
5. Press [RETURN]

Enter Fuel Data

1. Press [FUEL] to access Fuel Page 1. The BASIC WT and Reserves plan values will be pre-filled with
the values last used or loaded from the configuration module programmed at the time of
2. Enter the aircraft's ZFW (Zero Fuel Weight) in pounds at LSK [4L].
3. Enter the FUEL ONBOARD: Press LSK [5R] to highlight the field and then enter the total fuel
4. Enter the TOTAL RESERVES:
a. Press LSK [4R] to highlight TOTAL RESRVS and enter the total reserves for the planned
flight in pounds.
b. Or, the total reserves may be computed with the entry of the ALTERNATE, HOLD and
EXTRA field values, LSKs [1-3R].
The zero fuel weight and total fuel on board are used by the system to compute the aircraft's gross

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Load Sheet and Take-off Data

When the final load sheet is received, the Captain checks it and F/O:
• Selects the FMS FUEL page 1/5.
• Confirms or enters the Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) and Fuel
• Compares the GROSS WT with the load sheet.
• Set T/O speeds accordingly using RTOW chart and TOLD card (Give required correction for
Reduced Power setting or Wet runway condition)
• Finally both pilots cross check the values.
At the Captain’s discretion, the First Officer may carry out these checks. The Captain signs the load sheet
and sets the Elevator Trim according to the load sheet value (MACTOW).


Standard/default Passenger weights (Lbs):

Adult Male 165 lbs.
Adult Female 165 lbs.
Child 88 lbs.
Infant 22 lbs.

Cabin Baggage weight:

- Cabin baggage weights are included in the above mentioned passengers’ weights.

Checked Baggage weight:

Weight per piece Actual
Weight per Passenger 44 lbs.
Note: Enter actual weight for checked in baggage.

Last Minute Change (LMC):

- Max 2 Adult Pax or 400 lbs. (Pax+Baggage+Cargo)
- Max 400 lbs. Fuel.

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Reduced Power Takeoff

To conserve engine life, the standard Company take-off is made using a reduced or flexible power
setting. Reduced torque settings are obtained from the Runway Analysis Tables of Performance

To obtain a reduced power setting, find the weight that is nearest to, but greater than or equal to, your
actual takeoff weight in the applicable max weight/limit code/max V1 column. Use the power setting and
the max V1 associated with the assumed temperature. Takeoff speeds must be determined based on the
assumed temperature.

For reduced power take-offs, the NTOP (90%) rating can be lowered, in stages, by pressing the DEC
button on the RED TOP Selector on the Engine Control Panel. The first press selects 88%, the second
selects 87%, then 85%, 83% and 81%. The selected Rating is shown on the ED underneath the green
NTOP indication. If an error is made in the setting, it can be reset to NTOP by pressing the RESET button.
Rated Torque is also seen as a blue bug on the Torque Gauge.

The procedures must not be used in association with icing conditions, contaminated surface procedures,
de-iced aircraft conditions or first flight of the day.

The following limitations apply to the use of Reduced Power:

• The minimum torque for the assumed OAT is 81% (static).

• On the first flight of the day a Normal Take-off Power (NTOP) is required.
• The auto-feather arm light must illuminate as normal during the take-off.

If an Uptrim is commanded with reduced TOP, the reduced power will apply to the requested power and
the resulting MTOP will be less than 100%. This power will meet all necessary performance

If more than one take-off point may be offered by ATC, check the performance for all points. Frequently,
it is only necessary to check the conditions for the worst case and then use these speeds for all cases. If
necessary, calculate the data for more than one point; bug for the most likely point and have the other
data readily available.

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Departure Briefing should be carried out by the Pilot Flying and completed 20 minutes before
Departure. Both pilots must cross check all items are correctly set that mentioned in the briefing.

Captain’s Briefing

a) Normal Briefing:
BG___ from DAC to ___, flight plan set on FMS and fuel onboard is _____ lbs.
This will be left hand seat takeoff using Flap 5/10/15. Acceleration altitude is ____ ft and takeoff
alternate is ___.

1. Chart briefing (Taxi, Rwy, SID),

2. Weather briefing (Departure, enroute, destination and alternate),
3. Operational briefing (Any MEL/CDL, Rwy condition, reduced power setting and anything that
might affect the performance of the aircraft),
4. NOTAMs.

b) Emergency Briefing:
Up to V1 we will call for any Caution or Master warning and anything unsafe for flight. I will call
“Reject” and reject action is with me. You will monitor deceleration and advise tower
“Bangladesh __ stopping on the runway, standby”. After the aircraft comes to complete stop, I
will set the Emergency brake and command, “Cabin crew standby at stations”. Then we will do
the ON GROUND NON-NORMAL checklist. We might vacate the runway if it is safe to do so.

If any malfunction occurs at or above V1, I will continue takeoff. No action below 400ft AGL
except for Gear Up and silencing any aural warning. Below acceleration altitude memory items
only for:

After reaching acceleration altitude: Clean up, memory items, QRH then After Takeoff Checklist.
We will climb to MSA ____ ft or higher. Then evaluate the situation and take appropriate

Any question?

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F/O’s Briefing

a) Normal Briefing:
BG___ from DAC to ___, flight plan set on FMS and fuel onboard is _____ lbs.
This will be right hand seat takeoff using Flap 5/10/15. Acceleration altitude is ____ ft and
takeoff alternate is ___.

1. Chart briefing (Taxi, Rwy, SID),

2. Weather briefing (Departure, enroute, destination and alternate),
3. Operational briefing (Any MEL/CDL, Rwy condition, reduced power setting and anything that
might affect the performance of the aircraft),
4. NOTAMs.

b) Emergency Briefing:
Up to V1 we will call for any Caution or Master warning and anything unsafe for flight. Captain
will call “Reject” and reject action is with Captain. I will monitor deceleration and advise tower
“Bangladesh __ stopping on the runway, standby”. After the aircraft comes to complete stop,
you will set the Emergency brake and command, “Cabin crew standby at stations”. Then we will
do ON GROUND NON-NORMAL checklist. We might vacate the runway if it is safe to do so.

If any malfunction occurs at or above V1, I will continue takeoff. No action below 400ft AGL
except for Gear Up and silencing any aural warning. Below acceleration altitude memory items
only for:

After reaching acceleration altitude: Clean up, memory items, QRH then After Takeoff Checklist.
We will climb to MSA ____ ft or higher. Then evaluate the situation and take appropriate

Any question?

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Avionics, FMS and V speeds will be set-up as soon as information becomes available before starting the
engines using APU or GPU power. Both crew members will be in the cockpit for the engine start. The RH
Pilot will monitor the LH Pilot during engine starting and make all required callouts.
The crew will maintain communication (by visual hand signal or by interphone) with a qualified ground
crew at all times during Push back and engine start (Refer to OM 10.3.4 for hand signal techniques). The
LH Pilot will perform the engine start while being monitored by the RH Pilot. Either pilot will call out any
abnormal indications. The normal start sequence is to start #2 engine first followed by #1. This
technique allows for an easier evacuation if required during the first engine start. If circumstances
require a different start sequence, this should be coordinated with the ground crew and briefed prior to
the start. Starting should be planned in such a way that taxiing can be commenced without delay after
starting the second engine. In the event of an engine fire during start, both engines should be shut down
immediately in accordance with the appropriate memory items. ATC and ground crew must be informed
and evacuation considered.

Push Back
The Push Back Manoeuvre is to be performed with Nosewheel Steering switched to Off and all 3 green
gear locked down advisory lights illuminated. ‘Push Back and Start Approved’ checklist must be
completed before commencing push back. Only one engine can be started if ground crew allowed but
Condition Lever shall not be above Start/Feather selection.
After completion of push back crew must verify that tow bar is disconnected before doing the ‘After
Start’ flow.
Using proper phraseologies with ground crew at the time of push back are important.

Example of some standard communication between Cockpit and Ground during Push Back/Start:

Cockpit Crew Ground Crew

When cleared to push back:
“Cockpit to ground, we are cleared to Push
face --.” “Ground to cockpit, commencing push back
face --, release Parking Brake.”
“Cockpit to ground, Parking Brake released.”
“Ground to cockpit, cleared to start Engine # 2”
“Starting Engine # 2.”
When the push back is complete:
“Ground to cockpit, push back is complete. Set
the Parking Brake to ON.”
“Parking Brake set to ON.”
After both Engine start successfully and ‘After
Start’ flow check:
“Both Engine good start, clear to disconnect, give
hand signal.” “All connections disconnected, standby for
hand signal on your Right/Left.”

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External Check……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Completed
Cockpit Preparation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Completed
Briefing………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Completed
Ensure the take-off briefing has been completed.

BEFORE START (Checklist)

Escape Hatch………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Closed
Alt Gear Door / L/G Inhibit Switch…………………………………………………………………………………Closed / NORM
Check that:
• LANDING GEAR EXTENSION INHIBIT switch is set to NORMAL and the red guard is closed.
Circuit Breakers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Check
BATTERY MASTER, MAIN, AUX & STBY BATT Switches……………………………………………………………………. ON
• Check MAIN BATTERY, AUX BATTERY and STBY BATTERY caution lights out
• Check voltages on the MFD Electrical Systems page.
Passenger Signs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
Make sure the passenger signs are to the FASTEN BELTS and NO SMOKING positions.
Emergency Lights……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Arm
• Make sure EMERGENCY LIGHTS switch is in the ARM position.
• Make sure EMER LTS DISARMED caution light is off.
Anti-Skid………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
Set ANTI-SKID switch to ON position and check:
• INBD ANTI SKID and OUTBD ANTI SKID caution lights are off.
Fuel Transfer / QTY…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF / Check
• Make sure the FUEL TRANSFER switch is OFF.
• Make sure that both green VALVE OPEN lights are off on the MFD - Fuel Systems page.
• Make sure the quantity of fuel indicated on the MFD - Fuel page, is sufficient for the flight.
Maximum fuel imbalance between contents of main fuel tanks is 600 lbs.
Emerg Brake / Pressure ………………………………………………………………………………………………………ON / Check
• Make sure the EMERGENCY / PARKING BRAKE LEVER is set to PARK.
• Make sure the PK BRK gauge on the MFD indicates hydraulic pressure above 500 psi for starting
engine # 2 and 1000 psi if starting engine # 1 first.
If not, replenish pressure above 1500 psi, then set the EMERGENCY / PARKING BRAKE LEVER to PARK.
POWER Levers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DISC
Make sure Power Levers are at DISC.
Condition Levers…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… FUEL OFF
Take-off Data…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Reviewed
Review take-off data, mass.

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Takeoff data and speeds……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…Set
Review final take-off data and set speeds.
Door / Fuelling Lights…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Out
Make sure the following lights are off:
• FUSELAGE DOORS warning light
• FUELLING ON caution light
APU Bleed……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
Check APU BL AIR OPEN advisory light goes off.
Recirc Fan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
Anti-Collision………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Red
Make sure the FLT DATA RECORDER caution light is off.
Engines…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Clear for Start
The captain normally starts the # 2 engine first and communicates with ground crew.
The first officer looks out to make sure the propeller area is clear of all personnel and equipment before
starting the engine.


Takeoff data and speeds……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…Set
Review final take-off data and set speeds.
Door / Fuelling Lights…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Out
Make sure the following lights are off:
• FUSELAGE DOORS warning light
• FUELLING ON caution light
APU Bleed……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
Check APU BL AIR OPEN advisory light goes off.
Recirc Fan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
Anti-Collision………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Red
Make sure the FLT DATA RECORDER caution light is off.
Nosewheel Steering…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Off
Emergency Brake (Confirm with Ground) ……………………………………………………………………………… Released
Release brake when ground crew advised to release.
Engines…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Clear for Start
Only one engine is allowed to start during push back if ground crew permits.

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Start Procedure


ENGINE START SELECT Switch……… Pull out then Set to # 2
Observes SELECT Light illuminates.
Call: “Starting engine #2, check clear”. Makes sure the area is clear.
Call: “Clear #2”.

ENGINE START Switch……………………………….…………… Press

Makes sure START Light illuminates. Starts stopwatch running to time the
NOTE: When conducting an engine start using external
power or the APU, # 2 engine oil pressure may
momentarily indicate full scale deflection upon selection of
the ENGINE START Switch for # 1 or # 2 engine. # 2 engine
oil pressure should immediately return to normal values.

At 1st indication of NH:

Sets Condition Lever to START / FEATHER.

When SELECT light goes out:

Call: “Select light out”.
Bleed Air #2………………………ON/Normal
Check MAIN BATT load 0.4 or less:
Call: “Load good”

NOTE: Fuel flow indication on ED is not accurate until the engine is stable at idle NH.
Check that engine accelerates to above 64.2% NH and ITT does not exceed 920°C.
Observe SELECT and START Lights out
For the appropriate engine, make sure oil pressure is greater than 44 psi, ENG OIL PRESS Warning
Light, ENG FUEL PRESS and ENG HYD PUMP Caution Lights out.
If APU starting, check DC GEN Caution Light is out.
1. ENGINE SELECT Light will remain illuminated for approximately 15 s after ENGINE START and
SELECT Switches off.
2. Check # 2 Generator and Main Battery load, both should be decreasing after engine start.
It is suggested that a MAIN BATT load of 0.4 or less should be achieved before attempting the
start of the 2nd engine.

Repeat start procedure for other engine.

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AFTER START (Checklist)

EXT PWR / APU ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………OFF

After both engines have started and stabilized, set the DC EXT PWR switch to OFF and make sure:
• DC EXTERNAL POWER advisory light on the MFD - Electrical Systems page goes off.
• Signal ground crew to remove external power cable.
• # 1 DC GEN and # 2 DC GEN caution lights go off.
If the APU was used, shut it down as follows:
• Push APU GEN Switch.
Make sure the GEN ON advisory light goes out and the GEN WARN advisory light illuminates.
advisory lights out and FUEL VALVE CLOSED advisory light illuminates.
Main Bus Tie……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………OFF
Bleed Air 1 and 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON / As Req’d
• Set BLEED AIR CONTROL switches to 1 and 2 positions.
• Turn the BLEED FLOW CONTROL rotary knob to the desired position.
Battery Temps……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check
Monitor the battery temperatures after engine start on the MFD - Electrical Systems page.
Condition Levers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………MAX
Move CONDITION LEVERS to MAX position and make sure:
• Propellers unfeather and
• # 1 AC GEN, # 2 AC GEN, L TRU and R TRU caution lights go off.
Recirc Fan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ON
STBY HYD PRESS and PTU CNTRL………………………………………………………………………………………………………ON
(with MS 4-126354 and (MS 4-901472 or MS 4-901473)) advisory lights illuminate.
Hyd #3 Isol Vlv………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Open
HYD # 3 ISOL VLV Switch Press
Check OPEN advisory and ELEVATOR PRESS caution lights illuminate and # 3 HYD PRESS indication on # 2
MFD (2400 - 3100 psi)
HYD Press & QTY………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Make sure the following hydraulic indicators on the MFD show:
• Standby Pressure - 2800 - 3000 psi
• Main Pressure 1 & 2 - 2900 - 3100 psi
• System Quantity (Minimum):
# 1 System 40% minimum.
# 2 System 40% minimum.
# 3 System 40% minimum.
Elevator Travel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Full Travel
Operate Elevator Control through full travel and
check PFCS indication on # 1 MFD for full deflection nose-up and nose-down.
NOTE: Full nose-up elevator travel is indicated by a pointer position defined by assuming the nose-up
index mark is shifted 1/2 arc width down.
HYD # 3 ISOL VLV Switch………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Norm
Check OPEN advisory and ELEVATOR PRESS caution lights out.
NOTE: It will require a small elevator input to extinguish the ELEVATOR PRESS caution light and
bring # 3 HYD PRESS indicator to zero.

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FLIGHT / TAXI ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Check / Taxi

advisory lights illuminate and PFCS indication on # 1 MFD shows LI, RI and LO, RO
SPOILERS extended.
• Set FLIGHT / TAXI switch to TAXI. Check SPOILERS ROLL OUTBD and ROLL INBD advisory
lights out and PFCS indication on # 1 MFD shows LI, RI and LO, RO SPOILERS retracted.
Flap……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Select
Set flap selector lever to desired take-off position and confirm correct indication on # 2 MFD.
DEICE PRESS Indicator………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Confirm DEICE PRESSURE indicator shows 18 ± 3 psi on each dial.
Rudder Travel……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Full Travel
Monitor the PFCS indicator on # 1 MFD for full and free rudder travel.
Ensure that PFCS indicator pointer travels full left and full right to index marks.
NOTE: Any observed restriction or abnormal force detected during the Rudder Control check must be
addressed by maintenance action prior to flight.
* Rudder Actuator Test
Push RUD 1 PUSH OFF switch to OFF and check # 1 RUD HYD caution light illuminates.
Move rudder pedals left to right and check PFCS indication on # 1 MFD for rudder travel.
Push RUD 1 PUSH OFF switch to ON and check # 1 RUD HYD caution light goes out.
Push RUD 2 PUSH OFF switch to OFF and check # 2 RUD HYD caution light illuminates.
Move rudder pedals left to right and check PFCS indication on # 1 MFD for rudder travel.
Push RUD 2 PUSH OFF switch to ON and check # 2 RUD HYD caution light goes out.
NOSEWHEEL STEERING…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
Check NOSE STEERING caution light out.
Nose steering is not available for approximately 8 s after selection of STEERING Switch to STEERING.
WINDSHIELD HEAT………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d
Set windshield heat selector to OFF or NORM. Check WSHLD CTRL caution light out.
NOTE: Do Not select windshield heat to NORM when SAT is greater than 20°C.
PLT SIDE WDO / HT Switch………………………………………………………………………………………………………As Req’d
Under conditions of slush or wet snow covered taxiways:
WX RADAR / NAV / COM…………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………. Set
• Set Wx Radar rotary selector to STBY.
• Check required "TO/FROM" and "NEXT" legs for departure are indicated on the pilot and co-pilot
• Check required VHF Comm, VHF Nav and ADF frequencies are programmed for taxi, take-off and
TRANSPONDER………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. As Req’d
If required to squawk an assigned transponder code during taxi:
• Set required ATC code and select ATC ON.
PFD / MFD / ED ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Check
Check Primary Flight Display, Multi-Function Display and Engine Display for failure messages.
Check required nav source, course, distance-to-go, heading and map information is correctly displayed
on pilot and co-pilot displays for departure.
YAW DAMPER…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As required
Check YD advisory pointers illuminate if engaged.

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Note: Taxi in reverse is not recommended unless it is absolutely necessary.

For taxiing in reverse use the following procedure:
NOSEWHEEL STEERING…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
Check NOSE STEERING caution light out.
Nosewheel……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… Centered
Steering tiller and rudder pedal………….…………………………………………………………………………….…. Centered
Do Not use steering tiller or rudder pedals during reverse taxiing. Turning is not allowed in reverse.
CAUTION: Exercise extreme care when taxiing in reverse due to the length of the fuselage.
NOTE: Taxiing in reverse should only be conducted on paved surfaces and in crosswinds less than 10 kt.

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When the ‘After Start’ Checklist is complete, the First Officer calls ATC for taxi instructions. When
clearance has been received, each pilot checks that his side of the aircraft is clear of obstructions before
taxiing. The Captain calls “Clear left” and the First Officer calls “Clear right”. The Captain releases the
parking brake, switches on the taxi light and confirms ‘Clear’ signal received from ground crew before
applying power.
Avoid any Head Down work until clear of the congested area like apron. Apart from very short duration
halts, the Parking Brake must always be applied when the aircraft is stationary. Whenever the Parking
Brake is applied check that the PARKING BRAKE caution is ON. Release the brakes gently to avoid
passenger discomfort. To ensure that the aircraft moves away smoothly, the power levers should be
moved from DISC into the mid discing range until the aircraft is positively moving forward (especially if
there is a strong headwind or upslope). Should the aircraft accidentally move backwards severe damage
to the nosewheel steering can be caused. During taxi the Capt. will check the brakes.
Taxiing is easily accomplished using a combination of Tiller and/or Rudder Steering, brakes and
variations of power in the discing range.

Taxi Technique

There is a tendency to taxi faster than desired, especially when turning off the runway after landing. The
appropriate taxi speed will depend on the turn radius and surface condition. Nosewheel scrubbing
indicates excessive steering angles or excessive taxi speed for the surface conditions.
Flight crew should avoid riding the brakes during taxi operations. Taxi speed should be regulated
primarily through the use of power (DISC). At slow speeds, if the brakes are required, they should be
used smoothly and positively applied towards maximum pressure to enable a complete stop.
Be extra cautious on concrete surfaces, especially when wet. Avoid the use of excessive steering angles
other than at very low speed. Do not apply brakes in turns unless absolutely necessary.
The anti-skid system is inactive below 10kts
The recommended taxi speeds are:
• Straight taxiing on dry surfaces, up to 30 knots.
• Straight taxiing on wet or contaminated surfaces, 15 knots.
• Turning on a dry surface, 10 knots.
• Turning on a wet or contaminated surface, 10 knots.

