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UNIT-1 Essay Questions

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Essay Questions
1 Explain in detail about the beam and Diffuse Solar radiation.
2 List the advantages and limitations of renewable energy sources.
3 Explain in detail, the solar radiation on tilted surfaces.
Explain the following terms used in Solar radiation analysis:
i)Hour angle ii) Solar azimuth angle iii) Declination angle
5 Explain the different angles that are used in solar radiation geometry.
6 Given in detail the comparison between conventional and renewable energy sources.
7 Discuss how the average solar radiation is estimated.
8 Explain in detail various forms of renewable energy.
What do you understand by Solar radiation data? What is the need of Solar
radiation data?
1 Explain in detail about the Beam radiation and diffuse radiation.
1 Define Solar constant. What are the reasons for variation in solar radiation reaching the earth and
1 that received outside the earth atmosphere?
Determine the average value of solar radiation on a horizontal surface for June 22, at the latitude
of 100 N, if constants a and b are given as equal to equal to 0.30 and 0.51 respectively, and the
ratio n/N=0.55.
Calculate the angle made by the beam radiation with the normal to a flat-plate
collector pointing due south located in New Delhi (28038’N, 77017’E) at 9:00 hour, solar time
on December 1. The collector is tilted at angle of 360 with horizontal.
Determine the Local Apparent Time corresponding to 1500 h (IST)
Mumbai (19007’, 750 51 E) on 1 July. In India, IST is based on 82.500 E. On 1
July, equation of time correction is equal to – 4.
1 Calculate the sunset hour angle and day length at location latitude of 350 N, on February 15.
Estimate the daily global radiation on a horizontal surface at Baroda (220 13’ N, 730 13’E)
during the month of march. If constants a and b (which depends on the location) are given as 0.28
and 0.48 respectively and average sunshine hours for day are 9.5.
Calculate the angle made by the beam radiation with the normal to a flat collector on Dec 1, at
9:00 A.M. solar time for a location at 28035’N. The collector is tilted at an angle of latitude plus
100, with the horizontal and is pointing due south.
1 Explain the terms extra-terrestrial radiation and terrestrial radiation w.r.t solar radiation.
1 Calculate the i) Zenith angle and ii) Solar azimuth angle for a place with
9 latitude 430 at 9.30 AM solar time on Feb 13.
2 Calculate the number of day light hours in Srinagar for 1 January and 1 July.
0 Take latitude of Srinagar as 34005’ N.
Two mark questions
1 Explain briefly about the conventional Energy Sources and un–conventional energy Sources.
2 Explain in brief about Local Solar time or local Apparent time.
3 Define solar constant.
4 What are the reasons for variation in solar radiation reaching the earth than
received at the outside of the atmosphere?
5 Explain what the need of alternate energy sources is?
6 Define the terms: i) Altitude angle ii)Incident angle
7 Distinguish between the term irradiance and irradiation.
8 Distinguish between Conventional resources and Non-conventional sources
9 List the different forms of Renewable Energy sources.
10 List the various applications of PV system?
Essay Questions
1 Enumerate and explain the different types of Concentrating type Collectors.
Explain a non–convective Solar pond for Solar energy collection and storage with a
neat sketch.
Data for a flat plate collector used for heating are given below
factor specification
location and latitude Coimbatore 110 00`N
day and time march 22,14.30 to15.30(IST)
average intensity of solar radiation 560 W/m2
collector tilt 260
number of glass cover 2
heat removal factor for collector 0.82
transmittance of glass 0.88
Absorptance of the plat 0.93
UL for collector 7.95 W/m20C
collector fluid temperature 75 0C
ambient temperature 25 0C
Calculate: (i) solar attitude angle (ii) incident angle (iii) collector efficiency
What is the principle collection of solar energy used in a non-convective solar pond? Describe a
non-convective solar pond for solar energy collection and storage.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of concentrating collectors over flatplate
collectors? Explain.
6 What is the main application of a solar pond? Describe briefly.
7 Explain the different methods of Sun Tracking.
8 What is the main application of a solar pond? Describe briefly.
With the help of a neat sketch explain about Solar heating system using water heating Solar
1 Explain in detail about the Flat plate Collectors and give its advantages and Disadvantages.
1 Compare between the concentrating collector over Flat collector.
1 Explain the significance of following factors in Flat Plate collectors:
2 i)Fin efficacy factor ii)Collector heat removal factor.
1 Explain the different factors that affect the performance of a Flat plate collector.
1 Draw the schematic diagram for Solar pond based electric plant along with its working
1 Explain the working of Solar Water heater with component based diagram
1 A cylindrical parabolic concentrator is 9 m long and 2 m wide. The diameter of
6 absorber tube is 10 cm. Find the concentration ratio.
1 Explain the working of a Solar furnace with the help of a neat sketch
Two mark questions
1 Explain in brief about thermal energy storage system.
2 What do you mean by a passive Solar space heating system?
3 Explain the principle of conversion of solar energy into heat.
4 Why orientation is needed in concentrating type collectors?
5 Write short notes on solar heater.
6 What is the principle collection of solar energy used in a non-convective solar pond?
7 Explain the working of a solar thermal pump
8 Enumerate the different types of Concentrating Solar collectors
9 What are Solar thermal Energy applications?
10 What do you understand by Solar thermal Energy?
Essay Questions
What are the different materials used for fabrication of Solar cells and give their
significance and relative advantages.
Explain the effect of following parameters on the short circuit current, open circuit
voltage and power generated by PV Cell: i)Radiation intensity, ii)Temperature.
3 Explain the performance characteristics of a Solar Cell.
A Solar cell has an output capability of 0.5 A at 0.44 V. A series/Parallel solar
array has been designed of such cells with 100 parallel strings and each string
has 300 cells in series. Calculate: i) Voltage capability; ii) Current capability
and, iii) Power output capability of array.
5 Draw and explain an equivalent circuit of a practical solar PV cell.
6 Explain the different conditions on which the PV system performance depends?
Draw and explain the P-V and I-V characteristics of the PV System for different Input quantities
of irradiance and temperature.
8 Explain the term fill factor and its importance as a performance parameter for a solar cell.
9 List and explain the different losses that lead to the less efficiency of a Solar cell.
1 Explain how Hill climbing technique of maximum Power Point technique is used in PV system.
1 Derive an expression for efficiency and power produce by PV cell. Explain the
1 various factors that affect the performance of cell.
1 Explain the effect of radiation intensity and temperature on the short circuit current, open circuit
2 voltage and power generated by PV cell.
1 Explain the various factors contributing to losses in Solar cell. How is the efficiency reduced due
3 to these factors.
1 Explain the current – voltage characteristics of a Solar cell and define Fill factor and give its
4 significance.
1 Explain the significance of Perturb and Observe MPPT method and how it can realized
1 Explain with a neat algorithm of Hill climbing MPPT Technique and give its merits.
1 Explain the PV system configuration and signify the importance of the converter circuit and
7 MPPT block in it.
1 Explain the significance of Maximum Power Point Tracking and explain any one technique in
8 detail
Two mark questions
1 What is doping? Describe the intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor used for making the PV Cell.
2 List the various materials used in making a Solar Cell.
3 What is the importance of the term fill factor as a performance parameter for a solar cell?
4 Define photo voltaic effect.
5 Explain the effect of shunt resistance in equivalent circuit of a PV cell.
6 Distinguish between a Solar cell, Module, Panel and Array.
7 What do you understand by Valence band, Conduction band and Forbidden
band w.r.t. a semiconductor
8 Draw and explain briefly about equivalent circuit of a Solar cell.
9 What is the depletion layer in p – n junction
10 Distinguish between a Solar cell, Module, Panel and Array

