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Automatic Tube Seperator Info Flyer

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Cut tubes and pipes chipless and with low burrs

The tube and pipe cutting machines RTA 35 and RTA 75 cut tubes and pipes chipless
and with low burrs.

The diameters handled range from 2 to 76 mm with wall thicknesses between 0,4 and 3

The tube is cut by a round knife rotating around the tube, the tube itself does not move.

The knife is arranged between two chucks which hydraulically clamp the tube. In order
to avoid an inner burr which normally results from chipless cutting, the tube isn’t cut
completely but hydraulically ‘torn’ or – for bigger diameters – ‘broken’. Thereby the inner
diameter remains except a very small reduction. No inner burr exists..

Opposite to the knife a roll is arranged which circulates the tube with the same speed as
the knife. With this roll outer chamfers may be rolled to the tube during the cutting
process. Knife and roll are antifriction beared and not driven separately. The lining of
knife/roll is – with the RTA 75 – effected via motors, each having its own control which
also circulate the tube. With the RTA 35 the lining is done via a hydraulic-mechanical

Various materials can be treated, e. g. steel, high-grade steel, Al-alloys, other non-
ferrous metals, etc.

The knife-lifetime depends on the materials to be cut, however, ranges between 20 and
30.000 cuts.

The energy supply as well as profibus control to the lining motors is done via collector

tube diameter: 2 to 76 mm
wall thickness: 0,4 to 3 mm
material: steel, high-grade steel, non-ferrous metals
Cycle time: up to 1700 parts/hour
RTA 35
tube diameter: 2 to 24 mm (35 mm)
wall thickness: 0,3 to 1,8 mm
material: stell, non-ferrous metals
cycletime: up to 1900 parts/hour

page 1
A principle sketch of our chipless cutting system:


Tear Tear

The knife and the A minor reduction of the inner diameter

roll rotate. of the tube/pipe is the result, however,
The tube is fixed. no burr remains !

page 2
Transmission of
energy and control
leads via collector

Cutting head with

knife- and roller
drive for RTA 75

page 3
high grade steel
tube, chipless cut
and “torn“

Tube chipless cut,


page 4
high grade steel
tube, 56 x 1,5 mm,
chipless cut,
“torn” and “broken”

Chipless cut tube,


page 5
Supply of the raw materials to the cutting machine, in most cases 6 m rods, is
automatically performed either via a 'bundle loader' or an 'inclined table magazine'.

Using the bundle loader a whole tube bundle will be used placed in belt loops. The
individual tube rods are separated and supplied automatically to the cutting machine.

If the tube diameters vary more often an inclined table magazine would be preferable. A
defined number of tubes is placed on an inclined input-table from where the tubes
automatically are separated and supplied to the cutting machine. In most cases the
tubes are placed manually.

The separated tubes are taken by a clamp which is driven by a servomotor actuated
(recirculating) ball screw. The clamp drives each time the tube length as input via the
display. By that exact tube lengths are the result.

page 6
RTA 75 with
inclined table

RTA 75 with
bundle loader
(tube bundele on
the bottom – front)

page 7
Magazine to
supply the tube
cutting machine –
for 4 different
starting tube

Hydraulic tube, brake tubes, control tubes or similar must not have any chips especially
not in the inner part.

Cutting the tubes with our cutting machines RTA 35 and RTA 75 is a chipless

For example hydraulic tubes Ø 6 bis 12 mm are automatically supplied via inclined table
magazines to the cutting machine RTA 75 and cut.

In order to make a maximum use of the individual tubes 2 or 3 different lengths are cut
out of one tube.

The cut pieces are received by a sorting unit and placed - sorted by length - into a

The first cut and also the final piece are sorted out separately. If requested, one can
operate the machine without first cut - this material saving possibility is freely selectable
via the operator's display.

page 8
Cutting machine
RTA 75 for
hydraulic tubes

For cost reasons every new tube should be used to an optimum.

Therefore and as per production needs each tube is cut into 2 – 3 different tube
parts/lengths. Sorting these lengths is done automatically.

During this the 1st tube parts of each tube length are transported to one side and the 2nd
to the other side. The first cut and also the final piece are sorted out

One can produce different lengths of tube parts - nearly any size is possible.

page 9
Cutting machine
RTA 35 with sorting
unit of different tube

Tube cutting
machine with sorting
unit for tube parts

page 10
Tube cutting
machine RTA 75
with 4x-bundle
loader and sorting
unit for long tube
parts up to 5,7 m

Tube cutting
machine RTA 35 for
small tube diameters
= 4 – 12 mm

page 11
When working with coils - e. g. copper soft or hard, Al-alloys, steel - an equalized speed
between uncoiler and cutting machine is of great importance.

Only then a smooth working cycle can be guaranteed.

This is solved by using a specially developed equalizing roll, which actuates a driven

The tubes are straightened before cutting. 18 straightening rolls are available for this
purpose. The rolls - which are hardened and polished - calibrate the tube from a slightly
oval diameter into the nominal diameter. If requested soft copper tube material can also
be hardened during straightening

The straightening apparatus consists out of two single units – each one horizontal and

Each apparatus bears 9 forming rolls whereas each 4 can be adjusted separately. Each
of the adjustable forming rolls has a scale, so that it is easy to repeat the same values
at any time. Exchanging the rolls for different tube diameters is done fast and easy.
After flipping up of each two flaps the rolls can be drawn off without loosening any
screws and the new rolls be attached.

page 12
with uncoiler and
equalizing roll

Tube coil supply to

RTA 35 with
uncoiler and
equalizing roll

page 13
Uncoiler with
equalizing roll

RTA 35 with tube

supply from a coil

page 14
‚Clip on’ straightening
rolls of the
straightening unit (no
fixing necessary)

apparatus with 9
straightening rolls.
The adjustment is
done without
clamping with
counter nut or

page 15
RTA 35

The tube parts cut by RTA 35 are – in a simple way – taken by a V-form tipping trough.
The tipping trough pivots to the left or right so that the tubes roll out, via a shute, into a

This simple execution for supply of the tube parts has proven especially for a starting
tube material supplied from a coil.

up of cut pieces by
the V-form tipping

After cutting the tubes with the cutting machine an immediate linking to other processing
machines can be made, as e. g. closing the tube ends or punching the outside of the

page 16
Cutting machine with
grabbing system for
chained working

page 17

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