Note: Minimum Taxiway width for Taxiing is 50 ft.

The taxi light should be ON whenever the aircraft is taxiing and OFF when the aircraft is on stand or
during push back or taxiing in to stand. Captain operates the taxi light switch.

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Runway Incursion Avoidance

To avoid runway incursion, a thorough taxi chart briefing is compulsory using the Airport Charts before
taxi for takeoff & for taxi after landing.
• On pre-flight briefing PF should brief in details of possible taxiway route to take-off point which
should include confirmation before turning on taxi ways & hot spot point.
• Clearance given to other aircraft should be monitored closely.
• Appropriate transponder must be used at airports as required.
• PF should avoid head down attitude.
• All taxi clearances should be written clearly & read back.
• Must verify takeoff & landing runway & cross-check.
• TCAS should be used appropriately to display traffic on final approach.
• High intensity white lights should be ON before entering the runway & taxi/approach/landing
lights should be ON while lining up on the runway and after getting “Clear to Land” clearance.
• Standard RT phraseology & sterile flight deck must be maintained.

TAXI CHECK (Checklist)

The following items are to be checked during the taxi phase. However, they should be completed early
enough so as to allow both pilots to monitor their surroundings while taxiing to the active runway.
Taxi Light…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………As Req’d
Altimeters………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Set
Make sure the current altimeter setting is on the pilot’s and co-pilot’s barometric altimeters and the
standby altimeter. Compare altitude indications on pilot’s and co-pilot’s PFD.
NOTE: Altimeter altitude readout must be within 60 ft below 5000 ft and vary linearly to 100 ft at
10000 ft cross check with standby altimeter in case of mismatch.
Flight Instruments……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Check
Go through all the indications and set-ups on the PFD (e.g.: FMA modes, altitude, speeds, acceleration
altitude, QNH, Rwy heading, any messages, caution or any flags and failures).
TANK 1 AUX PUMP / TANK 2 AUX PUMP Switches…………………………………………………………………………. ON
Check TANK 1 AUX PUMP ON and TANK 2 AUX PUMP ON advisory lights illuminate.
AUTOFEATHER Switch………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Select
Check autofeather SELECT advisory light illuminates on PROPELLER CONTROL panel and A/F SELECT
appears on ED
CAUTION: If A/F ARM advisory fails to appear on ED when Power Levers are advanced to the
Rating detent, take-off must be rejected.
FLAP Lever……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Set / Ind
Confirm desired take-off setting on FLAP indication on # 2 MFD.
Trims…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Set
Set the 3 trim controls:
• Aileron and rudder trim indicators to 0 position
• Elevator trim indicator within the white take-off (TO) range.
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1. When setting the elevator trim, holding the elevator trim switch for greater than 3 s will cause the
“elevator trim in motion’ audio tone to sound and the ELEVATOR TRIM SHUTOFF switch PUSH OFF
advisory light to illuminate.
2. avoid possible activation of the Take-off Configuration aural warning, with a Centre of Gravity at / or
near the FWD or AFT Limit, set the ELEVATOR TRIM with the trim pointer “one half of the pointer's
width” inside the forward edge (with AFT CG) or inside the aft edge (with FWD CG) of the TO trim band.
Condition Levers………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. __ % / MAX
Move CONDITION LEVERS to MAX position and set friction as required. Check NTOP appears on ED.
Press DEC to reduce the Torque if planned for Reduced Power Takeoff.
T/O WARN……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Test
Select T/O WARN switch to TEST and hold.
Confirm take-off warning horn does not sound then release switch.
NOTE: The take-off warning horn will sound if any of the following conditions are not met:
• Inboard or outboard spoilers are extended,
• Elevator trim is outside of the take-off range,
• Emergency Brake lever set to Park,
• One or both Condition Levers not set to MAX,
• Flap position outside the range of 5o to 15o.
Pitot Static Heat Switches………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ON
Set PITOT STATIC PORTS switches to STBY, 1 and 2 positions.
Ice Protection………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d
Make sure de-icing and anti-icing switches are set as required for take-off in the ambient conditions.
Caution / Warning Lights……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check
Make sure all caution and warning light annunciators are out unless stated in MEL.
Flight Clearances……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Reviewed
Match all the settings with actual ATC Clearance.
Cabin………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Secure
Confirm cabin is “Secured for Takeoff” call is received from the Purser before entering the Rwy.

LINE UP (Checklist)

These items should be done as early as possible after being cleared to line up on to the active runway.
This allows both pilots to monitor runway surroundings before and while entering the active runway.
Flight Attendant Notification…………………………………………………………………………………………………. As Req’d
Notify the cabin crew members that the clearance for take-off has been received.
Bleed Air 1 and 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………MIN / As req’d
• Turn the BLEED FLOW CONTROL rotary knob to MIN.
• Set the BLEED switches to OFF
Anti-Collision……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… White
YAW DAMPER………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… On
Check YD advisory pointers illuminate.
Transponder / TCAS………………………………………………………………………………….… Squawk__ / TA ONLY ABV
Make sure the correct transponder code is inserted, then set the transponder to ON / ALT on the ARCDU
panel by pressing line select key 4R (ATC) on ARCDU for more than 2 s.
Observe TA ONLY is annunciated on EHSI / PFD and TA ONLY ABV is annunciated on the ND / MFD.

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WX RADAR / TERRAIN………………………………………………….……………………….………………………………. As Req’d

• PF will keep WXR and PM will keep TERR on their respective MFD
• Set Wx Radar rotary selector to ON.
• Pressing the STAB button 4 times within 3 secs will allow the WXR ground operation.
• Press the WX / TERR button in the EFIS panel to display the Terrain mode.
Flight Controls……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Check / Free
Check the operation and freedom of movement of flight controls and spoilers through full travel and
note appropriate PFCS indications on # 1 MFD.
NOTE: Full spoiler extension is indicated by a pointer position defined by assuming the full extension
index mark is shifted 1 arc width down.
FLIGHT / TAXI Switch………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… FLIGHT
Make sure the FLIGHT / TAXI switch on the GLARE SHIELD is in the FLIGHT position.
Check SPOILERS ROLL OUTBD and ROLL INBD advisory lights turn on and the PFCS indication on # 1 MFD
shows LI, RI and LO, RO spoilers extend.
NOTE: Full spoiler extension is indicated by a pointer position defined by assuming the full extension
index mark is shifted 1 arc width down.
Landing / Taxi Lights……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON / OFF
Turn ON the APPROACH and FLARE lights.
The Taxi light may be turned off at this time.

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The primary responsibility of the PF during take-off is to fly the airplane while the primary responsibility
of the PM is to monitor the airplane systems and call out any abnormalities to the PF. The PIC will decide
to “Continue” or “Reject” Takeoff in case of any malfunction, or any unsafe condition occurs before V1
The heading bug will be set to the departure runway magnetic heading, the Flight Director ‘Go Around’
mode will be selected to provide the correct take-off pitch attitude, “HDG” for lateral control and “ALT
SEL” for altitude capture protection.
Under normal conditions during take-off roll the nosewheel steering tiller should not be used above 20
knots. Directional control is maintained using the rudder pedals; initially, rudder pedal steering is used;
the rudder becomes effective between 40 and 60 knots. The column is normally held in the fore and aft
neutral position (the neutral pitch control position) during the take-off ground roll. On slippery runways
or in crosswinds, the column should be held slightly forward of neutral to improve nosewheel steering.
For take-off rotation, only a moderate rate of rotation is required (pitch angles greater than 8° may
cause a tail strike). The aircraft should be rotated smoothly towards the target pitch attitude; use a
rotation rate of approximately 2 to 3° per second. Do not initiate the rotation before VR. Less force is
required to rotate the aircraft at aft cg. Do not rotate the aircraft aggressively.
The critical engine is the No 1 engine.
At 80 knots, PM calls “80 knots”; PF responds “80 knots”. PF does not check his ASI; he is merely
acknowledging PM’s call. This serves as an incapacitation check. PM assumes that PF is incapacitated if
he does not reply. When a positive rate of climb is indicated on the altimeter and VSI, PM calls “Positive
climb” ; PF confirms the positive rate of climb and then calls “Gear up”; PM then selects the gear up;
when all the gear lights are out he calls “Gear up – Lights Out”.
With both engines operating:
• Reduced power take-off is recommended whenever performance allows,
• After rotation minimum speed is V2 + 10 knots.
• Minimum altitude to use Bleed ON/NORM is 400’AGL.
• Acceleration altitude is 1000’AGL (unless different Noise Abatement Procedure is specified).
• In clean configuration recommended climb power is Condition Levers 850 and MCL
• After clean up recommended climb speed is 185kts up to FL100.

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Take-off Procedure

Once cleared for take-off, the PM announces the wind direction as “Wind from left/right/straight
ahead/calm” and then PF sets the power levers to detent. The Capt. / LH pilot’s hand must be on the
power levers until V1, so that he can execute the rejected take-off if necessary.
POWER Levers………………………………………………………Advance smoothly to Rating detent with Brakes off
• Check normal take-off power setting (NTOP) is displayed on ED.
• Observe torque matches the torque bugs.
• Check SPOILERS ROLL OUTBD and ROLL INBD advisory lights out and PFCS indication on # 1 MFD
shows LI, RI and LO, RO SPOILERS retracted.
• Check autofeather ARM advisory on ED.
CAUTION: If A/F ARM advisory does not appear on ED, take-off must be rejected.

Use rudder pedals to maintain centerline of runway.

At VR rotate to 8° nose-up to achieve lift-off.
CAUTION: Nose-up pitch attitudes greater than 8° prior to lift-off may cause the tail to touch the

After lift-off, continue rotation to a minimum pitch attitude of 10° to achieve V2 + 10 kt at 35 ft.

Event PF PM
ATC: “Cleared for Takeoff” “Wind from left/right/straight
“I have control” ahead/calm”

Advances POWER Levers to detent.

Check NTOP power setting and
“Check Power” observes torque matches the
torque bugs.
Observes spoiler advisory lights go
out, PFCS indication on # 1 MFD
shows spoilers retracted and
auto-feather ARM annunciation
on ED.

“Power Set”

At 80 KIAS “80 KNOTS”

“80 KNOTS”

At V1 and VR speed At V1: “V1”

Cross checks airspeed, places both At VR: “Rotate”
hands on the control column then
rotates at VR.

After airborne Observes positive rate on

altimeter and IVSI
“Gear UP” “Positive Rate”
Selects Landing Gear Lever Up
When all the gear lights are out,
call “Gear Up – Lights Out”.

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At 400’ AGL “400 ft”

“Bleeds ON / NORMAL” Selects Bleeds - ON / NORM

At acceleration altitude “Acceleration Altitude”

(minimum 1000ft AGL or Confirms speed greater than VFRI
appropriate obstacle “Flaps Zero” Confirms speed VFRI or above
clearance height) Selects Flaps 0

“Auto Feather Off”

“Climb Power 900” (or “850 MCL”) Selects auto-feather off then set
Condition Levers to 900 RPM
detent (or 850 RPM detent then
presses the MCL button)
Checks MCL power setting on ED.
Accelerates to enroute climb
speed. Sets Flight Director
“Set IAS ____” or V/S ____ if “IAS or V/S SET ____”
required to level off at lower
“After Take-Off Flow” Complete the After Take-Off flow

When the aircraft is “Engage Auto Pilot” Press the AP and confirm on PFD
properly trimmed and “Auto Pilot Engaged”

Clear of busy terminal area “After Take-Off Checklist” Complete the After Take-Off
checklist and call
“After Take-Off Checklist

NOTE: The PF will call for the “AFTER TAKE-OFF CHECKLIST” (Read and Do) at his / her discretion once
the airplane is established in the climb and clear of busy terminal airspace (minimum 1000 ft AGL).

CAUTION: It is essential that all crews observe the correct position of Condition Levers when moving them.
There is a gate requiring the levers to be lifted approx. ¼ inch to go into the “Start Feather”
position. In order to prevent accidental lifting of the Condition Levers, fingers should be placed in
front of the Condition Levers (not grabbing them) then retarded SLOWLY observing the correct
Particular attention should be given when 900 rpm is being used (e.g. heavy icing) and then 850
rpm is required afterwards, this would only require one click NOT the usual two clicks used after


The minimum engagement height for the AP is 1000 ft AGL. In high workload situations such as a
departure in a busy TMA, the AP should be engaged as soon as possible after take-off.

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AFTER TAKE-OFF (Checklist)

Landing Gear…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Up
At a positive rate of climb, (indicated on the altimeter and IVSI), select the landing gear selector UP and
make sure the landing gear retracts.
Amber light in the selector handle, amber and red undercarriage advisory lights turn on then go off. All
lights should be off when the gear is up and locked.
After commencement of 3rd segment (minimum 1000 ft AGL) and at or above Flap Retraction Initiation
speed (VFRI), set flap selector lever to 0°.
Check flap indicator and make sure flaps retract to 0°.
Push the AUTOFEATHER switch light and make sure:
• Autofeather SELECT advisory light turns off on the PROPELLER CONTROL panel,
• A/F SELECT indication on the ED turns off.
Climb Power…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Set
CLIMB at 900 RPM:
• Set the CONDITION LEVERS to 900 RPM.
CLIMB at 850 RPM:
• Set the CONDITION LEVERS to 850 RPM and then push the MCL pushbutton on the ENGINE
CONTROL panel.
Bleed Air 1 and 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….ON / As Req’d
• Set BLEED CONTROL switches to 1 and 2 positions.
• Turn BLEED AIR FLOW CONTROL rotary selector to NORM or MAX.
STBY HYD PRESS and PTU CNTRL Switches………………………………………………………………………………….NORM
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………OFF
Check TANK 1 AUX PUMP ON and TANK 2 AUX PUMP ON advisory lights out.
Engine Temps & Pressures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Check
Check all engine instruments on the ED are within limits (no red or yellow indication).
Ice Protection………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….As Req’d
Make sure de-icing and anti-icing switches are set as required for the ambient conditions.
Cabin Press & Temp Controls……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Check
Monitor the cabin pressurization panel to make sure the cabin is pressurizing.
Set Cabin and Flight COMPARTMENT Temperature controls as required.
Passenger Signs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….As Req’d
Seat belt sign must be ON below FL100.

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Crosswind Take-off

• When lining up for a crosswind take-off, consider keeping the controls locked until the aircraft is
aligned with the runway.
• During the take-off run, directional control can be maintained with rudder pedal steering. Partial
aileron-into-wind will assist control, but control wheel input should be limited to prevent
excessive spoiler deployment and a subsequent increase in drag. The required control wheel
deflection will decrease as aircraft speed increases.
• To maintain runway centerline in a strong crosswind, nosewheel steering tiller or a touch of
asymmetric brake at the start of the take-off roll may be required and weight should be kept on
the nosewheel by keeping the control column slightly forward of neutral.
• At VR the aircraft should be lifted off cleanly but smoothly to prevent scuffing the tires as they
leave the ground. Observe the applicable rotation pitch attitude limitations. When safely
airborne, keep the wings level but track to maintain runway direction or follow the applicable
SID for the remainder of the climb.
• Crew callouts and co-ordination are the same as for a normal take-off.

Noise Abatement Procedures

Unless national or local regulations prescribe other noise abatement procedures the following shall
• Climb to 1500 ft above airfield elevation at normal take-off power (take-off flaps/V2 + 10 kt),
• at 1500 ft reduce to max. climb power and increase to V2 + 20 kt,
• at 3000 ft initiate flap retraction and accelerate to enroute climb speed.

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Normal Take-off Profile

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• In normal condition, it is recommended to climb initially in ‘IAS’ mode up to FL100 then in ‘Pitch
Hold’ mode 5°nose up (to facilitate the cabin crew to start the service). Both pilot will monitor
the power during climb.
• Any change in altitude selector must be called out with “_____ ft, ALT SEL” by the PF and PM
will verify.
• In case ATC clears a lower level just after take-off, V/S mode maybe used instead of IAS mode to
attain a maximum rate of climb of 1500 fpm in the last 1000ft. Power should be reduced
accordingly to maintain speed.
• PF must call out “1000 ft to go, ALT SEL” in last 1000ft to level off and PM will verify.
After having called “1000 ft to go, ALT SEL”, the pitch wheel is not to be used. In the unlikely
event that it has to be touched, both crew members are required to confirm that the ALT SEL
indication remains in place or is reselected.
• Care should be taken that the pitch wheel is not accidentally touched during the capture phase
whilst making an AFCS selection as this may result in the loss of the altitude capture function.
• When passing through FL100, PM will:
- Check the pressurization indications for normal operation, and
- Turn off the Approach/Flare lights and Seatbelt sign with Captain’s permission.

Altimeter setting

When climbing though the Transition Altitude set Standard (set 1013/29.92) to all 3 altimeters and
cross check. Keep the local QNH if required to maintain transition altitude.
Passing transition altitude, the PM will call, “Transition Altitude, Set Standard” and the PF will reply,
“Standard Set”.
Note: Altimeter read-outs must be within 60 ft below 5000 ft and vary linearly to 170 ft at 25000 ft.
Cross-check with the standby altimeter in case of mismatch.


• Initial climb speed is Type II: 185 kt up to FL100,

• Then Type I: 210 kt (approx. Pitch 5° nose up) up to FL150,
• Then reduced by approximately 5 kt for every 1000ft thereafter.

Step Climb
It is recommended to use V/S mode 1000-1500 fpm when there is a step climb not more than 2000ft.
In other cases, IAS mode should be used with power set to 850/MCL.

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• The planned altitude shown in the Company Flight Plan is calculated using the Long Range Cruise
(LRC). Captain may choose to vary the chosen level based on schedule keeping, wind velocity,
icing conditions, turbulence etc. In normal circumstances a lower selected level may shorten the
sector time at the cost of a higher fuel burn. Likewise, a lower speed will lower the fuel burn at
the cost of a longer sector time.
(Refer to AOM 5.3.1 for flight level selection with distance and temperature and AOM 5.5 for
cruise data)
• After reaching at cruise altitude, the PF will set cruise power: 850 Np at the detent with MCR
selected and announce “Set TCAS below and do Cruise Checklist”. PF will then adjust the power
levers to achieve desired speed, accept speeds up to VMO-10kts (in turbulence maximum
210kts). Minimum clean speed is 180kts. PM will set TCAS below on ARCDU and carry out Cruise
• After completion of Cruise Checklist, the PF will hand over the control and comm to other pilot
and give a Cruise Briefing if the flight is more than one hour, which should include:
- A/C present position and AP modes,
- FMS, NAV and COMM selections,
- Fuel status,
- WX and terrain ahead,
- Actions to be taken in case of Engine or Pressurization Failure.

PM keeps a check on weather at enroute alternates, destination and destination alternates using
VOLMET and ATIS, keeping a record on the OFP.

Routinely, note should be made of any significant terrain features or obstacles that could be a cause for
concern if the aircraft had to descend to a lower altitude due to loss of engine or cabin pressure.
Consider the best heading for the descent and engine-out stabilizing altitudes.

Fuel and time

Once established in the cruise, PM checks the fuel contents and balance, also do the timing on the OFP.
A formal check of the fuel and time against the OFP is made once for a flight lasting up to one hour with
a further check for every extra 30mins: the checks are recorded on the OFP.

Once established in the cruise, PM checks the following aspects of the systems:
• Hydraulic pressures and quantities
• Duct and cabin temperatures
• Oxygen contents
• Pressurization
In normal condition TA/RA BLW shall be selected from Top of Climb till Landing.

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Maximum Initial Cruise Level Selection versus Stage Length Conditions:

Climb: Type I (high speed)

Cruise: HSC

Descent: Type I (high speed)

(NM) - 20°C - 10°C + 10°C + 20°C + 30°C + 35°C
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
75 110 100 80 80 70 70 70
100 140 130 120 120 120 120 110
125 160 160 140 140 140 130 120
150 190 190 180 170 160 150 140
175 210 200 200 180 170 160 150
200 230 220 210 190 180 170 160
250 250 240 240 210 200 180 170
300 250 250 230 220 200 190
350 230 220 210 200
400 240 230 220 210
500 250 240 230 220

Maximum Initial Cruise Level Selection versus Take-off Mass and Temperature relative to ISA

Climb: Type II (KIAS 185 up to FL 200

KIAS 180 at FL 210

KIAS 170 at FL 230

KIAS 160 at FL 250)

(lb) - 20°C - 10°C + 10°C + 20°C + 30°C + 35°C
64500 250 250 250 250 250 240 230
62000 250 240
60000 250 240
58000 250

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CRUISE (Checklist)

Altimeter altitude readout must be within 60 ft below 5000 ft and vary linearly to 170 ft at 25000 ft.
Cross-check with standby altimeter in case of mismatch.
Power ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………… Set
• Set the CONDITION LEVERS to 850 RPM.
MAX CRUISE with 900 RPM:
• Set the CONDITION LEVERS to 900 RPM and then push the MCR pushbutton on the ENGINE
CONTROL panel.
Cabin Press ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check
Monitor the Cabin Pressurization Panel and make sure:
• Cabin Altitude Rate of Climb has stabilized at 0.
• Cabin Altimeter indicates correct cabin altitude for ambient altitude.
• Cabin Differential pressure indicates a maximum of 5.46 ± 0.1 psi.
Passenger Signs …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………… As req’d
If the seat belt sign must be kept ON due weather, Captain shall inform the Flight attendance.
Lights ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. As req’d
LOGO light may be switched Off at cruise.

