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Grade Level: 11/12


Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning

Duration K to 12 CG Code
Standards Competencies
The learner…
demonstrates presents a form of describes various contemporary art CAR11/12IAC-0a-1
appreciation of integrated forms and their practices from the Week 1
contemporary art contemporary art various regions
forms, found in the based on the region of CAR11/12IAC-0b-2
various regions by his / her choice. e.g.
understanding the choreography, musical
discusses various art forms found in
elements and principles instrument, literary Week 2
the philippines
and music composition,
visual design, and/or
theatrical performance
demonstrates creates avenues to researches on various CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-4
Week 3-5
understanding of the advocate the arts from contemporary art forms
significant roles of the different regions explains filipino artists’ roles and CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-5
artists from the regions identify their contribution to Week 3-5
1 semester
contemporary arts
evaluates contemporary art forms CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-6
based on the elements and Week 3-5
compares forms of arts from the CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-7
Week 3-5
different regions
relates the significance of arts CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-8
Week 3-5
forms from the regions
promotes arts from the regions Week 3-5 CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-9
shows understanding discriminates among researches on techniques and CAR11/12TPP-0c -e-10
of the materials and various materials and performance practices applied to Week 3-5
techniques techniques contemporary arts
discusses local materials used in CAR11/12TPP-0c -e-11
Week 3-5
creating art

critiques available materials and CAR11/12TPP-0c -e-12

Week 3-5
appropriate techniques
explicates the use of materials and CAR11/12TPP-0c -e-13
Week 3-5
the application of techniques
Consolidates relevant Designs a production conceptualizes contemporary art CAR11/12AP-0f -h-14
concepts to plan for a using available based on techniques and
Week 6-8
production materials and performance practices in their
appropriate techniques locality.
applies artistic skills and techniques CAR11/12AP-0f -h-15
Week 6-8
in the process of creation
incorporates contemporary CAR11/12AP-0f -h-16
characteristics to one’s creation Week 6-8
with attention to detail
creates the intended final product CAR11/12AP-0f -h-17
using appropriate materials for the Week 6-8
best possible output

Grade Level : Grade 11/12


Quarter Content Standard Performance Standard

Most Essential Learning Duration
The learners demonstrate The learners should be Competencies
understanding of... able to...
1st 1. Concept of disaster The learners relate the Explain the meaning of disaster Week 1 DRR11/12-Ia-b-1
2. Concept of disaster concept of disaster with Differentiate the risk factors Week 1 DRR11/12-Ia-b-2
risk daily life. underlying disasters
3. Nature of disasters Describe the effects of disasters on Week 2 DRR11/12-Ia-b-3
4. Effects of disasters one’s life
Analyze disaster from the Week 2 DRR11/12-Ia-b-6
different perspectives (physical,
psychological, socio-cultural,
economic, political, and

geothermal, waste when people utilize Explain how heat from inside the Earth Week 4 S11ES-Ie-11
hydroelectric) materials and resources (geothermal) and from flowing water
4. the amount of usable (hydroelectric) is tapped as a source of energy
water resources on for human use
Earth Identify the various water resources on Earth Week 4 S11ES-If-g-15
5. the distribution of Explain how different activities affect the quality Week 5 S11ES-Ig-16
arable land on Earth and availability of water for human use
6. waste generation and Identify human activities, such as farming, Week 5 S11ES-Ih-17
management construction of structures, and waste disposal,
that affect the quality and quantity of soil
Give ways of conserving and protecting the soil Week 6 S11ES-Ih-i-18
for future generations

Describe how people generate different types Week 6 S11ES-Ii-19

of waste (solid, liquid, and gaseous) as they
make use of various materials and resources in
everyday life
Explain how different types of waste affect Week 7 S11ES-Ii-j-20
people’s health and the environment
2nd 1. geologic processes that 1. make a simple map Describe how rocks undergo weathering Week 1 S11ES-IIa-22
occur on the surface of showing places where Explain why the Earth’s interior is hot Week 1 S11ES-IIb-c-23
the Earth such as erosion and landslides may Describe what happens after magma is formed Week 2 S11ES-IIc-25
weathering, erosion, pose risks in the describe the changes in mineral components Week 2 S11ES-IIc-d-26
mass wasting, and community and texture of rocks due to changes in pressure
sedimentation 2. using maps, diagrams, and temperature (metamorphism)
2. geologic processes that or models, predict what Describe how rocks behave under different Week 3 S11ES-IId-27
occur within the Earth could happen in the future types of stress such as compression, pulling
3. folding and faulting of as the tectonic plates apart, and shearing
rocks continue to move explain how seafloor spreads Week 3 S11ES-IIf-32
4. the internal structure of Describe the structure and evolution of ocean Week 4 S11ES-IIf-33
the Earth basins
5. continental drift explain how the movement of plates leads to Week 4 S11ES-IIg-h-34
6. seafloor spreading the formation of folds, faults, trenches,
volcanoes, rift valleys, and mountain ranges

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