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Electrical Engineering Lab IV (ECEG-3207) EXAM

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Electrical Engineering lab IV (ECEG-3207)
Time allowed 2:30 Hr
June 11/2013
Final Exam
Name______________________________ ID No. _________

NOTE:- Write Clearly and Neatly

Q #1:- A single phase transformer has the following name plate data:
P= 2.5KVA Vp= 220v Ip=11.36A
F= 50/60 Hz Vs=110v Is=22.72A

For the transformer given above, how do you perform the following tests:
a) I) Resistance test II ) Open circuit test
III ) Short circuit test IV ) Load test
Show appropriate instruments in proper place.
b) Draw a circuit diagram for performing short circuit test of three phase transformer with
measuring instruments in proper place and write the step to be followed to perform the
Q#2:-AssumeUX, VY and WZ represent winding segments of a three phase induction motor.
Clearly discuss the procedure that one should follow to identify the beginning end of
each winding segment using diagrams.

Q#3:- a) Draw a circuit diagram for parallel operation of two shunt DC generator with
measuring instruments in proper place. What happen if the speed of the prime
mover of one of the generator is increase?
b) What are the causes of the voltage drops across the terminal of DC generator?
c) In the laboratory when we perform tests on a synchronous generator what was our
prime mover? Show properly supported by a clear diagram your prime mover for a
synchronous generator.

Q#4:-Figure 1 shows a wattm
eter diagram. It is expected to give your answer based on that. Show clearly your answer and
how do you calculate.
a) At 5A and 240v the indicator is at 30 what is the power reading of the meter?
b) If we change the voltage to 600v where will indicate the arrow?
c) If a selector is set at 480v and 1A for the same power where will the indicator be?

1A 5A
120W --------------- 120V----------------- 600W
204W --------------- 240V----------------- 1200W
480W --------------- 480V---------------- 2400W
600W ----------------600V----------------- 3000W

Figure 1.

Examiner: Ato Kibru Agiza


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