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Cruising altitude should be maintained as long as possible with Passenger comfort in mind.
A number of factors affect the top of descent (TOD) point:
• Flight level and airport elevation (initial approach altitude).
• Conditions during descent (wind, icing, and turbulence).
• Weather at destination and alternate (visual or instrument approach).
• ATC requirement.
• Terminal area procedures and runways in use.

Prior to commencing the descent, it is recommended that landing information be obtained through ATC
(ATIS if available). When the relevant information is available, PF will hand over the control and comm
to the other pilot and setup/check the instruments as follows:
• MDA on PFD, *
• VREF and VCLIMB speed on the ASI scale, *
• Inbound/outbound course for approach, *
• GPWS Landing Flap,
• Fuel quantities and imbalance,
• FMS setup for STAR and Approach,
• Nav and Comm frequencies.
Note: Some of the items (*) may be set by both pilots at the same time considering autopilot is engaged.

After setting up, the PF will give the Approach/Landing briefing and then take back the control. Changing
of control shall be minimum in this entire process.

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Approach/Landing Briefing

The Approach/Landing Briefing is a plan of action for the approach, landing and possible missed
Approach/landing briefing and descent checklist should all be completed before the top of descent. The
PF for the approach will brief the arrival; the briefing should be given in an interactive fashion and must
include the following elements:
• Top of descent point,
• Weather and NOTAMS,
• Aircraft status (any U/S equipment that might affect the performance) and configuration for
approach (Flap and speed),
• Fuel, including extra holding capability,
• Terrain, descent profile and safety altitudes,
• Aerodrome, STAR and Approach plates with Missed Approach profile and technique,
• NAV set-up,
• Taxy routing after landing including stopping technique (use of reverser),
• Any special conditions.

The PF shall in the briefing clearly state:

• The intentions and ensure that PM is fully aware of the type of approach to be performed,
• The procedure to be followed in case of a go-around,
• Utilization of AP, setting of navigation aids and checks required during the approach.

DESCENT (Checklist)

Cross-check between pilot and co-pilot’s altimeters.
NOTE: Altimeter altitude readout must be within 60 ft below 5000 ft and vary linearly to 170 ft at
25000 ft.
Set current local QNH on standby altimeter.
Approach / Landing Briefing………………………………………………………………………………………………………Review
Ensure the approach and landing briefing has been completed.
Cabin Alt Controls…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Set
Set the destination field elevation on the Cabin Altitude Indicator.
Ice Protection………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….As Req’d
If icing conditions exist or are anticipated, make sure ice protection is selected for the ambient

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Altimeter setting

When descending though the Transition Level set Local QNH to all 3 altimeters and cross check. Keep
the Standard setting if required to maintain transition level.
Passing transition level, the PM will call, “Transition level, Set QNH ----” and the PF will reply, “---- Set”.
Note: Altimeter read-outs must be within 60 ft below 5000 ft and vary linearly to 170 ft at 25000 ft.
Cross-check with the standby altimeter in case of mismatch.

Descent Procedure

• At Top of Descent point, select a vertical mode and reduce torque.

• Normally descend at Vmo-10kt with a rate of descent of 1500 ft/min or less. When approaching
FL 120, the Power Levers are to be set to Flight Idle to ensure that the speed is 240kt or less as
required by FL100. Adjust rate of descent compatible with distance to go by adjusting torque.
• PF must call out “1000 ft to go, ALT SEL” in last 1000ft to level off and PM will verify.
• After having called “1000 ft to go, ALT SEL”, the pitch wheel is not to be used. In the unlikely
event that it has to be touched, both crew members are required to confirm that the ALT SEL
indication remains in place or is reselected.
• When passing through FL100, PM will:
- Check the pressurization indications for normal operation, and
- Turn On the Approach lights and Seatbelt sign with Captain’s permission.

Descent Rates
In normal condition descent rate should be 1500 ft/min or less.
Below 5000 ft, a rate of descent more than 2000 ft/min should be avoided. If a higher rate is required,
PF must inform PM of the required rate. When close to terrain or close to a level off altitude, high rates
of descent must be avoided.

Descent below Minimum Safe Enroute Altitude

Descent below the Minimum Safe Enroute Altitude may only be made when within 25 nautical miles
from the navigation aid upon which the Minimum Sector Altitude is established for the intended

VNAV Descent
The VNAV function should be used when possible in order to achieve optimal descent.
VNAV provides a desired vertical profile along the flight plan route and computes the aircraft deviation
from that profile for display. The Flight Director and Autopilot are coupled with VNAV and controlled by
pilot inputs selecting that rate of descent for the initial TOD point, then the FMS provides a calculated
rate for subsequent waypoints.
If a VNAV profile is programmed in the FMS, but not slaved, the magenta ‘Glide slope’ can be used for
guidance. However, it will not be accurate if there is a deviation from the flight plan routes, as the
algorithm will allow track miles to regain the flight plan route.

In the normal manner, when cleared by ATC, select the cleared flight level or altitude with ALTSEL, note
this must be at least 200ft below the current altitude and takes preference over VNAV. Two minutes
before the TOD point, a message TOP OF DESCENT ALERT appears. Press VNAV on the FGCP, this will

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activate VNAV. Fifteen seconds before the TOD point, the waypoint annunciator flashes and VNAV

As long as the VNAV on the FGCP has been selected between the TOP OF DESCENT and the VNAV
WAYPOINT ALERT message, VNAV will capture and follow the profile. After this time, arming of the
VNAV is prohibited to prevent abrupt pitch-over maneuvers. In this event, the pilot may manually fly the
profile and within limits, reselect VNAV on the FGCP.
It is important to monitor IAS during VNAV descents.


Holding speed should be minimum 190 kt.

• Use AFCS HDG mode or FMS LNAV mode and ALT mode.
• Configuration for holding is clean.
To descend in a holding pattern:
• Select appropriate vertical mode and reduce power.
In ISA condition and with clean configuration:
MINIMUM FUEL for 30 mins HOLDING (at 1500 ft) = 900 lbs.

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Common basics for a successful approach are:

• Good descent planning
• Careful consideration of approach charts
• Accurate flying and good crew co-ordination
• Maintain attitude and a speed according to stabilized approach concept during the approach.
• If the aircraft tends to deviate from desired glide path or speed, correct this immediately by
small power changes.
A precise approach technique is required not only to ensure safety during the approach itself, but also to
bring the aircraft to a safe stop after touchdown. This is especially important on short runways or when
adverse weather and/or runway conditions exist.

When cleared to an altitude and passing through transition level:

• The left and right BARO SET must be set to the QNH.
• The ISI must be confirmed at the correct QNH.
As soon as practicable, an altimeter check must be made. Once the altimeter check is complete, the
Approach Checklist is to carry out by PM.

APPROACH (Checklist)

Altimeters………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Set
When required, set current altimeter setting on standby altimeter, pilot’s and co-pilot’s altimeters.
Set the current altimeter setting on the Barometric Correction Indicator on the cabin altitude control
Cross-check all altimeters.
NOTE: Altimeter altitude readout must be within 60 ft at SL and vary linearly to 170 ft at 25000 ft.
Cross-check with standby altimeter in case of mismatch.
Lights………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………As Req’d
GPWS Landing Flap……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Select
Set the GPWS LANDING FLAP switch to the desired landing flap configuration
for correct GPWS performance and check appropriate 10°, 15° or 35° advisory light turns on.
Fuel Transfer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
• Make sure fuel asymmetry is within 272 kg (600 lb).
• FUEL TRANSFER switch is OFF.
• VALVE on MFD indicates CLOSED.
Tank Aux Pumps 1 and 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…. ON
Make sure the TANK 1 and TANK 2 AUXILIARY FUEL PUMP switch lights are ON.
STBY HYD PRESS and PTU CNTRL Switches……………………………………………………………………………………. ON
Check STBY HYD PRESS ON, PTU CNTRL ON and PTU pressure advisory lights illuminate.
HYD PRESS & QTY………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check
Make sure the following hydraulic indicators on the MFD show:
• Standby Pressure - 2800 - 3000 psi
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• Main Pressure 1 & 2 - 2900 - 3100 psi

• System Quantity (Minimum):
# 1 System 40%
# 2 System 40%
# 3 System 40%
Passenger Signs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ON
Set fasten belts and no smoking signs to FASTEN BELTS and NO SMOKING position.
Caution / Warning Lights……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Check
Check the caution / warning lights panel and make sure no caution or warning lights are on.
If due to a non-normal situation, one or more caution or warning lights are on, the lights and related
system considerations for landing must be reviewed before landing.
Cabin………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Secure
Confirm with the Cabin Crew that the cabin is secure for landing.

(If icing conditions exist or are anticipated, make sure ice protection is selected for the ambient

LANDING (Checklist)

Ice Protection………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d

If icing conditions exist or are anticipated, make sure ice protection is selected for the ambient
Landing Gear………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Down / 3 Green
Flap………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Set / Ind
Check the flap selector lever and make sure it is set to 10°, 15° or 35° and
the flap indicator on the MFD shows 10°, 15° or 35°.
Condition Levers………………………………………………………………………………………………Reduced Np Max / Max
Bleed Air 1 and 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. As Req’d
• Turn the BLEED FLOW CONTROL rotary knob to MIN.
• Turn BLEED 1 and 2 off.
• Check Cabin Differential maximum 1.0 psi.
Flight Attendant Notification…………………………………………………………………………………………………. As Req’d

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Stabilized Approach

To continue for landing all Biman flights must be stabilized by 1000ft AFE. However, only
in visual Approach, stabilization altitude may be 500ft AFE provided this is preplanned and
is mentioned in the debrief report. An approach is stabilized when all of the following
conditions are met:
1. The aircraft is on correct flight path.
2. Only small changes in heading/pitch are required to maintain the correct flight path.
3. The aircraft speed is not more than VREF+10 and not less than VREF.
4. The aircraft is in the correct landing configuration (delayed Flap maybe considered in case of
Flap35 landing).
5. Sink rate is no greater than 1000ft per minute (except for very brief moments). If an approach
requires a sustained sink rate greater than 1000ft per minute, a special briefing should be
6. Power setting is appropriate for the aircraft configuration and is not on Flight Idle.
7. All briefings and checklists have been conducted, except the LANDING CLEARANCE in case a late
landing clearance is expected.
8. Specific types of approaches are stabilized if they also fulfill the following:
• ILS approaches must be flown within one dot of glideslope and localizer,
• During a circling approach the wings should be level on final when the aircraft reaches 300ft
above airport elevation.
Note: Unique approach procedures or abnormal conditions requiring a deviation from the above
elements of stabilized approach require special briefing.

The above parameters shall be used to determine if an approach has become unstable and if
affirmed as unstable, a go-around shall be decided. If at any time below 1000 AGL the
approach becomes unstable, the PM must call “Unstable, Go Around”. The PF must
act accordingly. The execution of go-around may be made by the pilot flying when the go-
around was decided or optionally the captain may elect to assume control by declaring ‘My
Controls’. If any member of the operating flight crew mentions the fact that the approach
has become ‘unstable’ or calls out ‘go-around’, the call should be respected and acted upon.
A go around will also be initiated from beyond a point at which the limit of the operating
minima specified for the approach in use would be infringed.

Flight crew shall endeavor to land the aircraft within the touch down zone markings.
Touch down should be at 1,000 ft or 300 meters from the threshold if TDZ markings are not
available. The normal touch down zone is 1,500 ft +/- 500 ft.
1. Any landing deeper than 2,500 ft is that the PlC's discretion.
2. Should a landing exceed 2,500 ft maximum reverse thrust MUST be utilized.
3. Should it be anticipated that touch down will occur in excess of 3,000 ft, a go-around is

(For more detailed information refer to OM-A 5.20.17)

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Approach and Landing Procedure


While flying a published Instrument approach, the Approach Plate should be out and placed in a position
where each pilot can easily see it. The PM will monitor the HSI, ADI and altimeters for warning flags
during the approach and will immediately bring any warning flags to the attention of the PF. All Navaids
will be identified and monitored. The following points shall be noted:
• Do not arm APPR or NAV modes until cleared for the approach,
• No descent on the glideslope will be initiated until the localizer is captured and the glideslope
• No pilot may execute an approach when the weather is below the published minimums for that
• If inside the final approach fix and the weather goes below published minimums, the approach
may be continued down to minimums.

Use of Flap
The Runway Analysis Tables and TOLD cards present information for 10, 15 and 35 Flap approach and
landing. However, unless WAT limited, Flap 15 is recommended as the standard setting for a two-engine
approach and landing for runways of 2000m LDA or more. For runways of less than 2000m LDA, 35 Flap
is recommended and is mandatory when 1800m or less or when the icing speed enhancement is applied
to VREF. Note that additional allowances (gust allowance or system failure allowances) are not applied
‘on top’ of icing increment.
Actual Flap settings are confirmed by checking the flap indication on the # 2 MFD and the GPWS
LANDING FLAP switch should be set to the appropriate position.

Minimum Maneuvering Speeds

Flap position Minimum speed (KIAS)

Up 180 kt
5° 160 kt
10° VREF Flap10 + 10 kt
15° VREF Flap15 + 10 kt
35° VREF Flap35 + 10 kt
Minimum maneuvering speed allows bank angles of up to 30°.

Use of Autopilot
It is recommended that the AP is used for an ILS approach when:
• The cloud base is within 200 ft of the decision altitude, or
• The RVR is within 500 m of the minimum RVR for the approach.

Setting Minima
The altimeter minimum selectors are set as follows:
• Category I ILS: Set DA
• Non-precision approach: MDA + 50 ft
• Circling/indirect approach: MDA + 50ft

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Runway Threshold
The runway threshold is the point from which landing distance performance figures are calculated. It will
often be the physical threshold of the runway but may be displaced along the runway.
The threshold crossing height is the height at which the aircraft crosses the runway threshold when on
the correct flight path. It is often referred to as ‘The screen height’; it is 50 ft for most approaches.

Reference Landing Speed

The reference landing speed (VREF) is the speed for the aircraft weight and flap setting.
VREF is defined as 1.23 times the stalling speed in one “g” flight (VS-1g).
Apart from short term fluctuations, the speed on the final approach must not be below VREF.

Approach and Landing with Reduced Np

The Company Standard procedure is to use Reduced NP in normal condition. It is advisable not to use
Reduced NP in turbulent or bad weather condition.

Landing with Bleed On

Bleed should be selected to MIN as part of the Landing Checks.

At 1000 ft AFE if all stabilization criteria met and Landing checklist is complete then the PM will call
“1000, Stable” and continue the approach if weather permits.
Avoid excessive rates of descent during final approach. Descent rates in excess of 1000 ft/min on short
final must be avoided. If an excessive rate of descent develops, a go around must be performed
Once the stabilization point is passed, power off conditions should be avoided until the flare.
The landing shall not be made until the checklist has been completed. An abnormality encountered
during the approach phase should be cause for executing a missed approach, followed by a climb to a
safe altitude for an investigation of the problem in an organized manner. Close attention shall be paid to
safe airplane attitude, altitude, airspeed and heading.
As visual cues become available, the PM should advise the PF as to the relative position of the runway
threshold, e.g. “Runway ---- O’clock”. If at any time after descending below the DA/MDA the PF loses
sight of the ground or runway environment, he/she shall immediately execute a missed approach
procedure and notify ATC.
After reaching minimums, or 500 feet AGL in VMC, and with the approach lights or runway in sight, the
PF will announce “Landing”.
The call “Landing” indicates:
• Visual cues are verified
• PF’s attention will from then on be predominantly outside
• PF intends to land
• Airplane is in a position from which a safe landing can be made
• Landing clearance has been received
The PM shall monitor the instruments to ensure a normal approach until touchdown.

If at any time during the approach, there are unresolved discrepancies between crew members about
course, heading, altitude, position, procedures or configuration, a missed approach should be initiated.
Any disagreements between pilots or instruments will then be resolved at a safe altitude.
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Precision Approach

• Select Flap 5 and maintain speed 170 kt when entering the approach,
• Select APPR when within 90° of the final approach track and on or below the glide path,
• At LOC*, set the GA heading on Heading Bug and at GS*, set the altitude selector to GA altitude,
• When one and half dot below GS, select Gear down, Flap 15, Condition lever Max (or RDC Np
Max), speed VREF + 10 and carry out Landing checklist,
• Power setting on glideslope with gear down and flaps 15° is approximately 13% - 17%. Small
power changes should be made on approach,
• For Cat I ILS, set applicable DA on the MDA selector,
• If visual contact is made by PF before DA, he calls “Visual”. If visual contact is made by PM
before decision altitude, he calls “Visual” followed by what he has seen (lights or runway) and
the direction,
• At DA, PF will call out “Landing” if visual references assured,
• Disengage autopilot the latest at 200 ft AGL,
• Reduce power as required to achieve VREF at 50 ft (or TCH) above runway threshold,
• Attitude changes should be minimal if approach is stabilized.

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Precision Approach Procedure

Event PF PM
Approaching IAF or overhead “Pumps ON, speed check, Turn STBY HYD and PTU ON, Confirm
Navaid Flap 5” VFE,
Selects Flap 5
“Flap 5, indicating”

Cleared to establish on the Select APPR Selects APPR if requested

localizer (When within 90° of
Final Approach track)

Localizer alive “Localizer alive” “Checked”

LOC* “Loc star” “Checked”

Set GA heading Selects GA heading if requested

LOC “Localizer captured” “Checked”

Glideslope alive “Glideslope alive” “Checked”

At approximately one and a half “Gear down” Confirm VLO,

(1.5) dots below glideslope or Select gear down,
Approaching FAF inbound Observe 3 green,
“Gear down”

“Flap ---” Confirm VFE

Select Flap ---,
“Speed checked, Flap ---"

“Condition Levers Max” Sets Condition Levers to MAX detent,

or, or
“Reduced Np Max” Selects RDC NP switch,
Sets Condition Levers to MAX detent,
Observes RDC NP LANDING on ED.

“Landing checklist” Complete the Landing checklist

“Landing checklist complete”

GS* “GS star” “Checked”

Set GA altitude Set GA altitude if requested

GS “Glideslope captured” “Checked”

At Final Approach Fix (Inbound) “˂FAF Name and altitude˃”


1000 ft AGL “1000, Stable”

“Checked” Or, if not stable
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Or, “Unstable, Go around”

“Go-around, set power”
(Carry out Go-around

ATC: “Cleared to land” Turn ON Landing/Flare and Taxi lights

and inform PF:
“Cleared to land, wind from
left/right/straight ahead/calm”

500 ft AGL “500”

“Checked” Reconfirm all parameters are within
stabilization limit

Visual contact by PF before DA “Visual” “Checked”

Visual contact by PM before DA “Visual…Lights/Runway…

100 ft above DA “100 ft to Minima”


At DA “Minima”
“Landing” Or,
Or, “Minima, no contact”
“Go-around, set power”
(Carry out Go-around

NOTE: When a different flap setting is used for landing from that used for approach, the PF will call for
the “Landing checklist” prior to landing flap selection. At completion of the checklist the PM will call
“Landing checklist complete”– Flap 15 or 35 to go”.

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Precision Approach Profile

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Non-precision Approach

• Start the approach pattern with Flap 5 and speed 170 kt,
• Set applicable MDA + 50 on the MDA selector,
• Recommended modes to carry out non-precision approach are VOR+V/S or VOR APP+V/S or
• When established on final approach path and upon reaching the configuration point (approx.
3 NM to Final Descent Point), select Gear down, Flap 15, Condition lever Max (or RDC Np Max),
speed VREF15 + 10 (or VREF35 + 20 in case of Flap 35 landing) and carry out Landing checklist,
• At 0.5 NM to FDP, select MDA in altitude selector with ALT SEL and select V/S -0.
• At FDP, start descent at the appropriate descent rate,
• Power should be adjusted to maintain VREF +10 kt during step down approach,
• Transition from “approach” to “landing” should not be made until visual indications exist to
ensure a safe glideslope (visual approach slope indication or good ground reference to ensure
safe glideslope),
• If visual contact is made by PF before MDA, he calls “Visual”. If visual contact is made by PM
before MDA, he calls “Visual” followed by what he has seen (lights or runway) and the direction.
• At MDA, PF will call out “Landing” if visual references assured,
• Autopilot disengaged, Flight Director to standby, GA altitude set,
• If Flap 35 landing: Select Flap 35,
• Reduce speed to VREF,
• Power as required to initiate descent and to achieve VREF at 50 ft (or TCH) above runway

Note: Final Descent Point (FDP)

(Final inbound altitude x 3) ÷ 1000 + 0.5 = Distance from the landing runway threshold.
e.g.: (1400 ft x 3) ÷ 1000 + 0.5 = 4200 ÷ 1000 + 0.5 = 4.2 + 0.5 = 4.7 NM from landing
runway threshold.
Be aware of the distance relative to the runway if using a Navaid for distance reference.

