DLL Cpar Week 1
DLL Cpar Week 1
DLL Cpar Week 1
5. Materials Needed Laptop, LED/LCD TV, projector, task card Laptop, LED/LCD TV, projector, task card
A. Reviewing previous *Assess students’ prior knowledge and expectations on the .
lesson or presenting the new subjects using a KWL Chart. Review:
lesson *Provide an overview of the K to 12 curriculum in Grade 7 What is art?
(Philippine Music) and Grade 10 (21st Century Music) and then What is contemporary art?
relate this to the subject. Why is art important especially Philippine art?
D. Discussing new concepts Overview: Using the core subject description, provide the class Constructivist Approach – Activity-Based (3A’s Activity)
and practicing new skills #1 an overview of Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions *A (Act) – Ask each group to brainstorm on the concept of
and what can be expected of the subjects. traditional art and contemporary art through as guided by the
pictures above.
A (Analyze) – Have them compare their ideas.
A (Apply) – Ask them to make a Venn Diagram citing the
similarities and differences of Traditional and Contemporary
Art. Have them present their output with a representative.
Collaborative Integrative
F. Developing From the students’ responses in the processing questions and Based on the presentations, ask the following:
mastery (Leads to word association, build on the working definition of art and How do you define contemporary?
formative contemporary art. How is it different from the traditional?
G. Finding Reflective Journal/Position Paper Reflective Journal: Contemporary artists do not always use
practical/applications of *Why do you think we need to study art specifically the new media, such as installation or mixed media. What
concepts and skills in daily Philippine art? makes them contemporary anyway?
living *Going back to the video presented, make a standpoint on how
can art change the society?
H. Making generalizations Complete the sentence: Ask the class to summarize the important ideas presented in the
and abstractions about the Today, I learned that art is while contemporary art is . lesson.
I. Evaluating Learning Pencil & Paper Test: Pencil & Paper Test:
Why study art? Complete the missing words in the paragraph. Modified True or False. Write true if the statement is true; and
Art is a natural human 1 . It is a form of communication as if false, underline the word/s that makes the concept incorrect.
it tells our 2 and shared 3 . Art is healing. Contemporary 1. Modern art is totally the same with contemporary arts since
art is an art made and produced by artists living 4 . It is a modern and contemporary are synonymous to each other.
statement that an artist makes about 5 . 2. Contemporary art refers to art made and produced by
*Choices: life, today, experience, story, behavior, yesterday artists living today. (T)
3. Modern art refers to the practice of art in the 1860s-1960s
during the years that the western world was significantly
developing. (T)
4. Contemporary art is characterized as being collaborative,
traditional, and integrative art.
5. To study and appreciate contemporary is to experience and
understand art as a window to Philippine contemporary life. (T)
J. Additional activities for Take me Home: Look for an Lookout: Research on the Watch Dekada ’70, a film adaptation, 2002 of Lualhati
application or remediation example of a Philippine different periods in the history Bautista’s novel about a family’s travails during the Martial
contemporary art piece. Give of Philippine art. Law tears. Reflect how the regime was represented in the film-
the title or name of the artwork, Let’s Explore: Get a partner what was the setting and how did the characters react to the
name of the artist, and the year and go to a nearby mall or any setting? How do you reconcile what you have seen in the film
it was made. Write the reason public place (except art with art production during the period? What could this say
why you chose it. galleries), look for a about art production in general? Compile your reflection in
contemporary art piece. Take a your portfolio.
picture of you and your
partner. Post the picture in our
CPAR Facebook page together
with a creative reflection about
the artwork including your
reason for choosing it.
Rubrics: Presentation-5;
Creativity-5; Originality-5
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
to remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?