Essay Questions
1 Explain the power extracted (momentum theory) by the wind turbine.
Wind at 1 standard atmospheric pressure and 15 0C temperature has a velocity
of 10 m/s. The turbine has diameter of 120 m and its operating speed in 40 rpm
at maximum efficiency. Calculate:
2 i) The total power density in the wind stream.
ii) The maximum obtainable power density assuming, efficiency=40%.
iii) The total power produced (in kW) and
iv) The torque and axial thrust.
What are the most favourable sites for installing of wind turbines? Explain the
major applications of wind power.
4 Explain the operation of horizontal axis wind mills.
5 List the factors responsible for distribution of wind energy on the surface of the Earth.
6 What are advantages of vertical axis machines over horizontal type? Explain
7 Using Betz model of a wing turbine, derive the expression for power extracted from wind.
8 With usual notations, derive an expression for maximum power output of wind turbine.
9 Discuss the aerodynamic considerations in Windmill design.
1 What is the implication of cell mismatch in a solar module
A wind turbine with 12 m diameter span has cut in speed of 6 m/s, at which it develops 3.5 KW.
Find the i) Efficiency of turbine, ii)Axial Force, iii)Find the effect of wind velocity if it is 20 m/s,
on wind turbine power and axial force. Assume Density of air as 1.25 Kg/m3.
1 Discuss the step-by-step procedure to execute P & O algorithm for tracking the maximum power
2 from the sun.
1 List the main considerations for selecting a site for wind generator.
1 Derive an expression for the total power of a wind stream taking in to all
4 considerations m/sec, air density as.
1 Explain Betz model of expanding air stream tube to determine extraction of wind energy by
5 windmill.
1 Find the tip – speed ratio if a 6 m diameter rotor has rotation of 20 rpm and the
6 wind speed is 4 m/s. What is the implication of tip speed ratio?
1 Explain the variation of output of a wind turbine with tip speed ratio of the rotor.
1 Discuss the aerodynamic considerations in wind mill design in detail
1 Explain the working of Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) with main components
2 Find the maximum power output of a turbine if wind speed is 10 m/sec, air
0 density as 1.4 Kg/m3 and rotor diameter as 64 m
Two mark questions
1 Distinguish between Local winds and Global winds.
2 A wind turbine has a rated power of 100 kW and rated speed of 12 m/s. Estimate its power
output in a wind speed of 18 m/s.
3 A wind turbine has a rated power of 100 kW and rated speed of 12 m/s. Estimate its power
output in a wind speed of 9 m/s.
4 Define the tip speed ratio of wind turbines. Why it is important?
5 Name the device used to measure the Wind Speeds and on what effect will it work?
6 Explain the variation of Wind speed with consideration of height from the ground
7 List the factors responsible for distribution of wind energy on the surface of the earth?
8 What are the relative features of drag and lift type machines in Windmills
9 How can windmills be classified
10 Define the power coefficient of a wind turbine .What usually is the maximum
value of this parameter

