1mtech Ee PCD
1mtech Ee PCD
1mtech Ee PCD
Tech Programme
Electrical Engineering- Power Control & Drives
Curriculum and Scheme of Examinations
End Marks
Hrs / Sem Internal
Code Credits End Semester Remarks
Name of Subject week Exam Continuous
No. Exam Total
(hours) Assessment
Of the 40 marks of internal
EMA assessment, 25 marks for tests and
40 60 100 15 marks for assignments. End sem
1002 Mathematics 3 3 3 exam is conducted by the
Power Coverters
3 3 3 40 60 100 Do
1001 and Analysis
EIC Advanced
Signal 3 3 3 40 60 100 Do
EMC Modeling of
Electrical 3 3 3 40 60 100 Do
Applications of
3 3 3 40 60 100 Do
1002 Electronics in
Power Systems
ECC Dynamics of
Linear 3 3 3 40 60 100 Do
EDC Power
1 2 - 100 - 100 No End Sem Examinations
1101 Electronics Lab
Seminar 2 2 - 100 - 100 Do
7 Hours of Departmental assistance
TOTAL 21 22 440 360 800
End Marks
Hrs / Sem Internal End
Code Credits Remarks
Name of Subject week Exam Continuous Semester
No. Total
(hours) Assessment Exam
Of the 40 marks of internal
Design Principles assessment, 25 marks for tests
in Power 3 3 3 40 60 100 and 15 marks for assignments.
Converters End sem exam is conducted by
the University
Electric Drives 3 3 3 40 60 100 Do
** Stream Elective I 3 3 3 40 60 100 Do
Stream Elective
** 3 3 3 40 60 100 Do
** 3 3 3 40 60 100 Do
Research End Sem Exam is conducted by
2 2 3 40 60 100
2000 Methodology the Individual Institutions
EDC Drives &
1 2 - 100 100 No End Sem Examinations
2101 Simulation Lab
Seminar 2 2 - 100 100 do
Thesis -
EDC Preliminary -
2 2 - 100 100 do
Part I
6 Hours of Departmental
TOTAL 22 23 --- 540 360 900
assistance work
Stream Elective I
Stream Elective II
Stream Elective IV
Hrs/ University Exam
Credits Assessment
Code week
Subject Name Evaluation Thesis Viva Total
No Guide
Committee Evaluation Voce
EDC 600
Thesis 12 21 150 150 200 100
8 Hours of Departmental
TOTAL 12 21 150 150 200 100
assistance work
Course Objectives
1. To give in depth knowledge of the various power electronics circuits,
2. Analyze the behaviour of the Power Electronic circuits.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze the circuits and select them for the suitable applications.
2. Understand the problems associated with the Power Electronic circuits.
Module 1
Uncontrolled rectifiers – Single phase and three phase – Analysis with R and RL loads, Analysis with
capacitive filter – Line current Distortion, Total Harmonic Distortion, Displacement Power Factor,
Power Factor, Line voltage distortion – effect of source inductance.
Controlled Rectifiers – Single phase and Three phase – fully controlled and semi controlled- Analysis
with RL, RLE loads – Performance, Voltage conversion ratio, Effect of source impedance – power
factor – Inversion mode of operation
Module 2
DC-DC Converters: Steady state analysis and design of DC to DC converters. Buck, Boost, Buck-
Boost, and Ćuk converters. Control methods of DC to DC converters- duty ratio control. Principles of
volt-seconds balance in inductor for analysis of DC-DC converter topologies. Voltage conversion
ratios of different topologies .Current ripple and voltage ripple calculations.
Isolated dc-dc converter topologies: fly-back and forward converters, Push-pull and bridge topologies.
Steady state analysis – Voltage conversion ratios. Use in Switched Mode Power Supplies-
Characteristics of SMPS – Requirements of isolation and protection.
Module 3
Inverters: Performance analysis of voltage source inverter – PWM Techniques–Analysis of single
pulse, multiple pulse modulation and sinusoidal pulse modulation - various harmonic elimination
Current source inverters - Resonant inverters – series and parallel, concept of multi level inverters.
1. Daniel W. Hart, Introduction to Power Electronics, Prentice Hall, 1997
2. L. Umanand , Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications, Wiley, 2009
3. Rashid M.H., Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall
India, New Delhi, 1995.
4. Ned Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, 3rd
ed., John Wiley, 2003
5. Cyril W. Lander, Power Electronics, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1993
6. G. K. Dubey, S. R. Doradla, R. M. K Sinha, Thyristorised Power Controllers, New Age
International Publications, reprint: 2005
7. William Shepherd, Li Zhang, Power Converter Circuits, Marcel Dekker, 2004
8. Joseph Vithayathil, Power Electronics: Principles and Applications, McGraw-Hill, 1994
Course Objective
To learn about DSP techniques.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to apply signal processing
Module I
Review of DTS-Discrete time Signals-Sequences –Stability and Causality –Frequency domain
Representation of Discrete time Systems and Signals –Two-dimensional Sequences and Systems –Z-
Transform –Z- Transform Theorems and Properties –Two-dimensional Z-Transform. Structures for
discrete time system– Direct, cascade and parallel forms –Lattice structure. Representation of Periodic
Sequences-the Discrete Fourier Series –Properties of the discrete Fourier series –Sampling, Z-
transform –discrete Fourier transform –properties of discrete Fourier Transform –Linear Convolution –
Decimation –in- Time and Decimation in- Frequency –FFT Algorithms.
Module II
Digital Filter Design Techniques-Introduction – Design of IIR Digital Filters from Analog Filters –
Analog –Digital Transformation –Properties of FIR Digital Filters –Design of FIR Filters Using
Windows –A Comparison of IIR and FIR Digital Filters. Finite Register Length Effects-Introduction -
Effects of coefficient on Quantization –Quantization in Sampling -Analog Signals - Finite Register
Length effects in realizations of Digital Filters – discrete Fourier Transform Computations
Module III
Time frequency analysis, the need for time frequency analysis, Time frequency distribution, Short
time Fourier Transform, Wigner distribution. Multirate digital signal processing: Basic multirate
operation (up sampling, down sampling), Efficient structures for decimation and interpolation,
Decimation and interpolation with polyphase filters, Noninteger sampling rate conversion , Efficient
multirate filtering Applications, Oversampled A/D and D/A converter. Introduction to Digital Signal
Processors-Commercial DSP devices – TMS C240 processor and ADSP 2181 processor –Architecture
– Addressing modes – Program control – Instruction and programming –Simple programs.
Course Objective
To develop the basic elements of generalized theory and to derive the general equations for voltage
and torque of all type of rotating machines and to deal with their steady state and transient analysis.
Learning Outcome
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. To analyse machine behaviour based on the voltage and torque equations of the machine.
2. To analyse the transient behaviour of machines.
Module I
Unified approach to the analysis of electrical machine performance - per unit system - basic two pole
model of rotating machines- Primitive machine -special properties assigned to rotor windings -
transformer and rotational voltages in the armature voltage and torque equations resistance, inductance
and torque matrix. Transformations - passive linear transformation in machines- invariance of power -
transformation from three phase to two phase and from rotating axes to stationary axes-Park's
Module II
DC Machines: Application of generalized theory to separately excited, shunt, series and compound
machines. Steady state and transient analysis, transfer functions. Sudden short circuit of separately
excited generator, sudden application of inertia load to separately excited dc motor.
Synchronous Machines: synchronous machine reactance and time constants-Primitive machine model
of synchronous machine with damper windings on both axes. Balanced steady state analysis-power
angle curves. Transient analysis- sudden three phase short circuit at generator terminals - armature
currents and torque. - Transient power angle curve
Module III
Induction Machines: Primitive machine representation- Steady state operation-Equivalent circuit-
Double cage rotor representation - Equivalent circuit -Single phase induction motor- Voltage and
Torque equations.
1. P. S. Bhimbra, ‘Generalized Theory Of Electrical Machines’, Khanna Publishers, 2002
2. Charles V. Johnes, ‘Unified Theory Of Electrical Machines’.
3. Adkins, Harley, ‘General theory of ac machines’.
4. C. Concordia, ‘Synchronous Machines’.
5. M. G. Say, ‘Introduction to Unified Theory of Electrical Machines’
6. E. W. Kimbark, ‘Power System Stability - Vol. II’.
Structure of the question paper
For the end semester examination, the question paper contains three questions from each module out
of which two questions are to be answered by the student.
Course Objectives
1. To provide an extended knowledge of power electronic devices in power system
2. To understand the concept of FACTS devices
3. To familiarise the problems related to power quality
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be
1. Implementation of FACTS devices
2. Solve issues related to power quality
Module I
Steady state and dynamic problems in AC systems. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS).
Principles of series and shunt compensation. Description of static VAR compensators (SVC), Thyristor
Controlled series compensators (TCSC), Static phase shifters (SPS), Static condenser (STATCON),
Static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) and Unified power flow controller (UPFC). Modelling
and Analysis of FACTS controllers. Control strategies to improve system stability
Module II
Power Quality problems in distribution systems, harmonics, harmonics creating loads, modelling,
harmonic propagation, Series and parallel resonances, harmonic power flow, Mitigation of harmonics,
filters, passive filters, Active filters, shunt, series hybrid filters, voltage sags & swells, voltage flicker.
Mitigation of power quality problems using power electronic conditioners. IEEE standard 1159-2009.
