Te 325 Lesson Plan
Te 325 Lesson Plan
Te 325 Lesson Plan
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: Students should already know how to catch and work as a team to complete the activity.
Example: Students should know how to correctly underhand throw and catch an underhand throw.
Lesson Objective(s):
Affective: B.FB.02.02 Students will use limited cues from teachers to improve motor skills and movement patterns, fitness, and physical activity in
isolated settings.
Cognitive: K.MS.02.03 Students will describe the selected control elements for the following manipulative skills roll and underhand throw.
Psychomotor: M.MS.02.03 Students will demonstrate selected elements of the mature form of manipulative skills of roll, underhand throw, and
overhand throw in isolated settings.
Be aware and respect everyone’s personal space.
Be aware of tripping hazards with the hula hoops.
Make sure to throw the ball in a gentle manner.
EPEC Curriculum: Underhand Throw- Students will demonstrate competence in the underhand throw.
National and State Standards and Expectations:
Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.1 Demonstrate commons of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
Materials, Handouts, Equipment, Technology: Hula hoops (one for each group of four students), a soft ball (kickball), a group of children, timer
(optional), and a speaker for music to play.
Overhand throw: Made with a downward movement of the hard or arm.
Underhand throw: Made with an upward movement of the hand or arm.
Team work: Working together as one.
Anticipatory Set/Launch: Ask the students if they know what an underhand and overhand throw. Also, have them explain the differences between
the two throws. Ask the students in which sports use overhand throws and which ones use underhand throws. Have a couple of the students
come up in front of the class to model and demonstrate the two types of throws. Have three students help demonstrate the game and then have
another group of four model the game one more time for the students. Remind the class of the rules while in the gym, and the exceptions of them.
Evaluation Plan:
Evaluation of the students will be done by observation of their ability to underhand throw.
o 1- Minimal ability
o 2- Some ability to underhand throw
o 3-Good underhand throw, needs slight improvement
o 4-Excellent underhand throw
Lesson Diagram:
To gear down the lesson have the children roll the balls, if they are having difficulty catching the balls thrown at them.
To gear up the lesson have the students try to use the overhand motion to throw the ball rather than the underhand throw.