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Theory of Architecture1

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THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE properties and l th eng , width , depth , form ,
space, surface , orientation , position.

Plane –
1. Shape is the primary identifying
characteristics of a plane.
2. Supplementary properties are Surface, color ,
pattern pattern , texture texture , affecting
visual weight and stability.
3. Plane serves to define the limits or
boundaries of a volume.

types of planes:

Overhead plane -Ceiling plane or roof plane

Wall plane -roof plane (Modern interior) Vital
for enclosure of architecture space . Active in
1. Originated from the Greek word Architekton our field of vision
2. Archi – great tekton – builder Base plane- With ground plane the building can
3. Architecture is the art and science of building merge , rest firmly or be elevated above it.
4. It is the conscious creation of utilitarian
spaces with the deliberate use of material Horizontal plane:
5. Architecture should be technically efficient Base plane
and aesthetically pleasing
Elevated plane
Elements of Architecture: Depressed plane
Overhead plane
Point -zero dimension . Indicates position in roof plane
space. ceiling plane

Line 1 d – point extended becomes a line. With Vertical Linear elements –define the edges of
Line properties of length , direction & position. volume of space
Single vertical plane ‐ articulates the space
Plane 2 d ‐line extended becomes a plane with which it fronts
properties of length , width , shape , surface , L‐ shaped plane – generates a volume of space
orientation , position. from its center outward as a diagonal.

parallel plane ‐ define the volume of space in

Volume 3 d a plane extended Volume – 3 d ‐ a between between that is oriented oriented
plane extended becomes a volume with axially towards open end.
U shaped plane – defines the volume that is
primarily oriented towards the open ends.

Planes closure – vertical plane on all Sides

establish establish boundaries boundaries of an
Introverted and influence the field of space
around enclosure.


•SPHERE - is body that consists of Sphere is

body that consists of regular , continuous
•It as o es , edges o has no lines , edges or
There are five types of spatial organization:
1. Central Organization Central
•Neither horizontal or vertical emphasis
Organization –
•It is a form which is closed within itself.
•It is a stable & concentrated
•CYLINDER - Rounded surface.In far distance it
•It consists of numerous secondary
appears in outline as rectilinear and nearer it
spaces that are clustered around a
appear more like circular circular.
central , dominant & bigger space.
2. Linear Organization
• Consis ts essenti ally of a series of
•These spaces can be interconnected
directly, or be linked through another
•PYRAMID - Made up of tapering and inclined
linear independent and distinct space.
surface and gather together to form an apex , a
3. Radial Organization
corner where the whole mass culminates.
-It combines elements of both linear
•Eye wil travel towards the corner.
and centralized organizations. It
•The di i l rectional quality is stronger than that
consists of a dominant central space,
of a rectilinear tower.
with many radial linear organizations.
•Pyramidal form shows the devotional
4. Cluster Or ganization
-This type of spatial organization is used
to connect spaces using proximity.
•CUBE- Six equal square sides
- The connected spaces can be grouped
• Angle between any two adjacent faces being
gather around a large area or a well
right angle
defined spatial volume.
• Cube is static form .
5. GRID Organization-
• It is very stable unless it stands in corners.
•It consists of forms and spaces whose position
• The cube remains a highly recognizable form.
in space and their interrelationships are
regulated by a type of plot or a three‐ 5. Ludwig Wittgenstein
dimensional field. 6. Albert Einstein
• It can be created by establishing a regular 7. Massimo Vignelli
scheme of points that define the intersections
between two groups of parallel lines. Aesthetics
The branch of philosophy that deals with the
nature of art, beauty, and taste, with a view to
establishing the meaning and validity of critical
judgments concerning work of art. A.k.a.

Art + Culture = Aesthetics

Beauty -The aggregate of qualities in a person

or thing that gives intense pleasure to the
senses or deep satisfaction to the mind or spirit,
whether arising rom harmony of form or color,
excellence of craft, truthfulness, originality, or
other, often unspecifiable property.


Terminologies: Taste - Critical judgment, discernment or

appreciation of what’s fitting, harmonious, or
Art -The conscience use of skill, craft, and beautiful prevailing in a culture or personal to
creative imagination in the production of what an individual.
is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary
significance. Delight -A high degree of pleasure or
Art is a diverse range of human activities in enjoyment.
creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts
(artworks), expressing the author's imaginative Commodity- Something of value, use, or
or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for convenience.
their beauty or emotional power.
Firmness -The state or quality of being solidly
CREATIVE constructed.
1. The Strokes Commodity + Firmness + Delight = Architecture
2. Alvar Aalto
3. David Choe
4. Bob Ong
Form -The shape and structure of something as
distinguished from its substance or material.