Module III
Need for HVDC, AC vs. DC: Comparative advantages. Converters and their characteristics. Control of
the converters (CC and CEA). Parallel and series operation of converters. Distributed Generation -
Resurgence of DG - DG Technologies, Interface to the Utility System. Local and Remote Techniques
for Islanding Detection in Distributed Generators. Distributed Generation and Islanding – Study on
Converter Modelling of PV Grid Connected Systems under Islanding Phenomena. Performance of
Micro turbine Generation System in Grid Connected and Islanding Modes of Operation.
1. Roger C. Ducan, McGranaghan, Santose Beaty, Electrical Power Systems Quality, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 2nd edition, 2002.
2. Hingorani N. G. & L. Gyugyi, Understanding Facts Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC
Transmission Systems, Standard Publishers Distributors, 2001
3. G. T. Heydt, Power Quality, Stars in a Circle Publications, Indiana, 1991.
4. T. J. E. Miller, Static Reactive Power Compensation, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982.
5. K. R. Padiyar, HVDC Power Transmission Systems, Wiley eastern Ltd. 1990.
6. Loi Lei Lai, Tze Fun Chan, Distributed Generation: Induction and Permanent Magnet
Generators, IEEE Press, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., England 2007
7. E. J. Womack, MHD Power Generation Engineering Aspects, Chapman and Hall Publication,
8. D. N. Gaonkar, ‘Distributed Generation’, e-book
Course Objectives
1. To provide a strong foundation on classical and modern control theory.
2. To provide an insight into the role of controllers in a system.
3. To design compensators using classical methods.
4. To design controllers in the state space domain.
5. To impart an in depth knowledge in observer design.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyse a given system and assess its performance.
2. Design a suitable compensator to meet the required specifications.
3. Design and tune PID controllers for a given system.
4. Realise a linear system in state space domain and to evaluate controllability and observability.
5. Design a controller and observer for a given system and evaluate its performance.
Module I
Design of feedback control systems- Approaches to system design-compensators-performance
measures - cascade compensation networks-phase lead and lag compensator design using both Root
locus and Bode plots-systems using integration networks, systems with pre-filter, PID controllers-
effect of proportional, integral and derivative gains on system performance, PID tuning , integral
windup and solutions.
Module II
State Space Analysis and Design- Analysis of stabilization by pole cancellation - Canonical
realizations - Parallel and cascade realizations - reachability and constructability - stabilizability -
controllability - observability -grammians. Linear state variable feedback for SISO systems, Analysis of
stabilization by output feedback-modal controllability-formulae for feedback gain -significance of
controllable Canonic form-Ackermann's formula- feedback gains in terms of Eigen values - Mayne-
Murdoch formula - Transfer function approach - state feedback and zeros of the transfer function -
non controllable realizations and stabilizability -controllable and uncontrollable modes - regulator
problems - non zero set points - constant input disturbances and integral feedback.
Module III
Observers: Asymptotic observers for state measurement-open loop observer-closed loop observer-
formulae for observer gain - implementation of the observer - full order and reduced order observers -
separation principle - combined observer -controller – optimality criterion for choosing observer poles
- direct transfer function design procedures - Design using polynomial equations - Direct analysis of
the Diophantine equation.
MIMO systems: Introduction, controllability, observability, different companion forms.
1. Thomas Kailath, Linear System, Prentice Hall Inc., Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998
2. Benjamin C. Kuo, Control Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002
3. M. Gopal, Control Systems-Principles and Design, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Richard C. Dorf & Robert H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, Addison Wesley, 8th Edition, 1998
5. Gene K. Franklin & J. David Powell, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison -Wesley, 3rd
6. Friedland B., Control System Design: An Introduction to State Space Methods, McGraw-Hill, NY
7. M. R. Chidambaram and S. Ganapathy, An Introduction to the Control of Dynamic Systems, Sehgal
Educational Publishers, 1979
8. C.T. Chen, Linear System Theory and Design, Oxford University Press, New York, 1999
Course Objectives
1.Conduct experiments in hardware to test and verify design of power converters.
2.Use computer simulation software MATLAB/SIMULINK.to test and verify design of power
3.Document test results and develop engineering communications using reports
Learning Outcomes
1. To understand the basic principle of drive circuits
2. To analyze and design an AC/DC rectifier circuit.
3. To analyze and design DC/DC converter circuits.
4. To analyze and design DC/AC inverter circuits.
5. Get exposure to simulation tools using MATLAB/SIMULINK software
1. Single phase, three phase Semi converters and Full converters
a) R load
b) RL load
c) RLE (motor) load
2. DC-DC Choppers using self communicating Devices.
3. Single phase and three phase inverters using IGBTs
4. AC-AC voltage regulators
a) Lamp load
b) Motor load
2. Practical converter design considerations - Snubber design, gate and base drive circuits.
3. Generation of sine-PWM using analog circuits
4. Gate drive circuits for MOSFETs , IGBTs, Transient performance
5. MATLAB simulations on some of the above experiments
The student is expected to present a seminar in one of the current topics in Industrial Instrumentation
and Control and related areas. The student will undertake a detailed study based on current journals,
published papers, books, on the chosen subject and submit seminar report at the end of the semester.
Marks: Seminar Report Evaluation : 50
Seminar Presentation : 50
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able
1. Design the various components in a circuit.
2. Understand the safety requirements in using power devices.
Module I
Power circuit design, selection of power devices, losses, advanced thermal design, Typical examples
based on dc-dc converters and bridge inverters.
Magnetics design based on area-product approach, inductors, transformers, design of current
Passive elements in Power electronics: Inductors : types of inductor and transformer assembly, cores :
amorphous, ferrite iron and powdered iron cores : magnetic characteristics and loss performance and
size, relative merits/demerits.
Capacitors: types of capacitors used in PE, selection of capacitors, dc link capacitors in inverters and
rectifiers, filter capacitors in dc-dc and inverter circuits, Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) and
Equivalent Series Inductance (ESL) in capacitors.
Module II
Parasitics and noise in PE: parasitics and their effects and tackling parasitics, leakage inductance and
bus-bar inductance, Power circuit assembly, techniques in bus-bar design for medium and high power
converters to minimise dc-bus loop inductance - idea of ground loops and their effects in converter
Gate drive circuit design - precautions - popular gate drive circuits for MOSFETs, SCRs, BJTs and
IGBTs. Gate drive ICs : Typical design using IC IR 2110, isolation, and techniques of isolation opto-
isolater based gate drive design, pulse transformer based design (limitations and scope of each
Module III
Design of protection elements, thermal protection, thermal sensor based protection, short-circuit and
over-current protection in IGBTs using de-saturation schemes -Design of filters - input and output
filters - selection of components - typical filter design for single phase and three phase inverters - LC
filter - corner frequency selection - harmonic filtering performance - Constraints in the design.
Basics of EMI/EMC issues: conductive and radiated EMI- basic solutions. System integration.
1. V. Ramanarayanan, "Switch Mode Power Conversion," e-book, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
2. L. Umanand, "Power Electronics: Essentials & Applications," New Delhi, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Ned Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, ‘Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design’, 3rd
edn., John Wiley, 2003
4. AN-936, "Do's and Don'ts of using MOS gated transistors”, International Rectifiers
5. AN-944, "Use Gate Charge to Design the Gate Drive Circuit for Power MOSFETs and IGBTs",
International Rectifiers
Course Objective
The improvement in converters and development of new drive control strategies such as field
oriented (vector) control of A C drives, sliding mode control, energy saving strategies etc
provided an opportunity to bring about another revolution in drive technology and performance
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Select a suitable drive for a particular application
2. Analyse the steady state operation and dynamic behaviour of DC and AC drive systems.
3. Design and implement basic algorithms for speed control for DC and AC motors in all four
4. Use the concepts learned to further explore and do research in advanced topics in electric drives.
Module I
Drive system mechanics – experimental determination of drive system inertia – Steady state
characteristics of different types of motors and loads—Stability of drive systems
DC drives – Separately excited dc motor drives – dynamic behaviour in constant flux mode – Closed-
loop control of separately excited dc motor drives – transfer functions of motor – transfer functions of
controlled rectifiers and choppers – Design of current controller and speed controller –two quadrant
operation with controlled single-phase and three-phase converters – continuous and discontinuous
current operation—Four quadrant operation of dc drives with Dual converter and four-quadrant bridge
dc-dc converter – PWM control of four-quadrant dc-dc converter – Gain of the modulator and
Induction Motor Drives: Steady state equivalent circuit of 3-phase Induction motor-- Stator voltage
control – constant v/f speed control with VSI -v/f control with slip compensation– Slip-power recovery
schemes –sub-synchronous and super-synchronous speed operation (Static Kramer and Static
Scherbius drives).
Space Vector Model of Induction motor: Concept of Space Vectors – Basic transformations in
reference frame theory- Field Orientation Principle-indirect vector control.
CSI fed induction motor drives – features of high-power medium voltage drives.
Synchronous motor Drives: VSI fed synchronous motor drives – v/f control and vector control—Line
Commutated Inverter fed Synchronous motor drives—CSI fed synchronous motor drives—Vector
control of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors.
Speed Control of Trapezoidal EMF machines (Brushless DC motors)- Basic principles and Control
1. Werner Leonhard, ‘Control of Electrical Drives’, 3rd Ed., Springer
2. R. Krishnan, ‘Electric Motor Drives: Modelling, Analysis and Control’
3. Bimal K. Bose, ‘Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives,’ Prentice Hall
4. Fitzgerald, Kingsley and Umans, ‘Electric Machinery’, Tata McGraw-Hill
5. Joseph Vithayathil, ‘Power Electronics’, Tata McGraw-Hill
6. Bin Wu, ‘High Power Converters and AC Drives’.
Course Objectives
To study principles and algorithms of digital relaying for protection of power systems.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand various communication architectures and protocols in an embedded system
2. Understand capabilities of Embedded C and execute basic programs using it
3. Understand, Analyse RTOS features and apply them for real time applications
Module I
Power Quality: Need for power quality- general classes of power quality problems- transients- long
duration voltage variations- short duration voltage variations- voltage imbalance- waveform
distortions- voltage fluctuations- power acceptability curves
Sources of power quality issues: Poor load power factor- loads containing harmonics- notching in
loads- unbalanced loads- disturbance in supply voltage.
