Digital Surface Resistance Meter Kit Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Digital Surface Resistance Meter Kit Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Digital Surface Resistance Meter Kit Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Figure 1. Desco Digital Surface Resistance Meter Kit “A Compliance Verification Plan shall be established
to ensure the Organization’s fulfillment of the technical
Description requirements of the ESD Control Program Plan. Process
monitoring (measurements) shall be conducted in
The Desco 19787 Digital Surface Resistance Meter Kit is accordance with a Compliance Verification Plan that
an instrument designed to measure resistance point-to-point identifies the technical requirements to be verified, the
(Rtt) or surface to ground (Rtg) in accordance with ESD measurement limits and the frequency at which those
Association Standard ANSI/ESD S4.1. verifications shall occur. The Compliance Verification Plan
Its test funcitions include: shall document the test methods and equipment used for
• Resistance measurement accuracy of ±10% process monitoring and measurements. If the test methods
(±20% for resistance values 1 x 1011 and greater) used by the Organization differ from any of the standards
• Resistance range of <1 x 103 ohms to >1 x 1012 ohms referenced in this document, then there must be a tailoring
• Under load voltages of 10 and 100 volts ±5% statement that is documented as part of the ESD Control
• Electrification period of approximately 15 seconds Program Plan. Compliance verification records shall be
established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity
The Digital Surface Resistance Meter also measures ambient to the technical requirements.
temperature and relative humidity. The test equipment selected shall be capable of making the
measurements defined in the Compliance Verification Plan.”
The Digital Surface Resistance Meter Kit and its accessories (ANSI/ESD S20.20 section 7.3)
are available in the following item numbers:
Reference Literature
Item Description In addition to those noted above:
19787 Digital Surface Resistance Meter Kit ANSI/ESD S20.20 - Development of ESD Control Program
ESD ADV1.0 - Glossary of Terms
19788 Digital Surface Resistance Meter
ANSI/ESD S6.1 Grounding
19783 Shielded Test Leads
These documents can be obtained directly from the ESD
50003 Five Pound Electrodes, 1 Pair Association, 7902 Turin Rd., Suite 4, Rome, NY 13440-2069,
50004 Replacement T-Handles for Electrodes, 1 Pair (315) 339-6937 or
50005 Concentric Ring Probe
Figure 2. Desco 19787 Digital Surface Resistance
Meter Kit
Figure 3. Desco 19788 Digital Surface Resistance Meter Figure 4. Digital Surface Resistance Meter features and
If the measured surface resistance is over 1012 ohms, “1___” H. Battery Compartment: Open this compartment to install
will appear on the display. the two AA alkaline batteries needed to power the meter.
Replace the batteries once the Function LEDs begin flash.
C. Exponent LEDs: These LEDs indicate the surface
resistance exponent value. They are color coded for quick Operation
General Guidelines
Exponent Color • Use both 5 pound electrodes for Rtt measurements.
<3, 3 Red • Use one 5 pound electrode and connect the black test
lead to ground for Rtg measurements.
4, 5 Green
• Ensure that the item being measured is electrically
6, 7, 8 Blue isolated (placed on an insulative surface). The meter will
9, 10 Green measure the lowest resistance path.
11, 12, >12 Yellow • Ensure that the test leads are separated and uncrossed
as a best practice.
