Preliminary Treatment
• Consists solely in separating the floating materials and heavy
settleable inorganic solids.
• It also helps in removing the oils and greases, etc.
reduces the BOD of the WW, by about 15 to 30%.
Preliminary Treatment
1) Screening
✓ found at the start of the wastewater treatment plants
✓ a device with openings of uniform size to retain solids
in influent wastewater
✓ remove the coarse and floating matter, such as pieces
of cloth, paper, wood, cork, hair, fiber, kitchen refuse,
fecal solids, etc. to
- prevent damage of equipment
i.e., If floating materials are not removed, will choke
the pipes, or adversely affect the working of the
sewage pumps
Preliminary Treatment
*Note: Usually, rectangular channels are used, and the ratio between depth and width is
taken as 1.5 to give the most efficient section
Preliminary Treatment
Preliminary Treatment
Example 2
A vertical mechanical bar screen is to be used in an approach channel
with a maximum velocity of 1 m/s. The bars are 15 mm thick, and the
openings are 25 mm wide. Determine:
• The velocity between the bars
• The head loss in meters
Preliminary Treatment
Fine Screens:
➢ Have perforations of less than 6 mm in size.
➢ The installation of these screens proves very effective, and remove
20% of the suspended solids.
➢ Get clogged very often, and need frequent cleaning. (not suitable
for sewage preliminary treatment)
➢ Used for pretreatment in industrial wastes
➢ Other uses include primary treatment (as a substitute for primary
Preliminary Treatment
Disposal of Screenings
▪ Screening is material separated by screens.
▪ It contains 85 to 90% of moisture and other floating matter.
▪ It may also contain some organic load which may putrefy, causing bad smells
and nuisance.
▪ To avoid such possibilities, the screenings are disposed of either by:
✓ Removal by hauling to disposal areas (landfill) including co disposal with
municipal solid wastes,
✓ Disposal by burial on the plant site (for small installations only),
✓ Incineration either alone or in combination with sludge and grit (large
installations only), and
✓ Discharge to grinders or macerators where it is grounded and returned to the
Preliminary Treatment
Example /screen/
A bar screen, installed at 70o from the horizontal is to be used in an
approach channel with a maximum velocity of 0.9m/s. The bars are
15 mm thick, and the openings are 25 mm wide. Determine:
4. VaAa=VbAb or Vb=VaAa/Ab
5. Head loss, hL
Solution, if mechanically/continuously cleaned…
1. Assume that the channel has width (W) and depth (D)
4. VaAa=VbAb or Vb=VaAa/Ab
5. Head loss, hL
Preliminary Treatment
-Because these units are complete in themselves, no detailed design is
-Manufacturers' data and rating tables for these units should be consulted
for different capacity ranges,
✓Discharge /capacity
✓headloss, and
✓power requirements.
Discrete (type I), Flocculent (type II), Hindered (type III), Compression (type IV)
✓ The grit chamber remove the inorganic particles (specific gravity about 2.65 and
nominal diameter of 0.1mm or larger)
- such as sand, gravel, egg shells, bones, and other non-putrescible materials
(silt and grit) present in sewage by the process of sedimentation due to
gravitational forces.
✓ Therefore, the flow velocity should neither be too low nor should it be so high.
❑ if too slow lighter organic matter will settle down, septicity.
❑ if too high, even silt and grit not settle down/re-suspend. 36
Preliminary Treatment
o Grit is removed preliminarily to prevent
✓ damage pumps /mechanical equipments due to abrasion, and
✓ excessive accumulation of sludge in digesters /large volume of sludge to
be handled
✓ Number of units;
- use at least two units.