Introduction to power quality standards and power quality monitoring- IEEE 1159-2009
Module II
Measurement and analysis of power quality indices: RMS voltage and current- distortion factors-
distortion power- power factor- crest factors-telephone interference factor
Harmonic studies: Electric circuit analysis and power assessment under non sinusoidal conditions-
symmetrical components- harmonic propagation studies in large network-Fourier analysis-FFT
analysis- wavelet transforms.
Module III
Power Quality Solutions: Passive filters-reactive power compensation- shunt, series and hybrid active
filters- instantaneous reactive power theory (IRPT) algorithm- Synchronous Detection (SD) algorithm-
DC bus voltage algorithm- Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) algorithm- AI based control
algorithm-custom power devices
1. R.C. Dugan , ‘Electrical Power Systems Quality’, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Companies
2. Arindam Ghosh “Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices”, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2002
3. G. T. Heydt, ‘Electric Power Quality’, Stars in a Circle Publications, 1994(2nd edition)
4. Barry W Kennedy, ‘Power Quality Primer’, The McGraw Hill Companies, 2000
5. A.J. Arrillaga , ‘Power System Harmonics’, Wiley, 2nd edn., 2003
6. Math J. Bollen, “Understanding Power Quality Problems-Voltage Sags and Interruptions”, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2001
7. Enrique Acha and Manuel Madrigal, “Power Systems Harmonics-Computer Modelling and
Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2001
8. George J. Wakileh, “Power Systems Harmonics-Fundamentals, Analysis and Filter Design”,
Springer-Verlag, New York ,2001
9. J. Arillaga, N. R. Watson, S. Chen, “Power System Quality Assessment”, John Wiley &Sons,
England, 2000.
10. Derek A. Paice, ‘Power Electronic Converter Harmonics: Multipulse Methods for Clean Power’,
Wiley-IEEE Press, 1999.
Structure of the Question Paper
For the end semester examination, the question paper consists of three questions from each module, out
of which two are to be answered by the students.
Course Objective
1. To introduce the basics of Computer Aided Design technology for the design of Electrical
2. To give a basic idea of the finite elements methods as applicable to electrical engineering
3. To apply for analyzing the performance of electrical machines.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Learn the importance of computer aided design method.
2. Understand the basic electromagnetic field equations and the problem formulation for CAD
3. Become familiar with Finite Element Method as applicable for Electrical Engineering.
4. Know the organization of a typical CAD package.
5. Apply Finite Element Method for the design of different Electrical apparatus
Module I
Introduction: Conventional Design Procedures – Limitations – Need For Field Analysis Based Design
– History Of Development And Applications – Recent Trends.
Mathematical Formulation Of Field Problems : Review – Development Of Torque/Force –
Electromagnetic Field Equations – Magnetic Vector/Scalar Potential – Electrical Vector/Scalar –
Potential – Stored Energy In Field Problems – Inductances - Maxwell Equations – Laplace And
Poisons Equations – Energy Functional – Principle Of Energy Conversion.
Module II
Philosophy Of FEM : Mathematical Models – Differential/Integral Equations –Finite Difference
Method – Finite Element Method – Energy Minimization – Variational Method – 2d Field Problems –
Discretization – Shape Function – Stiffness Matrix – Rayleigh Ritz And Galerkin - Approach To
Finite Elements – Normal Gradient Boundary Conditions – Forced And Natural Boundary Conditions
– A Typical Current Flow Problem – Galerkin Method For Poison Equation – A Numerical Example –
Solution Techniques .
Module III
CAD Packages And Design Applications : Elements Of CAD Systems – Preprocessing – Modelling –
Meshing – Material Properties – Boundary Conditions – Setting Up Solutions – Post Processing.
Design Applications: Electric And Magnetic Fields In Co-Axial Cable – Voltage Stress in Insulators –
Capacitance calculation - Design of Solenoid Actuator – Inductance and force calculation – Torque
calculation in Switched Reluctance Motor.
1. S. J. Salon, ‘Finite Element Analysis of Electrical Machines’, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
London, 1995.
2. Nicola Bianchi, ‘Electrical Machine Analysis using Finite Elements’, CRC Taylor& Francis,
1. Joao Pedro, A. Bastos and Nelson Sadowski, ‘Electromagnetic Modelling by Finite Element
Methods’, Marcell Dekker Inc., 2003
2. Peter P. Silvester , Ronald L Ferrari. ‘Finite Elements For Electrical Engineers’ , Cambridge
University Press, 1983
3. S.R.H.Hoole, ‘Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Electromagnetic Devices’, Elsevier,
New York, 1989.
4. D.A.Lowther and P.P Silvester, ‘Computer Aided Design in Magnetics’, Springer Verlag, New
York, 1986.
5. Krishna Moorthy C. S., An Introduction To Computer Aided Electromagnetic Analysis, Vector
Field Finite Element Analysis.
6. User Manuals of MAGNET, MAXWELL & ANSYS Softwares.
Course Objectives
1. To study the various renewable energy options.
2. To conduct qualitative study of power converters
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand technology behind green energy harnessing
2. Understand power electronic application to renewable
3. Undertake projects based on grid interconnected green power system.
Module I
Introduction: Environmental aspects of electric energy conversion: impacts of renewable energy
generation on environment (cost-GHG Emission) - Qualitative study of different renewable energy
resources: Solar, wind, ocean, Biomass, Fuel cell, Hydrogen energy systems and hybrid renewable
energy systems.
Electrical machines for Renewable Energy conversion: Review of reference theory fundamentals-
principle of operation and analysis: IG, PMSG, SCIG and DFIG.
Module II
Power converters - Solar: Block diagram of solar photo voltaic system -Principle of operation: line
commutated converters (inversion-mode) - Boost and buck-boost converters- selection of inverter,
battery sizing, array sizing.
Wind: three phase AC voltage controllers- AC-DC-AC converters: uncontrolled rectifiers, PWM
Inverters, Grid Interactive Inverters - matrix converters.
Module III
Hybrid Renewable Energy systems - Need for Hybrid Systems- Analysis of Wind and PV systems -
Stand alone operation of fixed and variable speed wind energy conversion systems and solar system-
Grid connection Issues -Grid integrated PMSG and SCIG Based WECS-Grid Integrated solar system
Range and type of Hybrid systems- Case studies of Wind-PV-Maximum Power Point Tracking
1. Rashid .M. H, Power Electronics Handbook, Academic press, 2nd edn., 2001.
2. Rai. G.D, Non-conventional Energy Sources, Khanna publishers, 1993.
3. Rai. G.D, Solar Energy Utilization, Khanna Publishers, 1993.
4. Gary, L. Johnson, Wind Energy System, Prentice Hall Inc, 1995.
5. B.H. Khan, Non-conventional Energy Resources, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New
6. Leon Freris, David Infield, Renewable Energy in Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons., 2008
Structure of the Question Paper
For the end semester examination, the question paper consists of three questions from each module, out
of which two are to be answered by the students.
Course Objectives
1. To give in depth knowledge of the various power electronics circuits,
2. Analyze the behaviour of the Power Electronic circuits.
Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
1. Analyze the circuits and select them for the suitable applications.
2. Understand the problems associated with the Power Electronic circuits.
Module I
Principles of Modelling Power semi conductor Devices-Macro Models versus Micro models-Thyristor
models-Semiconductor Device modelled as Resistance, resistance –Inductance and Inductance –
Resistance-Capacitance combination- Modelling of Control circuits for power electronics switches.
Computer Formulation of equations for Power Electronic Systems-Review of Graph Theory as applied
to Electrical Networks-systematic method of formulating state equations-computer solution of state
equations-explicit integration method-implicit integration method.
Module II
AC equivalent circuit modelling: Basic AC modelling approach-State space averaging circuit.
Averaging and averaged switch modelling- Modelling the PWM.
Modelling of electrical Machines-induction, DC and synchronous machines, simulation of basic
electric drives, stability aspects.
Dynamic modelling and simulation of DC-DC converters using MATLAB-Simulation of
State Space Models. Modelling and simulation of inverters using MATLAB.
Module III
Circuit analysis Software Micro Sim Pspice A/D –simulation overview-creating and preparing a circuit
for simulation –Simulating a Circuit with Pspice A/D- displaying simulation results-Pspice A/D
analysis-simple multi run analysis-Statistical analysis-Simulation examples of Power Electronic
Micro Sim PSPICE A/D –Preparing a schematic for simulation –creating symbols-creating models-
Analog behaviour Modelling –Setting up and Running analyses-viewing results-examples of power
Electronic systems.
1. V. Rajagoplan, ‘Computer Aided Analysis of Power Electronic Systems, Marcel Dekker, Inc
2. Micro Sim PSpice A/D and Basics+: Circuit Analysis Software, User’s Guide Micro Sim
3. Micro Sim Schematics: Schematic Capture User’s Guide Micro Sim Corporation
4. Robert W. Erickson, Fundamentals of Power Electronics’, Chapman & Hall, 2nd. Edn.,1997
5. Jai P. Agrawal, Power Electronic Systems-Theory and Design, Pearson- 2001
Course Objectives
1. To get an in depth knowledge in planning and operation
2. Analyze the behaviour of the Power Electronic circuits.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze the circuits and select them for the suitable applications.