Quick Checks • When using 5 pound electrodes:
The surface resistance exponent number illuminates • Place them no closer than 2" from the edge of the
immediately (i.e. 8 = 108 ohms or 100,000,000 ohms). surface being measured
• Place them no closer than 3" to any groundable
D. Function LEDs: These LEDs indicate the measurement
type indicated on the display. The surface resistance
• Place them about 10" apart from each other for Rtt
mantissa is displayed when either the “10V” or “100V” LED is
measurements of a worksurface
• Place them about 3' apart from each other for Rtt
These LEDs will flash when the battery voltage drops to measurement of a floor
approximately 2 volts. Replace the batteries when this • Preferable electrode placements include:
occurs. • Most commonly used area of a surface
E. Test Voltage Button: When set to AUTO, the meter will • Most worn area
automatically switch to the appropriate test voltage for the • Center of surface
measured resistance range. The Function LEDs will indicate • Furthest area from a grounded point
the applied test voltage. Material that is 9 x 105 ohms or • If the surface to be measured has sections (i.e. floor
less should be measured at 10 volts. Material that is 1 x 106 tiles, garment panels), place the 5 pound electrodes on
ohms or greater should be tested at 100 volts. When the different sections for Rtt measurements.
switch is set to 10V HOLD, the test voltage will be fixed at 10 • Clean the material’s surface for Test Lab measurements,
volts regardless of the measured resistance value. but do not clean the surface for materials that are
already installed. Only clean and re-test the installed
material if failure occurs.
Figure 7. Desco 50005 Concentric Ring Probe
The Digital Surface Resistance Meter is calibrated to NIST
The Desco 50005 Concentric Ring Probe is an instrument to traceable standards. Most users require calibration annually
be used in conjunction with a resistance meter, such as the which is our recomendation. Please e-mail
Desco 19787 Digital Surface Resistance Meter, to measure for details. In-house calibration can be
surface resistance per ANSI/ESD STM11.11 the test method performed by using 1% resistors in each of the meter ranges.
listed in Packaging standard ANSI/ESD S541 for surface Simply attach the resistors to the test leads using clips and
resistance of planar materials. record the meter’s display. Keep the test leads uncrossed
and separated from one another. Should adjustment be
The Concentric Ring Probe (Ref: ANSI/ESD STM11.12) can necessary, Desco recommends to return the unit to the
measure the volume resistance of planar materials using a factory. Special equipment is required to adjust the meter.
flat conductive metal plate (not included).
Required Equipment
The Concentric Ring Probe may be used for the resistance • Digital Multimeter: accurate to 1.25% @ 10VDC and
measurements of ESD packaging including static shielding 100VDC
and other bags. • Fixed Decade Box with values from 103 - 1012:
accurate to ±2%, except at 1011 and 1012 (±5%)
See TB-3063 for more information. • Thermometer: accurate to ±1°F
• Relative Humidity Meter: accurate to 2%
Maintenance • Test Leads
The Digital Surface Resistance Meter requires little • 99% Isopropyl Alcohol and Cleaning Wipes
maintenance. There are no user serviceable parts. If your Setup
meter requires service beyond cleaning the electrodes or • Test Area - needs to be free of any high voltage
replacing the batteries, please contact the factory. transformers or power supplies and away from any type
This product utilizes a high frequency switching circuit to step of fluorescent lighting or high power lighting.
up the 3 volts from the batteries to the 100 volt test level. • Worksurface - needs to be covered with a grounded
Some users are able to discern a slight hum or buzzing when conductive mat at 1.0 x 103 or less.
the meter is powered. This is perfectly normal and is not
• Technician - needs to be connected to equipment
considered a flaw or defect.
ground with a 0 ohm resistor in the ground cord.
Battery Replacement • Decade Box - needs to be connected to equipment
The Function LEDs located above the push buttons will flash ground.
when the battery voltage drops to approximately 2 volts.
This indicates that the meter’s batteries should be replaced.
Open the compartment located on the back of the meter
to replace the batteries. The meter uses two AA alkaline
batteries. Ensure that the batteries’ polarities are oriented in
the correct fashion to avoid any possible circuit damage.
Warranty Exclusions
defects or damage due to accidents, neglect, misuse, alterations, operator error, or failure to properly maintain, clean or repair products.
Limit of Liability
In no event will Desco or any seller be responsible or liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of or the
inability to use the product. Before using, users shall determine the suitability of the product for their intended use, and users assume all risk and liability
whatsoever in connection therewith.