Essay Questions
1 Explain how Electric power is generated from Hydro Resource?
Explain the following terms:
i)Tidal movement ii) tidal current iii)Spring tide and iv)Neap tide.
3 Explain about Micro hydro Power plant with a neat layout.
4 Explain the operation of horizontal axis wind mills.
5 Derive the expressions for P.E and K.E of the wave energy.
Explain with sketches the various methods of tidal power generation. What are
the limitations of each method?
7 List the advantages and disadvantages of Tidal energy.
8 With usual notations, derive an expression for maximum power output of wind turbine.
The observed difference between the high and low water ride is 8.5 m, for a proposed tidal site.
The basin area is about 0.5 sq. km which can generate power for 3 hrs in each cycle. The average
9 available head is assumed to be 8 m, and the overall efficiency of generation to be 70%.
Calculate the power in h.p. at any instant and the yearly power output. Average specific weight of
sea water is assumed to be 1025 kg/m3.
1 Write short notes on small head hydro power development.
1 Explain the basic components of Tidal Power Plants and give their significance.
1 Explain the basic components of Small hydroelectric scheme with a layout arrangement.
1 List the advantages and limitations of Tidal power generation.
1 Explain the different types of turbines that are used in Small scale hydroelectric
4 power generation.
1 What are the advantages and limitations of small scale hydroelectric power generation?
1 List the advantages and limitations of Small scale Hydroelectric Units
1 Derive an expression for Power generated by a Tidal System
1 Explain how the electric power is generated from hydro Power with necessary equations
1 What are the site requirements to construct a Tidal Power Plant
A tidal power plant of the simple single basin type has a basin area of 30x106
2 m2. The tide has a range of 12m. The turbine, however, stops operating when
0 the head on it falls below 3m. Calculate the energy generated in 1 filling (or
emptying) process in kWh if the turbine generator efficiency is 0.73
Two mark questions
1 Distinguish between large, small and Micro hydro systems.
2 Distinguish between tidal, Ocean thermal and Wave Energy.
3 Briefly explain cavitation that may occur in a reaction turbine.
4 Explain the difference in method of operation between an impulse turbine and
reaction turbine.
5 Explain the difference between spring and neap tides.
6 Give the classification of small hydro Power stations
7 Explain the basic principle of Tidal Power.
8 List the difficulties in tidal power developments
9 List the advantages of Small hydro power
10 Sea waves are irregular in amplitude. How significant wave height is defined?

Essay Questions
1 Write short notes on the following: i) Pyrolysis ii) Fuel Cell.
2 What is meant by anaerobic digestion? List the factors that affect bio digestion
3 Explain the constructional details and working of KVIC digester.
4 Explain how the heat is extracted from hot dry rocks?
5 With a neat sketch, explain Janta model digestion plant.
6 Explain the main type of turbines, which may be used for Geothermal energy conversion
7 What is a fuel cell? Describe the principle of working of a fuel cell with reference to H2-O2 cell.
8 What are the advantages and disadvantages of floating drum plant? Explain.
9 Explain the working of fuel cell with a neat sketch.
1 Describe the classification of fuel cell. With a neat sketch explain the working of fuel cell
1 What is meant by anaerobic digestion? What are the factors that effect biodigestion?
1 Explain briefly
1 List the advantages, disadvantages and environmental impacts of Biomass.
1 Explain the current – voltage characteristics of Fuel Cell and give its
3 Significance.
1 Explain the principle of working of a H2 – O2 fuel cell.
1 Explain the process of Single stage gasifier in detail.
1 List the advantages, disadvantages and environmental impacts of Biomass.
1 What is meant by geothermal energy? Why it is called renewable energy?
7 What are the deciding factors to use in power generation
1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy?
1 Explain about dry, wet and Hot water geo thermal systems?
2 What is meant by geothermal energy? Why it is called renewable energy?
0 What are the deciding factors to use in power generation
2 Compare between Geothermal Power plant and Conventional thermal Power
1 plant.
Two mark questions
1 List the materials used for biogas generation.
2 Classify Geothermal Sources.
3 What benefits may occur if an anaerobic digester is installed at a cattle farm?
4 Name and quantify anaerobic digestion temperature ranges
5 Write short notes on applications of fuel cells.
6 Explain the process of Photosynthesis.
7 What are the various losses occurring in the fuel cell?
8 List the various Biomass Resources
9 Explain the various characteristics of Fuel cell
10 Explain the process of Photosynthesis.

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