2. Understand the problems associated with the Power Electronic circuits.
Module I
Objectives of planning – Long and short term planning .Load forecasting – characteristics of loads –
methodology of forecasting – energy forecasting – peak demand forecasting – total forecasting –
annual and monthly peak demand forecasting.
Characteristics of power generation units: Characteristics of steam units, variation in steam unit
characteristics, cogeneration. Plants, hydro electric units.
Module II
Economic dispatch of thermal units: Economic dispatch problem, thermal dispatching with network
losses considered, Penalty factors, lambda iteration method, gradient method, Newtons method.
Dynamic programming, base point and participation factors. Economic dispatch vs. Unit commitment,
constraints in unit commitment. Introduction to optimal power Flow, solution of optimal power flow
by gradient method.
Hydro thermal co-ordination: Introduction to long range and short range hydro scheduling, types of
short range. Scheduling problem, scheduling energy. The short term hydro-thermal scheduling
Problems and its solution by lambda-gamma iteration method and gradient method.
Module III
Generation control: Generator, prime mover, governor, tie line and load models, load frequency
Control, load frequency and economic dispatch control, automatic voltage control, Load frequency
control with generation rate constraints, decentralized control.
Interchange of power and energy: Economy interchange between inter connected utilities, inter utility
economy. Energy evaluation, capacity interchange, diversity interchange, energy banking, Emergency
power interchange, power pools, transmission effects and issues.
1. Allen J. Wood, Bruce F. Woollenberg, Power Generation Operation and Control, John Wiley &
Sons, 2nd Edition 1996.
2. D. P. Kothari and J. S. Dhillon, Power System Optimization, Prentice-Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2006
3. L. K Kirchmayer, Economic Operation of Power Systems, John Willey & Sons, NY, 99th Edn.,
4. D. P. Kothari, I. J. Nagrath, Modern Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 3rd edn. 2006.
5. Sullivan R. L., Power System Planning, McGraw-Hill Inc., US, 1987.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Master basic process, implementation and analysis of master genetic algorithm
2. Master the basic process implementation, analysis and applications of single-objective
optimization algorithm
3. Grasp the focus on solutions for multi-objective optimization algorithm with constraints
based on evolutionary strategies
4. Master the basic process implementation, analysis and applications of multi-objective
optimization algorithm
Module I
Classification of optimization problems and applications-Basic concepts of design vectors-design
constraints-constraint surface and objective function surfaces-formulation and solution of linear
programming problem-Karmarker’s method-simplex method-two phase simplex method-duality
theory, Duel simplex method-sensitivity analysis to linear programming problem-changes in constants
of constraints-changes in cost coefficients-changes in the coefficients of constraints-addition of new
variables and addition of new constraints
Module II
Introduction to Integer Programming methods
Branch and bound method-Gomory’s cutting plane method for integer and mixed integer
programming- integer polynomial programming –sequential linear discrete programming and non
linear programming-Nonlinear programming –Properties of single and multivariable functions-
Optimality criteria-Direct search methods-Gradient based methods-Newton’s method-conjugate
Gradient methods-Quasi-Newton Methods-DFP methods-Broyden-Fletcher-Golfarb-Shanno method
Module III
Constrained optimality criteria-Lagrange multipliers-KKT Conditions-interpretation of KKT
conditions, Second order optimality Conditions-Linearization methods for constrained problems-
method of feasible directions-GRG methods-Quadratic approximation methods for constrained
problems-variable metric methods for constrained optimization- Quadratic Programming-Dynamic
Programming-Stochastic linear programming- Stochastic non linear programming- Stochastic
separable programming-multi objective optimization methods
Basic concepts of Genetic algorithm based optimization
Course objectives
1. To understand the basics of data networks and internetworking
2. To have adequate knowledge in various communication protocols
3. To study the industrial data networks
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Explain and analyse the principles and functionalities of various industrial Communication
2. Implement and analyse industrial Ethernet and wireless communication modules
Module I
Data Network Fundamentals: Network hierarchy and switching – Open System Interconnection
model of ISO– Data link control protocol: - HDLC – Media access protocol – Command/response –
Token passing – CSMA/CD, TCP/IP, Bridges – Routers – Gateways –Standard ETHERNET and
ARCNET configuration special requirement for networks used for control.
Module II
Hart, Fieldbus, Modbus and Profibus PA/DP/FMS and FF: Introduction- Evolution of signal
standard – HART communication protocol – Communication modes - HART networks - HART
commands - HART applications. Fieldbus: Introduction - General Fieldbus architecture - Basic
requirements of Field bus standard - Fieldbus topology - Interoperability - Interchangeability -
Introduction to OLE for process control (OPC). MODBUS protocol structure - function codes -
troubleshooting Profibus: Introduction - profibus protocol stack – profibus communication model -
communication objects - system operation - troubleshooting - review of foundation field bus.
Module III
Industrial Ethernet and Wireless Communication: Industrial Ethernet: Introduction - 10Mbps
Ethernet, 100Mbps Ethernet. Radio and wireless communication: Introduction - components of radio
link - the radio spectrum and frequency allocation - radio modems.
1. Steve Mackay, Edwin Wrijut, Deon Reynders, John Park, ‘Practical Industrial Data Networks
Design, Installation and Troubleshooting’, Newnes publication, Elsevier, First edition, 2004.
2. William Buchanan ‘Computer Busses’, CRC Press, 2000.
3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, ‘Modern Operating Systems’, Prentice Hall India, 2003
4. Theodore S. Rappaport, ‘Wireless Communication: Principles & Practice, 2nd Edition, 2001,
Prentice Hall of India
5. Willam Stallings, ‘ Wireless Communication & Networks’ 2nd Edition, 2005, Prentice Hall of
Course objectives
1. To provide an insight into process control.
2. To provide knowledge on the role of PID controllers in an industrial background.
3. To give an overview of the different control structures used in process control.
4. To give an in depth knowledge on industrial automation-SCADA and PLC.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
1. Model a process control system and analyse its performance.
2. Design and tune PID controllers for a system.
3. Recognise the need of each type of control structure used in industry.
4. Write simple ladder programs for simple industrial automation –case study.
Module I
Introduction to process dynamics: Physical examples of first order process-first order systems in series-
dynamic behaviour of first and second order systems - Control valves and transmission lines, the
dynamics and control of heat exchangers. Level control, flow control, dynamics, Stability and control of
chemical reactors, Control modes: on-off, P, PL PD, PID, Controller tuning-Zeigler Nichols self tuning
Module II
Advanced control techniques: Feed forward control, Cascade control. Ratio control. Adaptive control,
Override control, Control of nonlinear process. Control of process with delay. Hierarchical control,
Internal mode control, Model predictive control. Statistical process control. Digital controllers Effects of
sampling-implementation of PID controller-stability and tuning-digital feed forward control.
Module III
Industrial Automation: SCADA Systems, SCADA Architecture: Monolithic, Distributed and
Networked. Programmable logic controllers, combinational and sequential logic controllers - System
integration with PLCs and computers - PLC application in Industry - distributed control system -
PC based control - Programming On /Off Inputs to produce On/Off outputs, Relation of Digital Gate
Logic to contact /Coil Logic, PLC programming using Ladder Diagrams from Process control
Descriptions, Introduction to IEC 61511/61508 and the safety lifecycle.
1. George Stephanopoulos, "Chemical Process Control", Prentice-Hall of India
2. Donald R. Coughnour, 'Process System Analysis and Control", McGraw-Hill, 1991
3. D. E. Seborg, T. F. Edger, 'Process Dynamics and Control', John Wiley, 1998
4. Enrique Mandado, Jorge Marcos, Serafin A Perrez, 'Programmable Logic Devices and Logic
Controllers', Prentice-Hall, 1996
5. Dobrivoje Popovic, Vijay P. Bhatkar, Marcel Dekker, 'Distributed Computer Control for
Industrial Automation", INC, 1990
6. G. Liptak, 'Handbook of Process Control, 1996
7. Ronald A. Reis, 'Programmable logic Controllers Principles and Applications', Prentice-Hall of
8. Pocket Guide on Industrial Automation for Engineers and Technicians, Srinivas Medida, IDC
Course objectives
1. To provide concepts of soft computing and design controllers based on ANN and Fuzzy
2. To identify systems using soft computing techniques.
3. To give an exposure to optimization using genetic algorithm.
4. To provide a knowledge on hybrid systems.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Design a complete feedback system based on ANN or Fuzzy control.
2. Identify systems using soft computing techniques.
3. Use genetic algorithm to find optimal solution to a given problem.
4. Design systems by judiciously choosing hybrid techniques.
Module I
Neural network: Biological foundations - ANN models - Types of activation function - Introduction
to Network architectures -Multi Layer Feed Forward Network (MLFFN) - Radial Basis Function
Network (RBFN) - Recurring Neural Network (RNN).
Learning process : Supervised and unsupervised learning - Error-correction learning - Hebbian
learning – Boltzmann learning - Single layer and multilayer perceptrons - Least mean square
algorithm – Back propagation algorithm - Applications in pattern recognition and other engineering
problems Case studies - Identification and control of linear and nonlinear systems.
Module II
Fuzzy sets: Fuzzy set operations - Properties - Membership functions , Fuzzy to crisp
conversion, fuzzification and defuzzification methods , applications in engineering problems.