Shape - The outline or surface configuration of

a particular form or figure.

While form usually refers to the principle that

gives unity to a while, and often includes a
Science- A branch of knowledge dealing with a sense of mass or volume, shape suggests an
body of facts or truths obtained by direct outline with some emphasis on the enclosed
observation, experimental investigation, and area or mass.
methodical study, systematically arranged and
showing the operation of general laws. Texture -The visual and esp. tactile quality of a
surface, apart from its color or form.
Engineering -The art and science of applying
scientific principles to practical ends in the Visual Texture -The apparent texture of a
design and construction of structures, surface resulting from the combination and the
equipment, and systems. interrelation of colors and tonal values.

Technology -Applied science; the branch of Tactile Texture -The physical, dimensional
knowledge that deals with the creation and use structure of a surface, apart from its color or
of technical methods and materials, and their form.
interrelation with life, society, and the
environment. Organic - Of or pertaining to shapes and forms
having irregular contours which appear to
Technics -The science of an art or of the arts in resemble those of living plants or animals.
Nonobjective -Of or pertaining to shapes and
Tectonics (Constructive Art) -The science or art forms not representing natural or actual
of shaping, ornamenting, or assembling objects. Also, nonrepresentational.
materials in construction.
Geometric- Of or pertaining to shapes and
Architectonics -The unifying structure or forms which resemble or employ the simple
concept of an artistic work. rectilinear or curvilinear elements of geometry.

Architecture -The transformation of Abstract- Of or pertaining to shapes and forms

precedence. having an intellectual and affective content
dependent solely on their intrinsic lines, colors,
Design -The creation and organization of formal and relationship to one another.
elements in a work of art.
Massing- A unified composition of two-
dimensional shapes or thre-dimensional
volumes, esp. one that has or gives the or elements into proper proportion or relation
impression of weight, density, and bulk. so as to form or unified whole.

Symbol- Something that stands for or Structure- The organization of elements or

represents something else by association, parts in a complex system as dominated by the
resemblance, or convention, deriving its general character of the whole.
meaning chiefly from the structure in which it
appears. Parti -The basic scheme or concept for an
architectural design,
Sign- A mark or figure having a conventional represented by a diagram.
meaning and used in place of a word or phrase
to express a complex notion.

Articulation- A method or Diagram -The basic scheme

manner of jointing that makes or concept for an
the unified parts clear, architectural design, represented by a diagram.
distinct, and precise in relation
to each other DESIGN PRINCIPLE :

1. Proportion
Content -The significance or meaning of an 2. Balance
artistic work as distinguished from its form. 3. Scale
4. Axis
Detail-An individual, minute, or subordinate 5. Rhythm
part of a whole. 6. Hierarchy
7. Symmetry
An artistic -A fundamental and comprehensive concept of
or visual perception for structuring an aesthetic
decorative composition.
design esp.
one having a characteristic arrangement and
considered as a unit of which an idea can be Order -A condition
given by a fragment. of logical,
harmonious, or
Organization -The systematic arranging of comprehensive
interdependent or coordinated parts into a arrangement in
coherent unity or functioning whole. which each element of a group is properly
disposed with reference to other elements and
Composition - The to its purpose.
arranging of parts
Unity - Regular and irregular forms:
The state
of quality •Regular forms refer to those whose parts are
of being related to one another in a consistent and
combined orderly manner. They are generally stable in
into one, nature and symmetrical about one or more
as the ordering of elements in an artistic work axes.
that constitutes a harmonious while or
promotes a singleness of effect. •The sphere , cylinder cone , cube and
pyramid are examples of regular form.
Aspects of unity are:
•Dominance or self unity Monotony -The state or quality of lacking
•Harmony variety.
•Balance Variety -The
state or quality
Elements of composition to be considered: of having varied
1.Texture or diverse forms,
2.Color hue and tone types, or
3.Direction characteristics.
5.Solid and void Complexity- The state or quality of being a
6.Form or shape while composed of complicated, intricate, or
interconnected parts.
Collage -An artistic composition of often diverse
elements in unlikely or unexpected
-It is provided provided juxtaposition.
mainly by contrast.
-Contrast can be of color Emphasis -Stress or prominence given to an
, tone ,texture , direction element of a
, proportion , solid , void. composition by
means of contrast,
anomaly, or
Uniformity- The state or quality of being counterpoint.
identical, homogeneous, or regular.

