Chapter 16 - Undercarriage Mechanical: Service Manual
Chapter 16 - Undercarriage Mechanical: Service Manual
Chapter 16 - Undercarriage Mechanical: Service Manual
LFR/en/version: 09 / 2007
16 Undercarriage - Mechanical
16.1.1Technical data
Axial play :
A) roller bearing mm
B) roller bearing mm
C) roller bearing mm 0,5 - 1,1
D) Shaft mm 2,0 - 3,0
E) Planetary carrier mm 1,0 - 1,5
F) Oil channel mm 10 - 20
Torque :
L) Nm
M) Nm 295
N) Nm 120
O) Nm
P) Nm
Q) Nm
R) Nm 69
S) Nm 35
T) Nm 580
U) Nm 3200
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16.1.2Function / Operation location
Complete undercarriage
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Cinematic schematic
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For the functional description of the travel gear see the preceding figures.
The primary shaft 80 is driven by the hydraulic motors. It meshes with the spur wheel 75 and permits the rota-
tion of the intermediate shaft 55. Bearings make the rotation between the intermediate shaft 55 and the assem-
bly (planetary carrier 1, contact strip 10, housing 70 and motor flange 85).
The intermediate shaft 55 meshes with the planetary wheel 45. On the other side, the planetary wheel 45
meshes with internal geared wheel 50. The planetary wheel 45 is mounted on the planetary carrier 40 with bea-
ring. The planetary carrier 40 is then driven in rotation.
The sun gear 35 meshes with the planetary carrier 40 and turns at the same speed.
The planet wheel 20 meshes with the sun gear 35. The planet wheel 20 is mounted in rotation on planetary
carrier 1 with a bearing. On the other side the planet wheel 20 meshes with the internal geared wheel 30. As
the assembly (planetary carrier 1, contact strip 10, housing 70 and motor flange 85) is fixed, the assembly com-
posed ( bearing ring 5, internal geared wheels 30 and 50) has a movement of rotation. A bearing makes the
rotation between these two assemblies.
The sprocket is bolted on the bearing ring 5 and then the rotation of the assembly (5, 30, 50) is tranferred to
the track and allows the travel movement of the excavator.
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16.1.3Installation / removal
Component location
For the installation and the removal of the travel gear in its housing, use an appropriate tools to carry this me-
Installation description
• Lift the travel gear 2 and center it in the side frame 1.
• Fix the travel drive 2 to the side frame 1 by tightening the screws 3 to the prescribed torque.
• Lift the sprocket 20 and center it in the travel gear 2.
• Fix the sprocket 20 to the travel gear 2 by tightening the screws 21 to the prescribed torque.
• Lift the travel motors 6 and fix them to the travel gear 2 by tightening the bolts 7 to the prescribed torque.
• Lift the travel motors protection 25 or 26 and fix it to the side frame 1 by tightening the screws 28 to the
prescribed torque.
• Lift the lid 15 and fix it to the side frame 1 and to the central part by tightening the screws 17 or 41 to the
prescribed torque.
Removal description
• Remove the track (see § removal of track components).
• Lift the excavator and place it on supports.
• Remove rocks and debris.
• Remove the screws 28 and secure the lifting of the travel motors protection 25 or 26.
• Remove the travel motors protection 25 or 26.
• Remove the screws 17 or 41 and secure the lifting of the lid 15.
• Remove the lid 15.
• Remove the bolts 7 and secure the lifting of the travel motors 6.
• Remove the travel motors 6.
• Remove the screws 21 and secure the lifting of the sprocket 20.
• Remove the sprocket 20.
• Remove the screws 3 and secure the lifting of the travel gear 2.
• Remove the travel gear 2.
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16.1.4Travel brake
Component location
Functional description
When the travel motor is working, pressurised oil is feeding the travel brake. The pressurised oil is coming in
the brake through the hole, which is indicated with the arrow A. The ducts of pressurised oil cross the motor
flange 90 and the brake flange 101. The oil plates the brake 102 against the motor flange 90. So when the
travel motor is working the drive shaft 80 is in rotation.
For the braking operation the alimentation in pressurised oil is stopped. The force, which plates the brake 102
against the motor flange, has disappeared, so the brake springs 103 push the brake against the multiple disc
brake. A half of the disc brake are linked to the drive shaft 80 which is in rotation, and the other half is linked to
the support ring which is unmoved. The brake pressed the disc brake one against each other, so the rotation
of the drive shaft is stopped and the translation of the excavator.
The cinematic scheme explains how the travel brake is working.
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16.2Track components
Tightening torque :
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16.2.1Track pads location
with pins (pos. 4) mounted in bushings (pos. 3). Elastic washers (pos. 5) compensate the axial play. The pins
are mounted tightened on their extremities and sliding in the bushing. The pads are fixed on the links with hexa-
gonal head screws (pos. 6) which are bolted in the nuts (pos. 7). These nuts are inserted in the link holes.
Type of the hexagonal head screws : M39 x 2.
Tightening torque of the hexagonal head screws : 5590 - 6180 Nm.
16.2.2Track rollers location description
The track rollers make easier the rotation of the track chain, and permit the good alignment of the track chain.
Each track roller is fixed with 4 screws M30. The tightening torque of the screw is 1900 Nm. It must be checked
regularly (see Operation and Maintenance Manual).
Each track roller must be filled with 2700 cm3 of lubricant Agip Diesel Sigma S30 Pordoi - 30G. No other lubri-
cant is accepted.