Fuzzy control systems: Introduction - simple fuzzy logic controllers with examples - Special forms of
fuzzy logic models, classical fuzzy control problems , inverted pendulum, image processing , home
heating system, Adaptive fuzzy systems.
Module III
Genetic Algorithm: Introduction - basic concepts, application.
Hybrid Systems: Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Neuro-Genetic, Fuzzy-Genetic
systems. Ant colony optimization, Particle swarm optimization (PSO). Case Studies.
1. J. M. Zurada, ‘Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems’, Jaico Publishers, 1992.
2. Simon Haykins, ‘Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation, Mcmillan College’,
Proc., Con., Inc., New York. 1994.
3. D. Driankov. H. Hellendorn, M. Reinfrank, ‘Fuzzy Control - An Introduction, Narora
Publishing House’, New Delhi, 1993.
4. H. J. Zimmermann, ‘Fuzzy Set Theory and its Applications’, 111 Edition, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, London.
5. G. J. Klir, Boyuan, ‘Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic’, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd, 1997.
6. Stamatios V Kartalopoulos, ‘Understanding Neural Networks And Fuzzy Logic Basic Concepts
And Applications’, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2000.
7. Timothy J. Ross, ‘Fuzzy Logic With Engineering Applications’, McGraw Hill, New York.
8. Suran Goonatilake, Sukhdev Khebbal (Eds.), ‘Intelligent Hybrid Systems’, John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1995.
9. Vose Michael D., ‘Simple Genetic Algorithm - Foundations and Theory’, Prentice Hall of
10. Rajasekaran & Pai, ‘Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms: Synthesis and
Applications’, Prentice-Hall of India, 2007.
11. J. S. Roger Jang, C. T. Sun and E. Mizutani, ‘Neuro Fuzzy and Soft Computing’, Prentice Hall
Inc., New Jersey, 1997.
Course objectives
1. To equip students for the development of an Embedded System for Control/ Guidance/
Power/Electrical Machines applications.
2. To make students capable of developing their own embedded controller for their applications
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to design and develop suitable
embedded controller for any physical system and implement it in real-time.
Module I
Introduction to Embedded Systems: Embedded system definition, features. Current trends and
Challenges, Real-time Systems. Hard and Soft, Predictable and Deterministic kernel, Scheduler. 8051-8
bit Microcontroller: Architecture, CPU Block Diagram, Memory management, Interrupts peripheral
and addressing modes. ALP & Embedded C programming for 8051 based system-timer, watch dog
timer, Analog & digital interfacing, serial communication. Introduction to TI MSP430
microcontrollers. Architecture, Programming and Case study/Project with popular 8/16/32 bit
microcontrollers such as 8051, MSP 430, PIC or AVR.
Module II
High Performance RISC Architecture : ARM Processor Fundamentals, ARM Cortex M3
Architecture, ARM Instruction Set, Thumb Instructions, memory mapping, Registers, and
programming model. Optimizing ARM assembly code. Exceptions & Interrupt handling.
Introduction to open source development boards with ARM Cortex processors, such as Beagle Board,
Panda board & leopard boards. Programming & porting of different OS to open source development
Module III
Real time Operating System: Basic Concepts, Round robin, Round robin with interrupts, Function
queue scheduling architecture, semaphores, Mutex, Mail box, memory management, Priority
inversion, thread Synchronisation. Review of C-Programming, RTOS Linux & RTLinux Internals,
Programming in Linux & RTLinux Configuring & Compiling RTLinux.
1. Raj Kamal, "Embedded Systems", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003
2. Shultz T. W., "C and the 8051: Programming for Multitasking", Prentice-Hall, 1993
3. Mazidi, "The 8051 Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems", Pearson Education Asia.
4. B. Kanta Rao, “Embedded Systems”, PHI, 2011
5. Barnett, R. H, "The 8051 family of Microcontroller, Prentice Hall, 1995.
6. Ayala K. J., The 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture, Programming and Applications,
West Publishing, 1991,
7. Stewart J. W., Regents, The 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and Interfacing, ,
Prentice Hall, 1993
8. Yeralan S., Ahluwalia A. 'Programming and Interfacing the 8051 Microcontroller',
Addison - Wesley, 1995
9. Andrew Dominic, Chris, ARM System Developers Guide, MK Publishers
Course objectives
To provide an introduction to the modern Biomedical instruments and systems, features and
Learning outcome
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have insight into operation and maintenance
of modern biomedical equipments used in clinical practice.
Module 1
Introduction to the physiology of cardiac, nervous, muscular and respiratory systems. Transducers
and Electrodes. Different types of transducers and their selection for biomedical applications,
Electrode theory. Different types of electrodes, reference electrodes, hydrogen, calomel, Ag-AgCl,
pH electrode, selection criteria of electrodes.
Module II
Measurement of electrical activities in muscles and brain. Electromyography,
Electroencephalograph and their interpretation. Cardiovascular measurement. The cardio vascular
system, Measurement of blood pressure, sphygmomanometer, blood flow, cardiac output and
cardiac rate. Electrocardiography, echo- cardiography, ballisto-cardiography, plethysmography,
magnetic and ultrasonic measurement of blood flow.
Module III
Therapeutic Equipment Cardiac pace-makers, defibrillators, machine, diathermy.
Respiratory System Measurement: Respiratory mechanism, measurement of gas volume, flow
rate, carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration in inhaled air, respiration controller.
Instrumentation for clinical laboratory - Measurement of pH value of blood, ESR measurements,
oxygen and carbon concentration in blood, GSR measurement X-ray and Radio isotopic
instrumentation, diagnostic X-ray, CAT, medical use of isotopes. Ultrasonography, MRI.
1. R. S. Khandpur, Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, TMH Publishing Company Ltd.,
New Delhi.
2. Joseph J. Carr, John M Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Pearson
Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd.
3. Leslie Cromwell, “Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements”, Prentice Hall India, New
Module I
Direct solar energy-The sun as a perennial source of energy; flow of energy in the universe and the cycle
of matter in the human ecosystem; direct solar energy utilization; solar thermal applications - water
heating systems, space heating and cooling of buildings, solar cooking, solar ponds, solar green houses,
solar thermal electric systems; solar photovoltaic power generation; solar production of hydrogen.
Module II
Energy from oceans-Wave energy generation - potential and kinetic energy from waves; wave energy
conversion devices; advantages and disadvantages of wave energy- Tidal energy - basic principles; tidal
power generation systems; estimation of energy and power; advantages and limitations of tidal power
generation- Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC); methods of ocean thermal electric power
generation Wind energy - basic principles of wind energy conversion; design of windmills; wind data
and energy estimation; site selection considerations.
Module III
Classification of small hydro power (SHP) stations; description of basic civil works design
considerations; turbines and generators for SHP; advantages and limitations. Biomass and bio-fuels;
energy plantation; biogas generation; types of biogas plants; applications of biogas; energy from wastes
Geothermal energy- Origin and nature of geothermal energy; classification of geothermal resources;
schematic of geothermal power plants; operational and environmental problems
New energy sources (only brief treatment expected)-Fuel cell: hydrogen energy; alcohol energy; nuclear
fusion: cold fusion; power from satellite stations
1. John W. Twidell , Anthony D Weir, 'Renewable Energy Resources' , English Language Book
Society (ELBS), 1996
2. Godfrey Boyle , ‘Renewable Energy -Power for Sustainable Future ,Oxford University Press,
3. S. A. Abbasi, Naseema Abbasi, 'Renewable energy sources and their environmental impact"
Prentice-Hall of India, 2001
4. G. D. Rai, 'Non-conventional sources of energy', Khanna Publishers, 2000
5. G. D. Rai, 'Solar energy utilization', Khanna Publishers, 2000
6. S. L. Sah, 'Renewable and novel energy sources', M.I. Publications, 1995
7. S. Rao and B. B. Parulekar, 'Energy Technology’, Khanna Publishers, 1999
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to use SCADA systems in
different engineering applications such as utility, communication, automation, control, monitoring
Module I
Introduction to SCADA Data acquisition systems - Evolution of SCADA, Communication
technologies-. Monitoring and supervisory functions- SCADA applications in Utility Automation,
Industries- SCADA System Components: Schemes- Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), Intelligent
Electronic Devices (IED),Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Communication Network,
SCADA Server, SCADA/HMI Systems
Module II
SCADA Architecture: Various SCADA architectures, advantages and disadvantages of each system -
single unified standard architecture -IEC 61850-SCADA Communication:Various industrial
communication technologies -wired and wireless methods and fibre optics-Open standard
communication protocols
SCADA Applications: Utility applications- Transmission and Distribution sector -operations,
monitoring, analysis and improvement. Industries - oil, gas and water. Case studies,
Implementation. Simulation Exercises
1. Stuart A Boyer. SCADA-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition', Instrument Society of
America Publications. USA. 1999.
2. Gordan Clarke, Deon RzynAzvs, Practical Modern SCADA Protocols: DNP3, 60870J and
Related Systems', Newnes Publications, Oxford, UK,2004
Course Objective
To present a comprehensive overview of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Choose a suitable drive scheme for developing an electric of hybrid vehicle depending on
2. Design and develop basic schemes of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.
3. Choose proper energy storage systems for vehicle applications.
4. Identify various communication protocols and technologies used in vehicle networks.
Module I
Introduction to Hybrid Electric Vehicles: History of hybrid and electric vehicles, social and
environmental importance of hybrid and electric vehicles, impact of modern drive-trains on energy
Conventional Vehicles: Basics of vehicle performance, vehicle power source characterization,
transmission characteristics, mathematical models to describe vehicle performance.
