Axp322 Mode S Remote Transponder Installation Manual
Axp322 Mode S Remote Transponder Installation Manual
Axp322 Mode S Remote Transponder Installation Manual
Remote Transponder Installation Manual
The latest installation manuals are available to authorized dealers on the web at
1. GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 6
1.1 APPLICABILITY .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 7
1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION FORMS ................................................................................ 8
1.4 INSTALLATION APPROVAL......................................................................................................... 8
1.5 AVIDYNE SUPPLIED MATERIAL ................................................................................................. 8
1.5.1 Product Ship Kits ............................................................................................................ 8
1.5.2 Unpacking and Inspecting Equipment ........................................................................ 8
2. INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................... 9
2.1 MINIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................... 9
3. TRANSPONDER ANTENNA ..................................................................................................... 10
3.1 ANTENNA LOCATION ............................................................................................................... 10
3.2 ANTENNA GROUND PLANE ...................................................................................................... 10
3.3 ANTENNA TYPE ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 ANTENNA CABLE .................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Antenna - TNC Connector .............................................................................................. 12
4. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 13
4.1 WIRE TYPE .............................................................................................................................. 13
4.2 WIRE AND CONNECTOR IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................ 13
4.3 WIRE ROUTING........................................................................................................................ 13
4.4 WIRE HARNESS OVERBRAID.................................................................................................... 13
4.4.1 Existing Equipment ...................................................................................................... 13
4.4.2 Severe Lightning Transient Environment ................................................................. 13
4.4.3 Copper Overbraid Installation..................................................................................... 13
4.5 CIRCUIT PROTECTION .............................................................................................................. 13
4.6 ELECTRICAL LOAD ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 14
4.7 D CONNECTOR CRIMP TERMINALS .......................................................................................... 14
4.8 EQUIPMENT LOCATION ............................................................................................................ 14
4.9 TRAY AND TRANSPONDER INSTALLATION ............................................................................... 14
4.10 COOLING REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 15
4.11 ELECTRICAL BONDING ............................................................................................................ 15
4.12 WEIGHT AND BALANCE ........................................................................................................... 15
4.13 COMPASS SAFE DISTANCE ....................................................................................................... 15
5. AXP322 TRANSPONDER ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ................................................. 16
5.1 AXP322 INTERFACE – PINOUT ................................................................................................ 16
5.2 FUNCTION SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 17
8. ADS-B COMPLIANCE................................................................................................................ 28
8.1 ADS-B PARAMETERS SUPPORTED........................................................................................... 28
9. INSTALLATION DRAWINGS .................................................................................................. 29
10. INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM ............................................................................................... 30
11. FACTORY SERVICE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES .................................................... 31
11.1 TECHNICAL SUPPORT .............................................................................................................. 31
11.2 GENERAL SERVICE PROCEDURES ............................................................................................ 31
12. STC PERMISSION .................................................................................................................. 32
14. SOFTWARE LICENSE ........................................................................................................... 34
1. General Information
This manual describes the physical and electrical characteristics and the installation requirements for an
AXP322 Mode S Remote ADS-B Out Transponder.
The AXP322 Mode S remote mount transponder is an ED-73C and DO-181E Class 1 compliant Mode S
level 2ELS datalink transponder, with support for extended squitter, elementary surveillance and SI
codes. The AXP322 is also a DO-260B Class B1S compliant ADS-B out participant. The AXP322 meets the
relevant environmental requirements of DO-160F/ED-14F, and is certified to ETSO 2C112b, ETSO C166a,
TSO C112c and TSO C166b.
The AXP322 transmitter power output is nominally 250 watts, and the transponder runs from either 14
volt nominal or 28 volt nominal DC power supply with no configuration changes required.
The AXP322 transponder responds to both legacy Mode A/C interrogations and to Mode S interrogations
from both ground radar and airborne collision avoidance systems. In all cases, the interrogations are
received by the transponder on 1030MHz, and replies are transmitted on 1090MHz.
In the Mode S environment, S stands for Select, and a Mode S interrogator can selectively address a single
transponder. This allows accurate position plotting with lower reply rates, which in turn reduces
frequency congestion and interference. As a side benefit, power consumption by the transponder may be
reduced, and simple datalink services can be supported, such as ADS-B. It is however crucial to the
reliable operation of the system that each aircraft has a distinct Mode S address. The Mode S address is
allocated by the registration authority for the aircraft, and must be set when the AXP322 is installed.
The AXP322 transponder is controlled using a separate control and display device such as the
IFD4XX/5XX or Entegra Release 9. This allows the transponder to be mounted separately from the
instrument panel, and reduces the amount of panel space taken by the transponder.
1.1 Applicability
This document applies to the following part numbers:
Model Number Avidyne Part Trig Part Hardware Identification Software Identification
Number Number (or later approved (or later approved
revision) revision)
AXP322 Mode S
200-00269-000 00745-00-05 MOD 1 2.7
Specification Characteristics
Compliance ETSO 2C112b Class 1 Level 2els, ETSO C166a
Class B0, TSO C112c Class 1 Level 2els, TSO
C166b Class B1S
FCC Identification VZI00745
Applicable documents EUROCAE ED-73C, EUROCAE ED-14F
Software ED-12B (RTCA DO-178B) Level B
Hardware RTCA DO-254 Level C
Power Requirements 11 – 33 Volts DC. Typical 6 Watts @ 14Volts
Altitude 35,000 feet
Humidity Tested to Category A in DO-160F
Operating Temperature -20°C to +70°C
Transmitter Frequency 1090MHz ± 1MHz
Transmitter Power 250 Watts nominal; 125 Watts minimum at
antenna after allowing for 0.5dB connector losses
and 1.5dB cable losses.