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Non-precision Approach Procedure

Event PF PM
Approaching the IAF or on radar “Pumps ON, speed check, Turn STBY HYD and PTU ON, Confirm
vectors to intercept the final Flap 5” VFE,
approach course Selects Flap 5
“Flap 5, indicating”

At configuration point (3 NM to “Gear down” Confirm VLO,

FDP) Select gear down,
Observe 3 green,
“Gear down”

“Flap ---” Confirm VFE

Select Flap ---,
“Speed checked, Flap ---"

“Condition Levers Max” Sets Condition Levers to MAX detent,

or, or
“Reduced Np Max” Selects RDC NP switch,
Sets Condition Levers to MAX detent,
Observes RDC NP LANDING on ED.

“Landing checklist” Complete the Landing checklist

“Landing checklist complete”

Approaching the FDP (0.5 NM) Set altimeter selector to

the nearest hundreds of
MDA with ALT SEL and
select V/S – 0

At FDP “Final descent point”

Select appropriate descent
rate on V/S
(approx. 700 – 800 fpm)

At Final Approach Fix (Inbound) “˂FAF Name and altitude˃”


On final descent Calls out step altitudes from

the approach plates

500 ft AGL “500, Stable”

“Checked” Or, if not stable
Or, “Unstable, Go around”
“Go-around, set power”
(Carry out Go-around
Visual contact by PF before “Visual, set GA altitude” “Checked”
MDA Set the GA altitude
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Visual contact by PM before “Visual…Lights/Runway…
MDA Left/Right/…o’clock”

100 ft above MDA “100 ft to Minima”


At MDA “Minima”
“Flap 35”
in case of Flap 35 landing
Or, Or,
Maintain MDA until MAP “Minima, no contact”

At MAP “Missed Approach Point”

“Go-around, set power”
(Carry out Go-around

Note: The final descent point and the FAF may be co-incident.

NOTE: When a different flap setting is used for landing from that used for approach, the PF will call for
the “Landing checklist” prior to landing flap selection. At completion of the checklist the PM will call
“Landing checklist complete”– Flap 15 or 35 to go”.

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Non-precision Approach Profile

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Visual Approach

• Start the downwind leg with Flap 5 / 170 kt. A circuit height of 1500 ft is recommended.
• When abeam landing runway threshold – start time for 40 sec, select Gear down, Flap 15,
Condition lever Max (or RDC Np Max), speed VREF15 + 10 (or VREF35 + 20 in case of Flap 35
landing) and carry out Landing checklist,
• Adjust the descent rate to join the final not lower than at 500 ft,
• Turn to Base leg after 40 sec,
• Call out “Landing” when visual references assured,
• Autopilot disengaged, Flight Director to standby, GA altitude set
• If Flap 35 landing: Select Flap 35,
• Reduce speed to VREF,
• Power as required to initiate descent and to achieve VREF at 50 ft (or TCH) above runway

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Visual Approach Profile

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Missed Approach / Rejected Landing

• PF has a lot of things to do “simultaneously” at the initiation of the go-around. The important
thing is not to lose sight of the aim, which is to get the Power Levers to the detent and the pitch
attitude up to around 10° nose up. To do this the hand on the power levers has to go forward
and the hand on the column has to come back, preceded by a press on the GA button. The
minimum airspeed is VGA.
• The gear is raised when a positive rate of climb is indicated by both the altimeter and the VSI.
• Heading and Altitude Select should only be used after GA-MODE has been selected.
• At the acceleration altitude (1000 ft AGL), the aircraft is accelerated through the flap retraction
• The PM will advise ATC of the missed approach once the airplane is established in the climb.
• A level acceleration is made at the acceleration altitude if one engine is inoperative; otherwise a
climbing acceleration is initiated at the acceleration altitude. Of course, the Go-around
Procedure may be continued all the way to climb to a safe altitude.
• At low weights, high rates of climb are achieved in the go-around. In this case, it may be prudent
to reduce power during the acceleration phase, thus making the process easier to manage.
• The PF will call for the “After Take-Off Checklist” at his / her discretion once the airplane is
established in the climb and clear of busy terminal airspace (minimum 1000 ft AGL).

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Missed Approach / Rejected Landing Procedure

Decision to go-around Simultaneously: Sets Condition Levers to MAX,
Advances power levers to detent, Sets POWER Levers to detent,
Presses GA button (as required), Checks NTOP power setting on ED
Rotates the nose of the aircraft to and observes torque matches the
approximately 10°. torque bugs
“Go-Around, set Power” “Power Set”

If landing flap 35 selected: Selects flap as requested

“Flap 15”

Positive rate of climb Maintains a minimum airspeed of not Observes positive rate
(Altimeter & VSI) less than VGA. “Positive Rate”
“Gear Up, HDG SEL / ALT SEL”
Selects Landing Gear Lever UP,
Selects HDG, ALT SEL and confirms
correct altitude
“HDG and ALT SEL Selected”

At acceleration altitude “Flap 0, Bleeds ON” “Acceleration Altitude”

(minimum 1000ft AGL Confirms speed VFRI or above
or appropriate obstacle Selects Flap to 0°
clearance height) Selects Bleeds - ON / NORM

“Climb Power, 900 (Or 850 MCL)” Sets Condition Levers to 900 RPM
detent (or 850 RPM detent then
the MCL button).
Check MCL power setting on ED
“Climb Power Set”

Accelerates to climb speed.

Sets Flight Director
“Set IAS ____” or V/S ____ if required
“IAS or V/S SET ____”
to level off at lower altitude.

“After Take-Off Flow” Complete the After Take-Off flow

When the aircraft is “Engage Auto Pilot” Press the AP and confirm on PFD
properly trimmed and “Auto Pilot Engaged”
Clear of busy terminal “After Take-Off Checklist” Complete the After Take-Off
area checklist and call
“After Take-Off Checklist

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Missed Approach / Rejected Landing Profile

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• As the aircraft approaches the runway, raise nose slightly to arrest descent (reduce Power
Levers to Flight Idle after touchdown),
• Hold attitude until wheels touchdown. Prolonging the flare unnecessarily increases the landing
distance and increases the risk of a tail-strike; a pitch attitude greater than 6° on touchdown
could lead to a tail strike.
• Do not use Pitch Trim during flare and touch down.
• Power Levers to Flight Idle and then discing after touchdown (check Ground Range lights
• Apply reverse as required.
• In case of a bounced landing, it is recommended that pilots initiate the go-around procedure.

Landing Procedure

Event PF PM
RAD ALT: 100 ft – 0 ft “100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10”
At 20 ft slightly increase pitch
attitude 1-2° to arrest the
descent Below 100 ft, call out “Pitch--”
(Caution: Tail strike may cause anytime pitch attitude increases
at 6° pitch up attitude on flare) to 5° or more

Main wheel touch Power levers to FLIGHT IDLE Checks PROPELLER GROUND
RANGE Advisory lights

Nose gear on the runway Power levers to DISC Check deceleration

60 knots “60 Knots”

Capt. or LH F/O or RH
60 knots “I have control, control locks Engages Control Locks
ON” “You have control, control
Takes control of brakes, rudder locks ON”
and nose wheel steering.

Once clear of runway or landing Switches FLIGHT/TAXI switch to Completes After Landing flow
roll complete TAXI and Checklist.
“After Landing Checklist

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Reverse Thrust
The use of reverse thrust should be avoided where possible. However, it may be used if there is any
doubt over stopping in the runway length available. Reverse thrust is more effective at high speeds; the
use of reverse below 60 kt increases the chances of foreign object ingestion by the engine; but if
necessary, reverse thrust can be used until the aircraft come to a complete stop.

Braking (Landing Ground Roll)

Deceleration techniques on landing will vary depending on the length of the runway and the type of
available exits.
If the runway is short, it is recommended that Flight Crews apply the brakes immediately after
touchdown, coupled with aerodynamic braking through the use of DISC.
Strong, positive brake application is most effective and ensures the brakes reach their optimum
operating temperature when bringing the aircraft to an acceptable taxi speed or a complete stop.
Using the brakes for short duration and / or light application will cause premature wear.
If the runway is long, without a high-speed turnoff, the aircraft will have to be at a very slow taxi speed
in order to make the 90° turn off the runway.
If the brakes are required, they should be applied ahead of the planned turn off at a distance sufficient
to achieve the desired taxi speed with the use of strong, positive brake application.

Crosswind Landing
When the airplane is landed in crosswind conditions it is recommended to start banking very gently into
the wind and at the same time apply rudder to de-crab and align the airplane with the runway heading
just before initiating the ‘flare’.
Aim for a positive touchdown on the upwind wheel and counter the tendency for the upwind wing to lift
by application of aileron into the direction of the wind.
Maintain rudder and aileron until all wheels touchdown then smoothly neutralize the ailerons.
Maintain directional control with rudder and smoothly retard Power Levers to discing (Reverse if

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Vacating the runway:

• Both pilots should keep heads up until clear of the active runway.
• ‘Runway is vacated’ means when the aircraft tail fully crosses the holding short lines of the
Taxiway. If there is another parallel runway, do not enter that runway unless cleared by ATC.
• F/O will do the After Landing flow check when Capt. give signal by selecting the FLIGHT/TAXI
Switch to TAXI.
• Landing and Flare lights should be Off after vacating the runway

Taxi to Parking Stand

• F/O will carry out ‘AFTER LANDING’ checklist after receiving the taxi clearance from ATC.
• Single Engine Taxi to parking stand is recommended when condition permits.
• Both pilots shall have the appropriate charts out in front for taxi routes and parking stands.
• F/O may contact the ground handling agent in advance to inform for the necessary PAX and
ground service equipment (e.g. GPU, Aircon, wheelchair etc.).
• If APU needed, then it should be started as late as possible.
• As the aircraft approaches the gate, the Capt. will request the TAXI light Off. F/O will switch Off
the TAXI light and select DOORS SYS Page on MFD#1. He will also call out if ground speed goes
above 5 kts.
• Both pilots must make sure surroundings are clear when taxiing in.
• When coming to the stand, brake the aircraft to a smooth and definite stop before setting the
EMERG BRAKE. To avoid fluid transfer between Hyd system # 1 and 2, the following procedure
shall be used:
- Apply foot brakes.
- Hold foot brakes and apply EMERG BRAKE.
- Release foot brakes.

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CONTROL LOCK Lever……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON

Pull FLIGHT CONTROL LOCK lever aft until it locks.
Transponder…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. As Req’d
Set the transponder to SBY on the ARCDU
by pressing line select key 4R on ARCDU for more than 2 s, when required.
Radar……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. SBY
FLAP Lever………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 0°
Check FLAP indication on # 2 MFD.
TANK 1 AUX PUMP and TANK 2 AUX PUMP Switches……………………………………………………………………. OFF
Check TANK 1 AUX PUMP ON and TANK 2 AUX PUMP ON advisory lights out.
Yaw Damper…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
FLIGHT / TAXI Switch…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TAXI
Check spoilers ROLL OUTBD and ROLL INBD advisory lights out and
PFCS indication shows LI, RI and LO, RO SPOILERS retracted.
Anti-Collision………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… RED
EXTERIOR LIGHTS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d
Normally landing and flare lights are switched off, the taxi lights on.
Ice Protection………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d
If icing conditions exist or are anticipated, make sure ice protection is selected for the ambient
MAIN BUS TIE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. TIE
APU (if applicable).….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As Req’d
BLEED 1 and BLEED 2 Switches………………………………………………………………………………………………. As Req’d

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In normal condition pilots are encouraged to carry out single engine taxi to stand after landing. It is a
good practice to reduce fuel burn and, hence reducing the operating cost. But single engine taxi should
be avoided in following conditions:

• Before departure,
• In contaminated or slippery or soft surfaces,
• When anticipating steep turns (more than 90°),
• Any malfunction that might affect the steering control and braking,
• Anytime Captain feels uncomfortable applying this technique.

Operational Considerations
• Single engine taxi operations may be considered for use on hard surfaced taxiways and ramps
with the # 2 engine operating and the # 1 engine either shutdown or running in Start & Feather.
• Aircraft ground handling characteristics during single engine taxi require greater anticipation of
turn direction, turn radius, wind and varying taxiway slopes to avoid large power changes.
• Turns into the operating engine may require forward momentum prior to commencing the turn.
Application of power above flight idle may be required and should be performed with regard for
the effect of propeller slipstream on surrounding objects and personnel.
• Contamination of taxiway or ramp surfaces will reduce the effectiveness of nose steering and
single engine taxi should be avoided where there is any possibility of nose tire skidding.
• At any time deemed necessary by the Captain, single engine taxi operations should be
discontinued and the # 1 engine started to continue taxi to the runway or parking.
• Single engine taxi after landing is carried out by shutting down the # 1 engine after the aircraft
is clear of the runway and preferably after the After Landing flow checks have been
• During single engine taxi operations, in the event of a loss of # 1 hydraulic system pressure,
normal braking will be lost.
In the event of the failure of the # 2 engine, both normal braking and nose steering will be lost.
In both instances, it will be necessary to use the Emergency Brake to bring the aircraft to a stop.
• Single engine taxi operations are not compatible with:
1. # 1 engine operating and # 2 engine either shutdown or running in Start & Feather.
2. The following system failures:
a. Nose wheel Steering System inoperative
b. Any Hydraulic System failure
c. Use of Alternate Landing Gear Extension
d. # 2 DC Generator inoperative
e. # 2 AC Generator inoperative

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Taxi Procedure after landing

After completion of AFTER LANDING checks add the following items: When ready to shut down the # 1
POWER Lever 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………DISC
Condition Lever 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………START & FEATHER
Allow engine to stabilize for 30 s minimum before shutdown.
BLEED 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
Condition Lever 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………FUEL OFF

NOTE: Operators may choose to conduct the AFTER LANDING checks after selecting the Condition

Abnormal Procedures
(# 2 Engine Failure or No Hydraulic Pressure Indicated in # 1 Hydraulic System)

During Single Engine Taxi

Both POWER Levers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. DISC
Braking ……………………………………………………………………. Attempt Normal Braking until aircraft is stopped
If aircraft cannot be stopped using normal brake application:
EMERG BRAKE Lever……………………………………………………………… Apply Smoothly until aircraft is stopped
1. With # 2 Engine failed, normal wheel brakes and nosewheel steering are inoperative.
2. Emergency brake application is proportional to lever travel with no differential braking.
3. The approximate number of EMERG / PARK BRAKE applications is 6.
CAUTION: Excessive application of emergency braking can result in skidding and tire failure.
After aircraft is stopped:
EMERG BRAKE Lever…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PARK
Carry out ENGINE SHUTDOWN procedure.

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• F/O will switch Off the STBY HYD PRESS and PTU CNTRL after confirming the Parking Brake is set
to PARK.
• Initially Capt. will select the CONDITION LEVERS to START/FEATHER and allow engines to
stabilize for 30 secs minimum before selecting FUEL OFF. BLEED AIR should be MIN/OFF
minimum 5 secs before shutting down the engine.
• After engine shut down:
- If power is supplied by GPU, switch BATTERY MASTER OFF.
- If power is supplied by APU, BATTERY MASTER should remain ON so that the APU fire protection
systems remain functional. In the event of APU or APU generator failure, the aircraft batteries
will be depleted very quickly, and so continuity of supply should be monitored.
- If neither the APU nor a GPU is available, disembark under battery power or keep No.2 engine
running at START/FEATHER (for DC power). In this case crew must take permission from ATC and
advice ground personnel to secure that area.
- If a GPU is expected after only a short delay, then it is better to wait for a GPU. However, do not
wait an inordinate time.

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Shutdown Procedure

Event CAPT F/O

Reaching at the EMERG BRAKE………………………. PARK Confirm EMERG BRAKE is set:
parking stand Nosewheel Steering …………………. Off 1. Select STBY HYD PRESS and PTU
CNTRL – Norm,
2. Starts stopwatch running to
time the engine stabilization,
3. Select ELEC SYS page on MFD#2.

Shutdown CONDITION LEVERS…Start/feather

“Shutdown checklist” Carry out ‘SHUTDOWN’ checklist up to

(***) mark.

25 secs on “25 seconds”

stopwatch “Bleed Min/Off”
Selects BLEED AIR 1 & 2………… MIN/OFF

30 secs on “30 seconds”

stopwatch Confirms APU GEN or GPU available Transponder ………………………………. STBY
CONDITION LEVERS.…………… FUEL OFF Wx Radar ……………………………………… OFF
FASTEN BELTS ……………………………. OFF
EMER LIGHTS……………………………… OFF
A/Col …………………………………………. OFF

When NH # 1 is PA to F/A:
less than 20% “Cabin crew, check clear, open Continue with rest of the ‘SHUTDOWN’
appropriate door” checklist

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SHUTDOWN (Checklist)

Taxi Light………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF

Emerg Brake…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
STBY HYD PRESS and PTU CNTRL Switches………………………………………………………………………………… NORM
Check STBY HYD PRESS ON, PTU CNTRL ON and PTU pressure advisory lights out.
POWER Levers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DISC
Condition Levers…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Start & Feather
Allow engines to stabilize for 30 s minimum before shutdown.
Passenger Signs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
Nosewheel Steering………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
Radar……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
Transponder………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… STBY
Bleed Air 1 and 2 (25 s)..………………………………………………………………………………..……………………. MIN / OFF
After 25 secs from POWER LEVERS to DISC:
• Turn the BLEED AIR Flow Control rotary knob to MIN.
• Set BLEED 1 and 2 switches to OFF.
APU / GPU……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. As Req’d
Emergency Lights…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
Condition Levers (30 s) ...………………………………………………………………………………………………………. FUEL OFF
Lights……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. As Req’d
BATTERY MASTER, MAIN, AUX & STBY BATT Switches…………………………………………………………… As Req’d
If electrical power is to be removed from the aircraft prior to the next flight,
continue with the Last Flight shutdown procedure:

LAST FLIGHT (Checklist)

Recirc Fan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF

All Displays…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
Anti-Skid………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
Set ANTI-SKID switch to OFF position and check:
• INBD ANTI SKID and OUTBD ANTI SKID caution lights are illuminated.
Door Lock Isolate Switch……………………….…………………………………………………………………………………. Isolate
External / Internal Lights………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
MAIN, AUX & STBY BATT Switches………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
BATTERY MASTER…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….… OFF

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Standard calls enhance crew awareness and co-ordination, and are standardized to remove ambiguity.
They are used to achieve this in several ways by providing:

• Situational awareness
• Triggers or cues for action
• Requests for actions
• Decisions of a crewmember
• Detection of an incapacitation
• An unambiguous language
They must be used in all normal and non-normal operations. They shall be assigned to a particular
crewmember; however, their execution is the important factor. Therefore, if a call is missed by the
responsible crewmember, it shall be made by the other.

The broad policy regarding standard calls in flight is that the Pilot Flying (PF) shall make all FMA calls and
requests for mode changes (when flying manually), configuration changes, checklists and decision calls,
as he/she is responsible for the aircraft flight path. The Pilot Monitoring (PM) shall make all other calls
since they are to assist with the PF’s situational awareness.

Flight Mode Annunciations (FMA) policy:

Crews shall announce changes on the FMA and verify changes to the Engine Rating Mode annunciation
when they occur. During the flight, PF will announce all FMA changes including the GA except for the

“Power set” during the Takeoff Roll; and

NOTE: All FMA changes below 1000 ft on the approach to be made by PM.

The Pilot Monitoring (PM) shall verify the annunciation and, if satisfied that the mode is applicable,
acknowledge with the response “Check”.

In all cases if an FMA fails to engage, or disengages, then the PF or PM shall call the mode that failed
preceded by the word “No_____”. i.e. “No ALT”.


• “Select” is used when changing one mode to another mode. If a numeric value is added, this
value is set in connection with the mode change
• “Set” is used when changing a value (heading, course, altitude etc.) without changing the active
• “Arm” is used when an automatic change in a mode is wanted.

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FGCP Call Outs

Following call outs are used when PF is flying without autopilot engaged:


“Select IAS .... kts” PF PNF to select IAS on the FGCP,
Use Pitch Wheel to set......kts

“IAS” PM IAS is selected on the FGCP and the selection is

checked on both PFD's

“Select V/S minus/plus …… ft” PF PM to select V/S on the FGCP

Use Pitch Wheel to set......ft/min

“V/S” PM V/S is selected on the FGCP and the selection is

checked on both PFD's

“Select ALT” PF PM to select ALT on the FGCP

“ALT captured” PM ALT is selected on the FGCP and the selection is checked
on both PFD's

“ARM ILS” PF PM to press APPR on the FGCP

“ILS Armed” PM APPR is selected on the FGCP and the LOC and GS is
checked on PF’s PFD and correct inbound
course is set.

