ADXL202/ADXL210: Using The Analog Output Power Cycling When Using The Digital Output
ADXL202/ADXL210: Using The Analog Output Power Cycling When Using The Digital Output
ADXL202/ADXL210: Using The Analog Output Power Cycling When Using The Digital Output
USING THE ANALOG OUTPUT Power Cycling When Using the Digital Output
The ADXL202/ADXL210 was specifically designed for use with An alternative is to run the microcontroller at a higher clock
its digital outputs, but has provisions to provide analog outputs rate and put it into shutdown between readings, allowing the
as well. use of the digital output. In this approach the ADXL202/
Duty Cycle Filtering ADXL210 should be set at its fastest sample rate (T2 = 0.5 ms),
An analog output can be reconstructed by filtering the duty with a 500 Hz filter at XFILT and YFILT. The concept is to ac-
cycle output. This technique requires only passive components. quire a reading as quickly as possible and then shut down the
The duty cycle period (T2) should be set to 1 ms. An RC filter ADXL202/ADXL210 and the microcontroller until the next
with a 3 dB point at least a factor of 10 less than the duty cycle sample is needed.
frequency is connected to the duty cycle output. The filter resis- In either of the above approaches, the ADXL202/ADXL210
tor should be no less than 100 kΩ to prevent loading of the can be turned on and off directly using a digital port pin on the
output stage. The analog output signal will be ratiometric to the microcontroller to power the accelerometer without additional
supply voltage. The advantage of this method is an output scale components. The port should be used to switch the common
factor of approximately double the analog output. Its disadvan- pin of the accelerometer so the port pin is “pulling down.”
tage is that the frequency response will be lower than when
XFILT, YFILT Output The initial value of the offset and scale factor for the ADXL202/
The second method is to use the analog output present at the ADXL210 will require calibration for applications such as tilt
XFILT and YFILT pin. Unfortunately, these pins have a 32 kΩ measurement. The ADXL202/ADXL210 architecture has been
output impedance and are not designed to drive a load directly. designed so that these calibrations take place in the software of
An op amp follower may be required to buffer this pin. The the microcontroller used to decode the duty cycle signal. Cali-
advantage of this method is that the full 5 kHz bandwidth of the bration factors can be stored in EEPROM or determined at
accelerometer is available to the user. A capacitor still must be turn-on and saved in dynamic memory.
added at this point for filtering. The duty cycle converter should For low g applications, the force of gravity is the most stable,
be kept running by using RSET <10 MΩ. Note that the acceler- accurate and convenient acceleration reference available. A
ometer offset and sensitivity are ratiometric to the supply volt- reading of the 0 g point can be determined by orientating the
age. The offset and sensitivity are nominally: device parallel to the earth’s surface and then reading the output.
0 g Offset = VDD/2 2.5 V at +5 V A more accurate calibration method is to make a measurements
ADXL202 Sensitivity = (60 mV × VS)/g 300 mV/g at +5 V, VDD at +1 g and –1 g. The sensitivity can be determined by the two
ADXL210 Sensitivity = (20 mV × VS)/g 100 mV/g at +5 V, VDD measurements.
To calibrate, the accelerometer’s measurement axis is pointed
USING THE ADXL202/ADXL210 IN VERY LOW POWER directly at the earth. The 1 g reading is saved and the sensor is
APPLICATIONS turned 180° to measure –1 g. Using the two readings, the sensi-
An application note outlining low power strategies for the tivity is:
ADXL202/ADXL210 is available. Some key points are pre-
sented here. It is possible to reduce the ADXL202/ADXL210’s Let A = Accelerometer output with axis oriented to +1 g
average current from 0.6 mA to less than 20 µA by using the Let B = Accelerometer output with axis oriented to –1 g then:
following techniques: Sensitivity = [A – B]/2 g
1. Power Cycle the accelerometer. For example, if the +1 g reading (A) is 55% duty cycle and the
–1 g reading (B) is 32% duty cycle, then:
2. Run the accelerometer at a Lower Voltage, (Down to 3 V).
Sensitivity = [55% – 32%]/2 g = 11.5%/g
Power Cycling with an External A/D
Depending on the value of the XFILT capacitor, the ADXL202/ These equations apply whether the output is analog, or duty
ADXL210 is capable of turning on and giving a good reading in cycle.
1.6 ms. Most microcontroller based A/Ds can acquire a reading Application notes outlining algorithms for calculating accelera-
in another 25 µs. Thus it is possible to turn on the ADXL202/ tion from duty cycle and automated calibration routines are
ADXL210 and take a reading in <2 ms. If we assume that a available from the factory.
20 Hz sample rate is sufficient, the total current required to
take 20 samples is 2 ms × 20 samples/s × 0.6 mA = 24 µA aver-
age current. Running the part at 3 V will reduce the supply
current from 0.6 mA to 0.4 mA, bringing the average current
down to 16 µA.
The A/D should read the analog output of the ADXL202/
ADXL210 at the XFILT and Y FILT pins. A buffer amplifier is
recommended, and may be required in any case to amplify the
analog output to give enough resolution with an 8-bit to 10-bit
–10– REV. B