Uniformity -The state or quality of being

identical, homogeneous, or regular. Contrast -Opposition or juxtaposition of
dissimilar elements in a work of art to intensify
Regular -Uniformly or evenly formed or each element’s properties and produce a more
arranged. dynamic expressiveness.
Harmony- The orderly,
pleasing, or congruent Balance -The pleasing or
arrangement of the harmonious arrangement
elements or parts in an or proportion of parts or
artistic whole. elements in a design or

Repose- Harmony in the arrangement of parts

or colors that is restful to the eye. Symmetry- The exact
correspondence in
Coherent- Logically or aesthetically ordered or size, form, and
integrated to afford comprehension or arrangement of parts
recognition. on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane, or
about a center or axis.

Fluidity -Fluidity in Local symmetry –

architecture can be
achieved in the Bilateral symmetry- in bilateral symmetry, the
composition as well as halves of a composition mirror each other
-As an impression of flow , of movement that is Radial symmetry- Refers to the balanced
smooth and graceful arrangement of similar radiating elements such
that the composition can be divided into similar
Hierarchy -A system of elements ranked, halves by passing a plane at any angle around a
classified, and organized one above another, center point along a center axis
according to importance or significance.
Symmetrical Asymmetrical
Juxtaposition- The state or position of being
placed close together or side by side. As to
permit comparison or contrast.

Contradiction- The state or condition of being

opposed inconsistent, or logically incongruous.

Counterpoint -A parallel but contrasting

element or theme in a narrative or concept.
Axis- A straight line to
Chaos- A state of utter disorder or confusion. which elements in a
composition are referred for
Equilibrium- A state of rest or balance between measurement or symmetry.
contrasting elements or opposing forces.
Rhythm- Movement characterized by a Scale- A certain proportionate size, extent, or
patterned repetition or alternation of formal degree, usually judged in relation to some
elements or motifs in the same or a modified standardor point of reference.
Module- A unit of measurement used for
Repetition- The act or process of repeating standardizing the dimensions of building
formal elements or motifs in a design. materials or regulating the proportions of an
architectural composition.
Proportion -The comparative, proper, or
harmonious relation of one part to another or
to the whole with respect to magnitude,
quantity, or degress.

3. KEN

The Fibonacci Numbers: RENAISSANCE THEORIES:

~ Fibonacci spiral found in both snail and sea -The architecture of Andrea Palladio has
shells influenced countless generations of architects,
1. He introduced in beginning most notably with Inigo Jones in
The Book of England . ‰
Calculating -Expounding on the theories of Pythagoras,
2. Series begins with 0 Plato claimed that the harmony of the world
and 1 was contained in seven numbers,
3. Next number is {1,2,3,4,8,9,27}, which were derived from
found by adding the last two numbers together musical consonances and could be broken down
4. Number obtained is the next number in the into two sets, {1,2,4,8} and {1,3,9,27} ‰
series - These numbers numbers and their ratios
5. Pattern is repeated over and over became the basis for the proportions used by
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, Palladio.
377, 610, 987, …
Ratio- Relatoin in magnitude, quantity, or PROPORTION:
degree between two or more similar things.
•Greek and roman columns represents the Make your path more legible in visual ways. ‰
perfect proportion to express beauty and May vary in duration- compressed space to
harmony. lengthy circuitous routes.‰
•The basic unit of dimension was the diameter
of the column. the other parts dimension are Nature of approach contrasts in its termination
derived from this. to an interior. ‰ Portals & Gateways - Orient us
to path & welcomes Entry

Types of Approach:
measurement of the 1. Frontal-
human individual for the -Axial Path
purposes of -approach is clear
understanding human - Entire front façade or entrance within
physical variation. in its made clear
2. Oblique
- Path redirected 1 or more times
- approached at an extreme angle
- enhances effects of perspective
Ken 3. Spiral
• Japanese unit of measurement is shaku - Curved path
Japanese unit of measurement is shaku and ken - entrance may or
, like feet and inches. may not be visible
until the point of
Circulation- Movement through Space.
Approach- The Distant View
Entrance- From Outside to Inside Entrance- Exterior to Interior
Configuration of Space- The Sequences of
Space 1. Flush – maintains continuity along with the
Path-Space Relationships- Edges, Nodes, wall
&Terminations of the path 2. Projected – transitional space , announces
Form of the Circulation Space- Corridors, Halls, functions, provides head-shelter
Galler es, Stairways & Rooms. gallaries, 3. Recessed - also provide shelter but uses a
Stairways & Rooms. proportion of interior spaces

Approach- The Distant View

First phase of Circulation system, during which

we are prepared to see, Experience & use the
spaces within. ‰
RATION OF SPACE CONFIGURATION OF SPACE- combination of all the above.
– space relationships, Edges, Nodes &
Termination of path
Linear-Straight path
primary organizing
element. Curvilinear Pass by Spaces:
or segmented, have -Integrity of each
branches or form a space
loop. maintained.
-Configuration of
path is flexible.
2. Radial - Linear path spaces used to link path with spaces.
extending from or
terminating at a central
common point. Pass Through
-May pass
3. Spiral- Single, continuous path originates through Axially,
from a central point, revolves around it & Obliquely or
becomes increasingly distant from it. along its edge.
-Cutting through the space creates
4. Grid- 2 sets of patterns of rest & Cutting through the
parallel paths that space creates patterns of rest &
intersect at regular movement within it.
intervals and
create square or
rectangular fields.