- And for mechanically cleaned chambers add one manually
cleaned chamber as a bypass
Preliminary Treatment
❖Is designed considering it as sedimentation basin having discrete type of settling
❖Considering balance of forces acting on a spherical particle in fluid
Fb Fd
Fnet = mg - Fd - Fb Fnet = 0
…. Stock’s
( − ) gdp
vs = 3.33 s w
Inlet zone
Vf =Q/WxD Settling zone
td= L/Vf = LWD/Q
Sludge zone
td= D/Vp
LWD/Q = D/Vp
Vp = Q/LW=Q/Asurface=SOR,
Ax-section = Q/Vf =DXW Typical depth 0.6-1.5m
td= H/Vp = L/Vf Length 3 - 25m
▪ For actual length add 10-50% of the length at both inlet and outlet zones
▪ Total D = Settling zone D + Sludge accumulation D+ Freeboard
▪ Sludge zone depth; depending on cleaning frequency
▪ Freeboard 15-30cm 42
Preliminary Treatment
Preliminary Treatment
Lets provide 3 tanks running parallel, hence design discharge for each
= 400l/s= 0.4m3/sec
The length of the tank
= Velocity ∗ Detention time = 0.2 ∗ (2 ∗ 60) = 24m
Make provision for inlet and outlet 10%
Preliminary Treatment
Preliminary Treatment
The tank will be 1.7m wide up to
1.5m depth, and then the sides
will slope down to form an
elongated trough of 24m length
and 0.8m width at the bottom
with rounded corners, as shown
in figure
- Grit is disposed off to a
sanitary landfill
Preliminary Treatment
The max flow per channel will be
- 65,000/3= 21666 m3/day = 0.25 m3/s
The average flow per channel will be
- 50,000/3= 16,666 m3/day = 0.19 m3/s.
The minimum flow per channel will be
- 20,000/3= 6,666 m3/day = 0.077 m3/s
• A = Q/V
• Amax. = 0.25/0.25 = 1.0 m2
• A average = 0.19/0.25 = 0.76 m2
• A min = 0.077/0.25 = 0.31 m2
Preliminary Treatment
✓ Typical depth 0.6 - 1.5m
Solution ✓ Length 3 - 25m
• For parabolic channel …………..A= 2/3* W*D
• The channel can have any appropriate combination of width and
• For width of 1.5 m at a maximum depth should equal:
A max = 1.0 = 2/3 * 1.5 *Dmax. , D max = 1.0 m
• The control section will produce critical depth, dc thus, the
control velocity = Vc and
dc = Vc2/g. ………..ref
• If we assume the head loss in the control is 10% of the velocity
head, then
D = Vc2/g + Vc2/2g + 0.1Vc2/2g = 3.1 Vc2/2g
Vc = (2 g D/ 3.1)0.5
• At a maximum flow, Qmax, with Dmax = 1 m ,
Vc= (2*9.8* 1/3.1)0.5 = 2.5 m/s
dc = Vc2/g ……….. dc = 0.64 m
• And the width of control device section
wc = Q / (Vc *dc) = 0.25 /(2.5 * 0.64) = 0.16m
• For other flow conditions:
Channel device/rectangular/
Q Vchannel
(m3/s) (m/s) A(m2) W (m) D (m) Vc (m) dc (m) Wc (m)
0.31 0.25 1.24 1.65 1.11 2.65 0.72 0.16
0.25 0.25 1 1.5 1 2.52 0.65 0.16
0.19 0.25 0.76 1.41 0.81 2.26 0.52 0.16
0.077 0.25 0.308 1.03 0.45 1.68 0.29 0.16
4) Skimming Tanks
✓ Ideally grease removal is desirable at source, prior to discharge to the
collection network.
✓ Usually placed after grit chamber
✓ Many plants, however, use primary clarifiers with mechanical surface
skimmers for fat and grease removal
✓ Is a concrete or glass reinforced plastic chamber arranged so that floating
matter (oil and grease) rises and remains on the surface until removed
while the liquid flows continuously through an outlet located at depth
Figure of Skimming tank
Preliminary Treatment
A= 0.00622Q/Vr
Burial in low lying areas can be treated with TP sludge
Preliminary Treatment
5) Flow equalization
-located after the preliminary treatment units such as screening and grit
removal but before primary sedimentation
-Flow equalization simply is the damping of flow rate variations to achieve a
constant or nearly constant flow rate
The principal benefits that are cited as deriving from application of flow
equalization are:
1. Helps in improving the performance of down- stream operations and
reduces the operating & capital cost of down- stream process. (chemical
feed, filter area, …
2. Biological treatment is enhanced because of elimination of shock load due
to flow rate & pollution load, inhibiting substances can be diluted, and pH
can be stabilized;
Eg p337 metcalf
Primary Treatment
Primary Wastewater Treatment
▪ Unit preceding biological treatment process so as to remove suspended
organic solids.
