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Lesson Plan For Week 8-1, 8-2 "Formulating Research Questions"

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Lesson Plan for week 8-1, 8-2

“Formulating Research Questions”

・Instructor : Vong Savoeun
・Date :Week 8-1, 8-2
・Subject :  Educational Research
・Textbook :

Grade: Year 3 teacher trainees

・Theme: Formulating research questions

・Duration: 2 hours

1. Aim: In this lesson, the students will learn how to identify research problem based on their experience as
well as literature. They will learn the characteristics of a good research questions and practice to formulate
measurable/ researchable questions. The lectures will give feedback for the research question that the
students made.
2. Objective: After completing work for this class, students will be able to:

 identify research problems by reflecting on their social context and/or by studying research reports
 explain how to formulate good research questions
3. Teaching materials:





4. Points of instruction:
 Introduction: Students will brainstorm how they can use literature to narrow down their
research interest and formulate a research question.
 Understanding: The lecture explains how to use the characteristics of a good research
questions. For examples, they can explain literature is useful to make research questions by
spotting the gap of the literature (spotting overlooked or under-researched area) or expand the
previous research. The lecture explains the important aspects when the students consider their
research questions: five Ws. (Dawson,C. 2019) They can also explain criteria for evaluating
good research questions (Byman.2016, 83.).
 Practice 1: Students are asked to analyse the example of a research question and see how they
can improve the question. (Dawson,C. 2019: )
 Practice2: Students will make their own research question and share it with course mates. The
lecture will give feedback to the some of the questions, especially how they can be improved.
5. Procedure:
Teachers’ Activities Content Students’ Activities
Phase 1: Opening
Greeting and attendance. - Teacher greets students, checks Respond and listen carefully
attendance, and hygiene. to the teacher
The purpose and the contents - Present learning theme
of the lesson - Motivate students toward lesson

Phase 2: Warmer/Review last lesson

Ask the students to answer Students are required to answer the following Students will answer the
the key points of the previous questions to in order to review old lesson: questions individually
lesson 1. What are the structure of the argument?
2. How can you see whether the argument in the
literature are well grounded or not?

Introducing the new lesson

- Brainstorm the students by What is a research question?

asking the below questions: A research question is the question around which
What is a research question? you center your research.The research question is Few students individually
one of the most important parts of your research respond to the question
project, thesis or dissertation. It is important to through prerequisite
spend some time assessing and refining your knowledge.
question before you get started.

Introduction: Students will Introduction on how literature review is narrowed Listen carefully and taking
brainstorm how we can use down and to formulate a research questions: note what the lecture is
literature to narrow down the 1) Pick a topic explaining.
research interest and 2) Narrow the topic
formulate research questions. 3) Ask some questions
4) Pick a question
Divide the students into 3 5) Focus a question
small groups to explore/
discuss through the given
questions below:

1.What the characteristics of Questions need to be discussed:

a good research questions? - Group 1: What the characteristics of a good
research questions?
2. What 5Ws stand for in - Group 2: What 5Ws stand for in your Students actively participate
educational research? research? in group discussion through
- Group 3: What are the main steps in relevant articles or explore
3. What are the main steps in evaluating good research questions? by internet to find out the
evaluating good research answers.
questions? - Possible answers could be:
1.Characteristics of a good research question:
- Focused
- Researchable
- Specific
- Appropriately Complex
- Relevant

2.5Ws stand for: What, Why, Who, Where, When

3.Steps for evaluating good research questions
- Choose an interesting general topic
- Do some preliminary research on your
general topic
- Consider your audience
- Identify research problem
- Write research questions
- Evaluate your questions
- Begin your research
Invite each group Representative from each
representative to present what group present what they have
found out from the discussion found out from the

Facilitate and give feedback Listen carefully and take

after each group presented note during the feedback
from the lecturer.
Provide the students with Analyse the given research
some examples, which relate question and improve it as
to the research questions and Practice 1: Students are asked to analyse the peer working
ask them to analyze and example of a research question and see how they
improve those questions as can improve the question
peer working
1) How do teachers work with students have
How do teachers work with disabilities?
students have disabilities? 2) What techniques have shown to be
successful in improving reading
Facilitate pair’s work and comprehension for students with learning
then ask few pair to present disabilities? Each pair present the idea
their ideas on improving the related to what they
question The first question is not specific, it is too large improved related the
and we are not clear what type of work teachers question provided.
work with students? Which subject area? What
kind of teaching method?

The second question defines its concepts more

Ask the students to work in clearly. It is researchable through qualitative and
quantitative data collection. Work in pair again to make
pair again in order to make
their own research question
their own research questions
Practice2: Students will make their own research
Each pair present the idea
Facilitate pair’s work and question and share it with classmates. The lecture
about the research question
then ask few pair to present will give feedback to the some of the questions,
they made.
their ideas on making the especially how they can be improved.
research question

Step 4
Evaluation and wrap up
Ask the students to review : Students are asked to review the lesson what Earnestly answer the given
characteristic of good they have just learnt in order to measure their questions as individual
research question understanding.

Main steps in evaluating a

good research questions
Step 5
Questions and answers Closing the session by asking whether the Ask lecture the questions if
students have any questions or not they are not so clear within
the lesson.
Students are required to read Read the next lesson (Research Design) and do Read research design at
the next lesson and do homework assignment (What are the definition home and undertake the
homework assignment in and function of research design? assignment.

5. Blackboard layout
The main points of the lesson will be written on the board.

6. Lesson Evaluation 
The students’ participation in a discussion, the presenters’ presentation.

Worksheet on forming a research question

What is your research interest? (broad topic)  Week 4
Why did you choose your topic? Week4

What did you find through the literature review? Week 5-7

What do you want to explore more based on the literature? Week 5-7

What us your research question that you would like to explore? Week 8

Checklist for your research question Week 8

- Is it focused? ☐
- Is it researchable?☐
- Is it apecific?☐
- Is it appropriately complex? ☐
- Is it relevant? ☐
Feedback comment from lecture on the research question

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