Semester - V Syllabus Content
Semester - V Syllabus Content
Semester - V Syllabus Content
Teaching Scheme
Course Credits Assigned
Course Name (Contact Hours)
Theory Pract. Theory Pract. Total
Mechanical Measurements and
MEC501 3 -- 3 -- 3
MEC502 Thermal Engineering 3 -- 3 3
MEC503 Dynamics of Machinery 3 -- 3 -- 3
MEC504 Finite Element Analysis 3 -- 3 -- 3
Department Optional Course –
MEDO501 3 -- 3 -- 3
MEL501 Thermal Engineering -- 2 -- 1 1
MEL502 Dynamics of Machinery -- 2 -- 1 1
MEL503 Finite Element Analysis -- 2 -- 1 1
Professional communication
MESBL501 -- 2*+2 -- 2 2
and ethics –II
MEPBL501 Mini Project – 2 A -- 4$ -- 2 2
Total 15 14 15 07 22