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Davao Wisdom Academy, Inc.

Senior High School Unit

F. Torres St., Davao City

Senior High School Department

Subject: Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences Date: September 4, 2018
Examination: 1st Quarterly Examination Ms. Cindy Fulvadora-Juntong

Multiple Choices
Test I. Directions: Choose the letter of your answer.

_____1. It is the approach to meet the developing needs of the clients.

a. social work b. counseling c. journalism d. communication

_____2. A goal of counseling that helps the client to avoid some undesired outcome.
a. remedial goals b. cognitive goals c. exploratory goals d. preventive goals

_____3. It assists a client in recognizing what they are doing, thinking and feeling.
a. reinforcement goals c. cognitive goals
b. physiological goals d. enhancement goals
_____4. A service of school counseling programs with emphasis on educational placement in course and
a. placement and follow-up c. consultation
b. research d. career assistance

_____5. It is a process of helping a client through a third party to improve its service to its clientele.
a. prevention b. consultation c. group counselling d. individual assessment

_____6. It seeks to identify the characteristics and potential of every client to promote client’s self-
understanding and assisting counselors to understand the client better.
a. Individual counselling c. placement and follow-up
b. Group guidance d. individual assessment
_____7. It is a client-centered process that demands confidentiality wherein relationship is established
between counselor and client.
a. individual counselling b. career assistance c. referral d. research

_____8. The focus of counselors is on helping couples and families discover options and opportunities for
effective family living.
a. child and adolescent counseling c. mental health counseling
b. marriage and family counseling d. school counseling

_____9. The following offers opportunities in group counseling except one.

a. can function as helpers and helps
b. help members to learn from observing the other group
c. to discover that you have similar concerns and enhance interpersonal skills
d. emmbers are discouraged to offer help to others.

_____10. A counselor’s primary responsibility which they are expected to encourage client’s growth.
a. respecting diversity b. client’s right c. client welfare d. multiple clients

_____11. Counselor’s do not engage in discrimination based on age, color, ethnic group, gender, sexual
orientation and socio-economic status.
a. personal needs and values c. respecting diversity
b. group work d. dual relationships
_____12. Prior to entering the counseling relationship, the counselor clearly explains all the financial
a. fees b. group work c. client’s right d. client welfare

_____13. The general requirement to a counselor to prevent clear and imminent danger when legal demand that
confidential information is revealed.
a. records b. right to privacy c. group and families d. consultation

_____14. A counseling process which clients who are minors are unable to give voluntary and informed consent, parents
or guardians may be included in the counseling process as appropriate.
a. research and training c. right to privacy
b. minor incompetent client d. research and training

_____15.This setting refers to the employment in community, agency and other non-school professional situations.
a. schools b. government c. private sector d. community

_____16. This refers to counselors who decided to do full time work as private practitioners or engage in part-time
private practice while employed by community agencies.
a. schools b. government c. private sector d. community

_____17. What is the main goal of social work?

a. distinguish the needs of the community or group
b. aims to improve individual and community’s quality of life
c. participate in generating a more compassionate setting
d. sustain individual, group and community
_____18. Social work demonstrated as primary discipline in terms of these child welfare services except:
a. foster care b. adoption c. school programs d. residential care

_____19. Provides temporary 24-hour care to children whose needs cannot be adequately met by their biological
parents and other alternative family care arrangements.
a. social insurance b. residential care c. foster care d. family planning

_____20. A service which facilitate the difficult decision whether to keep the baby or place the child for adoption.
a. Foster care c. adoption and services to unmarried parents
b. protective serviced d. family life education
_____21. A substitute temporary parental care provided to a child by a licensed foster family under the supervision of a
social worker.
a. Public assistance b. aging c. community development d. foster care

_____22. Helps both soldiers and their families with post-traumatic stress and role adjustments that may occur as a
result of combat.
a. medical and health social worker c. hospice and palliative care
b. military and veterans social worker d. community social worker

_____23. This type of social worker provides short and long term solutions for victims and their families.
a. mental health and substance abuse c. child, family and school social worker
b. psychiatric social worker d. military and veterans social work

_____24. A process undertaken to provide substitute parental care through the appointment of a legal guardian for the
child, including the child’s property until she reaches the age of majority.
a. family welfare c. corrections
b. legal guardianship d. probation

_____25. Is the release of a prisoner under supervision before the expiration of his/her sentence.
a. corrections b. parole c. probation d. adoption
Test II. Analysis (3 points each)
Direction: Compare and contrast the 3 Goals of Social Work: The Goal on Caring, The Goal on Curing and The
Goal in Changing.

Test III. Essay (3 points each)

Direction: Answer the following questions.

Criteria: 3 points – expressed clearly and organized answer

2 points – expressed but not organized
1 point – answer were not clearly expressed

1. What is the difference between guidance counseling and social work? Cite some examples, roles and
functions and career opportunities.

2. If you were a social worker, what characteristics will you possess in order to handle clienteles and
other professionals and practitioners in social work?
Test V. Performance Task (10 points)
Directions: You are task to watch a short film entitled “Sa Kambas ng Lipunan” by Joey Velasco. After watching,
reflect on the life of each client and evaluate what method of social work can be applied best as well as the
tools needed for each. Prepare a case summary indicating the method you will apply as well as the tools you
will be using. Prepare a presentation to be shared to the class.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Shows a variety of Demonstrated There were few Lacks some
concepts that made concepts that concepts presented concepts that could
the activity clearer. facilitate learning but are relevant on supposedly enrich
new ideas. the topic. the discussion.
Quality Critically presents Describes good The ideas The ideas were too
the ideas and ideas and thoughts presented were little and some are
thoughts on the but needs further just enough. no longer relevant
topic. elaboration. to the topic.
Presentation The output The output was The output does The output does
including the flow presented in a follow an outline not follow an
of discussion was sequential manner. but lack cohesion outline.
exceptionally of ideas.
presented in
sequential manner.

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