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Unit 7: Work, Energy and Power

1 - Work
Energy: Work can be defined as either:

A change in ________ or The product of...

Work and energy are:

_______________ values

Measured in _________________

In physics we talk about work being done… Ex. If I were to lift the 30.0 kg When an object is lifted
weight up off the ground to a against gravity the
Ex. height of 1.5 m, how much work formula:
¨ If I hold a 30 kg weight at a height of would be done on the weight? W = Fd
1.5 m, I’m using energy, therefore...
¨ However the work is not being done
___ ____ __________, it is being
done on my muscles.
¨ Think of it like this: though I am
Where: m =
exerting a ______ on the weight, its
_______________ is zero, therefore g =
______ work is done on it. h =

Ex. A 10.0 kg pumpkin is moved horizontally 5.00 m at a Ex. A 3.0 kg pineapple is held 1.2 m above the floor for
constant velocity across a level floor using a horizontal 15 s. How much work is done on the pineapple?
force of 3.00 N. How much work is done in moving the

Note: Use __________ force, not ________ force Note: No __________________ means no __________

Ex. A 50.0 kg banana box is pulled 11.0 m along a level Ex. A 1385 kg car traveling at 61 km/h is brought to a
surface by a rope. If the rope makes an angle with the stop while skidding 42 m. What is the work done on the
floor of 35o and the tension in the rope is 90.0 N, how car by frictional forces?
much work is done on the box?

Note: Use on the _________________ of the force that Note: Work can be _____________ if the force doing
is in the direction of displacement the work acts in the direction.
Worksheet 7.1: Work
1. A 20.0 N pomegranate is lifted at a constant velocity 6. A 60.0 kg student runs at a constant velocity up a flight
from the floor to a height of 1.50 m. How much work is of stairs. If the height of the stairs is 3.2 m, what is the
done on the object? work done against gravity?

2. A 15.0 N potato is moved horizontally 3.00 m across a 7. A 20.0 kg passionfruit is pulled horizontally 9.0 m along
level floor using a horizontal force of 6.00 N. How much a level frictionless surface at a constant velocity. How
work is done on the potato? much work is done on the passionfruit?

3. A 2.20 N pear is held 2.20 m above the floor for 10.0 s. 8.

10.0 m
How much work is done on the pear? 7.0 m

An 80.0 kg pumpkin is pushed up at a constant velocity

along a frictionless incline as shown in the diagram. How
much work is done on the pumpkin in moving it up the
4. A 10.0 kg pink grapefruit is accelerated horizontally incline?
from rest to a velocity of 11.0 m/s in 5.00 s by a horizontal
force. How much work is done on the pink grapefruit
assuming no friction?

9. A 25.0 kg pickle is accelerated from rest through a

distance of 6.0 m in 4.0 s across a level floor. If the
friction force between the pickle and the floor is 3.8 N,
5. what is the work done to move the object?

A 90.0 N box of papayas is pulled 10.0 m along a level

surface by a rope. If the rope makes an angle of 20.0o
with the surface, and the force in the rope is 75.0 N, how
much work is done on the box? 10. A 1165 kg car traveling at 55 km/h is brought to a stop
while skidding 38 m. Calculate the work done on the car
by the friction forces.

1) 30.0 J 2) 18.0 J 3) 0 J 4) 605 J 5) 705 J 6) 1900 J 7) 0 J 8) 5500 J 9) 140 J 10) - 1.4x105 J

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