Newton's Laws: Principle of Conservation of Momentum
Newton's Laws: Principle of Conservation of Momentum
Newton's Laws: Principle of Conservation of Momentum
Principle of Conservation of
Newton's First Law: A body will continue to remain Momentum
in its state of being - at constant velocity in a straight The Principle of conservation of momentum states
line or at rest - unless acted upon by an external that when two particles collide:
resultant force. total momentum before impact = total
Linear Momentum
Momentum is a vector quantity given by the product of m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
its mass and its velocity.
Elastic collisions
In elastic collisions both kinetic energy and linear
p is the momentum in kg ms-1 or Ns
momentum are conserved. They do not exist in the
m is the mass in kg
real world but are idealised scenarios which physicists
v the velocity in ms-1
use to simplify the mathematical of models. For
collision either.
particles are equal, the particles 'exchange' velocities Impulse is the change in momentum of a body and is
upon impact. Furthermore, elastic collisions have the equal to the force applied to the body and the time for
Inelastic collisions
In an inelastic collision only linear momentum is