Contro Air 500 - Spec
Contro Air 500 - Spec
Contro Air 500 - Spec
• Low Cost
• Integral Volume Booster
• Compact Size
• Low Air Consumption
• Flexible Zero &
Span Adjustments
• Standard Process
• Split Ranging
Type 500X Low Cost. Compact. Reliable.
The Type 500X may be mounted by pipe, panel, or
bracket. Field adjustment of the zero may be required if
Hazardous Area Classification
position is changed. High external vibration may cause Factory Mutual (FM) Approval
output fluctuations. Mounting in a vibration-free area is Standard feature for 4-20mA units
recommended. Intrinsically Safe (1/2" NPT Conduit) Non-Incendive (Conduit & DIN)
Class I, II, III, Division 1, Class I, Division 2,
Groups C, D, E, F, & G Groups A, B, C & D
Split Ranging Temp. Code T4 Ta = 60° C Enclosure Nema 4X (IP 65)
Rated 4-20 mA, 30 VDC Max. Temp. Code T4 Ta = 60° C
If split ranging is required the 4-20 mA input, 3-15 psig
Intrinsically Safe (DIN) Suitable for (Conduit only)
output version (ControlAir part number 500-AC) can be Class II & III, Division 1& 2,
Class I Division 1,
recalibrated to provide a 3-9 psig or 9-15 psig output. Groups C & D Groups F & G
Rated 4-20 mA, 30 VDC Max.
Entity Parameters
Vmax = 30 Vdc Ci = 0 uF
Imax = 125 mA Li = 35 mH
• Low air consumption
• Compact size
• Split ranging
Low Output Range High Output Range
(Up To 30 Psig) (Up To 120 Psig)
Min./Max. Supply Pressure Minimum - 3 psig (.21 bar) Minimum - 5 psig (0.35 bar)
above maximum output above maximum output
Maximum - 100 psig (7 bar) Maximum - 150 psig (10.5 bar)
Supply Pressure Sensitivity <± 0.1% of span per psig <± .04% of span per 1.0 psig
(<± 0.15% of span per 0.1 bar) (0.07 bar)
Terminal Based Linearity <± 0.75% of span <± 1.5% of span typical, ± 2.0% max.
Repeatability < 0.5% of span< 0.5% of span
Hysteresis < 1.0% of span< 0.5% of span
Response Time Dependent on pressure range - typically less than 0.25 sec for 3-15 psig units
Flow Rate 4.5 scfm (7.6 m3/hr ANR) at 20.0 scfm (34.0 m3/hr) at
25 psig (1.7 bar) supply 150 psig (10.5 bar) supply
(2) #10-32 UNF-2A x .38 DP.
1.10 Mounting Holes (Shown with
27.9 Bracket Screws Installed)
.55 Type 500X I/P Transducers
Output Range
Part Number Input psi bar Impedance
500-AA 4-20 mA 3-9 0.2-0.6 90 Ohms
500-AB 4-20 mA 9-15 0.6-1.0 90 Ohms
500-AC 4-20 mA 3-15 0.2-1.0 180 Ohms
28.4 500-AD 4-20 mA 3-27 0.2-1.8 220 Ohms
500-AE 4-20 mA 6-30 0.4-2.0 220 Ohms
500-AF 4-20 mA 1-17 0.1-1.2 250 Ohms
2.18 Options/Accessories Add proper letter at end of model number.
55.4 D - Din Connector: DIN 43650 Connector provided mounted to unit.
Bracket Max (Square) .21 Orients in 4 directions.
.53 W - NEMA 4X: Enclosures for splashdown/outdoor use.
Diameter Conduit connection only.
Holes U - 1/4” BSP: 1/4” BSP porting.
G - Pressure Gauge: 2” face, back mounted. Dual scale.
1.04 0-15 PSI, 0-30 PSI, 0-60 PSI, 0-160 PSI
26.4 Note: Options D and W cannot be combined.
SPAN Warranty ControlAir LLC products are warranted to be free from defects in materials
and workmanship for a period of eighteen months from the date of sale, provided said
products are used according to ControlAir LLC recommended usages. ControlAir LLC’s
liability is limited to the repair, purchase price refund, or replacement in kind, at Contro-
IN OUT lAir LLC’s sole option, of any products proved defective. ControlAir LLC reserves the right
to discontinue manufacture of any products or change products materials, designs or
Alternate specifications without notice. Note: ControlAir does not assume responsibility for the
Out/Gauge selection, use, or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for the proper selection,
1.50 Port use, and maintenance of any ControlAir product remains solely with the purchaser and
38.1 TYP. 180° Apart end user. Drawing downloads available at
8 Columbia Drive / Amherst, NH 03031 USA / / / 603-886-9400 / FAX 603-889-1844
An ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company
P/N 441-625-005 8/19/20