“ARM Localizer” PF PM to press NAV on the FGCP

“Localizer Armed” PM APPR/NAV is selected on the FGCP and the LOC is

checked on PF’s PFD and correct inbound course is set.

“Select LNAV” PF NAV is selected on the FGCP and LNAV is checked on PF’s
PFD, the FMS reading is checked to confirm appropriate
leg in the FLT PLN is selected.

“LNAV” PM NAV is Selected on the FGCP and LNAV is checked on PF’s

PFD, the FMS reading is checked to confirm appropriate
leg in the FLT PLN is selected.

“ARM VNAV” PF PM to press VNAV on the FGCP

“VNAV Armed” PM VNAV is selected on the FGCP and VNAV is checked on


“ARM VOR” PF PM to press NAV on the FGCP

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“VOR Armed” PM NAV is selected on the FGCP and VOR is checked on PF’s
PFD and correct radial is set.


“VOR APP Armed” PM APPR is selected on the FGCP and VOR APP is checked on
PF’s PFD and correct radial is set.

“Set Flight level 80, ALT SEL” PF PM to select 80 in altitude preselect and select/check ALT
SEL armed on PFD.

“Flight level 80, ALT SEL” PM The flight level is verified according to clearance and 80 is
set. ALT SEL is selected on FGCP and the selections are
checked on both PFD's.

“Select Heading 240” PF PM to select heading 240° with heading bug selector and
then select HDG on the FGCP

“Heading 240” PM HDG is selected on the FGCP and the selection is checked
on both PFD’s and heading bug is set to 240°

“Set Heading 120” PF PM to change actual heading to heading 120° with

heading bug selector

“Heading 120” PM Heading bug is set to 120°

When PF is operating the FGCP with autopilot engaged, the same terminology as above shall be used
when announcing manual mode changes and changes in settings, values etc.


PF selecting 60 and selects/check ALT SEL on PFD PF “Flight level 60, ALT SEL”

PM verifies that flight level 60 is according to received PM “Checked”

clearance and the correct figures and ALT SEL selections
is checked on both PFD's

When announcing an automatic change of mode the following terminology applies:

ALTSEL changes to ALT* in green PF or PM “ALT star”

ALT* changes to ALT in green PF or PM “ALT Captured”

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LOC in white changes to LOC* in green PF or PM “LOC star”

LOC* changes to LOC in green PF or PM “LOC captured”

GS in white changes to GS* in green PF or PM “GS star”

GS* changes to GS in green PF or PM “Glideslope captured”

VOR APP in white changes to VOR APP* in green PF or PM “VOR APP star”

VOR in white changes to VOR* in green PF or PM “VOR star”

VOR APP* or VOR* changes to VOR APP or VOR in PF or PM “VOR APP or VOR captured”

LNAV annunciation is shown in green PF or PM “LNAV”

VNAV PATH annunciation is shown in green PF or PM “VNAV PATH”


To engage Autopilot “Engage autopilot”
“Autopilot engaged”

To disconnect Autopilot “Disengaging autopilot”


Autopilot disconnected “Autopilot disengaged”

unintentionally “Checked, I have control”

Engine Power Call outs

PF setting PL to detent and PM confirms “Set Power”
the setting “Power set”

PF setting PL to detent on Go around “Go-around, set Power”

“Power set”

To set Climb Power “Climb Power 900 or 850

MCL” “Climb Power set”

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To set Cruise Power “Set Cruise Power” “900 to 850, Cruise Power
“MCR, Cruise Power set”
To set MAX/1020 Power “Condition levers MAX”
“MAX Power set”

To set Reduced Np for landing “Set Reduced Np MAX”

“Reduced Np MAX set”

Aircraft Configuration Call Outs

Landing Gear “Gear up” “Gear up – Lights out”

“Gear down” “Gear down – 3 green”

Flap “Flap –" “Flap – indicating”

Call outs between Cockpit and Cabin Crew


To close doors “Cabin crew, check clear, close
“All doors closed and checked”

Cabin secured advice “Cabin secured for takeoff”


Before Takeoff “Cabin crew takeoff stations”

To come to Cockpit “Purser to the Flight Deck”

Descending through 10,000 ft “Prepare cabin for landing,

for landing ground temp.—"
“Cabin secured for landing”

Before landing “Cabin crew landing stations”

To open doors “Cabin crew, check clear, open

appropriate door”

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Push Back

Cockpit Crew Ground Crew

When cleared to push back:
“Cockpit to ground, we are cleared to Push
face --.” “Ground to cockpit, commencing push back
face --, release Parking Brake.”
“Cockpit to ground, Parking Brake released.”

“Ground to cockpit, cleared to start Engine # 2”

“Starting Engine # 2.”
When the push back is complete:
“Ground to cockpit, push back is complete. Set
the Parking Brake to ON.”
“Parking Brake set to ON.”

After both Engine start successfully and ‘After

Start’ flow check:
“Both Engine good start, clear to disconnect, give
hand signal.” “All connections disconnected, standby for
hand signal on your Right/Left.”

Engine Start


Starting no. 2 engine Starting engine #2, check clear
Clear #2
When SELECT light goes out Select light out

Starting no. 1 engine Starting engine #1, clear #1

Load good
After successful start of both Pumps ON, Flap--, flow checks After completing the flow
engines checks:
Ready for ‘After Start’ Checklist



Starting to Taxi “Left clear” “Right clear”
Approaching turn “Next turn to the left on
‘Foxtrot’, right clear/ aircraft
“Checked, left clear” on the right side”
If taxiing too fast “Speed – kts”
Stopping on the Taxiway “Parking Break set, no
movement” “Checked”

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Take off

Event PF PM
ATC: “Cleared for Takeoff” “Wind from left/right/straight
“I have control” ahead/calm”

Power levers to detent “Check Power”

“Power Set”

At 80 KIAS “80 KNOTS”

“80 KNOTS”

At V1 and VR speed At V1: “V1”

At VR: “Rotate”

After airborne “Positive Rate”

“Gear UP”
“Gear Up – Lights Out”.

At 400’ AGL “400 ft”

“Bleeds ON / NORMAL”

At acceleration altitude “Acceleration Altitude”

“Flaps Zero”
“Auto Feather Off”
“Climb Power 900” (or “850 MCL”)
“Climb Power Set”

“Set IAS ____” or V/S ____

“IAS or V/S SET ____”

“After Take-Off Flow”

To engage Auto pilot “Engage Auto Pilot”

“Auto Pilot Engaged”

To carryout ‘AFTER “AFTER TAKE-OFF Checklist” Complete the AFTER TAKEOFF

TAKEOFF’ checklist checklist and call:

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Event PF PM
Passing Transition Altitude “Passing transition, set Standard”
“Standard, set and crosschecked”

Passing 10,000 ft “Passing 10000, Lights OFF,

Seatbelts OFF” “Checked”

1000 ft to Level off “1000 ft to go, ALT SEL”



Event PF PM
Leveled off at final level “Set Cruise Power” “900 to 850, Cruise Power set”
“MCR, Cruise Power set”
To carryout ‘CRUISE’ checklist “TCAS below, CRUISE checklist”
“CRUISE checklist complete”


Event PF PM
To carryout ‘DESCENT’ “DESCENT checklist”
checklist “DESCENT checklist complete”

Passing 10,000 ft “Passing 10000, Lights ON, Seatbelts

ON” “Checked”

Passing Transition Level “Set QNH----"

“QNH---- set and crosschecked”

1000 ft to Level off “1000 ft to go, ALT SEL”


To carryout ‘APPROACH’ “APPROACH checklist”

checklist “APPROACH checklist

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Approach and Landing

Event PF PM
Approaching IAF or overhead “Pumps ON, speed check,
Navaid Flap 5” Selects Flap 5
“Flap 5, indicating”

Localizer alive “Localizer alive” “Checked”

LOC* “Loc star” “Checked”

LOC “Localizer captured” “Checked”

Glideslope alive “Glideslope alive” “Checked”

To configure for landing “Gear down” Select gear down,

Observe 3 green,
“Gear down”
“Flap ---” Select Flap ---,
“Speed checked, Flap ---"

“Condition Levers Max” “Set”

“Reduced Np Max”

“Landing checklist” Complete the Landing checklist

“Landing checklist complete”

GS* “GS star” “Checked”

GS “Glideslope captured” “Checked”

At Final Approach Fix (Inbound) “˂FAF Name and altitude˃”

1000 ft AGL “1000, Stable”
“Checked” Or, if not stable
Or, “Unstable, Go around”
“Go-around, set power”
“Power set”
“Gear up, HDG SEL/ALT “Positive rate”
SEL” “HDG and ALT SEL Selected”
“Gear up – Lights out”

ATC: “Cleared to land” “Cleared to land, wind from

left/right/straight ahead/calm”

500 ft AGL “500”


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Visual contact by PF before DA “Visual” “Checked”

Visual contact by PM before DA “Visual…Lights/Runway…

100 ft above DA “100 ft to Minima”

RAD ALT: 100 ft – 0 ft “100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10”

60 knots “60 Knots”

Capt. or LH F/O or RH
60 knots “I have control, control “You have control, control
locks ON” locks ON”

Once clear of runway or landing Completes After Landing flow and

roll complete and Captain Checklist.
switches FLIGHT/TAXI switch to “After Landing Checklist
TAXI complete”

Approaching parking stand “Checked, Taxi Light OFF” “Approaching Stand --, Marshaller
Taxiing In “Left clear” “Right clear, speed – kts”


Event CAPT. F/O

Parking Brake set “Parking Break set, no
movement” “Checked”


Chokes are in place and engines are “Chokes are ON, you may release
shut down “Checked, Parking Brake Parking Brake”

To carryout ‘SHUTDOWN’ checklist “SHUTDOWN checklist”

“SHUTDOWN checklist complete”

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Callouts on Deviation

If there is any deviation occurs from the correct flight path, the PM will call out the deviation and the PF
will take the necessary corrective action and call out the correct value.

Event PF PM
Altitude deviation ±100 ft “Altitude”

Speed (Too high or too low) “Speed --- kts”

“Correcting, speed --- kts”

Rate of Climb or Descent “Vertical speed ---- ft”

(Too high or too low) “Correcting, V/S ---- ft”

Heading deviation “Heading ---°”

“Correcting, Heading ---°”

EVENTs on Approach PF PM
Speed is more than VREF+10 or less “Speed --- kts”
than VREF “Correcting, speed --- kts”

Descent rate more than 1000 fpm “Sink rate”

on approach “Correcting”

Localizer deviation 1 dot or more “Localizer”


Glideslope deviation 1 dot or more “Glideslope”


VOR approach – deviation ½ dot “Track”

“Correcting Left/Right”

NDB approach – deviation 5° left or “Track”

right of track “Correcting Left/Right”

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Push Back and Start up

Dhaka (Dac) Ground (Gnd), good morning,
Bangladesh (BG) 411
BG 411, Dac Gnd, good morning, go ahead

BG 411, on stand 12, request start for

Chottogram (Ctg), FL150
BG 411, cleared to start, time 25, temp 28
BG 411, clear to start

BG 411, on stand 12, request push and start for

Chottogram, FL150
BG 411, cleared to push and start, time 25, temp
28, push to face North/South
BG 411, clear to push and start facing

Taxi and Takeoff

Gnd, BG 411, stand 12, requesting Taxi
BG 411, Taxi via Foxtrot, November to Holding
point runway 14, QNH 1007
BG 411, cleared taxi via Foxtrot, November to
Holding point runway 14, QNH 1007

BG 411, ATC Clearance Available

Go ahead with the ATC
BG411, Cleared to Chottogram via ADMIL 1
Departure, Flight Level (FL)150, Squake 4111
BG 411, Cleared to Chottogram via ADMIL 1
Departure, FL150, Squake 4111

BG 411, read back correct, contact tower (Twr)

Over to Twr 118.3, BG 411

Twr BG 411, Good morning, with you on N

BG 411, proceed as cleared, call reaching Holding
point 14

Tower BG 411, at Holding point Runway 14 on N

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BG 411 Behind the Landing traffic Boeing

Behind the Landing B738 Line up behind and wait 738(737-800) on short final Line up behind and
Rwy 14, BG 411 wait Rwy 14

BG 411, Cancel SID, after departure intercept

radial 161 and maintain 2000 ft.
wind 120/ 05 kts, cleared for takeoff Rwy 14
After departure, intercept radial 161 and
maintain Altitude 2000 ft. clear for takeoff Rwy
14, BG 411

BG 411, airborne 35, maintain 2000 ft and
contact Approach 121.3 Maintain Altitude 2000 and over to approach
121.3, BG 411

Dhaka Approach (App) BG 411, Good

Morning, maintaining Altitude 2000 on radial 161
BG 411, radar contact, maintain radial 161 and
climb FL150
On radial 161 climb FL150, BG 411
BG 411, after passing FL130 you can resume
After passing FL130 resume normal, BG 411

BG 411, passing FL130, resuming normal

BG 411, proceed direct ADMIL and contact Dac
Control (Cnrl) 126.7
Direct ADMIL, over Dac Cnrl 126.7, good day

Dac BG 411, Climbing passing FL135 for FL150

and preceding direct ADMIL
Proceed direct ADMIL, FL150, call in contact with
Call you in contact Chottogram, BG411

Chottogram Twr, good morning, BG 411, FL150
BG 411, Chottogram Twr, go ahead
BG 411, FL150, Estimate ONEKA 0310 and CTG
0315, with information ‘B’
Estimate copied, BG 411 clear to Chottogram via
G463, FL150, on arrival expect VOR ILS DME Arc
Approach Runway 23.
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Clear to Chottogram via G463, FL150, expecting

VOR ILS DME Arc approach runway 23, BG 411
Call released from Dac
Call you released from Dac, BG 411

Dac BG 411, position ADMIL, FL150, in contact

with Chottogram BG 411, radar service terminated, contact
Over to Chottogram, BG 411, good day

Ctg BG 411, Dac hand over to you, FL150, 65

miles from CTG.
BG411, call when ready for descent (des)
Call you ready for descent, BG 411

Descent, Approach and Landing

Ctg, BG 411, 55 miles for CTG, FL150, ready for
BG 411, descent initially FL070
Descent FL070, BG 411

BG 411, Descent 3500 ft, QNH 1005, call establish

Des Alt 3500 on Q1005, call you establish arc, BG 10 DME Arc

BG 411, established arc, passing 4500 for Altitude

3500 BG 411, clear for approach, descent 2500, call
crossing radial 025.
Descent altitude 2500, call you crossing radial
025, BG 411

BG 411, crossing rad 025, Altitude 2500

BG 411, call establish Localizer (Loc) rwy 23
Call you establish Localizer Rwy 23, BG 411

BG 411, established on Loc Rwy 23, 8 ILS DME

BG411, continue approach, call 6 ILS DME
BG 411, continue approach, call you 6 ILS DME

BG 411, 6 ILS DME

BG 411, wind 190/07, clear to land rwy 23
BG 411, Clear to land 23

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After Landing
BG 411, landed at 20, backtrack, vacate Rwy via
Bravo to stand 3 Bravo
Backtrack, vacate via Bravo to stand 3Bravo, BG
Call Marshaller insight
Marshaller insight at Stand 3 Bravo, BG 411
Over to Marshall, good day

• Always mention Call sign on every call (before or after).
• On initial call to ATC:
- Give stand or taxiway position (when on ground),
- Give Flight level maintaining or passing altitude and cleared altitude (when in the air)
• Instructions must be read back, and information (e.g. wind, temp etc) not to read back.
• QNH must be read back
• Keep all conversations with ATC as short as possible with standard phraseology.
• If you do not understand then ask “Say Again” but do not guess or assume.
• Must confirm with ATC before entering runway.

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Identify Gate Continue to Taxi straight Slow down


Turn Right (From the pilot’s point of Turn Left (From the pilot’s Stop / Emergency Stop
view) point of view)

Hold position / Standby Proceed to Next Marshall End Marshalling

Fire Connect Tow bar Clear to Push

Negative / Hold Open/Close Stair Do not touch controls

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Hold movement Emergency Engine Shut Slow down


Push Back nose direction Clear to move Stop movement

Connect / disconnect Ground power

Negative Interphones

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Engage Brakes / Stop Brakes engaged

Release Brakes Brakes released

Chokes removed Remove Wheel Chokes

Start Engine Ready to Start Engine

All Clear All Clear

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PART – 2
(Non-Normal Procedure)

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Abnormal / Emergency Checklist (AEC) Guidelines

When a non-normal situation occurs, the following guidelines apply:

• Non-Normal Recognition
- The crew member recognizing the malfunction calls it out clearly and precisely.

• Maintain Airplane Control

- It is mandatory that the Pilot Flying (PF) flies the airplane while the Pilot Monitoring (PM)
accomplishes the AEC.
- Maximum use of the Flight Director / Autopilot is recommended to reduce crew workload.

• Analyze the Situation

- AECs should be accomplished only after the malfunctioning system has been positively
NOTE: Pilots should don oxygen masks and establish communications anytime oxygen
deprivation or air contamination is suspected, even though an associated warning has not
- Following completion of the appropriate Non-Normal Checklist, the Normal Checklist will be
used giving due regard to those items modified by the abnormality for the remainder of the

• Take the Proper Action

- Although many in-flight non-normal situations may require immediate corrective action,
difficulties can be compounded by the rate the PF issues commands and the speed of execution
of the PM.
- Commands must be clear and concise, allowing time for acknowledgement of each command
prior to issuing further commands.
- The PF must exercise positive control by allowing time for acknowledgment and execution.
- The other crew members must be certain their reports to the PF are clear and concise, neither
exaggerating nor understating the nature of the non-normal situation.
This eliminates confusion and ensures efficient, effective and expeditious handling of the non-
normal situation.

• Evaluate the Need to Land

- If the AEC directs the crew to land immediately at the nearest suitable airport or if the situation
is so identified in the QRH, diversion to the nearest airport where a safe landing can be
accomplished is required.
- If the AEC does not direct landing immediately at the nearest suitable airport, the pilot must
determine if continued flight to destination may compromise safety.

• Checklist statements
- The statement “Land immediately at the nearest suitable airport” is defined as:
Land at the nearest airport that offers sufficient landing distance available and if required,
emergency services to support the emergency or abnormality.
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- The statement “Land at the nearest suitable airport” is defined as:

The airplane may continue to the destination airport or the nearest airport where maintenance
services are
- The statement “Maintenance action required prior to next flight” is defined as:
“Next Flight” is referring to the immediate or imminent take-off after discovery.

Crew Coordination during Emergencies

In the event of a non-normal situation, the primary objective of the flight crew is to control the airplane.

The crew will assess the problem, when vertical and lateral flight path control is established and ground
contact is no longer a threat.

Once the nature of the problem has been established, the PF will call for the appropriate memory items
if applicable.

The PM actions the memory items which are confirmed by the PF.

When the memory items are complete, the PF will call for the appropriate Non-Normal checklist
followed by Normal checklists as appropriate for the flight phase. The PM actions the checklist items
using the “read and do” method.

After completion of the checklist and situation under control then PF will hand over the control and
communication to the other pilot and give the D.O.D.A.R. briefing followed by N.I.T.S. briefing.

D= Diagnose (Identify the malfunctions and inoperative systems),

O= Options (Restoring the inop. items or continue as it is, look for nearby suitable airports for diversion),

D= Decide (Decision to divert or not and airport to land),

A= Act/Assign (Carry out appropriate actions and assign tasks to people who are to carry them out),

R= Review (Ensure everything is proceeding according to plan, and expected safe outcome is likely).

NOTE: DODAR can be overlooked as it seems too obvious but the intuitive aspect of it makes it a
successful tool to be used in problem solving.

The purpose of NITS briefing is to inform cabin crew of any emergency or non-normal situation and of
the Captain’s intentions in a structured manner. This briefing shall be given to the purser or the most
senior cabin crew. If time permits, it is recommended to call the cabin crew to the flight deck for briefing
but can be given by using the interphone. The purser must read back all the information as

N= Nature of problem (What is the malfunction or problem)

I= Intention (What is Captain’s intention, e.g. diversion, forced landing, ditching etc.)

T= Time available (How long until impact or landing)

S= Special instructions (Info which may assist crew, e.g. evacuation signals etc.)

After the briefings, the PF will prepare the cockpit for landing and give the Approach/Landing briefing.
Then take the control back and will ask the PM to carry out Normal checklist as appropriate.
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Communication Flight Compartment and Cabin Crew

During emergency situations, standardized communication between the pilots and the cabin
crews is essential. The following is a list of the standard communications to be used during
emergency operations.

Action required Signal

Notify cabin crew of an emergency PA: “Purser to the Flight Deck immediately”
Alternate: Emergency Lights ON
Evacuate aircraft PA: “EVACUATE, EVACUATE, EVACUATE ----
Alternate: More than 3 Chimes.

Passengers to brace prior to an emergency PA: “BRACE, BRACE, BRACE”

landing (This call should be made at 200 ft or Alternate: More than 3 chimes.
approximately 20 secs prior to touchdown)

Flight Attendants to resume duties after an PA: “Cabin crew, descent completed”
emergency descent.

