Review Center: Welcome To
Review Center: Welcome To
Review Center: Welcome To
3. What is suggested in the opening line? June 13, 1986 - they came from all over America
- 200,000 heroes strong, with their families.
a. The writer holds great admiration for the veterans
b. The writer is opposed to the Vietnam War
c. The writer was a veteran of the war
d. The writer is a flag-waving patriot
4. A readability mismatch happens when the reading levels of books exceed the reading
levels of the students. In this situation, the students experience frustration and they fall short
of the expected or desired output. A student who finds himself/ herself in such a mismatch
will likely do which of the following?
a. Give an intelligent critique of the selection or story read
b. Write a comprehensive reaction paper regarding the selection or story read
c. Present an argument that the selection or story read was not properly written
d. Manifest an expected and commensurate emotional reaction to the selection or story read
5. What does this mean: Excuses are for losers… those who take responsibility for their
actions are real winners in life. This tells of?
a. losers often fail because they find reasons for losing
b. a winner can also be a quitter
c. accountability of one’s action tells of bravery
d. excuses are needed to justify any failure
6. The first American teachers in the Philippines were
a. elementary graduates
b. graduates of the normal school
c. missionaries
d. soldiers
9. Miss Cruz is teaching a three- year old boy how to put on his shirt. She might first reward
him for placing his right arm in the right sleeve, then the left arm in the left sleeve, then
buttoning the front of the shirt, then tucking the shirt into his pants. The technique is called.
a. conditioning
b. fading
c. chaining
d. reinforcement
10. According to Erikson’s theory, the child aged three to five is largely
a. mischievous
b. ego- centric
c. lazy
d. altruistic
11. Teacher B wants to check prior knowledge of his pupils about water pollution. She writes
the main topic water pollution in the center of the chalkboard and encircles it. Then she asks
the pupils to provide information that can be clustered around the main topic. Which
technique did the teacher employ?
a. deductive teaching
b. demonstration
c. Semantic mapping
d. Particularism
12. Conducting follow up studies of graduates and drop out id guidance service that falls
a. individual inventory service
b. research service
c. counseling service
d. placement service
13. Teacher M helps pupils determine the pronunciation and meanings of words by
analyzing roots, affixes, and derived forms. This process is called.
a. contextual attack
b. blending sounds
c. phonetic analysis
d. structural analysis
14. James, age 7, was removed from his class frequent fights with other children. He refused
to be disciplined and was to focus in class only for a very short time. He has also frequent
tantrums. He is suffering from.
a. Mental retardation
b. Down Syndrome
c. Attention - Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
d. Learning disability
15. Which of the following is the best test for effective motivation?
a. getting high grades
b. continued pursuit for the subject after the work has been evaluated
c. paying attention and responding in class activity
d. conscientious preparation of lesson plans on the part of the teacher
16. Of the following, which do you think is the most difficult situation to face?
a. how to provide for individual differences
b. how to find supplementary materials
c. what do you do with a problem learner
d. how to interpret test data
17. Compared with the teacher, teaching machines are least adopted to improve student
a. skill in interpersonal functioning
b. interest in machine
c. mathematical skills
d. language development
18. If the materials are dangerous for the learners to handle, which of the following methods
will you use?
a. textbook
b. group discussion
c. lecture- demonstration
d. eclectic
19. Which method is used to develop scientific inquiry among the learners?
a. project
b. case study
c. problem solving
d. simulation
20. The __________ method is used to find out the learner’s knowledge about a certain
topic assigned to them.
a. independent study
b. textbook
c. lecture
d. question and answer
21. Which of the following would be the teacher observe in order to make teaching functional
in the classroom?
a. get and used the latest science equipment
b. visit museum and science centers
c. use inexpensive and locally made equipment
d. read modern books in science
22. In which of the following steps of the lesson are the students given the chance to
manipulate materials?
a. abstraction and comparison
b. exploration and discovery
c. preparation and discovery
d. evaluation
24. When attempting to teach skill in problem- solving, a strong emphasis should be placed
on the
a. role of facts related to pupil’s experience
b. acquisition of facts
c. use of imaginary problems
d. classification of data
27. Which of the following about experiments and demonstrations is not true?
a. they should be planned carefully and exactly
b. necessary materials should be collected in advance
c. they should not be tried out in advance
d. precautions should be given to the students
28. All of the following statements about field trip is true except
a. it is used to introduced or arose interest of the pupils
b. it is primarily done to fulfill the interest of the pupils
c. it is a means to find the answers to questions and problems in science
d. it makes use of all the senses of the students
30. In the selection of a method of teaching, which of the following should not be
a. nature and learners
b. availability of materials
c. parents and aspirations