Transmitter Modulation 6M75 V1D
Receiver Frequency 1030 MHz
Receiver Sensitivity -74dBm ± 3dB
Operating Limits Reference Section 7
Table 2: AXP322Technical Specification
Specification Characteristics
Height 48mm (1.9”)
Width 66mm (2.5”)
Length 160mm (6.3”)
Weight 0.35 Kg (0.77 lbs)
Table 3: Physical Specifications (in tray)
2. Installation Considerations
The following section will describe installation instructions for the AXP322 Unit. The AXP322 should be
installed using standard industry practices while following guidance in FAA AC 43.13-( ), AC 20-165 ( ),
and this manual.
The minimum items needed for the AXP322 installation is an Altitude Source and transponder antenna.
The ADS-B output is an optional feature on the AXP322. If installing this option, the AXP322 must also be
connected to an approved GPS Receiver and Weight-on-wheels output.
3. Transponder Antenna
The AXP322 requires a transponder antenna certified to TSO-C74 or TSO-C112. In most cases, the AXP322
will utilize the aircraft's existing transponder antenna. If a new transponder antenna is needed, a separate
installation approval is needed, reference FAA AC 20-151( ).
Max Length Max Length Insertion Loss MIL-C-17 Cables Electronic Cable SSB Electronic
in Metres in Feet dB/metre at Specialists Type
2.54 8’ 4” 0.59 M17/128
3.16 10’ 4” 0.47 3C142B
3.81 12’ 6” 0.39 M17/112
4.50 14’ 9” 0.33 Aircell 5
5.25 17’ 3” 0.29 M17/127 311601
6.42 21’ 1” 0.23 311501
6.81 22’ 4” 0.22 Aircell 7
8.22 26’ 11” 0.18 311201
12.59 41’ 3” 0.12 310801
Table 5: Antenna Coaxial Cable Lengths
Contact Carlisle Interconnect Technologies on +1 414 421 5300 or for their data sheets.
Contact SSB-Electronic GmbH on +49-2371-95900 or at for their data sheets.
4. Electrical Installation
The electrical wiring should be installed in accordance with FAA AC 43.13-1B Chapter 11, sections 8
through 13 and in accordance with this manual. The following section will describe requirements for the
electrical wiring when installing the AXP322.
Type Description
5.3.2 Power On
The AXP322 power supply is directly controlled by this discrete input (pin 13) which must be tied to
ground for the unit to power on.
Light Airplane < 15,000 Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight
pounds less than 15,500 pounds. This includes very light
“Light Fixed Wing” aircraft (light sport aircraft) that do not meet the
requirements of 14 CFR 103.1.
Small Airplane ≥ 15,000 to ˂ Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight
75,000 pounds greater than or equal to15,500 pounds but less
“Medium Fixed Wing” than 75,000 pounds.
Rotorcraft Any rotorcraft regardless of weight.
6.9 Placards
Verify all circuit breaker(s), switches, and annunciator lights are labelled appropriately.
600-00309-XXX must be inserted in the airplane’s AFM/POH. All other installations do not need to
install the AFMS in the aircraft.
8. ADS-B Compliance
AXP322 transponders with software version 2.7 and above include support for Extended Squitter ADS-B out which
is compliant with DO-260B with corrigendum 1. The AXP322 is a B1S ADS-B transmitter.
In all cases, uncompensated latency due to the transponder is less than 10 milliseconds. Analysis of the system
latency should add this to the latency of the GPS system and the transmission time of the position data from the GPS
to the transponder to determine the overall latency.
9. Installation Drawings
Release 9
• Email:
• Fax: 781-402-7599
• Voice: 1-888-723-7592
• Internet:
An Avidyne Technical Support Representative will respond as soon as possible. Avidyne business hours
Please include the part number, revision number and serial number of the unit in all correspondences.
For problem reporting, please provide as many details associated with the problem as possible.
Prior to returning a unit for service, contact Avidyne at 1-888-723-7592 to obtain a Return Merchandise
Authorization (RMA) number.
When calling or emailing for product-related help, please have the following information available:
Avidyne Corporation hereby grants to all National Aviation Authorities (FAA, CAA, JAA, etc) approved
installers the use of data from STC SA00352BO to install the Avidyne AXP322 System. This also includes
any international validations of the STC (e.g. EASA, ANAC, etc). Copies of the STC data are available on
the Avidyne website Technical Publications page or upon request. The latest data revisions are listed in
Avidyne 200-00247-XXX Transponder 200-00269-XXX Remote Transponder Master Document List,
Installers must abide by the conditions and limitations stated in both the STC and in the Installation
Manual in order to maintain compliance. The use of this data by itself does not constitute installation
and its licensors rely upon you to read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and not
those contained in your purchase order.
If you do not agree to the terms of this license, Avidyne is unwilling to license the product to you. In such event, you
may not use or copy the product, and you should promptly contact Avidyne for instructions on return of the unused
product(s) for a refund.
© 2013-2015 Trig Avionics Limited. Parts of this document are © 2013-2017 Avidyne Corporation. All rights
reserved. Reproduction of this publication or any portion thereof by any means without the express written consent
of Avidyne Corporation is prohibited. For further information contact Avidyne Corporation, 4 Middlesex Green
Suite 221, 561 Virginia Road, Concord MA 01742, 781-402-7400. Information in this document is subject to change
without notice. Avidyne reserves the right to change or improve their products and to make changes in the content of
this material without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements.
4 Middlesex Green, Suite 221
561 Virginia Road
Concord MA 01742
Telephone: 781-402-7400