After a rejected Takeoff PA: “Cabin crew standby at stations”

Prevent evacuation PA: “Please be seated. cabin crew resume normal”

Distress Communication and Alerting ATC to Emergencies

Do Not hesitate to send “MAYDAY” calls as early as possible to give the ground staff as much time as
possible for their preparations.

A “MAYDAY” call can always be cancelled.

In your transmission give a technical status of the airplane or type of emergency, position, FL, heading,
endurance and intentions.

Make clear requests.

Guidance for Diversion in Case of Serious Technical Failure

Especially in case of a serious technical failure, to conduct a safe landing must always be the highest
priority. Furthermore, the following has to be taken into consideration:

• Technical condition of the airplane, actual gross mass, endurance,

• Weather conditions and terrain enroute and at alternate,
• Aerodrome facilities,
• Passenger and maintenance facilities.

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Troubleshooting can be defined as taking steps beyond the published checklist in an effort to improve or
correct a non-normal condition.
Examples of this are as follows:
- Attempting to reset a system or cycling a circuit breaker when not prescribed by the AEC.
- Using maintenance-level information to dictate crew actions.
- Use of switches and controls intended only for maintenance.
NOTE: With the availability of today’s communication channels, there seems to be a tendency that
flight crews request help from maintenance during abnormal situations. Clearly, maintenance crew
typically do not have the operational background or the situational awareness of the flight crew’s non-
normal environment. Maintenance crews will use a different methodology to handle problems that may
not be appropriate for an in-flight non-normal situation.

Troubleshooting is rarely helpful and has caused further loss of system function or failure and in some
cases, accidents and incidents.

The crew should consider additional actions beyond the checklist only when completion of the
published checklist steps clearly results in an unacceptable situation.

In the case of airplane controllability problems, when a safe landing is considered unlikely, airplane-
handling evaluations with gear and / or flaps extended may be appropriate.

Also, attempting to free jammed flight controls should only be attempted, if the airplane cannot be
safely landed with the existing condition and then, according to the AEC to the extent possible.

Crew distraction, caused by preoccupation with troubleshooting, has been a key factor in fuel starvation
and CFIT accidents.

Completion of the AEC, as published, is strongly recommended.

Circuit Breaker Procedure

In general, flight crew members are discouraged from pulling/resetting circuit breakers. On ground
however, maintenance personnel must be informed before resetting any tripped circuit breaker. In
flight, only respective AOM/QRH procedures are to be followed for pulling/resetting circuit breakers.

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Ground failures are defined as any malfunction that occurs on the ground prior to V1 or after
In the event of a ground failure, regardless of whether it happens while at the gate, taxiing or during
take-off, the primary objective of the crew is to stop the airplane, assess the problem, take the
appropriate action and evacuate if required.
A take-off shall be rejected for any Caution or Warning light prior to V1.
There are many reasons other than Caution or Warning lights for discontinuing a take-off.
It is therefore, left to the discretion of the PIC to take the decision of ‘Reject’ or ‘Go’. At V1 or above, the
take-off will be continued regardless of the malfunction.
In case of any malfunction or unsafe condition, either pilot will call out “Master Warning/Caution” or
whatever the unsafe situation arises.
If a rejected take-off becomes necessary, the Captain (LH) will call “Reject” and take over the control to
stop the aircraft. If case of engine fire it is recommended to face the aircraft such a way so that the wind
will keep the flames away from the fuselage. And make sure to pick the safer side when command for
The F/O (RH) pilot will advise ATC of the abort, “BG---, stopping on runway --, standby” and then the
crew will assess the situation.
If the reason for the reject is fire or smoke, the Capt. will set the parking brake and complete the
memory items for shutdown and evacuation.
The PM will advise ATC of the problem and request emergency equipment.
After a rejected take off, first the airplane must be stopped on the runway to evaluate the situation. And
only then the airplane may vacate the runway if the Captain thinks it is safe to do so.

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Rejected Take-Off Procedure


Either pilot call the “Reject” Monitor deceleration
malfunction and Simultaneously: and advises ATC of
Capt. decided to reject Selects POWER levers to DISC / REVERSE the reject:
Applies maximum braking “BG---, stopping on
runway --, standby”

Once the airplane has EMERG Brake………………………………………………… ON Access the problem

stopped completely Commands on PA: with Captain and
“Cabin crew standby at stations” carry out appropriate

If Fire or Smoke EMERG Brake………………………………………………… ON Advises ATC and ask

POWER Levers………………………………………………DISC for emergency
Condition Levers…………………………………… Fuel OFF services:
Pull Fuel Off (affected engine) ………………….…. Pull “MAYDAY (3x), we
EXTG……………. FWD BTL and AFT BTL (as required) have fire/smoke,
Confirm ATC advised requesting all
emergency services”

Evacuation required Commands on PA: Leaves the flight

“Evacuate (3x) ... Side” compartment to
Emergency Lights………………………………….……… ON assist in the
External Power / APU………………………….………. OFF evacuation
Battery Master………………………….………………… OFF
Assist in evacuation as required

1. All accelerate-stop performance is based upon the use of full anti-skid braking until the airplane
has stopped.
2. Reverse thrust may be used, commensurate with directional control.
3. Do not forget to unreverse when aircraft fully stopped.

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If an engine fails or an engine fire warning is given after V1 has been achieved, the take-off must be

If engine failure occurs after V1, oppose the thrust asymmetry with rudder. Use aileron to keep the
wings level during lift-off. Additional rudder displacement will be required when the nosewheel leaves
the runway. The correct amount of rudder will be applied when the wings are approximately level -
there will be a few degrees of bank toward the operating engine.

On reaching VR, commence a smooth continuous rotation at a rate slightly less than that for a normal
take-off. The required rate is about 2° per second. After lift-off, continue the rotation rate as follows:

• With the FD operative, initially fly the flight director GA pitch command.
• With the FD inoperative, fly a pitch angle of approximately 10° to achieve V2 at 35 ft
When a positive rate of climb has been confirmed, retract the landing gear and set IAS V2 (up to
maximum of V2 + 10 knots if achieved).

Continue the climb at or above V2 to the acceleration altitude, and then commence a level acceleration
through the standard flap retraction airspeed to VCLIMB. Select bleed to ON/MAX when VCLIMB has been
achieved and observe MCP on the ED. The SPEED REF switch should be selected ON if icing conditions
exist. Continue the climb to MSA if required.

It is recommended that the autopilot is engaged for all single engine flying above 1000 ft AGL.

Checklists must not be called for until the airplane is under full control and in a steady state of flight.

If a failure occurs at or above V1 and prior to flap retraction (3rd segment), the crew will not action any
memory items or checklist until the flaps are retracted. In an extreme situation (such as engine failure
during a GA, engine failure with no auto feather or unscheduled PROP feathering), the PIC may elect to
action the checklist memory items prior to reaching 3rd segment (prior to flap retraction but not below
400 ft AGL).

In any event, no action will be taken until the airplane is under full control and in a steady state of flight.
In the event of an in-flight failure, the crew will assess the problem.

Once the nature of the problem has been established, the PF will call for the appropriate memory items
if applicable.

The PM actions the memory items which are confirmed by the PF (Challenge and Response).

When the memory items are complete, the PF will at his discretion (but not less than 1000 ft above the
airport elevation), call for the appropriate non-normal checklist.

The PM actions the checklist items using the Read and Do method.

Once the checklist has been completed, the crew will advise ATC of the nature of the problem and the

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Engine Failure/Fire after V1 Procedure

Engine Fail / Fire Control aircraft using radar Cancels aural warnings

VR “Rotate”
Rotates at VR to 8° nose up.
After lift-off continues rotation to a
minimum pitch attitude of 10° to
achieve V2 at 35 ft.

Positive rate of climb “Positive rate”

“Gear up, Set IAS V2”
Selects Landing Gear Lever Up
and set IAS V2

Climb at V2 “Engine fail (or fire) # 1 / 2

Cancels all caution and warning

lights. Monitors speed & attitude.

Declare: “MAYDAY (x3), Engine

fail/fire, request runway heading”

400 ft AGL “400 feet”

(Autofeather & Uptrim “Autofeather & Uptrim confirmed”
“400 feet”
Or, If engine fails to Autofeather,
400 ft AGL “Negative Autofeather”
(No Autofeather) “Shutdown Engine # 1 / 2”
Carry out first 3 items of
‘Engine Fail Shutdown Procedure’

Acceleration altitude “Acceleration Altitude”

(1000 ft AGL) “Alt Hold, Engage Auto-pilot”
and accelerates through VFRI Selects ALT and engages AP

“Flap 0,
Shutdown Engine # 1 / 2” Selects Flap 0,
(PF will have control and comm) and start with the ‘Engine Fail/Fire
Shutdown Procedure’

“Set IAS V CLIMB, bleeds ON”
Set IAS VCLIMB and confirm climbing
altitude at or above MSA,
Selects Bleeds - ON / MAX on
operating engine,
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Confirms MCP power rating on ED

Calls “Power Set”

Established on climb “Engine Fail/Fire Shutdown

and complete Engine Procedure Complete”
Fail/Fire Shutdown “Engine fail/fire checklist”
Procedure Carry out ‘ENGINE FAILURE/FIRE/
SHUTDOWN (In Flight)’ checklist.

QRH checklist “Engine fail/fire checklist

complete complete”
“After take-off checklist”
Carry out ‘AFTER TAKE-OFF’

‘AFTER TAKE-OFF’ “You have control and comm” “I have control and comm”
checklist complete handover the control to other pilot,
Evaluate the situation by consulting
with the PIC,
Take weather if landing immediately,
Advice ATC and take Approach
clearance (ask for Radar Vector if
Give D.O.D.A.R.,
Setup the approach,
Give Approach/Landing briefing,
Give N.I.T.E.S. briefing to Purser.

When ready for “I have control, descent and “You have control”
approach approach checklist” Carry out ‘DESCENT’ and
‘APPROACH’ checklist

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Engine Failure/Fire after V1 Profile

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• In flight, if any of the crew member positively announces a malfunction, the other crew member
makes every effort to confirm and identify the malfunction before initiating any emergency
action. If the PM is the first to observe any indication of a critical failure, he/she will announce it
and point to the indicator/annunciation if possible.
• After verifying the malfunction, the PF announces his/her decision and commands
accomplishment of any checklist memory items.
• The PF monitors the PM during the accomplishment of the assigned tasks.
• In case of an engine flame out with no damage, an engine airstart maybe considered by the PIC
if time and situation permit. Do not restart the engine if there is any confusion or doubt
regarding the cause of the engine failure.
• A failed engine should be feathered as soon as possible.
• With one engine inoperative, the aircraft must descent to at or below ‘Single Engine Service
• Drift down procedure shall be followed at high terrain areas where MEAs / MORAs in the route
above 12000 ft.
NOTE: Refer to AOM 4.2 for Single Engine Enroute Performance

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Engine Failure / Fire Inflight Procedure

Event PF PM
Engine Fail / Fire “Engine fail (or fire) # 1 / 2”
Sets power as required to
maintain steady flight Cancels all caution and warning

Verifies and confirmed the “Shutdown Engine # 1 / 2” Complete Engine Fail/Fire Shutdown
affected engine Procedure

Engine Fail / Fire Shutdown Procedure

Event PF PM
Confirmed the affected engine “Shutdown Engine # 1 / 2”
“Power Lever # 1 / 2”
“Confirmed, Flight Idle”
Selects POWER Lever to Flight Idle

“Condition Lever # 1 / 2”
“Confirmed, Fuel-Off”
Selects Condition Lever to FUEL-OFF
Confirms propeller feathers

If propeller does Not feather “No Feather”

“Alternate Feather # 1 / 2”
Selects appropriate Alternate
Feather switch to FEATHER

“Pull Fuel Off # 1 / 2”

“Confirmed, Pull”
Pulls Fuel Off Handle

If Engine Fire “Extinguisher Fwd Bottle”

Selects Forward Bottle,
Start timer for next shot.

If Fire persists after 30 s “Extinguisher Aft Bottle”

Selects Aft Bottle

NOTES: 1. If fire is extinguished, ENGINE FIRE and PULL FUEL OFF handle light will go out and
engine fire warning tone is silenced
2. The engine fire warning tone can be silenced by pressing the ENGINE FIRE light.

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Regulations do require a calculation of a driftdown profile whenever the one engine out service ceiling
(The altitude you may maintain with one engine out) should be below the minimum safe altitude (MEA
or MORA).

The driftdown profile is that profile which is achieved during driftdown from cruising altitude - when the
engine failure occurs - until reaching the one engine out service ceiling.

The associated speeds are given below:

Associated Driftdown Speeds (One Engine Inoperative)

Cruising WEIGHT Cruising WEIGHT Cruising WEIGHT

(lb) KIAS (lb) KIAS (lb) KIAS
64500 158 57000 148 49000 138
64000 157 56000 147 48000 136
63000 155 55000 145 47000 135
62000 154 54000 144 46000 134
61000 153 53000 143 45000 132
60000 152 52000 142 44000 131
59000 150 51000 140 43000 130
58000 149 50000 139 42000 130

•In Icing Conditions and Ref Speeds Switch “INCR”: Increase speed by 20 kt.

Single Engine Service Ceiling (ft) Zero Net Climb Gradient

The “single engine service ceiling” is that pressure altitude the airplane may maintain with one engine out
for a given weight and temperature combination providing the relevant speed schedule is observed.

Cruising TEMPERATURE relative to ISA

(lb) ISA - ISA - ISA + ISA + ISA + ISA + ISA + ISA + ISA +
20°C 10°C ISA 5°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C 35°C
64500 19770 18020 16120 15220 14230 13210 12110 10750 8980 6840

64000 20000 18250 16360 15470 14480 13450 12360 11060 9300 7170

62000 20910 19180 17350 16440 15490 14480 13380 12140 10420 8420

60000 21830 20110 18340 17420 16490 15500 14410 13210 11520 9650

58000 22740 21040 19330 18390 17500 16530 15440 14270 12620 10880

56000 23720 22040 20340 19390 18550 17590 16520 15380 13830 12100

54000 24730 23070 21370 20390 19630 18660 17630 16510 15090 13320

52000 25640 24130 22430 21460 20680 19730 18740 17670 16370 14620

50000 - 25220 23540 22610 21700 20780 19860 18870 17660 16010

48000 - - 24670 23770 22770 21870 20990 20050 18930 17420

46000 - - 25860 24980 24020 23060 22150 21170 20080 18900

44000 - - - 26150 25240 24250 23310 22300 21250 20370

42000 - - - - - 25520 24610 23600 22550 21550

•In Icing Conditions with the Ice Protection Systems “ON”: subtract 4750 ft from single engine service

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NOTE: Maximum Certified Altitude is 25000 ft

Altitudes higher than 25000 ft are for interpolation purpose only.

The tables presented in the AOM 4.2.3 present the time, the distance and the fuel needed from cruising
altitude until reaching a given MEA / MORA / safe altitude.

Temp.: ISA + 35°C
MEA: 16000 ft
Cruising Level: 21000 ft
Weight: 58000 lb.

Result: 13 min / 47 NM / 290 lb.

This means, it takes 13 min, 47 NM and 290 lb. to descend from 21000 ft PA to a PA of 16000 ft.
It would take 31 min, 105 NM and 712 lb. if the MEA / MORA would be at 13000 ft.
So, you may also calculate the time, distance and fuel from 16000 ft for a further driftdown to 13000 ft.

driftdown from 21000 ft to 16000 ft = 13 min 47 NM 290 lb.

driftdown from 21000 ft to 13000 ft = 31 min 105 NM 712 lb.
16000 - 13000 ft = 18 min 58 NM 422 lb.

The single engine net ceiling would be 10880 ft for 58000 lb. at ISA + 35°C (Single engine service ceiling)

All tables are made out for ICE PROTECTION SYSTEMS “ON”.
Only a very modest improvement of the driftdown figures may be achieved with ICE PROTECTION

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Driftdown Profile

It is the responsibility of the operator to include driftdown procedures whenever these procedures are
required for those route sectors in the airline’s route network which are “critical”.
To define which sector is critical, the highest MEA / MORA / safe altitude in the route network shall be
depicted from the airway charts.
In case all MEAs / MORAs in the airline’s route work should be at / below 12000 ft, there is no need for
the presentation of driftdown profiles.
However, in case there would be a route showing a MEA of 15000 ft (for example) there would be a
requirement to show a driftdown procedure.

Currently Biman Dash8s are not operating in any critical route.

On this page below an example for a zero wind condition is shown.

The example shows a critical route sector of 80 NM at a MEA of 16000 ft.
The driftdown tables show a distance of 47 NM (zero wind) to driftdown from 21000 ft to 16000 ft.
So, the driftdown profiles clear the critical edge by 7 NM horizontally on both directions.

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Engine Failure / Fire above 1000 ft AGL:

• A go-around must be initiated if engine failure/fire caused any abrupt change on aircraft
attitude and flight profile.
• The approach maybe continues in Captain’s discretion if crew could manage to be stabilized by
1000 ft AGL. In this case:
- Increase power to maintain speed and glide slope,
- Shutdown the affected engine (Engine Fail/Fire Shutdown Procedure only). In case of Flap 35
landing, the aircraft will not meet performance requirements in a GA on one engine and 35°
flap. it is preferable to continue the approach with Flap 15. If the decision is made to reduce the
flap setting from 35 to 15, increase power to maintain minimum speed
VREF 35 +10 knots (max VREF 35 +20 knots) then select flaps to Flap 15 and set the GPWS flap
selector to 15. If a go-around is required, confirm the flaps are 15°.
- Continue single engine approach and landing.
- Do the ‘ON GROUND NON-NORMAL’ checklist after stopping on the runway followed by ‘AFTER
LANDING’ checklist.
• If landing performance requires 35° flap, then divert.
• In single engine, AP cannot be used below 1000 ft AGL.

Critical Malfunctions above 1000 ft AGL:

• In case of any critical system malfunction, discontinue the approach.

• It is advisable to HOLD (if time permits) at a safe distance and altitude. Then sort out the
malfunction and if applicable revise the landing performance before commencing another
• If available use the AP as long as possible.

Engine Failure / Fire below 1000 ft AGL:

• In case of an engine fire, it is recommended to continue the approach and do the ‘ENGINE FIRE
(On Ground)’ checklist after landing.
• If engine failure occurs, then Single Engine GA must be initiated.

Critical Malfunctions below 1000 ft AGL:

• A go-around is recommended in case of any critical system failure below 1000 ft AGL on

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Single Engine Missed Approach / Rejected Landing Procedure

Event PF PM
Decision to go-around Simultaneously: Sets Condition Levers to MAX,
Advances power levers to detent, Sets POWER Levers to detent,
Presses GA button (as required), Checks NTOP power setting on ED
Rotates the nose of the aircraft to and observes torque matches the
approximately 10°. torque bugs
“Go-Around, set Power” “Power Set”

If landing flap 35 selected: Selects flap as requested

“Flap 15”

Positive rate of climb Maintains a minimum airspeed of not Observes positive rate
(Altimeter & VSI) less than VGA. “Positive Rate”

“Gear Up, HDG SEL / ALT SEL” Selects Landing Gear Lever UP,
Selects HDG, ALT SEL and confirms
correct altitude selected
“HDG and ALT SEL Selected”

Acceleration altitude “Acceleration Altitude”

(1000 ft AGL) “Alt Hold, Engage Auto-pilot”
and accelerates through VFRI Selects ALT and engages AP

“Flap 0
Selects Flap 0

“Set IAS V CLIMB, bleeds ON”
Selects Bleeds - ON / MAX on
operating engine,
Confirms MCP power rating on ED
Calls “Power Set”

After level off at “After take-off checklist”

Missed Approach Carry out ‘AFTER TAKE-OFF’
altitude checklist

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Single Engine Missed Approach / Rejected Landing Profile

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Coordination between Cockpit Crews

An evacuation must be performed without delay if remaining on board would put the passengers’ health
or lives in danger.

If a fire is successfully extinguished in the air, there is no need for an automatic evacuation after landing
but a precautionary rapid disembarkation maybe carried out as soon as possible.

The evacuation drills are split between the Captain and the First Officer. Once the aircraft comes to a
complete stop, the Captain sets the Emergency/Parking Brake ON and continue the drill as follows:

Evacuation Drill
Once the airplane has EMERG Brake………………………………………………… ON
stopped completely Commands on PA:
“Cabin crew standby at stations” Access the problem
with Captain and
carry out appropriate

Evacuation required EMERG Brake………………………………………………… ON

POWER Levers………………………………………………DISC
Condition Levers…………………………………… Fuel OFF
Pull Fuel/Hyd Off handles (Both) ….………….…. Pull
Commands on PA:
“Evacuate left/right--- (3x)” Leaves the flight
Emergency Lights………………………………….……… ON compartment to
External Power / APU………………………….………. OFF assist in the
Battery Master………………………….………………… OFF evacuation
Assist in evacuation as required

The Capt. and F/O leave the aircraft by the best escape route, this may be the escape hatch using the
escape rope. The pilots then assist the evacuation.