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16.2.3Carrier rollers location
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The carrier rollers (pos. 5) make easier the rotation of the track chains, permit the good alignment of the track
chains and allow to tighten the track chains. Two carrier rollers are mounted on each side of the excavator.
The four screws M24 (pos. 10) for the fixing of each carrier roller are tightened at 960 Nm. The tightening torque
must be checked regularly (see Operation and Maintenance Manual).
Each carrier roller must be filled with 1820 cm3 of lubricant Agip Rotra LSX mixed with 202 cm3 of the additive
Agip Rocol ASO R. No other lubricant is accepted.
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16.2.4Idler location
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The idler is the second principal point of rolling of the track. It is also the intermediate part between the track
and the tension unit.
The idler is blocked thanks to the roll pin 11 and the nut 12. The tightening torque of the nut is 1900 Nm. It must
be checked regularly (see Operation and Maintenance Manual).
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Each idler wheel must be filled with 4000 cm3 of lubricant Total Fina transmission RS FE 80W90. No other lu-
bricant is accepted.
16.2.5Sprocket location description
The sprockets mesh with the track chains, and allow the excavator to translate.
The sprocket (pos. 5) is fixed on the travel gear (pos. 1) thanks to the 45 screws M30 x 2.
The tightening torque of the screws 6 is 1940 Nm. It must be checked regularly (see Operation and Maintenan-
ce Manual).
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16.2.6Track guides location description
To permit to the track chains to be guided, three guides per side have been mounted :
– 1 : Chain guide front.
– 2 : Middle chain guide.
– 3 : Chain guide back.
Each guide is fixed to the side frame with screws M30.
The tightening torque of these screws is 1900 Nm.
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LFR/en/version: 09 / 2007 description
For the tightening of the track chains, the system uses an hydraulic tensioning which pushes the idler via the
grease cylinder. The tensioning cylinder lays into the side frame, and it is guided in translation thanks to a guide
rail. The grease cylinder is used to adjust the track tension thanks to a grease gun (see Operation and Main-
tenance Manual).
The grease BP energrease LS EP2 (Ident Nr. 8501527 for a container of 180 kg) has to be used.
For the dismounting of the chain tracks, the hydraulic pressure which supplies the tensioning cylinder must be
stopped by closing the cylinder shut off valve (see §12 Track tensioning system).
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Verify periodically that the maximal wear limits haven’t been reached. If the maximal wear limits have been rea-
ched, change the defective components. pads
LFR/en/version: 09 / 2007 roller
LFR/en/version: 09 / 2007 roller
LFR/en/version: 09 / 2007 rollers
See also SWP n°010 in §2 Safe work procedure.
– Lift side of excavator until the track is far enough off the ground to accommodate safety stands.
– Remove the screws 4 and the track guide 2.
– Release the track tension corresponding to the side you want to work on. Thus the pressure in the tensio-
ning cylinder will be released.
– Place safety under rollers, so as the roller you are working on is free from obstruction.
– Lower machine back down onto stands. Making sure bucket stays on the ground. Turn machine off.
– Use Hy-torque to crack tension off every four bolts. Remove two bolts 3 on lower side of roller which become
inaccessible - due to lifting device.
– Use a lifting tool and lift apparatus and place it under roller. Take the weight of the roller.
– Remove the two remaining bolts 3 and remove the roller 1.
– Re-fit the new roller and install two bolts that are accessible and tighten most of the way up.
– Remove lifting tool and replace remaining bolts. Torque all bolts to prescribed tension.
– Re-fit the track guide and tighten it screws to prescribed torque.
– Lift machine and remove stands.
– Place machine back onto the ground and release the track tension.
– Run the diesel engine and actuate the travel movement to activate the track tension.
LFR/en/version: 09 / 2007 rollers
See also SWP n°018 in §2 Safe work procedure.
– Release the track tension corresponding to the side you want to work on. Thus the pressure in the tensio-
ning cylinder will be released.
– Using a loader or a jack, lift the track-chain into appropriate position and insert blockes between upper edge
of side frame and block up the track-chain.
– Remove screws 10 from roller 5. Using loader forks and remove roller 5 from the machine.
– Replace roller on machine and install screws. Jack or lift track-chains and remove the blocks. Lower track-
chains back onto rollers and remove jacks.
– Retension the track.
– Run the diesel engine and actuate the travel movement to activate the track tension.
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– Remove the track-chain : lay out the chain, do not remove from under load rollers.
– Attach sling to idler 5 and use a loader or tractor to low the idler out on the track chain.
– Remove the screws 7 and the idler 5 and replace.
– Use a crane to hold up the rear section of the idler.
– Use loader to push the idler back into place.
– Reinstall the track-chain.
For the installation and the removal of the sprocket see the part «Installation / Removal» in the subgroup «Tra-
vel gear».
– Put the tensioning cylinder and the grease cylinder in their housing in the side frame.
– Fix the oil induction hose and the return hose to the tensioning cylinder.
– Install the complete idler (see the part installation of the complete idler.
– Install the complete track-chain.
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– Remove the complete track-chain.
– Remove the complete idler.
– Drain the tensioning cylinder.
– Dismount the oil induction hose and the return hose of the tensioning cylinder.
16.3.1Function / operation location
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2 Idler
4 Track roller
5 Carrier roller description
The track tensioning is the system, which stretches the track chains. The functioning of this system is described
in the § Hydraulic track tensioning system.
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16.4Preassembled modules
16.4.1Component location
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