Electrical Engineering Paper-2 (PCC-EE-302) : Analog Electronic Total Marks - 70 Duration: 3Hrs
Electrical Engineering Paper-2 (PCC-EE-302) : Analog Electronic Total Marks - 70 Duration: 3Hrs
Electrical Engineering Paper-2 (PCC-EE-302) : Analog Electronic Total Marks - 70 Duration: 3Hrs
Paper-2 (PCC-EE-302): Analog Electronic
Total Marks – 70 Duration: 3Hrs
Answer question no. 1 and any four questions from the rest
Q1. Answer any seven [7 x 2]
(a) Write a short note on quiescent point in a BJT.
(b) What is meant by small signal analysis?
(c) Why the bipolar term is used in a BJT?
(d) How many modes of operations are available in a BJT?
(e) Why the width of the base region of a transistor is kept very small compared to other
(f) Define common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of a differential amplifier.
(g) List the ideal characteristics of OPAMP.
(h) What is slew rate in an amplifier?
(i) Define an active filter.
(j) State the classification of active filters in terms of applications.
(a) What are forward and reverse biasing in a semiconductor device? Describe with
proper diagrams.
(b) Write a short note on active mode of operation in a NPN transistor.
(a) What is minority carrier concentration in base and emitter side of an NPN transistor?
Describe with a proper figure.
(b) What will be the common emitter current gain, when the common base current gain is
(a) What is base width modulation of a BJT?
(b) What is common collector configuration.
(c) Explain with proper diagram how a BJT can be used as an amplifier?
(a) Show that gain of an inverting amplifier is –Rf/Ri, where the notations have their
usual meaning.
(b) For the amplifier circuit shown below, find out the output voltage.
BT Electrical Engg 3rd Sem Exam
(c) What are the differences between an inverting and a non-inverting amplifier?
(a) Draw an OPAMP circuit that converts a square wave into a triangular wave.
(b) For the circuit shown below, V1 = 10sin (200t) and V2 = 15sin(200t). What is Vout?
Assume that the OPAMP is ideal with infinite gain.