In the event of a pilot being incapacitated prior to or during the Emergency Evacuation, the remaining
crew member is to complete all actions.

Coordination between Cockpit Crew and Cabin Crew

Automatic immediate evacuation is not recommended after a landing or a rejected takeoff if the aircraft
stops on a paved surface (runway, stopway, taxiway, etc.).

The cabin crew shall not evacuate without consulting with the cockpit unless loss of life is feared due to
fire or smoke inside the cabin. Flight crew must assure the cabin crew and passengers, as soon as
possible, that they are in control of the situation. By announcement made using the PA, Interphone to

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all stations or by physical means (in that order). Cockpit crew shall establish communication at the
earliest but not later than 90 secs after the aircraft has stopped.

In the event of a runway excursion after landing or rejected takeoff, cabin crew shall at first try to
contact the cockpit by interphone, megaphone or loud voice through the cockpit door. If no assuring
communication from the cockpit has occurred in ninety seconds, and all attempts to contact the cockpit
have failed, the cabin crew shall commence evacuation. All, or maximum possible cabin emergency exits
shall be opened and by judging the outside condition appropriate exits shall be availed.

The exact phrase (for all aircraft type) of assurance from cockpit shall be:

“Cabin crew standby at stations”

After this initial assurance, when the aircraft is adjudged to be out of danger, the Captain must make
further announcement in calm voice to remove panic situation in the cabin. This announcement shall at
least use the following phrases:

“Please be seated. Cabin crew resume normal”

In the event the cockpit crews decide that evacuation is the safer choice, the cockpit to cabin
communication shall be done using the exact phrase, which is either of:

“Evacuate aircraft---- (3x)”

or, if appropriate,

“Evacuate left/right---- (3x)”

The EVAC COMMAND system shall be switched on by any crew member (cockpit or cabin) who has
heard the command.

NOTE: The ninety-second rule is based on the cockpit actions that may be required to handle the fire,
retract spoilers, depressurize, perform EVAC checklist and evaluate evacuation requirement. It may be
reminded that in emergency situation 90 seconds appear as a very long time to the people in waiting.

Emergency Evacuation shall automatically follow:

i) a planned landing on unprepared surface, or

ii) planned ditching on a water body, or
iii) planned landing with abnormal gear configuration.
Evacuation must be immediately carried out by the conscious crew without waiting for any sort of

In situations of fire/smoke inside the cabin, cracked open fuselage or aircraft ending up on water body
after a landing/rejected takeoff, immediate automatic evacuation shall be affected. In these unplanned
situations when the automatic evacuation is warranted, the cabin chief should attempt to establish
communication with cockpit and vice versa.

If a cockpit announcement has been made, the cabin crew must follow the instructions.

For further information, please refer to SEEP Manual.

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An airplane may be considered to have diverted when it proceeds to an airport other than the planned

Possible reasons for diversion may include:

• Meteorological conditions enroute or at the destination,

• Technical reasons requiring a landing at the nearest suitable airport,
• Medical problems.

Diversion Procedure

In case of diversion consider the following items:

- Confirm diversion airfield weather is suitable,

- Inform ATC (Intention, endurance and POB),
- Set route in FMS and update current fuel
- Note time,
- Once aircraft is set up at the speeds specified below, use the FUEL PAGE on the FMS to calculate
fuel overhead alternate and compare with Final Reserve Fuel (FRF allows 30 mins holding at
1500ft in ISA conditions),
- Arrange handling agents
- Inform Biman Ops on 131.6 or via handling agents.

The following table is Long Range Cruise Setting for ISA+20°c and FL 80:

Weight (lb) IAS (kt) Torque (%)

42000 212 34.2
46000 216 36.3
50000 218 38.0
54000 220 39.7
58000 224 42.6
62000 230 46.0
64000 231 47.1
- ICE PROTECTION SYSTEM “ON”: Increase Torque by 0.3%
- For more accurate information refer to AOM Chapter 5.

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Alternate Planning


• MINIMUM FUEL FOR ALTERNATE: 1000 lb (90 NM) (Recommendation)

• Data include 2 min and 49 lb approach and landing allowance
• Data also include 2 min and 98 lb for missed approach allowance

Alternate Planning Table:

Climb Type II, Long Range Cruise, Descent Type II

50 kt Tailwind Zero Wind 50 kt Headwind


(NM) FL (h:min) (lb) (h:min) (lb) (h:min) (lb)

50 40 0:15 549 0:18 635 0:21 763

75 80 0:21 734 0:25 851 0:30 1027
100 160 0:27 906 0:31 1034 0:37 1219
125 180 0:32 1052 0:37 1199 0:44 1415
150 200 0:36 1195 0:42 1362 0:51 1607
175 220 0:41 1334 0:48 1519 0:58 1788
200 240 0:46 1468 0:53 1671 1:03 1960
225 240 0:50 1594 0:58 1819 1:10 2141
250 240 0:55 1720 1:04 1967 1:16 2321

50 40 0:15 551 0:17 633 0:21 756

75 80 0:21 734 0:24 849 0:29 1021
100 150 0:26 908 0:30 1038 0:36 1221
125 160 0:31 1058 0:35 1210 0:42 1429
150 180 0:35 1199 0:41 1371 0:49 1618
175 200 0:40 1338 0:46 1528 0:55 1799
200 220 0:45 1477 0:52 1684 1:02 1978
225 220 0:49 1607 0:57 1836 1:08 2165
250 220 0:54 1739 1:02 1991 1:15 2352
50 40 0:15 549 0:17 631 0:20 752
75 80 0:21 734 0:24 847 0:28 1012
100 140 0:26 906 0:30 1038 0:35 1226
125 150 0:30 1063 0:35 1217 0:42 1440
150 170 0:35 1208 0:40 1382 0:48 1631
175 180 0:40 1349 0:46 1545 0:54 1825
200 200 0:44 1488 0:51 1702 1:01 2006
225 200 0:49 1627 0:56 1865 1:07 2202
250 210 0:53 1761 1:01 2019 1:13 2385

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Transit certification by PIC in case of diversion of aircraft

In case an aircraft diverts from its scheduled flight route and lands at a station within or outside Biman’s
scheduled network, the Pilot in Command (PIC) will carry out the transit check as applicable and sign the
aircraft maintenance log, provided:

a) No engineering personnel of Biman or authorized Technical Handling Agency is available at the

airport to perform the ‘Transit’ or applicable check/service.
b) No defect on the aircraft which requires Maintenance Action of any kind before release for
c) If any defect exists but is/are covered under MEL and no Maintenance Task of any kind is
indicated in the ITEMS REQUIRED column of the MEL for the inoperative system/component,
the aircraft may be released under the MEL quoting the applicable reference.
d) At the next destination (place of landing) of the aircraft, the ‘Transit’ or applicable check must
be certified by an authorized Maintenance Engineer.
e) The PIC has been authorized by CAAB to perform ‘Transit’ Certification on the aircraft type.

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This emergency descent procedure is designed to bring the aircraft down smoothly to a safe altitude in
the minimum time following a rapid depressurization.

Use of the automated resources (AP/FD) is recommended.

The PF flies the descent. If the Captain is not PF at the time of the failure and elects to take over, a
positive handover of control must be made. The prime consideration of the flight crew is self-protection,
so the airplane can be flown safely to a lower altitude to protect the passengers.

An Emergency Descent, if required, is normally carried out at VMO.

If the structural integrity of the airplane is in doubt, however, limit the descent airspeed as much as
possible and avoid high maneuvering loads. Moving the condition levers to MAX increases drag in order
that the descent to lower altitude may be done in a timely fashion.

Do not make a steeper descent than the situation warrants. Target should be to descent to an altitude
below 10000 ft but recommended initial level-off altitude is 14000 ft or the Minimum Enroute Altitude,
whichever is higher. From 14000 to 10000 ft descent must be made at max. of 500 ft per minute or less.

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Emergency Descent Procedure

Event PF PM
First indication of Rapid Crew Member noting abnormality calls “Cabin pressure”
Confirm AP……………………….………………... ON
Don oxygen mask ……………….… 100% EMER Don oxygen mask ……... 100% EMER
Passenger Signs………………………….…….… ON Both Audio Panels…………...…. MASK

Altitude Selector…………….……. Set and Arm ATC……………. Advise “MAYDAY (3x),

(Below 14000 ft or MEA whichever is higher) commencing emergency descent”
IAS…………………….…. Set VMO or as required Transponder……………. Squawk 7700
(If structural integrity is in doubt, limit
airspeed as much as possible and avoid high
maneuvering loads)
Power Levers……………………….… FLIGHT IDLE
Condition Levers………………………………. MAX

Command Completes ‘EMERGENCY DESCENT’

“Emergency descent checklist” checklist.

2000 ft to level off “2000 feet to go”


After level off at safe Oxygen mask…………………….……. Off

altitude Oxygen mask………………………………………. Off Both Audio Panels…….………. BOOM
Commands on PA:
“Cabin crew, descent completed”

Unpressurized flight “Unpressurized flight checklist” Completes ‘UNPRESSURIZED

FLIGHT’ checklist.

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Emergency Descent Profile

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The EGPWS is a terrain awareness and alerting system providing terrain alerting and terrain display
functions. It provides alerts for excessive glideslope deviation, flaps or landing gear not in landing
configuration and provides bank angle and altitude callouts.

Additionally, the EGPWS uses internal terrain, obstacles and airport databases to predict a potential
conflict between airplane flight path and terrain or an obstacle.

Terrain / Obstacle Displays

The terrain Awareness Alerting and Display function maintains a Background Display of local terrain
forward of the airplane for optional flight compartment display. The background terrain is depicted as
variable dot patterns in green, yellow or red. The density and color being a function of how close the
terrain or obstacle is relative to airplane altitude.

EGPWS Standard Terrain Background Display

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In-Flight Procedures

EGPWS data is to be displayed on at least one MFD at all times when operating in areas of high terrain
and when at or below MSA.






“TOO LOW – GEAR” Take appropriate action to correct the unsafe








Immediately initiate ‘Terrain Recovery Procedure’


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Terrain Recovery Procedure


Commands “Terrain recovery” • Sets Condition Levers to MAX

Simultaneously: • Confirms NTOP power on ED
• Calls “Power Set”
• Selects GA
• Monitors radar altimeter and calls
• Advances Power Levers to detent
“Terrain closing”
• Smoothly rotates aircraft to go-around attitude
If separation from the ground is still decreasing

If Aircraft Still Closing on Terrain

• Advances Power Levers to maximum available
power (firewall)
• Increases pitch attitude sufficient to obtain
positive separation from terrain
• Do Not allow airspeed to decrease below V2 / VGA

If Stick Shaker Occurs and / or Airspeed Tape Turns Red

• Immediately reduces pitch attitude to silence
• Achieves an airspeed above the low speed cue
• Adjusts pitch to return to V2 / VGA

Aircraft Climbing Away from Terrain

• Continues climb as required to safe altitude • Monitors radar altitude and baro
altitude to determine when airplane is
safely clear of obstacles or terrain
• Calls “<Obstacle Clearance Alt ASI>

Once Clear of Terrain

• Reduces power and pitch attitude appropriate to • Calls “Clear of terrain”
the phase of flight • Advises ATC of any deviation to
• Reconfigures aircraft as necessary clearance

Do Not change gear or flap configuration until aircraft is clear of terrain.

The Low Speed Cue on the Q400 aircraft has been designed to overcome the Limitations associated with
the stick shaker at high power settings and function as a visual airspeed barrier.
The cue will always display an appropriate minimum airspeed for control of the aircraft regardless of
weight, flap or power setting.
As a result, terrain recoveries can be flown using the low speed cue as an aid to prevent an unacceptable
low airspeed condition.

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To monitor the traffics, it is recommended to keep one of the MFD’s range below 40 NM and TCAS
display ON at all time when airborne and when on the Runway.

Selection of Surveillance Area

Phase Selection
Takeoff and Climb Above
Cruise, Descent, Approach and Landing Below

Traffic Advisory (TA) Announcements

• Conduct visual search for the intruder.

Resolution Advisory (RA) Announcements

• Climb at rate shown on the green arc of the IVSI / PFD.
• Descend at rate shown on the green arc of the IVSI / PFD.
• Adjust rate of descent or climb to that shown on IVSI / PFD.
• Monitor present vertical speed to prevent entering restricted red arc speed.
• Range is increasing and separation is adequate return to previous ATC assigned altitude.
• Safe separation will be best achieved by climbing through the intruder’s flight path.
• Safe separation will best be achieved by descending through the intruder’s flight path.
• Maintain present vertical speed to prevent entering restricted red arc speed.
• Maintain present vertical speed to prevent entering restricted red arc speed. Indicates that
own flight path will cross that of intruder.

The following voice messages are announced when the initial RA does not provide sufficient vertical
separation from an intruder:
1. “INCREASE CLIMB, INCREASE CLIMB” (received after “CLIMB” advisory)
• Additional climb rate is required.
2. “INCREASE DESCENT, INCREASE DESCENT” (received after “DESCEND” advisory)
• Additional descent rate is required.
3. “CLIMB-CLIMB NOW, CLIMB-CLIMB NOW” (received after “DESCEND” advisory)

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• A reversal from a descent to a climb condition is required to provide adequate vertical

4. “DESCEND-DESCEND NOW, DESCEND-DESCEND NOW” (received after “CLIMB” advisory)
• A reversal from a climb to a descent condition is required to provide adequate vertical

Traffic Collision Avoidance Procedure

Event PF PM
Traffic Advisory (TA) -Locate the traffic on the MFD -Look outside for the traffic.
and may consider change the
flight path. Landing lights………………………….…... ON
ATC………………….... Inform TA and flight
path change

Resolution Advisory (RA) -Take whatever Resolution Seat belt sign………………………….…… ON

Advisory climb or descent is Advise ATC:
directed by the TCAS. “TCAS RA”

- Disconnect the autopilot and

immediately adjust the flight -Continue to look for the traffic and
profile. ensure the PF has met the RA directed
by TCAS.

Clear of the conflict and - Return the airplane to the Advise ATC:
the RA is cancelled original assigned altitude as “Clear of conflict, returning to (assigned
promptly as possible. clearance)”
AP……………………………… Engage “Clear of conflict (assigned clearance),

Landing lights…………………………….... Off

Seat belt sign…………………….... As Req’d

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Wake turbulence is caused by wing tip vortices. The vortices are strongest behind a heavy, slow and
clean airplane (flaps and slats retracted); they can induce powerful rolling moments and pitch
disturbances. Vortices produced near the ground sink and attach themselves to the surface; in light
winds, especially quartering tail winds, they will linger on or near the runway for some time.

ATC will provide separation between aircraft, but it is still the pilots’ responsibility to avoid wake
turbulence. The following considerations will help avoid encounters:

• Be aware of wake turbulence when holding near a runway.

• Before crossing a runway, wait a few minutes after a large airplane has taken off or landed.
• When taking off behind a larger airplane plan to rotate before the larger airplane’s rotation
• Climb above and upwind of the larger airplane’s climb path until clear of its wake.
• Do Not fly below and behind a large airplane’s flight path.
• If landing after a departing airplane, touchdown before its rotation point.
• If landing after a large airplane, stay above the other airplane’s path and land after its
touchdown point.
• A go around maybe considered if encounter wake turbulence on approach.
• When landing after a large airplane on a parallel runway closer than 2500 ft (800 m), beware of
possible drifting of the vortex to your runway.

Wake Turbulence Category and Separation

Wake turbulence category of Dash8 Q400 is ‘Medium’ as per ICAO and ‘Large’ for FAA. When departing
behind, the separation time starts from the rotation of the preceding aircraft.

Following are the minimum separation time and distance between Dash8 and other aircrafts:

Follower Medium (Dash8 Q400)

Departure Arrival
Leader Full RWY Intermediate part
Super 3 mins 3 mins 7 NM
Heavy 2 mins 3 mins 5 NM
Medium - - -
Light - - -

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Windshear is defined as a sudden change in air mass direction and speed lasting for a measurable period
of time (as opposed to simple turbulence).
While many windshear encounters have been related to weather fronts, strong surface winds, mountain
waves etc., the worst encounters have involved wet microburst / downburst phenomena associated
with thunderstorms.
A microburst or downburst is a shaft of high velocity air moving down from the core of a convective
cloud to the ground where it spreads out in a gust front in all directions.
The wind component is mostly horizontal at altitudes below 500 ft.
When windshear is suspected, avoid large power reductions and excessive trim changes in response to
sudden airspeed increases as these may be followed quickly by sudden decreases.
Crew actions are divided into 3 areas: Avoidance, Precautions and Recovery.

1. Windshear Avoidance: Avoid areas of known severe windshear. If severe windshear is indicated,
delay take-off or do not continue an approach until conditions improve.
2. Windshear Precautions:
- Takeoff: Do Not use a reduced power take-off; use normal take-off power if there are any
reports of windshear in the area.
Use the longest suitable runway, provided it is clear of areas of known windshear.
Be alert for airspeed fluctuations during take-off and initial climb.
Airspeed fluctuations may be the first indication of windshear.
Rotate at the normal pitch rate to the normal take-off pitch attitude.
Minimize reductions from this initial attitude until terrain and obstacle clearance is assured.
- Approach: Select the minimum approach / landing flap position consistent with field length and
WAT (Weight Altitude Temperature).
Limit and add an appropriate wind correction to VAPP (correction applied in the same manner as
gust correction).
Avoid large power reductions or trim changes in response to sudden airspeed increases as these
may be followed by airspeed decreases.
Closely monitor the vertical flight path instruments, specifically vertical speed, altimeters and
glideslope indicators - increasing the normal cross check between these instruments and the
flight director commands.
3. Windshear Recovery:
The flight crew must make the determination of marginal flight path control using all the
information available in the flight compartment and react promptly.
This determination is subjective and based on the pilots' judgment of the situation.
As a guideline, marginal flight path control may be indicated by uncontrolled changes from
normal steady state flight conditions in excess of:
• 10 kt indicated airspeed
• 500 ft/min vertical speed
• 5° pitch attitude
• 1 dot displacement from the glideslope

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The following action is recommended when preventative action is not successful, or whenever flight
path control becomes marginal below 500 ft above the ground on take-off or landing:
• Initial response - Apply NTOP (detent) power / Rotate to known GA (Go Around)
Provides a fixed pitch target in turbulence
• Do Not change configuration unless flight path under control.

Aircraft still descending:

• Increase thrust and pitch attitude
- Firewall power
- Increase pitch target sufficient to stop descent, but Do Not allow airspeed to
decrease below V2 / VGA
- Maintain the pitch attitude that achieves V2 / VGA airspeed
• Stick shaker activates and / or airspeed tape turns red:
Should the stick shaker activate and / or airspeed tape turn red in turbulence
(Alternate Symbology aircraft), immediately reduce the pitch attitude sufficient to
silence the shaker and achieve an airspeed above the low speed cue.
In the event this should occur close to the ground, maintain the pitch attitude which
silences the shaker, until terrain contact is no longer a factor, then allow the aircraft
to accelerate back to V2 / VGA.
• Continue climb until clear of terrain.

Clear of terrain:
• Reduce power and pitch attitude appropriate to the phase of flight.
• Reconfigure aircraft as necessary.

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Windshear In-Flight Recovery Procedure

Commands “WINDSHEAR”
Simultaneously select GA, advance Power Levers to
detent and smoothly rotate aircraft to GA attitude Sets Condition Levers to MAX
Confirms NTOP power on ED
Calls “Power Set”
Monitor radio altimeter and IVSI,
Calls “<radio altitude> feet climbing” or
“<radio altitude> feet descending”

Aircraft still descending

Advance Power Levers to maximum available power
Increase pitch attitude sufficient to stop descent.
Do not allow airspeed to decrease below V2 / VGA

If Stick Shaker occurs and / or Airspeed tape turns red

Immediately reduce pitch attitude to silence shaker
and achieve an airspeed above the low speed cue
then adjust pitch to return to V2 / VGA

Aircraft climbing away from terrain

Continue climb as required to safe altitude
Monitors radar altitude and baro altitude to deter-
mine when airplane is safely clear of obstacles or
Calls “<obstacle clearance alt ASL> feet”

Once clear of terrain

Reduce power and pitch attitude appropriate to the
phase of flight
Reconfigure aircraft as necessary Calls “Clear of terrain”
Advise ATC of any deviation to clearance

• Do Not change gear or flap configuration if the vertical flight path is not under control.
• Unlike a jet aircraft, it is not permissible to continue to increase pitch attitude until stick shaker
occurs. Windshear recoveries can be flown using the low speed cue as an aid to prevent an
unacceptable low airspeed condition.

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Wet Runway: A runway is considered wet when there is sufficient moisture on the runway surface to
cause it to appear reflective, but without significant areas of standing water (or equivalent).


