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1. The jet aircraft has total mass of 22 Mg and a center of mass at G. Initially at take
off the engines provides thrusts 2T = 4 kN and T’ = 1.5 kN. Determine the acceleration
of the plane and the normal reactions on the nose wheel and each of the two wing
wheels located at B. Neglect the mass of the wheels and, due to low velocity, neglect
any lift caused by the wings.

Ans: Ay = 72.6 kN, By = 71.6 kN, aG = 0.25 m/s2

2. A force of P = 300 N is applied to the 60-kg cart. Determine the reactions at both
the wheels at A and both the wheels at B. Also, what is the acceleration of the cart?
The mass center of the cart is at G.

Ans: a = 4.33 m2/s, NA = 113 N, NB = 325 N

3. The 150-kg uniform crate rests on the 10-kg cart. Determine the maximum force P
that can be applied to the handle without causing the crate to slip or tip on the cart.
The coefficient of static friction between the crate and cart is μs = 0.2.

Ans: P = 314 N

4. The two uniform 4-kg bars DC and EF are fixed (welded) together at E. Determine
the normal force NE, shear force VE, and moment ME, which DC exerts on EF at E if
at the instant θ = 60˚ BC has an angular velocity ω = 2 rad/s and an angular
acceleration α = 4 rad/s2 as shown.

Ans: VE = 43.7 N, NE = 27.5 N, ME = 32.8 Nm

5. The 10-kg wheel has a radius of gyration of kA = 200 mm. If the wheel is subjected
to a moment M = (5t) Nm, where t is in seconds, determine its angular velocity when t
= 3s starting from rest. Also, compute the reactions which the fixed pin A exerts on the
wheel during the motion.

Ans: ω = 56.2 rad/s, Ax = 0, Ay = 98.1 N

6. If a horizontal force of P = 100 N is applied to the 300-kg reel of cable, determine

its initial angular acceleration. The reel rests on rollers at A and B and has a radius of
gyration of k0 = 0.6 m.

Ans: α = 0.694 rad/s2

7. A 30-kg disk starts from rest. Determine the number of revolutions it must make to
attain an angular velocity of 20 rad/s. Also, what are the reactions at the pin O? Neglect
the mass of the cord.

Ans: θ = 15 rad (2.39 rev), Ox = 0, Oy = 309.3 N

8. The spool has a mass of 100 kg and a radius of gyration of kG = 0.3 m. If the
coefficients of static and kinetic friction at A are μS = 0.2 and μk = 0.15, respectively,
determine the angular acceleration of the spool if P = 600 N.

Ans: α = 15.6 rad/s2

9. If a disk rolls without slipping, show that when moments are summed about the
instantaneous center of zero velocity, IC, it is possible to use the moment equation
∑MIC = IICα, where IIC represents the moment of inertia of the disk calculated about the
instantaneous axis of zero velocity.
10. A force of F = 10 N is applied to the 10-kg ring as shown. If slipping does not occur,
determine the ring’s initial angular acceleration, and the acceleration of its mass center,
G. Neglect the thickness of the ring.

Ans: α = 0.56 rad/s2, aG = 0.224 m/s2

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