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d_Organizational_Commitment_The_Case_of_Hospital_Employees de adăugat

https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/234627264.pdf ...poate ma ajuta acest link


1. Adams, R. (2007). Work motivation amongst employees in a government

department in the provincial government Western Cape. Master’s Thesis,
University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.
df?sequence=1, accesat la data 23.02.2021.

2. Bull, I.H.F. The relationship between job satisfaction and organisational

commitment amongst high school teachers in disadvantaged areas in the Western
Cape. (2005). Published Master’s Thesis at the University of the Western Cape,
Cape Town.
sequence=1&isAllowed=y , accesat la data 22.02.2021.

3. Carr, G. (2005). Investigating the motivation of retail managers at a retail

organisation in the Western Cape. Master’s Thesis, University of the Western Cape,
Cape Town.
sequence=1, accesat la data 25.02.2021.

4. Charles, W. P. (2008). The relationship between union service delivery, motivation

and job satisfaction amongst unionised workers in a media organisation in the
Western Cape. Master‟s Thesis, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.
sequence=1 , accesat la data 24.02.2021.

5. Hamman-Fisher, D. (2008). The relationship between job satisfaction and

organisational commitment amongst academic employees in agricultural colleges in
South Africa. Master’s Thesis, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.
https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/58913603.pdf , accesat la data 22.02.2021.

46. Manirum, R. (2007). An investigation into the factors affecting job satisfaction at
the KwaZulu Natal Further Education And Training College-Swinton campus.
Master’s thesis, University of South Africa.
accesat la data 26.02.2021.

6. Organizaţia Internaţională a Muncii (2011). Declarația convenției OIM. Geneva:

International Labour Organization,
accesat la data 22.02.2021
7. Roberts, R. L. (2005). The relationship between rewards, recognition and
motivation at an insurance company in the Western Cape. Master’s Thesis,
University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.
sequence=1, accesat la data 26.02.2021.

8. Worrell, T.G. (2004). School psychologists’ job satisfaction: ten years later.
Published Doctoral Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
atisfaction_Ten_Years_Later , accesat la data 28.02.2021.

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