5. Network - path
and connect
established paths.

6. Composite-
building employs
1. Straight-run Stair
Terminate in a 2. L-Shaped Stair
Space: 3. U-Shaped Stair
-Location of 4. Circular Stair
the space 5. Spiral Stair
establishes the
path Location
of the space establishes the path.
-Used for functionally or symbolically
important spaces.


Various types:
1. Closed: Public galleria or private
corridor that relates to the spaces it
links through entrances in wall Dame Zaha
plane. Mohammad Hadid
2. Open on one Side: Balcony or DBE RA was a
gallery provides visual & spatial British Iraqi
architect. She was
continuity with the spaces it links.
the first woman to
3. Open on both Sides: receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize, in 2004.
Colonnaded passageways becomes She received the UK's most prestigious
a physical extension of the space it architectural award, the Stirling Prize, in 2010
passes through. and 2011.


• Provide vertical movement b/w

levels of building or outdoor space. Charles-Édouard
• Means of vertical transport. Jeanneret, known as Le
• Traversing up-privacy, aloofness Corbusier, was a Swiss-
or detachment French architect,
• Going down-secure, protected or designer, painter, urban
stable ground. planner, writer, and one
• Landings-Rest, h d change in of the pioneers of what
direction, access & outlook form is now regarded as
stairway. modern architecture. He
• Pitch & location of landings was born in Switzerland and became a French
determine movement of the user. citizen in 1930.
Renzo Piano OMRI
Frank Lloyd Wright was OMCA is an Italian
an American architect, architect. His
designer, writer, and notable buildings
educator. He designed Renzo Piano OMRI
more than 1,000 OMCA is an Italian architect. His notable buildings
structures over a creative include the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris,
period of 70 years. The Shard in London, the Whitney Museum of
Wright believed in designing in harmony with American Art in New York City and Stavros
humanity and its environment, a philosophy he Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center in Athens.
called organic architecture. He won the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1998.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Walter Adolph Georg

was a German-American Gropius was a German
architect. He was architect and founder of
commonly referred to as the Bauhaus School, who,
Mies, his surname. Along along with Alvar Aalto,
with Alvar Aalto, Le Ludwig Mies van der Rohe,
Corbusier, Walter Gropius Le Corbusier and Frank
and Frank Lloyd Wright, he Lloyd Wright, is widely
is regarded as one of the regarded as one of the pioneering masters of
pioneers of modernist modernist architecture. He is a founder of
architecture. Bauhaus in Weimar.