• Maximum crosswind for takeoff and landing is 32 kts

• Takeoff with Anti-skid brake system not permitted,
• Takeoff with inoperative Flight Spoilers in ground mode is prohibited.
• Aquaplaning Speeds:
- For Takeoff = 107 kts GS
- For Landing = 92 kts GS

V1 Correction when Taking Off from a Wet Runway:

When using the V1 = VR concept, or when using a V1/VR-ratio other than 1, the V1 speed for a wet
runway shall be reduced by:

8 kts – 0.1 kt for each kt headwind or 8 kts + 0.3 kt for each kt tailwind However, the minimum V1 shall
never be less than:

• 97 KIAS for 5° flaps take-off

• 96 KIAS for 10° flaps take-off
• 96 KIAS for 15° flaps take-off

Takeoff and Landing procedure on Wet Runway

Eng Intake Bypass doors………………………OPEN/HTR

Beware of hydroplaning on the runway. A positive touchdown is recommended.

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Contaminated Runway: A runway is considered to be contaminated when more than 25% of the runway
surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the required length and width being used is
covered by following:

• Standing water,
• Slush,
• Loose snow,
• Snow which has been compressed into a solid weight which resists further compression and will
hold together or break into lumps if picked up (= COMPACTED SNOW), or
• Ice, including wet ice (braking effectivity is expected to be very low).
NOTE: Runways with water depths, slush or loose snow less than 3 mm (0.125 in), may be considered
not contaminated provided braking is considered good.


• Take-off with reduced power is prohibited,

• Operation from runways contaminated with standing water, slush or loose snow
- Maximum operating altitude for take-off and landing is 6000 ft ASL
- The maximum permitted WED of contaminate is 15 mm (0.59 in)
- The maximum permitted depth of contaminate is 6 cm (2.4 in)
- For WED greater than 3 mm (0.125 in), selection of power levers aft of DISC is prohibited
- The maximum crosswind component for take-off and landing is 14 kt
• Operation from runways contaminated with compacted snow
- The maximum crosswind component for take-off and landing is 20 kt
Caution: Operation in crosswinds on runways contaminated with wet ice is not Recommended


For performance calculation refer to AOM 4.1.4.

Taxi on Low Friction Surfaces

When taxying on low friction surfaces maintain a low forward speed. Use nosewheel steering for
directional control, supported by gentle use of asymmetric braking and asymmetric thrust. If the
nosewheel steering is moved rapidly or selected to large angles, nosewheel skidding can occur; reducing
the nosewheel steering demand restores nosewheel adhesion.

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A layer of contaminant will increase wheel drag during the take-off roll, particularly at higher speeds.
Consequently, the distance required to accelerate will be increased. The maximum allowable water
equivalent depth of contaminant allowed for take-off is 15 mm. a continuous layer of very dry snow
(density 0.2 kg/litre or less) must not exceed 60 mm.

Take-off Procedure on Contaminated or Low Friction Runways:

• Flight Spoilers and Anti-skid brakes must be serviceable.

• Reduced Power must not be used.
• Keep Engine Intake Bypass Doors OPEN/HTR
• The take-off flap setting must be the Optimum as shown on the GWC
• A rolling take-off should be used on low friction surfaces.
• Maintain control column slightly forward of neutral on a low friction surface.
• Delay gear retraction if performance is not limiting to remove contaminant.
Anticipate a lag in nosewheel steering and the possibility of nosewheel skidding. Apply corrections as

Use aerodynamic control as soon as it becomes available. Ailerons can increase directional control in the
range 60 to 100 knots. Avoid large rudder inputs.


Use full DISCing; the use of reverse thrust is not recommended unless absolutely necessary to stop the
aircraft in the remaining runway available

Do not be tempted to take a high -speed turnoff at excessive speed. Taxiways are often more slippery
than runways.

Landing Procedure on Contaminated Runways

• The preferred landing flap setting is 15°,

• Land at the correct speed,
• Aim for a positive touchdown and immediately retard the Power Levers into DISCing then lower
the Nose wheel.
• Leave the runway at low speed
NOTE: No additional approach and landing speed increments are to be added to VREF-ICING. Speeds in
excess of VREF-ICING may result in exceeded brake energy limits, Tire speeds and design landing loads, in
addition to delays in WOW system operation.
The Flap 35 landing field length on a contaminated runway must be increased by 400ft.

Wet runways can cause aircraft hydroplaning. The factors that influence the occurrence of this
phenomenon are high speed, standing water and poor runway macro-texture. When hydroplaning
occurs, it causes a substantial loss of tire friction and wheel spin-up may not occur.

Icy runways can be very slippery at all speeds depending on temperature. Stopping the aircraft with the
least landing run must be emphasized when landing on wet or slippery runways. Apply brakes with
moderate-to-firm pressure, smoothly and symmetrically, and let the anti-skid do its job.

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• the Static Air Temperature (SAT) on the ground and for take-off is 10°C (50°F) or below, or
• the SAT in flight is 5°C (41°F) or below, and
• visible moisture in any form is present (such as clouds, fog with visibility of one statute mile or
less, rain,
• snow, sleet or ice crystals).
• ice accretion on aerodynamic surfaces is not considered to exist at temperatures of - 40°C or

Icing Conditions also exist when:

• the SAT on the ground and for take-off is 10°C or below when operating on ramps, taxiways or
runways where surface snow, ice, standing water or slush may be ingested by the engines or
freeze on engines, nacelles or engine sensor probes.



Flight into freezing rain, freezing drizzle or mixed icing conditions (super-cooled liquid water and ice
crystals) may result in ice build-up on protected surfaces, exceeding the capability of the ice protection
system or may result in ice forming aft of the protected surfaces.

This ice may not be shed using the ice protection systems and may seriously degrade the performance
and controllability of the airplane.

Ground De-icing / Anti-icing

Air regulation stipulate that take-off is prohibited when frost, ice or snow is adhering to any critical
surface of the airplane. This principle is referred to as “the clean airplane concept” and is essential to
the maintenance of flight safety.

Regardless of the de-icing and anti-icing procedures used, the only method of ensuring flight safety in
icing conditions is by inspecting critical airplane surfaces and ensuring that they are clean before takeoff.
The PIC has the ultimate responsibility to determine whether or not the airplane is safe to fly. Frost less
than 3 mm in depth is permitted on the underside of the fuel tank area of the wing. This poses no
concern. The frost accumulation will dissipate as of post engine start, due to heat transfer from the fuel

A thin layer of hoar frost on the upper surface of the fuselage is not considered to be critical and can
remain on the fuselage for take-off. Provided all vents and ports are clear of the frost and it is possible
to distinguish fuselage surface features (markings and lines).

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Holdover Times (HOT): Holdover Time is the estimated time which anti-icing fluid will prevent ice, snow
and / or frost from forming or collecting on the treated surfaces of the airplane. Biman technical
department publish a circular regarding ‘Holdover time guideline’ every year.

DE-ICING: De-icing is a procedure by which frost, ice or snow is removed from the airplane by applying
hot water or a hot mixture of water and de-icing / anti-icing fluid.

ANTI-ICING: Anti-icing consists of the application of a mixture of an anti-icing fluid or a mixture of anti-
icing fluid and water to the airplane to protect against the accumulation and adherence of frost, ice or
snow to airplane surfaces before the condition exists.

TYPE I FLUIDS: are used for de-icing and anti-icing but provide very limited anti-icing protection.

TYPE II FLUIDS: TYPE II fluids are used for de-icing (when heated) and anti-icing and provide greater
protection than do TYPE I. Because of its flow-off characteristics it is not considered suitable for airplane
with rotation speeds < 100 kt.

TYPE III FLUIDS: are a “thickened” fluid that has properties that lie between TYPES I and II. Because of its
flow-off characteristics it is considered acceptable for airplane with rotation speeds below 100 kt

TYPE IV FLUIDS: are similar to TYPE II fluids with a marked increase in holdover time capabilities.

ONE-STEP DE-ICING / ANTI-ICING consists of the application full strength or water diluted de-icing / anti
icing fluid, heated as necessary considering the ambient temperature and weather condition, to both
remove and protect the surfaces from frost, ice or snow adherence and accumulation.

TWO-STEP DE-ICING / ANTI-ICING consists of de-icing with hot water only or a hot mixture of water
diluted de-icing / anti-icing fluid, followed immediately by anti-icing with an overspray of anti-icing fluid.

De-Icing Procedures

Pre-Fluid Application

Engines……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Shutdown (if possible)

If engines running:
BLEED Air………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OFF
De-icing Operator……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Advised
• Engine must not ingest de-icing fluid.
• Avoid direct spray on the following:
- Intakes and exhausts, vents and drains
- Air data probes and sensors / ports and AOA vanes
- Windshields and all windows
- Antennas
• Do not spray hot fluid directly on cold windows.
• Do not spray high-pressure fluid perpendicular to airplane surfaces.
• Avoid forcing snow / ice into parings around flight control surfaces.

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Configuration During Anti-Icing / De-Icing Procedures

Two possible options are delaying flap deployment until just prior to take-off or deploying the flaps prior
to de-icing / anti-icing so that the surfaces under these flaps are treated.

With the second option, the holdover time and allowance time will be reduced due to the steeper
angles of the flap in the deployed configuration.

Delaying the flap deployment may be the preferred option for optimum protection from ice buildup.

If it is necessary to remove contamination from the flaps, it may be best to deploy the flaps for de-icing
and anti-icing and then retract them prior to taxi.

Post-Fluid Application

Critical Areas……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Inspect

Flight Controls……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Check / Free

Following the application of de-icing or anti-icing fluids, it is strongly recommended that the pilot
conduct a slow control throw of the elevator and aileron / spoiler control circuits. Move the control
column and control wheel in both directions to the control stops. Should a restriction of the controls or
an unusual control force be noted, a take-off must not be conducted until the affected control inspected
for ice contamination and if required, another application of de-icing or anti-icing fluid is applied.
• Ensure the following:
- Airplane free of snow, ice and frost
- Control surfaces clean
- Protective covers removed
- Engine inlets, pitot static ports, fuel tank vents, air conditioning inlets / exits, landing gear
doors clear of snow / ice.
NOTE: Refer to Biman Technical notice regarding ‘HOLDOVER TIME Guidelines’.


• Ensure the following anti-ice systems are selected

PITOT STATIC STBY, 1 & 2………………………………………………………………………………………… ON

ENG INTAKE BYPASS DOORS……………………………………………………………………... OPEN / HTR

• During taxi on slush covered surfaces, where possible, minimize taxi speeds to below 10 kt.
Faster taxi speeds increase the chance of slush / contaminate entering the nose wheel bay.
Where possible, avoid taxiing through deep slush.
• Avoid using excessive power to taxi airplane as this may tend to displace any anti-icing fluid
• Avoid using reverse power on snow or slush covered runways, taxiways or ramps unless
absolutely necessary, as snow, slush or water can become airborne and adhere to wing surfaces.
• Allow a greater than normal distance between airplane to account for poor braking and turning
performance on slippery surfaces. This will also reduce the possibility of snow or slush being
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blown back into the airplane or hot exhaust gases melting snow on your airplane from which
refreezing may occur.


• Before take-off into icing conditions, select all anti-ice systems, except airframe de-ice, as

ENG INTAKE BYPASS DOORS…………………………………………………………………….…. OPEN / HTR

PROP TMR………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ON
DEICE PRESS…………………………………………………………………………………………. Check 18 ± 3 psi
WINDSHIELD HEAT……………………………………………………………………………………………… NORM

• Selection of the REF SPEEDS switch raises the stall warning threshold; therefore, airspeed must
be INCREASED to maintain adequate margin over stall warning following take-off and prior to
selection of the switch to ON at 400 ft AGL.
• Before moving into position, re-check that the airplane is free of ice, snow or frost. Before brake
release, check for stable engine operation.
• After setting take-off power, check to see that flight compartment indicators are normal.

NOTE: The following performance implications must be considered for take-offs into icing

- The AC generator electrical demand by the anti-icing systems takes power away from the
propeller gear box, reducing net engine power available to the airplane. This results in increased
take-off field lengths and reduced climb gradients and MAT limits.
- In addition to the reduction in net engine power due to electrical loads, the increased take-off
speeds above 400 ft due to stall warning margins also degrade airplane performance.

The combination of these factors results in decreased Final Take-off Climb gradients and
increased 3rd segment distances.

• For take-off on slush covered surfaces, accelerate through 40 kt IAS as rapidly as possible

Enroute, Climb, Cruise and Descent

Before entering icing conditions or when “ICE DETECTED” message appears on the ED select all anti-ice
systems and REF SPEEDS to INCR.

In Icing Conditions monitor accumulation of ice on the airframe.

Operate the airframe de-ice system in FAST or SLOW depending on the rate of accumulation. Do not
wait for ice to build up before selecting airframe de-ice.

Climb no slower than Enroute Climb Speed (VCLIMB) + 20 KIAS and, cruise and descend no slower than
Flap 1.23 VS + 25 KIAS to account for the increase in stall speed of the airplane with ice accumulated on
the boot surfaces between cycles and on unprotected surfaces.
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These speed increments must be added whenever the REF SPEEDS switch is selected, regardless of
whether or not ice has actually accumulated on the airplane.

Monitor airplane climb rate and airspeed closely.

Be prepared to increase propeller RPM and engine power if a significant loss of performance is noted.

After flight in icing conditions leave the airframe de-ice system operating. Monitor the left and right
wing leading edges and wing tips.

The airplane is not considered to be aerodynamically clean until all ice is removed from the visible
leading edges and wing tips.

Once ice is no longer visible deselect de-icing and anti-icing systems and select the REF SPEEDS switch

Holding and Approach

Before entering the hold or commencing approach, re-confirm all anti-icing systems are selected. The
AIRFRAME selector must be selected to FAST for the entire hold, approach and landing. When holding in
icing conditions:

- The landing gear must be retracted,

- flaps at Flap 0° setting, and
- hold at an airspeed no slower than 190 KIAS.

Prior to commencing approach, revised approach, landing and go-around speeds must be calculated.

Accumulated ice on the airframe extracts a small mass penalty on the airplane and combined with the
increased approach and landing speeds, result in an increase in Landing Field Lengths and Brake

The mass penalty on the airplane, as well as decreased net engine power due to electrical loads,
combined with the increased go-around speed result in a reduction in Landing MAT limits and Approach
and Balked Landing Climb gradients.


The airplane should be flown to a firm touchdown at the aiming point.

Immediately after main wheel touchdown, retard the Power Levers to DISC and lower the nose wheel to
the runway to enhance directional control. Apply anti-skid brakes as required.
On landing on slush covered surfaces, decelerate through 40 kt IAS to taxi speed 10 kt, as rapidly as
possible. Let the anti-skid system do its work. Do Not pump the brake pedals.
The anti-skid system will monitor the onset of tire skidding and modulate brake pressures to achieve
maximum braking.
Avoid the use of reverse thrust on icy or slippery runways.
If reverse thrust is used in a crosswind, be prepared for a possible down-wind drift on slippery runways.
To correct back to the runway centerline, advance the Power Levers toward Flight Idle and reduce

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After regaining directional control, increase braking and select DISC.

Do Not select reverse thrust unless required.
If the Water Equivalent Depth (WED) of contaminant on the runway surface is greater than 3 mm (0.125
in), selection of Power Levers aft of DISC is prohibited to avoid ingesting contaminant into the engines
and suffering a possible flame-out.
Do Not attempt to turn off the runway until speed has been reduced to a manageable level.


1. Remove the snow, slush, or ice from the area where you will park the airplane.

NOTE: If this is not possible, remove the contamination around the tires of the main and the
nose landing gear only. If you do not do this, the tires can freeze to the ground

2. Park the airplane.

3. Remove all snow, slush, or ice from the engine intakes and exhausts.
4. Install all plugs and covers supplied for the airplane.

NOTE: In very cold weather, apply a thin brush layer of anti-icing fluid to the covers or they can
freeze to the airplane.

5. If you will park the airplane in the cold for a long time, do the steps that follow:
a) Drain the fluid from the lavatory tank and the warm water wash system.
b) Drain the galley liquid containers.
c) Close all airplane doors.
6. If you park the airplane in ambient temperatures lower than - 20°C (- 4°F), the battery
temperatures shown on the electrical page of the multi-function display (written as the “MFD”
in this procedure) must be equal to or greater than - 20°C (- 4°F) prior to dispatch.

NOTE: There is no battery temperature limitation to start the engines or the auxiliary power

7. If you park the airplane in temperatures lower than - 15°C (5°F) for longer than 3 h, you must
permit a warm-up period for the displays that follow before they become functional:


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Incapacitation occurs in many forms ranging from sudden death to subtle, partial loss of mental or
physical performance.

Subtle incapacitation is the most dangerous and is the most common type encountered.

One of the keys to early and effective recognition of pilot incapacitation is the strict adherence to
standard operating procedures, call-outs and flight profiles.

Suspicion of some degree of incapacitation should be considered when a crew member does not
respond to verbal communication associated with a significant departure from a standardized procedure
or profile.

Incapacitation must be suspected when a Flight crew member does not respond to :

- Two verbal communications when above 1000 feet AAL.

- One verbal communication when below 1000 feet AAL.
- Any verbal communication associated with a significant deviation from the intended flight path.
- A system malfunctions.

Whenever the PM advises the PF of a deviation from the intended flight profile, the PF shall take
immediate action and announce, “Correcting”.

If the PF does not respond immediately, the PM shall call the deviation a 2nd time, and if there is still no
response from the PF, the PM shall assume pilot incapacitation, assume immediate control of the
airplane and announce, “I have control”.

Action in the event of pilot incapacitation

Whenever Pilot incapacitation may be suspected or is obvious, the following steps shall be taken by the
other pilot:

- Assure a safe condition of flight.

- Take over the controls immediately.
- Engage the autopilot.
- Summon a cabin crew member immediately for assistance
- Remove the incapacitated Pilot from the controls and secured (if possible).
- Analyze flight operational aspects i.e.:
• The condition of the incapacitated Flight crew member
• The remaining flight time of the planned flight leg
• The suitability and knowledge of enroute airfields for an emergency landing

In general, the aircraft must land, after declaring an emergency, as soon as practicable. Where possible
the diversion airport should have weather conditions at or above CAT 1 minima. Should incapacitation
occur during an approach to land, the remaining pilot may continue the planned approach if he
considers that the approach and landing can be completed safely.

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Medical assistance, in-flight and after landing should be arranged for the incapacitated crew member.
After landing get the incapacitated Flight crewmember off-loaded and to the ambulance at a suitable
location and as quickly as possible.

The remaining pilot shall fly the aircraft from his normal position. No seat change is permitted and
consider the following items:

- Prepare the flight deck for landing.

- Request whenever possible a long, straight-in approach.
- Perform the approach checks earlier than normal.
- If required, take cabin crew assistance in reading checklist.
- Request radar vectoring whenever possible.

Arrange parking of the aircraft. F/O or RH is not permitted to park the aircraft. So, in case of Capt. or LH
incapacitation, the aircraft shall be stopped on the runway then towed to the bay.

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If the Condition Levers are both inadvertently selected to START/FEATHER after takeoff (or at any stage
in flight), and then reselected to MIN/850 or above with the power still set high, this will activate the
Automatic Underspeed Protection Circuit (AUPC) during transition out of feather. This will result in both
propellers running under Over Speed Governor (OSG) control.

When the conditions for activation of AUPC occur, the AUPC overrides the normal control of the
propellers for the remainder of the flight. This illuminates the PEC caution lights and the POWERPLANT
advisory of the Engine Display (ED). The AUPC drives the propeller blades towards fine pitch, increasing
the propeller speed, until the speed reaches the OSG governing speed. At that point the propeller
speed is controlled hydro-mechanically by the OSG. The electronic beta control mode of the propeller
also becomes unavailable and the in-flight pitch limiting is achieved by hydraulic flight fine stop.

After AUPC activation, the only variable control of blade pitch is through the OSG, maintaining speed
governing at about 1070 rpm by varying blade pitch within the available range between the hydraulic
fine pitch stop of 16 degrees and the feather stop. Propeller pitch control below Flight Idle is not
available on the ground and the only other available pitch setting is feather. The propeller can be
feathered with the Condition Levers and with the ALT FTHR pump as per AFM procedures. Once
feathered, the propeller will not come out of feather following AUPC activation.

Power Lever movement can still control engine power, as the FADEC is not affected by AUPC activation.
During flight, when the OSG is providing propeller speed governing by controlling blade angle, an
increase in Power Lever angle will increase engine power. The OSG will respond by increasing blade
angle to maintain the governed speed, and the increase in power will show as an increase in torque (as
well an increase in the other engine parameters affected by power changes). The opposite happens on
decreasing Power Lever angle. Normal engine power management is available with speed governing
through the AUPC. However, for any given Power Lever position, propeller rpm will be slightly higher,
and the engine torque will be slightly lower. Engine shaft horsepower is essentially the same.

‘DUAL PROPELLER OVERSPEED’ checklist provides pilot procedures for managing the aircraft following
AUPC activation.

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