• SSs are separated by settling to the bottom of sedimentation tanks
• Sedimentation tanks are physical operation units where removal takes
place due to gravitational force.
• The very fundamental principle underlying the process of sedimentation is
Organic matter present in sewage having specific gravity greater than
that of water (i.e. 1.0) is separated by gravity.
Hindered 65
✓ An example of flocculent settling is
- Primary sedimentation tank in WWT/organic substances/ or
- Settling chemical flocs in WT /inorganic colloids/
Settling zone
Inflow zone
Sludge zone
Scraper blade
Sludge Fig. of rectangular sedimentation tank 67
a. Inlet and Outlet Arrangement
✓ In order to reduce short circuiting and to distribute the flow uniformly
proper arrangement must be made for smooth entry of water.
✓ A most suitable type of an inlet for a rectangular settling tank is in the form of
a channel with a submerged weir type baffle wall extending to full width of
the tank.
Baffle Baffle
across Multiple
width opening
Typical baffle (diffuser) walls
Flow distribution
- Fill and draw /intermittent type: store sewage in complete rest for a certain
- Continuous flow type: the flow velocity is only reduced by increasing area,
and the sewage is not brought to complete rest,
✓ They are generally made of reinforced concrete and can be classified based on
shape as;
₋ Rectangular
₋ Circular
Rectangular Circular
• The inflow is distributed at a lateral • The inflow is distributed form inlet well
side of the clarifier at the center
• The water leaves the tank only at the • The water leaves the tank at the
opposite extreme periphery of the tank
• Better hydraulic characteristics and less • Less expensive than rectangular tanks
short circuiting
• Circular rake arm to rake sludge to
• Launders are placed parallel to tank center (water treatment) or with suction
length pipes (wastewater)
• Usually have chain-drive scrapers • Weirs and radial collection troughs are
(bottom scrappers mounted at a chain provided around the perimeter of the
which is driven by gears) to bring sludge tank
to withdrawal through in tank bottom
• Circular sludge sweep is relatively
trouble free
Settling zone
Sludge zone
Table. Design criteria for primary sedimentation tank
parameter Value range the criteria for primary
Detention time, hr 1.5-2.5 sedimentation basins
Overflow rate,m3/m2/d are different from WT
Average flow 32-48 sedimentation tanks
Peak flow 80-120 and this must be
Weir loading, m3/m/d 125-500 accounted for in the
Dimensions, m design
Depth 3-5
Length 15-90
Width* 3-24
Sludge scrapper speed, m/min 0.6-1.4
Depth 3-5
Diameter 3.6-60 More complete info.
Bottom slope, mm/m 60-160 On Mackenzie
P 21-23
Sludge scrapper speed, m/min 0.02-0.05
*must divide into bays of not greater than 6m wide Source: Howard S. Peavy
Adapted from: Reynolds, T. D., and P. A. Richards. Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental
Engineering. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: PWS Publishing Company, 1996, p. 258-259. ISBN: 0534948847
A chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) study was
conducted on a coagulated industrial wastewater sample.
The objective was to design a basin to remove 80% TSS at a
side water depth of 3.5 m. A batch column test was
performed in a 4-m-tall and 15-cm-diameter column. The
initial concentration of TSS in the coagulated sample was
200 mg/L. The sampling ports were 0.5 m apart, the lowest
port being 3.5 m below the water surface to simulate the
design side water depth of the basin. The samples were
withdrawn from each port at 10min interval. TSS was
determined in each sample and the data matrix is given in
the table below.
Determine the design values of detention time and
overflow rate for 80% removal.
Detention Time, Settling velocity, Surface Overflow Overall Percent TSS
min m/min rate, m3/m2.d Removal, %