Hybrid Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of hybrid traction, introduction to various hybrid drive-
train topologies, power flow control in hybrid drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of electric traction, introduction to various electric drive-train
topologies, power flow control in electric drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
Module II
Electric Propulsion unit: Introduction to electric components used in hybrid and electric vehicles,
Configuration and control of DC Motor drives, Configuration and control of Induction Motor drives,
configuration and control of Permanent Magnet Motor drives, Configuration and control of Switch
Reluctance Motor drives, drive system efficiency.
Energy Storage: Introduction to Energy Storage Requirements in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Battery
based energy storage and its analysis, Fuel Cell based energy storage and its analysis, Super Capacitor
based energy storage and its analysis, Flywheel based energy storage and its analysis, Hybridization of
different energy storage devices.
Sizing the drive system: Matching the electric machine and the internal combustion engine (ICE),
Sizing the propulsion motor, sizing the power electronics, selecting the energy storage technology,
Module III
Communications, supporting subsystems: In vehicle networks- CAN, Energy Management Strategies:
Introduction to energy management strategies used in hybrid and electric vehicles, classification of
different energy management strategies, comparison of different energy management strategies,
implementation issues of energy management strategies.
Case Studies: Design of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Design of a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV).
1. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press, 2003.
2. Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimi Gao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric
and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design, CRC Press, 2004.
3. James Larminie, John Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Wiley, 2003.
(The course syllabus is as presented in NPTEL, IIT-M. The online resources in the NPTEL library may
be utilised for this course).
Module III
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC): Basic configuration of a PLC, Programming and PLC,
Program Modification, Power Converter control using PLCs.
1. G. K. Dubey, S. R. Doradla, A. Johsi, and R. M. K. Sinha, Thyristorised Power Controllers,
New Age International, 1st Edition, 2004.
2. George Chryssis, High Frequency Switching Power Supplies, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition,
3. Unitrode application notes: http://www.smps.us/Unitrode.html
Course Objective
Understanding, analysis and application of electrical energy management measurement and accounting
techniques, consumption patterns, conservation methods.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. To understand the concept of analysis and application of electrical energy management
measurement techniques.
2. To understand the various energy conservation methods in industries.
Module I
Energy Auditing and Economics: System approach and End use approach to efficient use of
Electricity; Electricity tariff types; Energy auditing-Types and objectives-audit instruments –ECO
assessment and Economic methods-cash flow model, time value of money, evaluation of proposals,
pay-back method, average rate of return method, internal rate of return method, present value method,
profitability index, life cycle costing approach, investment decision and uncertainty, consideration of
income taxes, depreciation and inflation in investment analysis- specific energy analysis-Minimum
energy paths- consumption models- Case study.
Module II
Reactive Power Management and Lighting: Reactive Power management –Capacitor Sizing-Degree
of Compensation-Capacitor losses-Location-Placement-Maintenance-Case study. Economics of power
factor improvement. Peak Demand controls- Methodologies –Types of Industrial Loads-Optimal Load
scheduling-Case study. Lightning-Energy efficient light sources-Energy Conservation in Lighting
schemes. Electronic Ballast-Power quality issues-Luminaries-Case study.
Module III
Cogeneration and conservation in industries: Cogeneration-Types and Schemes-Optimal operation
of cogeneration plants- Case study. Electric loads of Air conditioning and Refrigeration –Energy
conservation measures-Cool storage- Types- Optimal operation-Case study .Electric water heating-
Geysers-Solar Water Heaters-Power Consumption in Compressors, Energy conservation measures-
Electrolytic Process-Computer Control-Software –EMS.
1. Giovanni Petrecca, Industrial Energy Management: Principles and Application, The Kluwer
International Series-207, 1999
2. Anthony J. Pansini, Kenneth D. Smalling, Guide to Electric Load Management, Pennwell
3. Howard E. Jordan, Energy-Efficient Electric Motors and their Applications, Pleneum Pub
Corp. 2nd edition, 1994
4. Turner, Wayne C., Energy Management Handbook, Lilburn, The Fairmont Press, 2001.
5. Albert Thumann, Handbook of Energy Audits, Fairmont Press 5th Edition, 1998
6. IEEE Bronze Book, Recommended Practice for Energy Conservation and Cost effective
Planning in Industrial Facilities ,IEEE Inc ,USA
7. Albert Thumann P.W, Plant Engineers and Managers Guide to Energy Conservation, 7th
Edition, TWI Press Inc. Terre Haute.
8. Donald R. W., Energy Efficiency Manual, Energy Institute Press
9. Partab H., Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy, Dhanpat Rai & Sons , New Delhi
10. Tripathy S. C., Electrical Energy Utilization and Conservation, Tata McGraw-Hill
11. NESCAP- Guide Book on Promotion of Sustainable Energy Consumption
Course Objectives
1. At the end of the course students will be able to perform analysis power network systems.
2. Should be able to analyze faults and load flows
3. Can develop programming skills for coding load flows and its applications like OPF.
4. Ability to understand concepts for solving multi phase systems.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to use various algorithms for solving a
real time power system network.
Module I
Basics of graph theory-incidence matrices-Primitive network- Building algorithm for formation of bus
impedance matrix (ZBUS )--Modification of ZBUS due to changes in the primitive network with and
without mutual coupling. Review of YBUS formation-Modification of ZBUS and YBUS for change of
Network fault Calculations: Review of sequence transformations and impedance diagrams- Fault
calculations using ZBUS, Analysis of balanced and unbalanced three phase faults –Short circuit faults –
open circuit faults.
Module II
Network modelling – Conditioning of Y Matrix – Load Flow basics- Newton Raphson method– Fast
decoupled Load flow –Three phase load flow.
Review of HVDC systems- DC power flow – Single phase and three phase
Need for AC-DC systems- AC-DC load flow – DC system model – Unified and Sequential Solution
Module III
Review of economic dispatch: strategy for two generator system – generalized strategies – effect of
transmission losses. Combined economic and emission dispatch- Reactive power dispatch-Formulation
of optimal power flow (OPF) – various equality and inequality constraints -solution by Gradient
method – Newton’s method – Security constrained OPF- Sensitivity factors - Continuation Power flow
1. G. W. Stagg and El-Abiad, Computer Methods in Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1968.
2. Arrillaga J., and Arnold C.P., ‘Computer Analysis of Power Systems’, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 1997
3. Allen J. Wood and Bruce F. Woollenberg, ‘Power Generation Operation and Control’, John
Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition 1996.
4. D.P. Kothari, J.S. Dhillon, ‘Power System Optimization’, Prentice-Hall India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2006
5. Grainger J. J., Stevenson W. D., ‘Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003
6. Nagrath, D. P. Kothari, "Modern Power System Analysis", Tata McGraw-Hill, 1980
7. Pai M.A., ‘Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis’, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2006.
8. Ajjarapu V., Christy C., “The Continuation Power Flow: A Tool for Voltage Stability
Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 7(1), pp 416-423.
Course Objectives
1. To introduce students to the use of PLCs in industry and to provide skills with modern PLC
programming tools.
2. To acquire basic knowledge about multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems.
3. To acquire extensive basic and advanced knowledge about various aspects of PLC, SCADA,
DCS and Real Time Systems.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the operation of a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and its use in industry.
2. Hardwire a PLC and apply ladder logic programming to perform simple automation tasks.
3. Understand and apply common industrial analogue and digital input/output modules.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of field bus systems and SCADA at an introductory level.
Module I
Multivariable control- Basic expressions for MIMO systems- Singular values- Stability norms-
Calculation of system norms- Robustness- Robust stability.
H2/H∞ Theory- Solution for design using H2/H∞ - Case studies. Interaction and decoupling- Relative
gain analysis- Effects of interaction- Response to disturbances- Decoupling- Introduction to batch
process control.
PLC Basics: PLC system, I/O modules and interfacing, CPU processor, programming equipment,
programming formats, construction of PLC ladder diagrams, devices connected to I/O modules. PLC
Programming: Input instructions, outputs, operational procedures, programming examples using
contacts and coils, Drill press operation.
Module II
Digital logic gates, programming in the Boolean algebra system, conversion examples. Ladder
diagrams for process control: Ladder diagrams and sequence listings, ladder diagram construction and
flow chart for spray process system.
Large Scale Control Systems - SCADA: Introduction, SCADA Architecture, Different Communication
Protocols, Common System Components, Supervision and Control, HMI, RTU and Supervisory
Stations, Trends in SCADA, Security Issues
Module III
Distributed Control Systems (DCS): Introduction, DCS Architecture, Local Control (LCU)
architecture, LCU languages, LCU - Process interfacing issues, communication facilities,
configuration of DCS, displays, and redundancy concept - case studies in DCS.
Real time systems- Real time specifications and design techniques- Real time kernels- Inter task
communication and synchronization- Real time memory management- Supervisory control- direct
digital control- Distributed control- PC based automation.
1. Shinskey F.G., Process Control Systems: Application, Design and Tuning, McGraw Hill
International Edition, Singapore, 1988.
2. Belanger P.R., Control Engineering: A Modern Approach, Saunders College Publishing, USA,
3. Dorf R. C. and Bishop R. T., Modern Control Systems, Addison Wesley Longman Inc., 1999
4. Laplante P.A., Real Time Systems: An Engineer’s Handbook, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2002.
5. Stuart A. Boyer: SCADA-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Instrument Society of
America Publications,USA,1999
6. Efim Rosenwasser, Bernhard P. Lampe, Multivariable Computer-Controlled Systems: A Transfer
Function Approach, Springer, 2006
7. John W. Webb, Ronald A. Reiss, Programmable Logic Controllers: Principle and Applications,
Fifth Edition, PHI
8. R. Hackworth and F.D Hackworth Jr., Programmable Logic Controllers: Programming Method
and Applications, Pearson, 2004.
