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Comsats university Islamabad wah campus

Department of Electrical Engineering

Ordinary Differential Equations
Use of ODE in Electrical Engineering
Group Members:
 Muhammad shayan javed FA18-BEE-078
 Osama ali FA18-BEE-079
 Muhammad mazhar FA18-BEE-026
 usman aziz FA18-BEE-053

Submitted To:
A differential equation usually describes something that changes. Engineering is a field where a
lot of things change. A lot of those changes are governed by differential equations. It has a lot of
applications in electrical engineering field not only in electrical engineering at has several
applications in mechanical as well as in civil field.

 In electrical engineering
In electrical engineering several systems are based on differential equations

Maxwell has given equations of Electromagnetic Field Theory, which help us to find the
Magnetic Field or Electric Field easily by simple integration/differentiation. Various Transforms
from Time Domain to Frequency Domain or vice versa in Engineering is only possible because
of Differential Equations.

Signals and systems - generally you have to use the idea of Fourier series a lot for signals, and
sometimes your system is actually a differential equation itself.

How an LCR circuit behaves (conductor, capacitor, resistor).

The neutron diffusion equation is solved in different levels of approximation for the power
distribution in power reactors.

Application of Ordinary Differential Equations:

Differential equations give us relations between current and potential on components.




If R, L and C are not constant, equations changes...

 Series inductive circuit Circuit

In a circuit there is an inductor is arranged in the series combination with the voltage source the
equation is given by

The (variable) voltage across the inductor is given by:


Here there is a derivative involve with current which oppose the change so when the
voltmeter is attached in series combination and amperemeter in parallel it will show the
deflection of needle of voltmeter first and after that it will show deflection in needle of
ammeter its all because of inertia present due to derivative

The RL circuit shown above has a resistor and an inductor connected in series. A constant
voltage V is applied when the switch is closed.

 The (variable) voltage across the resistor is given by:

 VR=iR
 The (variable) voltage across the inductor is given by
 VL=Ldi/dt

Kirchhoff's voltage law says that the directed sum of the voltages around a circuit must be zero.
This results in the following differential equation:


 Series capacitive circuit Circuit


Here there is a derivative involve with voltage which oppose the change so when
the voltmeter is attached in series combination and amperemeter in parallel it will
show the deflection of needle of ammeter first and after that it will show deflection
in needle of voltmeter its all because of inertia present due to derivative
Simple Parameter Estimation: Construct a circuit containing a resistor (resistance = R)
and a capacitor (capacitance = C). If the capacitor is initially charged and then discharged
through the circuit, voltages and currents decay exponentially. Data on

a particular voltage can be taken at various points in time. Students then must estimate the time
constant ( = RC) using the accumulated data. There are a variety of techniques through which
estimates of the time constant can be obtained. Students need to be familiar with the techniques
as well as the supporting concepts and broader applications.

Faraday's Law

states that the voltage drop across the inductor is proportional to the instantaneous rate of change

of the current, with   as the proportionality constant, so that


Durning modeling assumption

When the modeling assumptions for the potential drop across each component in the circuit are
inserted into Kirchoff's Law, the resulting ODE is


Electromagnetics Study of electromagnetic fields and wave

Electromagnetics Study of electromagnetic fields and waves is a crucial area
crucial area in electrical engineering for which understanding of vector algebra and vector
calculus is required. The basic laws of electromagnetics are summarized in Maxwell’s equations

There are partial differential equations that require deep conceptual understanding of vector
fields and operations related to vector fields

A. DC Circuits. Typical problems in this section involve the simplification of series,

parallel and mesh circuits. Analyses of these circuits require setting up,
manipulating, and obtaining solutions to algebraic equations. Subtle mathematical
skills in the understanding of the circuit problems also include direct and inverse
proportionality to enable students to understand voltage and current divider rules
respectively. In the circuit areas dealing with power, and power transfer, knowledge
of integral calculus and basic differentiation is required especially for maximum
power transfer analysis
 In Case Of Ac Circuits
AC Circuits. This part of circuit analysis deals with the response of different circuit
configurations and elements to steady state sinusoidal inputs. Different mathematical
techniques are necessary to simplify the circuits before gaining understanding of the
response. The foundation mathematics necessary for the analyses include: Concept
of functions, especially sinusoidal functions. Students need to understand and
visualize profiles of basic functions. Use of common real life examples is strongly
suggested in teaching this topic. Application of trigonometric identities to sinusoidal
analyses. Manipulation and representation of sinusoidal functions in Euler, polar,
and rectangular coordination.
We live in an electrified world: electro-technology is used everywhere, and living
today without electricity is virtually impossible even for the shortest duration of
time. Electric power is generated both at central power plants and by dispersed units
such as wind turbine farms or large solar cell arrays, and by means of large and
complex electric networks the power is transmitted/distributed from production units
to consumers. Electro-technology is also a fundamental prerequisite for the way we
today distribute and store information: electronic circuits are used everywhere in our
society to convey information. Living without electro-technology is not an option.
From an electrical engineering point of view, detailed knowledge of electro-
technology is of vital importance, and a very important tool is circuit analysis. A
good understanding of this topic enables us to analyze and to design electric circuits
and systems, irrespective of whether we consider transmission of power in the
hundreds of megawatt scale — or we consider low-level signals within integrated
electronics. Circuit analysis uses mathematics to analyze the network, and as an
example, consider the network shown in Figure 13 below. This network consists of
three elements: a voltage source u(t), a resistor R and an inductance L. This simple
circuit may model e.g. an electric furnace, an electric motor, a loud-speaker, etc.

