DLL Week1 Cpar This Is A Daily Lesson Plan For Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Regions
DLL Week1 Cpar This Is A Daily Lesson Plan For Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Regions
DLL Week1 Cpar This Is A Daily Lesson Plan For Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Regions
C. Learning Competencies / Describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from the various regions (CAR11/12IAC-0a-1)
Combination of Different Art forms as seen in Modern times
some students to share their Is it the same as being know? known for?
expectations to the class. modern? Eg. Street dancing especially
during festivals like Bambanti;
Are modern art and Pottery in Iguig, Cagayan etc.
contemporary art the
C. Presenting Video Exploration: Art Exploration: Show examples of different art Show examples of different art
examples/instances of the Present Lourd De Veyra’s “Art, Art Ka Choose a few students to forms forms from Region II.
Diyan!” present their homework in Painting
new lesson Sculpture
Proceed by asking them processing Architecture
questions such as: Ask them: Dancing
What is art to you? What makes them contemporary Etc.
What do you know about art? art?
How would you consider something
as art?
D. Discussing new concepts Provide the class, an overview of Compare and Contrast Using the Discuss the different types of Activity:
and practicing new skills #1 Contemporary Philippine Arts from the 4A’s art forms. Major artworks in each region
Regions and what is expected of the will be presented. The
course. Discuss what topics to cover, 1) Activity:
students should gather
possible expected outputs from Group the students into 8 Historical Overview:
information/data on the
students, the grading system, policies groups and show them a picture Group the students and assign
on submission and so on. of a traditional art and a specific art form to each artworks of each region and
contemporary art. group. Ask them to present a write your brief description
historical overview/background about the artworks on the
2) Analysis: of how the art form is used, table provided beside the
Ask them to observe the two what type of art is born, the picture
and take not of the similarities inspiration/theme for the
and differences. artworks starting from the pre-
colonial times up to the
3) Abstraction: present.
Now, use a Venn Diagram to
compare and contrast traditional
art and contemporary art. Ask
them to present their output.
E. Discussing new concepts Word Probe: Discuss and elaborate on the Ask each group to present the
and practicing new skills #2 Post the word CONTEMPORARY ART. characteristics of traditional art data they have gathered.
Have the and contemporary art.
students write words they can Introduce also concept on
associate with it. Modern Art.
F. Developing mastery (Leads From the students’ responses in the Based on the presentations, ask Based on the presentations, What do you think is similar
them the following questions: ask them the following among these art works?
I. Evaluating learning Paper and Pencil Test Paper and Pencil Test Paper and Pencil Test Kahoot!
J. Additional activities for My Kind of Art: Research on different arts Performance Task
application or remediation Look for an from different regions in the Art Appreciation:
example of a Philippine Philippines.
contemporary art piece. Give Design a creative work
the title or name of the artwork, showing the classifications of
name of the artist, and the year it the various contemporary art
was made. Write the reason why forms. Choose one from the
you chose it. given choices.
A. Music - Compose a song of
Explore like Dora: at least 2 stanza regarding the
Get a partner most memorable experiences
and go to a nearby mall or any in your school.
public place (except art galleries), B. Dance - Create and video a
look for a festival/street dance number
contemporary art piece. Take a minimum of (3) three minutes.
picture of you and your partner. Post
C. Drama - Write a short script
the picture in our CPAR Facebook
for a role play with the theme
page together with a creative
of core values of being an
reflection about the artwork
V. REMARKS Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions is taken only four times a week with only one (1) hour per meeting. This subject is scheduled from
Tuesday to Friday for Grade 12 – Jade. The school is going to adapt the 3-days Face-to-Face and 2-days Distance Learning setup so classes during
Thursdays and Fridays will be conducted online.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Teacher II Principal I