Dross Inclusions and Galvanized Steel
Dross Inclusions and Galvanized Steel
Dross Inclusions and Galvanized Steel
Dear Dr. Galv - What can I tell my customers about dross inclusions? I know they are acceptable
in a finished product sometimes, but not others. Why is this?
Passing inspection under The basis of hot-dip galvanizing is a Another source of free iron particles is the
the specification ASTM A metallurgical reaction between iron in steel galvanizing kettle itself and the steel being
123 depends on the type of with molten zinc in the kettle. In addition galvanized.
dross inclusion present on to the iron content in a customer’s steel,
the surface of the finished there are free iron particles in the kettle that These free iron particles remain in the solid
galvanized product. Before also react with the zinc by the same state because zinc has a low solubility for iron,
I answer your question, let’s address a brief metallurgical reaction. and the melting point for iron is much higher
background on dross. than the temperature used in the galvanizing
Free iron particles in the galvanizing kettle process. In fact, the solubility of iron in zinc at
What is dross? come from several different sources. Probably a temperature of 850˚F (454˚C) is only 0.035%
Dross is defined as a byproduct of the the largest source of these iron particles is iron or 35 iron particles per 100,000 zinc particles.
galvanizing process that forms by reactions salts resulting from reactions between the Iron concentrations above this percentage will
between molten zinc and loose particles of steel with acid salts in the pickling tank and particulate and then metallurgically react with
iron in the galvanizing kettle. flux from the pre-flux or wet flux layer. the molten zinc to create dross.
Continued pg. 7
Dr. Galv, cont. from pg. 6 ASTM A 123 defines gross dross inclusions loose iron present in the kettle. Iron particles
as the iron-zinc intermetallics present in a can be reduced by fully rinsing steel after
Iron solubility in molten zinc is affected galvanized coating in a form other than finely cleaning in the pickling tank, limiting the
by element additions to the bath (nickel dispersed pimples. Gross dross inclusions are iron content in the preflux, and using the
and aluminum,) and to a greater degree by further defined as inclusions that would create lowest possible effective ammonium chloride
temperature changes. Dross production an exposed steel spot if they were removed concentration in the preflux tank.
increases linearly by four times if the bath from the coating. the specification says gross Regulating element additions, such as
temperature changes from 880˚F to 810˚F dross inclusions are raised surfaces and can nickel and aluminum, daily rather than
be easily knocked off through contact with weekly helps to limit iron precipitation in
(471˚C to 432˚C).
lifting straps or chains, tools, fixtures, or other the molten zinc. Maintaining zinc kettle
At common temperatures used for galvanizing, galvanized parts. temperatures, especially near the top of
dross is made of a mesh of zinc-iron alloy the kettle along the walls, greatly reduces
These definitions for gross dross inclusions
crystals encapsulated by molten zinc. Most floating dross. Lastly, frequently drossing the
are what determine if a newly galvanized
dross drops to the bottom of the kettle because kettle will help to remove dross and thereby
product is acceptable under ASTM A 123. To
it is heavier than molten zinc. However, prevent the potential of inclusions.
pass inspection, gross dross inclusions must be
lowering and raising steel into the kettle, and removed from the newly galvanized surface and
convection currents caused by temperature the underlying steel must be repaired according
differences in the kettle can help to keep the to ASTM A 780. Galvanized steel with dross
dross floating throughout the kettle. pimples (as seen in Figure 1) is acceptable,
because it is surrounded by zinc coating,
Why is dross a problem? not easily removved, and does not affect
Dross adheres to newly galvanized surfaces corrosion protection.
as the steel is removed from the galvanizing
kettle. The size of these inclusions determines How do you treat dross inclusions?
if the galvanized product is acceptable under Preventing dross from forming in the kettle
ASTM A 123. According to ASTM A 123, is the best way to minimize dross inclusions Dross
newly galvanized steel must be free from on the surface of your newly galvanized steel. removed
gross dross inclusions. There are several ways to limit the amount of from kettle