Using Kirchhoff’s laws, the resistive-inductive circuit fulfills the equation

L di(t)/ dt + Ri(t) = u(t)
which is a first-order differential equation. In electrical engineering the forcing
function u(t) is often a sinusoidal function:
u(t) = Ua cos(ωt),
where Ua is the amplitude and ω is the angular frequency for the voltage. For
example, the electric outlet in our homes has Ua = √ 2 · 230 V and ω = 2πf = 100π
 Power Systems comprise the study of the transmission and
distribution of electric power.
The study of power systems depends upon a firm mathematical grounding in the use
and manipulation of trigonometric functions as well as algebraic manipulation of
complex numbers. The use of phasor notation (an application of polar co-ordinates)
plays a central role in power systems analysis. Students must also know Euler’s
formula and be facile in going from polar to rectangular co-ordinates and vice-versa.
Power systems analysis requires not only algebraic manipulation but also recognition of
the changes a signal undergoes and the form of the signal that results.

 Signals/Communications
One of the most fundamental applications in electrical engineering is the
transmission, modification and reception of signals. Communication systems is
concerned with: 1. The transmission of signals through electric networks 2. The
modulation and demodulation of signals 3. Sampling 4. Noise 5. Statistical methods
of information transmission systems Digital signal processing is an important area
within electrical engineering. The digitization, modulation, transmission,
demodulation, and reception of signals is vital to modern communications. Image
processing and pattern recognition techniques fall within the purview of digital
signal processing. Communications and digital signal processing are taught in depth
usually during the last two or three semesters of the student’s undergraduate studies.
The understanding of mathematical operations are very important
 A capacitor is a circuit component that stores a supply of
electric charge. When capacitor resistor . An RC circuit. it is attached to a
resistor, the capacitor will push this charge through the resistor, creating
electric current. Capacitors obey the equation V = Q /C , where Q is the
charge stored in the capacitor, C is a constant called the capacitance of the
capacitor, and V is the resulting voltage. In an RC circuit, the voltage
produced by a capacitor is applied directly across a resistor. Setting the two
formulas for V equal to each other gives IR = Q/ C . Moreover, the rate I at
which charge flows through the resistor is the same as the rate at which
charge flows out of the capacitor, so I = − dQ/ dt . Putting these together
gives the differential equation − dQ /dt R = Q/ C , or equivalently dQ /dt = −
1 /RC Q. It follows that the amount of charge held in the capacitor will decay
exponentially over
 Newton’s law of cooling
is a differential equation that predicts the cooling of a warm body placed in
a cold environment. According to the law, the rate at which the temperature
of the body decreases is proportional to the difference of temperature
between the body and its environment. In symbols dT dt = −k(T − Te)

