MCQ Networking
MCQ Networking
MCQ Networking
Ans: b
a) Internet
b) Intranet
c) Interspace
d) Extranet
Ans : c)
Q3. The switching technique in which physical end to end path between nodes is established.
Ans: b
a) Internet
b) Circuit switching
c) Message switching
d) Serial switching
Ans: c
Q5. In ----------------------------- messages is divided into packets and packets travel across hops.
a) Router
b) Gateway
c) Packet switching
d) Message switching
Ans c
Q6. ------------------------ places a tight upper limit on block size and these are stored in main memory
where as in ------------------------ there is no limit on block size and data packets are stored on the
Ans : d
a. Kbps
b. Mbps
c. mbps
d. MBps
Ans : b
a. Inversely
b. Directly
c. Equal to
Ans : b
Q9. The bleeding of a signal from one wire to another and which can corrupt signal and cause network
errors is -----------------------------------------------
a) Interference
b) Disturbance
c) Data loss
d) Crosstalk
Ans d
Q10. Which type of communication channel is immune to electrical and magnetic interference..
a. Coaxial
b. Shielded twisted pair
c. UTP
d. Optical Fibre
Ans d
Q11. The type of waves that can not penetrate through walls :
a. Radio
b. Infra
c. Micro
d. Laser
Ans b
a. Star , bus
b. Bus , ring
c. Ring , bus
d. Ring , star
Ans. B
a. Star
b. Bus
c. Mesh
d. Tree
---------------Ans c
a) RJ 44
b) RJ 45
c) RJ 11
d) All may be used
Ans : RJ 45
Q15. The protocol that is responsible for making sure that the commands get through to the other
end , keeps track of what is sent , and retransmits anything that did not get through.
a. FTP
c. POP
d. TCP
Ans d