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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 8 I. Objectives

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 8


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. define food chain

B. distinguish between producers and consumers
C. construct a food chain
D. cite the importance of food chain in the biotic community


A. Topic: Food chain

B. References: Learner’s Module Grade 8 (page 273- 275)

Biology: The Web of Life by Scott Foresman and Addison

Wesley (pages8899-900)

C. Materials: Printed Materials, cartolina, illustration board, chalk,


Teacher’s Activity Teacher’s Activity

A. Motivation

(The teacher will divide the class into six

groups. Each group will be given illustration
board and chalk)

Let’s imagine our classroom as a big android

phone and we’ll be playing 4pics 1 word! As I
post the puzzle pictures on the board, the
group will brainstorm for one minute. As I say
GO, the group leader shall write the group’s
answer on the illustration board provided to
you. Show your answer as I say RAISE
Every correct answer worth’s five coins on
the scoreboard.

Are you ready?


___ _____


B. Presentation

Take a look at the words that we are able to

guess in our game. Are you familiar with
these words? Had you encountered them in
your previous grades? Yes ma’am.
Could you think of a topic where these words
are associated with? Food chain.
Then what do you think is the focus of our
topic for today? Food chain.
C. Lesson proper


What do you know about food chain? Food chain is a model of how organisms
obtain energy in an ecosystem.
Food chain shows the feeding pattern of
organisms in a community.
For you to learn more about food chain, let us
perform “Road chain to Foodchaintandia”

2.Activity Proper

For clearer and better understanding, I will

divide the class into 3 groups. The Mendel’s
group (1), Darwin’s group (2), and the
Einstein’s group (3)
I have here the instructions and materials you
needed to finish the task.
Time frame: 5 – 10 minutes.

 Based on students prior knowledge of

food chain, complete the food chain by
filling out each cabins with the picture
of organism starting from the main
source of energy
 The students are asked to paste the
name strips (above the picture) on
their corresponding cabins
 The group will clap their hands to
signal that they are finished.
 Each group will post and present their
 Each correct picture and name worth’s
one point.

3. Post-activity
(each representative will present the
correct arrangement of their food chain)

Sun grass mouse snake hawk

Sun rice grasshopper frog snake

Sun corn worm chicken human

Let us take a look at your work class.

Consider the second food chain, what do you

think will happen when there is an
overpopulation of snake; (say in a rice field
there are 20 snakes and only 5 frogs)? All frogs will be eaten by the snakes.

If that is the case, what will happen to the

number of grasshopper in the field? Grasshopper will increase in number.

What is the effect of this increase in

grasshopper population to rice? Rice yield will decrease.
What is being transferred for the producer to
first order, second order and third order
consumers? Energy.

Which is the ultimate source of energy? Sun.

Which one is the producer? What is its role in

a food chain? Plant. It converts radiant energy to food.

Plants are called autotroph because they can

produce their own food via photosynthesis.

In the food chain which are considered the

first order consumer? All organisms who eat plant directly are
the first order consumers. These are the
mouse, grasshopper and locust

How about the second order consumers? All organisms who eat the first order
consumer are the second order
consumers. These are snake, frog and
Where can we classify the hawk, snake and
human? Third order consumers.

Animals for example are called heterotrophs.

What happens when an organism dies? Bacteria will decompose or break down
the unused dead material and turn them
into nutrients in the soil which plants
used to grow.
D. Application

Imagine the world when bacteria do not act on

dead organisms, do you think there would still
be producers? No, because bacteria/decomposers act
on dead organisms and change these to
simple nutrients which plants use again.

Without producers, will consumers stay alive? Without bacteria/decomposers, nutrients

needed by producers will not be
available as a result, producers cannot
stay alive and without producers there
will be no food for consumers.
E. Generalization

Let’s have a recap or sum up the topic!

What does food chain is all about? Food chain is a model of how organisms
obtain energy in an ecosystem.
Food chain shows the feeding pattern of
organisms in a community.
Who among you could give the correct flow
of a food chain? Food chain starts with the ultimate
source of energy which is the sun. Plants
utilize this radiant energy to
manufacture their own food through
photosynthesis. First order consumer
then eats these plants. Consequently,
First order consumer are eaten by
second order consumer, lastly second
order consumer are eaten by third order
consumer. The chain ends with the


Multiple choice:

Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. These are organisms that can make their own food?

a. consumers c. producers
b. decomposers d. none of the above
2. Which of the following is a consumer?
a. grass c. snake
b. rice d. sunflower
3. Which of the following shows the correct flow of energy in an ecosystem?
a. sun worm grass chick
b. sun chick worm grass
c. sun grass worm chick
d. sun worm chick grass
4. Which organism feeds on dead material or dead bodies to obtain energy?
a. consumers c. producer
b. decomposer d. food chain
5. What model shows the process of eating and being eaten?
a. food chain c. both a and c
b. photosynthesis d. none of the above


A. Follow up:

Essay test! (Rubrics in grading student’s essay test was provided on the next page)

1. Explain what would happen if there are more consumers than producers in a biotic

B. Advanced:

2. Illustrate the Oxygen-Carbon dioxide cycle in a whole sheet of pad paper.


Biology Holt by Rob DeSalle and Michael Heithaus

Biology The Web of Life by Scott Foresman and Addison Wesley

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