Louis Henry Sullivan was an

American architect, and has
Norman Robert Foster, been called the "father of
Baron Foster of Thames skyscrapers" and "father of
Bank, Kt, OM, RA, is an modernism".
English architect whose
company, Foster +
Partners, maintains an
international design practice. He is the President Albert Kahn was the
of the Norman Foster Foundation. foremost American
industrial architect of
his day. He is
sometimes called the
"architect of Detroit". In 1943, the Franklin
Institute awarded him the Frank P. Brown Medal Fallingwater is a
posthumously. house designed by
architect Frank
1935 in
rural southwestern
Pennsylvania, 67
miles (108 km)
of Pittsburgh. The
house was built
partly over a
waterfall on Bear
Run in the Mill Run section of Stewart
Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania,
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao-
located in the Laurel Highlands of the Allegheny
The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is
a museum of modern and contemporary art
designed by Canadian-American architect Frank
Gehry, and located in Bilbao, Basque The Sydney Opera House is a multi-
Country, Spain. The museum was inaugurated venue performing arts centre at Sydney
Harbour in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
on 18 October 1997 by King Juan Carlos I of
It is one of the 20th century's most famous and
Spain, with an exhibition of 250 contemporary distinctive buildings.
works of art. Built alongside the Nervion River,
Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, but
which runs through the city of Bilbao to
completed by an Australian architectural team
the Cantabrian Sea, it is one of several headed up by Peter Hall, the building was
museums belonging to the Solomon R. formally opened on 20 October 1973 after a
Guggenheim Foundation and features gestation
permanent and visiting exhibits of works by beginning
Spanish and international artists. It is one of with
the largest museums in Spain. Utzon's
Taj Mahal- as winner
'Crown of the of an
Palace', is an
ivory-white international design competition.
The Government of New South Wales, led by
the premier, Joseph Cahill, authorised work to
begin in 1958 with Utzon directing construction.
marble mausoleum on the southern bank of the The government's decision to build Utzon's
river Yamuna in the Indian city of Agra. design is often overshadowed by circumstances
that followed, including cost and scheduling
overruns as well as the architect's ultimate
The Shard, also referred to as the Shard of
Glass, Shard London
The Burj Khalifa, known as the Burj Dubai prior
to its inauguration in 2010, is Bridge and
a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. formerly London Bridge
With a total height of 829.8 m (2,722 ft, just Tower, is a 95-
over half a mile) and a storey skyscraper,
roof height designed by the Italian
(excluding antenna, but
architect Renzo Piano,
including a 244 m spire[2])
of 828 m (2,717 ft), the in Southwark, London,
Burj Khalifa has been that forms part of the
the tallest Shard Quarter
structure and building in development. Standing
the world since 309.6 metres (1,016 feet)
its topping out in 2009 high, the Shard is
(preceded by Taipei 101).
the tallest building in the
United Kingdom, and the sixth-tallest building in
Europe. It is also the second-tallest free-standing
structure in the United Kingdom, after the
concrete tower of the Emley Moor transmitting
station. It replaced Southwark Towers, a 24-
storey office block built on the site in 1975.
Sophia , 'Holy
officially The Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italian: Torre
the Hagia pendente di Pisa) or simply the Tower of
Sophia Grand Pisa (Torre di
Mosque and Pisa [ˈtorre di ˈpiːza]) is
formerly the campanile, or
the Church of Hagia Sophia, is a Late freestanding bell tower,
Antique place of worship in Istanbul. Built in 537 of the cathedral of the
as the patriarchal cathedral of the imperial capital Italian city of Pisa,
of Constantinople, it was the largest Christian known worldwide for its
church of the eastern Roman Empire (the nearly four-degree lean,
Byzantine Empire) and the Eastern Orthodox the result of an
Church, except during the Latin Empire from unstable foundation.
1204 to 1261, when it became the city's Roman The tower is situated
Catholic cathedral. behind the Pisa Cathedral and is the third-oldest
structure in the city's Cathedral Square (Piazza
del Duomo), after the cathedral and the Pisa Designed by
Baptistry. Spanish/Catalan architect Antoni
Gaudí (1852–1926), his work on the
The Eiffel Tower - is building is part of a UNESCO World
a wrought-iron lattice Heritage Site. On 7 November
tower on the Champ de 2010, Pope
Mars in Paris, France. It Benedict XVI consecrated the
is named after the church and proclaimed it a minor
engineer Gustave Eiffel, basilica
whose company
designed and built the

The Chrysler Building is an Art

Deco–style skyscraper located in
the Turtle Bay neighborhood on
the East Side of Manhattan, New The Colosseum or Coliseum also known as
York City, at the intersection the Flavian Amphitheatre is an
of 42nd Street and Lexington oval amphitheatre in the centre of the city
Avenue near Midtown of Rome, Italy.Built
Manhattan. At 1,046 feet of travertine limestone, tuff (volcanic rock),
(318.9 m), the structure was and brick-faced concrete, it was the
largest amphitheatre ever built at the time and
the world's tallest building for 11
held 50,000 to 80,000 spectators. The
months before it was surpassed
Colosseum is just east of the Roman Forum.
by the Empire State Building in

The Basílica de la Sagrada

Família- Basílica de la
Sagrada Familia; 'Basilica
of the Holy Family'), also
known as the Sagrada
Família, is a
large unfinished Roman
Catholic minor basilica in
the Eixample district
The Pantheon- "[temple] of all the gods") is a
of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. former Roman temple, now a Catholic church
(Basilica di Santa Maria ad Martyres or Basilica
of St. Mary and the Martyrs), in Rome, Italy, on
the site of an earlier temple commissioned
by Marcus Agrippa during the reign
of Augustus (27 BC – 14 AD).

Villa Savoye is a modernist villa in Poissy, on the

outskirts of Paris, France. It was designed by the
Swiss architects Le Corbusier and his cousin,
Pierre Jeanneret and built between 1928 and
1931 using reinforced concrete.

The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic shrine

located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of
Jerusalem. It was initially completed in 691–92
CE at the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik
during the Second Fitna on the site of the
Second Jewish Temple, destroyed during the
Roman Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE.

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