Course Objective
To provide experience to design digital and analog hardware interface for microcontroller based
systems. To provide in depth knowledge of higher bit processors
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to use microprocessors and
microcontrollers for different applications.
Module I
Internal architecture of 8086 CPU, instruction set and programming, assembly language programming
on IBM PC, ROM bios and DOS utilities. 8086 basic system concepts, signals, instruction queue, MIN
mode and MAX mode, bus cycle, memory interface, read and write bus cycles, timing parameters.
Module II
Input/output interface of 8086, I/O data transfer, I/O bus cycle. Interrupt interface of 8086, types of
interrupts, interrupt processing. DMA transfer, interfacing and refreshing DRAM, 8086 based
multiprocessing system, 8087 math coprocessor. Typical 8086 based system configuration, keyboard
interface, CRT controller, floppy disk controller
Module III
Introduction to higher bit processors, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium. A typical 16 bit Microcontroller
with RISC architecture and Integrated A-D converter e.g. PIC 18Cxxx family: Advantages of Harvard
Architecture, instruction pipeline, analog input, PWM output, serial I/O, timers, in-circuit and self
programmability. Instruction set. Typical application. Development tools.
1. Ray A. K., Bhurchandi K. M., Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals, Architecture,
Programming and Interfacing, TMH, 2006
2. Hall D.V., Microprocessor & Interfacing – Programming & Hardware – 8086, 80286, 80386,
80486’, TMH, 1992
3. Rajasree Y., Advanced Microprocessor, New Age International Publishers, 2008
4. Brey B. B. ‘The Intel Microprocessor 8086/8088, Pentium , Pentium Processor, PHI, 2008
5. Ayala K. J., The 8086 Microprocessor, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2004.
6. Cady F. M., Microcontrollers & Microcomputers Principles of Software &Hardware
Engineering, Oxford University Press, 1997
7. Tabak D., Advanced Microprocessors,TMH, 1996
8. Deshmukh, Microcontrollers : Theory and Application, TMH, 2005
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to understand working of power
converters and design converters for industrial applications
Module I
Introduction to switched mode power converters, Generalized comparison between switched mode and
linear DC regulators, operation and steady state performance of Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost and Cuk
Converters: Continuous conduction mode, discontinuous conduction mode and boundary between
continuous and discontinuous mode of operation, output voltage ripple calculation, effect of parasitic
Module II
DC-DC converter with isolation: Fly back converters- other fly back converter topologies, forward
converter, The forward converter switching transistor- Variation of the basic forward converter, Push
pull converter-Push pull converter transistor-Limitation of the Push Pull circuit-circuit variation of the
push pull converter-the half bridge and full bridge DC-DC converters. High frequency inductor design
and transformer design considerations, magnetic core, current transformers.
Module III
Control of switched mode DC power supplies: Voltage feed forward PWM control, current mode
control, digital pulse width modulation control, isolation techniques of switching regulator systems:
soft start in switching power supply designs, current limit circuits, over voltage protection circuit. A
typical monolithic PWM control circuit and their application: TL 494. Power factor control in DC-DC
converters. Electromagnetic and radio frequency interference, conducted and radiated noise, EMI
suppression, EMI reduction at source, EMI filters, EMI screening, EMI measurements and
specifications. Power conditioners and Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Types of UPS-Redundant and
Non Redundant UPS.
1. Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Application and Design, John
Wiley & Sons, 1989
2. A.I. Pressman, Switching Mode Power Supply Design, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1992
3. M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics, PHI, 2004
4. Michel, D., DC-DC Switching Regulator Analysis, Newness, 2000
5. Lee, Y., Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Switch Mode Power Supply, 1993
6. Staff, VPEC, Power Device & their Application, 2000
Structure of the Question paper
For the end semester examination, the question paper will consist of three questions from each module
out of which two questions are to be answered by the students
1. Bernad Friedland, Control System Design, McGraw-Hill, 2012.
2. Ching-Fang-Lin , Advanced Control System Design, Prentice Hall, 1994.
3. Krick D. E., Optimal Control Theory, Dover Publications, 2004.
1. Oleg N. Gasparyan, Linear and Nonlinear Multivariable Feedback Control: A Classical
Approach, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,2008.
2. Sigurd Skogestad, Ian Postlethwaite, Multivariable Feedback Control - Analysis and
Design, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2005.
Course Objectives
To provide hands on experience on the equipment for converters, inverters, choppers and closed loop
control for electrical drives. Conduct experiments in hardware to study the principles of modern control
techniques for DC and AC drives. Computer simulation of power electronics and motor Drives.
Learning Outcomes
1. To perform design calculations for drive and power supply applications.
2. Analyze operation of power converters and inverters.
3. Get exposure to simulation tools using MATLAB/SIMULINK,PSPICE and ANSYS MAXWELL
List of Experiments
Distribution of marks
Seminar Report Evaluation - 40 marks
Seminar Presentation - 60 marks
For the Thesis-Preliminary part I the student is expected to start the preliminary background studies
towards the Thesis by conducting a literature survey in the relevant field. He/she should broadly
identify the area of the Thesis work, familiarize with the design and analysis tools required for the
Thesis work and plan the experimental platform, if any, required for Thesis work. The student will
submit a detailed report of these activities at the end of the semester.
Distribution of marks
Course Objectives
1. To study the reactive power management in power systems.
2. To analyze the effect of harmonics on electrical equipments.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to understand the importance of
reactive power and the methods to control reactive power
Module I
Theory of Load Compensation: Introduction- Requirement for compensation objectives in load
compensation, the ideal compensator specifications of a load compensator , Power factor correction
and voltage regulations in single phase system, phase balancing and p. f. correction of unsymmetrical
loads, compensation in term of symmetrical components , expression for the compensating
susceptances in terms of phase line currents.
Module II
Reactive Power Control: fundamental requirement in AC Power transmission, Fundamental
transmission line equation, surge impedance and natural loading, voltage and current profiles of
uncompensated radial and symmetrical line on open circuit, uncompensated line under load, effect of
line length, load power and p.f on voltage and reactive power, passive and active compensators,
uniformly distributed fixed compensation, passive shunt compensation, control of open circuit voltage
by shunt reactance, required reactance of shunt reactors, multiple shunt reactors along the line, voltage
control by means of switch shunt compensation, midpoint shunt reactor or capacitor, expression for
midpoint voltage, series compensation , objectives and practical limitation , symmetrical line with
midpoint series capacitor and shunt reactor, power transfer characteristics and maximum transmissible
power for a general case, fundamental concepts of compensation by sectioning.
Module III
Dynamic performance of transmission systems with reactive power compensation: The dynamics
of electrical Power Systems, need for adjustable reactive compensation, four characteristics time
Principles of Static Compensation: Principle of operation of thyristor controlled reactor, thyristors
switch capacitor, saturated reactor compensator.
Series Capacitors: Introduction, protective gear, reinsertion schemes varistor protective gear.
Synchronous Condenser : Introduction, Power system Voltage control, Emergency reactive power
supply, starting methods, starting motor, reduced voltage starting, static starting.
Harmonics: Sources, effects of harmonics on electrical equipment. Reactive power management, utility
objectives and utility practices, transmission Reactive Power Co-Ordination benefits.
1. T. J. E. Miller, Reactive Power Control in Electrical Systems, John Wiley publications.
2. Leon Freris, David Infield, Renewable Energy in Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2008
3. D. M. Tagare, Reactive Power Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1st Reprint, 2007.
Module I
Transducers: Classification of Transducers including analog and digital transducers, Selection of
Transducers, Static and Dynamic response of transducer System.
Measurement of length & thickness, linear Displacement, Angular Displacement, force, weight,
torque, Moisture, Level, Flow, pH & Thermal Conductivity, Measurement of Frequency, Proportional,
Geigermuller & Scintillation Counters.
Module II
Sensor Design for Power Electronics: current sensor circuits, Resistive shunts, Hall-effect based
current sensors, Typical design based on hall-effect sensors, auxiliary scaling and signal conditioning
circuits using op-amps. [7]
Telemetry: Basic Principles, Proximity & remote Action Telemetry systems, Multiplexing; Time
Division and frequency division. Various types of Display Device, Digital Voltmeters, Dual Slope
DVMS, Digital encoders, Analog and Digital encoders, Analog and Digital Data Acquisition System,
A/D Converter.
Module III
Fibre Optic Technology for data transmission, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems
(SCADA), Q-meter. Electrical noise in control signals, its remedial measures.
1. W. D. Cooper & A. D. Helfrick, ‘Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement
Techniques’, Prentice Hall; Rev Sub edition, 1989.
2. B. C. Nakra, K. K. Chaudhary, Instrumentation Measurement Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd
edn. 2009.
3. Hermann, K. P. Neubert, ‘Instrument Transducers: Introduction to Their Performance and
Design’, Oxford University Press, 2nd edn. 1975.