 Power Systems
comprise the study of the transmission and distribution of electric power. The study
of power systems depends upon a firm mathematical grounding in the use and
manipulation of trigonometric functions as well as algebraic manipulation of
complex numbers. The use of phasor notation (an application of polar co-ordinates)
plays a central role in power systems analysis. Students must also know Euler’s
formula and be facile in going from polar to rectangular co-ordinates and vice-versa.
Power systems analysis requires not only algebraic manipulation but also
recognition of the changes a signal undergoes and the form of the signal that results.
While a solution having the form
f(t)= 5e^-2t-5e^-3t(cost+sint) volts
may be correct the form
f(t)= 5e^-2t-5e^-3t[1.414cos(t-45°)] volts
is more useful. The student can visualize a sinusoidal wave with an amplitude of
1.414 volts that lags the input signal by 45. Next, the student can visualize a sinusoid
that decays exponentially. Thus, the waveform with its phase angle can be easily
visualized, whereas the sum of sinusoids gives little information about the phase
angle. Power systems may be taught as early as the student’s 5th semester of
undergraduate studies.
 Electromagnetics
Study of electromagnetic fields and waves is a crucial area in electrical engineering
for which understanding of vector algebra and vector calculus is required. The basic
laws of electromagnetics are summarized in Maxwell’s equations:
Faraday’s Law: ∇×E=∂B/∂t
Ampere’s Law: ∇×H=J+∂D/∂t
Gauss’Law: ∇⋅D= ρ
No Isolated Magnetic Charge: ∇⋅B=0
These are partial differential equations that require deep conceptual understanding of
vector fields and operations related to vector fields: gradient, divergence, and curl.
With the increasing power and availability of software, e.g., Mathematica, Maple,
and Matlab, to perform the actual manipulations, it is crucial that students develop a
conceptual understanding of vector fields and related operations. It is less important
to emphasize the actual manipulations. For example, it is less important that a
student be given a scalar-valued function of several variables and be asked to
compute the gradient. It is more important that students be able to start with a
contour plot (topographic map) of a scalar-valued function of several variables and
draw the gradient function. It is less important that students start with a vector field
and be able to compute the divergence or curl. It is more important that students be
able to interpret verbally and graphically pictures of vector fields. Students should
be able to identify regions in which the magnitudes of the divergence or curl will be
large or small. To support conceptual understanding, graphical interpretation, and
verbal description it is helpful to connect students of vector calculus with
applications such as electromagnetic fields, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. The
study of electromagnetics requires a conceptual understanding of partial differential
equations and their solutions, and the power and limitations of numerical solutions
techniques. The study of specific partial differential equations that permit closed-
form solutions is less important than the development of this conceptual picture.
Since most students in electrical engineering do not begin studying electromagnetic
fields and waves until their junior year, it is important that the relevant topics of
vector calculus and partial differential equations not be taught before the second
semester of the sophomore year. Timing of the topics is important to help students
connect their studies in mathematics with their study of electromagnetics. Individual
schools should encourage conversations between faculty in electrical engineering
and mathematics to prepare a mathematics curriculum that is responsive to the
specific requirements of the electrical engineering department.
 Some applications of differential equations in modern
electrical circuit problems:

A survey is presented on the applications of differential equations in some important electrical

engineering problems. A series LCK network is chosen as the fundamental circuit; the voltage
equation of this circuit is solved for a number of different forcing (driving) functions including a
sinusoid, an amplitude modulated (AM) wave, a frequency modulated (KM) wave, and some
exponentials. Some well-known formulas such as the AM—PM conversion mechanism and the
derivation of the quasi-stationary approximation in time-invariant LCR networks are discussed.

Consideration is given to the circuit containing a periodically varying parameter, i.e. the
capacitance of the circuit is linearly time-varying. An introduction to the Mathieu equation is
presented in general terms and examples have boon worked out for a number of electrical
analogues and in this process the transformation of the Mathieu equation into Hill's equation is
also discussed, The mechanism of generation of sub-harmonics is discussed by solving the
Mathieu equation in non-linear form. Finally, the solutions of Mathieu equations are discussed
briefly in general terms.

Numerical methods for solving the system

of linear algebraic
equations as well as the system of
differential equations have been known
since the last century. Most numerical
methods are very accurate and fast.
However, some complicated problems can
occur, such as stiff problems and
bad-conditional equations, which could be
computationally intensive. This
paper describes the Modern Taylor Series
Method for solving the system of
algebraic equations using differential
equations. The example of an electrical
circuit with a parasitic capacity for
demonstrating computational problems
will be shown and the suggestion solution
Numerical methods for solving the system
of linear algebraic
equations as well as the system of
differential equations have been known
since the last century. Most numerical
methods are very accurate and fast.
However, some complicated problems can
occur, such as stiff problems and
bad-conditional equations, which could be
computationally intensive. This
paper describes the Modern Taylor Series
Method for solving the system of
algebraic equations using differential
equations. The example of an electrical
circuit with a parasitic capacity for
demonstrating computational problems
will be shown and the suggestion solution
Numerical methods for solving the system
of linear algebraic
equations as well as the system of
differential equations have been known
since the last century. Most numerical
methods are very accurate and fast.
However, some complicated problems can
occur, such as stiff problems and
bad-conditional equations, which could be
computationally intensive. This
paper describes the Modern Taylor Series
Method for solving the system of
algebraic equations using differential
equations. The example of an electrical
circuit with a parasitic capacity for
demonstrating computational problems
will be shown and the suggestion solution
Numerical methods for solving the system
of linear algebraic
equations as well as the system of
differential equations have been known
since the last century. Most numerical
methods are very accurate and fast.
However, some complicated problems can
occur, such as stiff problems and
bad-conditional equations, which could be
computationally intensive. This
paper describes the Modern Taylor Series
Method for solving the system of
algebraic equations using differential
equations. The example of an electrical
circuit with a parasitic capacity for
demonstrating computational problems
will be shown and the suggestion solution

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