Health Problems Prioritization Tool: Mabini Colleges Incorporated
Health Problems Prioritization Tool: Mabini Colleges Incorporated
Health Problems Prioritization Tool: Mabini Colleges Incorporated
VISION Governor Panotes Avenue, monumental contribution to national and global growth
and development.
“MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE of Daet, Camarines Norte Specifically, it transforms
MABINI students into:
EXCELLENCE in education.” 1. God – fearing
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 2. Nation – loving
3. Law abiding
Email: 4. Earth caring
5. Productive, and
6. Locally and Globally competitive
C. PREVENTIVE POTENTIAL –refers to the nature and magnitude of future problems that can
be minimized or totally prevented if intervention is done on the problem under consideration
High 3
Moderate 2
Low 1
D.SALIENCE – refers to the family’s perception and evaluation of the problem in terms of
seriousness and urgency of attention needed
A serious problem, immediate attention needed 2
A problem, but not needing immediate attention 1
Not a felt need / problem 0
“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,
MABINI COLLEGES INCORPORATED research and extension service programs at all
Prepared by:
Sheena Saspa
Art Z. Tribunal, RN, LPT