4. P. H. Mansfield, ‘Electrical Transducers for Industrial Measurement’, Butterworth, 1973.
5. Walt Boyes, Instrumentation Reference Book, Butterworth, 4th edn., 2010
6. C. Rangan, G. Sarma, V.S.V. Mani, ‘Instrumentation: Devices and Systems’, Tata McGraw Hill,
7. P, A. Borden, G. M. Thynell, ‘Principles and Methods of Telemetering’, Reinhold Pub. Corp,
University of Michigan, 2007
8. Ned Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, ‘Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design’, 3rd
edn., John Wiley, 2003
Course Objectives
1. To understand the architecture and peripherals of DSP
2. To know the different applications of 8051 microcontroller.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Exposure to the internal architecture and peripherals of Digital signal processors
2. Comparison between programmable devices & DSPs
3. Using Microcontrollers in different control applications
Module I
Introduction to the C2xx DSP core and code generation, The components of C2xx DSP core, Mapping
external devices to the C2xx DSP core, peripherals and Peripheral Interface, System configuration
registers, Memory, Types of Physical Memory, memory addressing modes, Assembly Programming
using C2xx DSP ,instruction Set, Software Tools.
Pin multiplexing (MUX) and general Purpose I/O overview, Multiplexing and general Purpose I/O
Control registers, Introduction to Interrupts, Interrupt Hierarchy, Interrupt control registers, Initializing
and servicing Interrupts in software.
Module II
ADC overview, Operation of the ADC in the DSP, Overview of the event Manager, Event Manager
Interrupts, General purpose (GP) timers, compare units Capture units and Quadrature enclosed
Pulse(QEP) circuitry, General Event Manager Information
Introduction to Field Programmable gate Arrays-CPLD Vs FPGA-types of FPGA, Xilinx XC3000
series, configurable logic Blocks (CLB), Input/Output block-Programmable interconnect Point(PIP)-
Xilinx 4000 series-HDL programming-overview of Spartan 3E and Virtex II pro FPGA boards –case
Module III
8051 microcontroller-typical applications-DC motor speed control, speed measurement, Temperature
control, stepper motor control, PID control
1. Hamid A. Toliyat, Steven G. Campbell: ‘DSP based Electromechanical Motion Control’ Press
New York 2004
2. XC3000 series data sheets(Version 3.1) Xilinx Inc., USA 1998
3. XC4000 series data sheets(Version 1.6) Xilinx Inc., USA 1999
4. Wayne Wolf, ‘FPGA based system Design’ Prentice Hall 2004
5. Sen M. Kuo, Woon Seng Gan, ‘Digital Signal Processors: Architecture, Implementation and
Applications’, Pearson, 2005.
6. Phil Lapsley, Bler, Sholam, E.A. Lee, ‘DSP Processor Fundamentals’, IEE Press, 1997
Structure of the Question Paper
For the end semester examination, the question paper consists of three questions from each module, out
of which two are to be answered by the students
Course Objectives
1. To study principles and algorithms for protection of power systems.
2. To study design of protection schemes
3. To apply the principles of power system protection in setting protective relays
4. To analyze the operations of relays for various faults in the system
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the digital methods to protect power system
2. Carry out quantitative analysis of the performance of typical protection systems
3. Explore new relaying techniques and recent developments in relaying schemes.
Module I
Introduction to computer relaying: Development and historical background, expected relay
architecture, A-D converters, Anti –aliasing Filters, substation computer hierarchy.
Review of relaying practices: functions of a protective system, Protection of transmission lines,
Transformers, Reactors and generator Protection, Bus Protection, Performance of current and voltage
Review of mathematical basis for protective relaying algorithms: Fourier series, Orthogonal
expansions, Fourier transforms, Discrete Fourier transforms, Introduction to probability and random
processes, Kalman Filtering.
Module II
Transmission line relaying algorithms: Introduction, sources of error, relaying as parameter estimation,
Symmetrical component distance relay, Protection of series compensated lines
Protection of transformers, Machines and buses: Power transformer algorithms, digital protection of
generators and motors.
Module III
Hardware organization: Computers for relaying, substation environment, Industry environmental
standards, counter measures against EMI, Redundancy and Back up.
System relaying and control: Measurement of frequency and phase, sampling clock synchronization,
Application of phase measurements to static and dynamic state estimation, system monitoring.
Development in new relaying principles: Travelling waves in single phase and three phase lines
travelling waves due to faults, directional wave relay, Travelling wave distance relay, Differential
Relaying with phasors, travelling wave differential relays, adaptive relaying fault location algorithms,
recent developments in relaying.
1. Computer Relaying for Power Systems, Arun G. Phadke and James S Thorp, John Wiley &
Sons Inc, New York.
2. Ravindra P. Singh, ‘Digital Power System Protection’, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2007
3. T. Johns, S. K. Salman, ‘Digital Protection for Power Systems’, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1995
Pre-requisite: Review of Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost topologies, Push-pull and Forward converters,
Half and Full Bridge Converters, Fly back Converters
Module I
Voltage Mode Control of SMPS - Loop gain and Stability Considerations - Shaping the Error
Amplifier gain versus frequency characteristics - Error amplifier Transfer function – Tran conductance
Error amplifiers.
Current Mode Control of SMPS – Current Mode Control Advantages- Current Mode versus Voltage
Mode Control of SMPS – Current Mode Deficiencies - Slope Compensation.
Module II
Modelling of SMPS - Basic AC modelling Approach -– Modelling of non ideal fly back converter -
State Space Averaging – basic state space averaged model – State space averaging of non ideal buck
boost converter - Circuit averaging and averaged switch modelling – Modelling of pulse width
Module III
Introduction to Resonant Converters – Classification of Resonant Converters – Basic Resonant circuit
concepts – load resonant converters – resonant switch converters – Zero voltage switching, clamped
voltage topologies – resonant DC Link inverters with zero voltage switching – High frequency link
integral half cycle converter
1. Ned Mohan, Power Electronics, John Wiley & Sons
2. Abraham I Pressman , Switching Power Supply Design , McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
3. R. W. Erickson , Fundamental of Power Electronics, Chapman & Hall Publishers
Structure of the Question paper
For the end semester examination, the question paper will consist of three questions from each module
out of which two questions are to be answered by the students.
Module I
Definition and classification-Overview of processors and hardware units in an embedded system-
Software embedded into the system-Exemplary embedded systems –I/O devices- Synchronous, Iso-
synchronous and Asynchronous communications from serial devices-UART and HDLC-Parallel port
devices-Timer and Counting devices-I2C,USB,CAN and advanced I/O serial high speed buses-
ISA,PCI,PCI-X and advanced buses. Programming in Assembly language vs. High Level Language-C
Program Elements, Macros and functions -Use of Pointers - NULL Pointers - Function Pointers –
Function Queues and Interrupt Service Routines Queues – Concepts of EMBEDDED
PROGRAMMING in C++ - Objected Oriented Programming – Embedded Programming in C++, ‘C’
Program compilers – Cross compiler – Optimization of memory codes.
Module II
RTOS Task scheduling models - Handling of task scheduling and latency and deadlines as
performance metrics – Co-operative Round Robin Scheduling – Cyclic Scheduling with Time Slicing
(Rate Monotonics Co-operative Scheduling) – Preemptive Scheduling Model strategy by a Scheduler –
Critical Section Service by a Preemptive Scheduler – Fixed (Static) Real time scheduling of tasks –
inter process communication and synchronization– Shared data problem – Use of Semaphore(s) –
Priority Inversion Problem and Deadlock Situations – Inter Process Communications using Signals –
Semaphore Flag or Mutex as Resource key – Message Queues – Mailboxes – Pipes
Module III
Overview of FPGA architectures and technologies: FPGA Architectural options, granularity of
function and wiring resources, coarse vs. fine grained, vendor specific issues (emphasis on Xilinx and
Altera), Logic block architecture: FPGA logic cells, timing models, power dissipation I/O block
architecture: Input and Output cell characteristics, clock input, Timing, Power dissipation.
Programmable interconnect - Partitioning and Placement, Routing resources, delays
1. Rajkamal, ‘Embedded Systems: Architecture: Programming and Design’, Tata McGraw Hill
Education, 2nd edn, 2009
2. Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, Embedded Systems Design: A Unified Hardware-Software
Introduction’, John Wiley, 2002
3. David Simon, ‘An Embedded Software Primer’, Pearson Education Asia, 1999
4. Wayne Wolf, ‘FPGA-Based System Design’, Pearson Education Limited, 2009
5. M. J. S. Smith, ‘Application Specific Integrated Circuits’, Pearson, 2000
The Thesis Preliminary Part - II is an extension of Thesis Preliminary Part - I. Thesis Preliminary Part
II comprises preliminary thesis work, two seminars and submission of Thesis - Preliminary report.
The first seminar would highlight the topic, objectives and methodology and the second seminar will
be a presentation of the work they have completed till the third semester and the scope of the work
which is to be accomplished in the fourth semester, mentioning the expected results.
Distribution of marks
The student has to continue the thesis work done in second and third semesters. There would be an
interim presentation at the first half of the semester to evaluate the progress of the work and at the end
of the semester there would be a pre-Submission seminar before the Evaluation committee for
assessing the quality and quantum of work. This would be the qualifying exercise for the students for
getting approval from the Department Committee for the submission of Thesis. At least once technical
paper is to be prepared for possible publication in Journals/Conferences. The final evaluation of the
Thesis would be conducted by the board of examiners constituted by the University including the
guide and the external examiner.
Distribution of marks
Internal evaluation of the Thesis work by the Guide : 150 Marks
Internal evaluation of the Thesis by the Evaluation Committee : 150 Marks
Final evaluation of the Thesis Work by the Internal and External Examiners:
[Evaluation of Thesis: 200 marks *+ Viva Voce: 100 marks (*5% of the marks is earmarked for
publication in Journal/Conference)] TOTAL – 300 Marks