INSTRUCTION: This Self-Check Instrument will give your trainer a data that is
essential in designing a Training Plan for you. Please check the appropriate box of
your answer to each of the questions below.
2.1.1 Prepare stocks, glazes and essences required for menu items
2.1.2 Prepare soups required for menu items
2.1.3 Prepare sauces required for menu items √
2.1.4 Store and reconstitute stocks, sauces and soups
Training Training Activity/ Task Mode of Staff Facilities/Tools Venue Assessment Date and
Requirement Training and Method Time
Clean, sanitize Select chemicals and clean water use Cookery Direct observation April 8-10,
and store for cleaning and/or sanitizing Inc. of the candidate 2021
equipment kitchen equipment utensils, and while cleaning a
working surfaces. Job Christian Lucena kitchen (8:00AM-
Clean or sanitize equipment or shadowing/ Casido City 5:00PM)
utensils according to manufacturer’s Dual (Bread and
instructions. Training Pastry
Store or stack clean equipment or System Assesor)
utensils safely in the designated
Lecture room
Use cleaning equipment and
supplies according to manufacturer’s
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Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 8 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
Assemble and disassemble cleaning
equipment safely.
Store cleaning equipment safely in
the designated position and area.
Clean and Followed cleaning schedules based Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 8-10,
sanitize on enterprise procedures. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
premises Used chemicals and equipment for Dual (Bread and room/Library while cleaning a
cleaning and/or sanitizing safely. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena kitchen (8:00AM-
Clean and/or sanitized walls, floors, System Assesor)) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
shelves and working surfaces Audio-visual
without causing damage to health or room
property. Lecture room
Followed first aid procedures if an Storage/stock
accident happens room
Dispose of Sort and dispose wastes according to Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 8-10,
waste sanitary regulations, enterprise shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
practices and standard procedures. Dual (Bread and room/Library while cleaning a
Dispose cleaning chemicals safely Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena kitchen (8:00AM-
according to standard procedures. System Assesor)) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
Lecture room
Prepare stocks, Use ingredients and flavoring agents Job Christian Workshop Direct observation April 13-15,
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Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
sauces and according to standard recipes shadowing/ Casido Research Cookery of the candidate 2021
soups defined by the enterprise. Dual (Bread and room/Library Inc. while making
Produced variety of stocks, glazes, Training Pastry Kitchen stocks, sauces and (8:00AM-
flavorings, seasonings according to System Assesor) Laboratory Lucena soups 5:00PM)
enterprise standards. Audio-visual City Demonstration of
room sample dishes
Lecture room prepared by the
Storage/stock candidate
Prepare soups Select and assemble correct Job Christian Cookery Direct observation April 13-15,
required for ingredients to prepare soups, shadowing/ Casido Inc. of the candidate 2021
menu items including stocks and prepared Dual (Bread and while making
garnishes Training Pastry Lucena stocks, sauces and (8:00AM-
Prepare variety of soups according System Assesor) Workshop City soups 5:00PM)
to enterprise standards. Research Demonstration of
Use variety of clarifying, thickening room/Library sample dishes
agents and convenience products Kitchen prepared by the
where appropriate. Laboratory candidate
Evaluate soups for flavor, color, Audio-visual
consistency and temperature related room
problems are identified and Lecture room
addressed Storage/stock
Present soups at the right flavor, room
color, consistency and temperature,
in clean service ware without drips
and using suitable garnishes and
Prepare sauces Prepare variety of hot and cold Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 13-15,
required for sauces from classical and shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
menu items contemporary recipes based on the Dual (Bread and room/Library while making
Pastry Lucena City
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Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 8 of 72
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Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
required menu items. Training Assesor) Kitchen stocks, sauces and (8:00AM-
Made derivative from mother System Laboratory soups 5:00PM)
sauces. Audio-visual Demonstration of
Use variety of thickening agents, room sample dishes
seasonings and flavorings Lecture room prepared by the
appropriately. Storage/stock candidate
Evaluate sauces for flavor, color and room
consistency and related problems are
identified and addressed.
Store and Store stocks, sauces and soups Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 13-15,
reconstitute correctly at the right temperature to shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
stocks, sauces maintain optimum freshness and Dual (Bread and room/Library while making
and soups quality. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena stocks, sauces and (8:00AM-
Reheated/reconstituted stocks, System Assesor) Laboratory City soups 5:00PM)
sauces and soups to appropriate Audio-visual Demonstration of
standards of consistency. room sample dishes
Lecture room prepared by the
Storage/stock candidate
Perform Mise’ Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 15-17,
en place utensils and equipment based on the shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena appetizers (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, or System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
enterprise requirements. Audio-visual Written or oral
Assemble ingredients according to room questions to test
correct sequence, quality and Lecture room knowledge on
specifications required Storage/stock appetizers and
Prepare ingredients based on the room food safety issues
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Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
required form and time frame.
Thaw frozen ingredients following
enterprise procedures.
Wash raw ingredients with clean
potable water, where necessary.
Prepare a range Select and use correct equipment in Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 15-17,
of appetizers the production of appetizers. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
Produce appetizers are in accordance Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
with enterprise standards. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena appetizers (8:00AM-
Select and prepare glazes correctly, System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
where required. Audio-visual Written or oral
Utilize quality trimmings and other room questions to test
leftovers are utilized where and Lecture room knowledge on
when appropriate. Storage/stock appetizers and
Prepare appetizers using sanitary room food safety issues
Taste and season appetizers are in
accordance with the required taste of
the dishes.
Follow workplace safety and
hygienic procedures according to
enterprise and legal requirements.
Present and store variety of cheese
according to enterprise standard.
Present a range Present appetizers attractively Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 15-17,
of appetizers according to enterprise standards. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
Present appetizers using sanitary Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
practices. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena appetizers (8:00AM-
Select suitable plate according to System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
enterprise standards. Audio-visual Written or oral
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Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 12 of 72
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Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
Observe factors in plating dishes in room questions to test
presenting appetizers. Lecture room knowledge on
Storage/stock appetizers and
room food safety issues
Store appetizers Utilize quality trimmings and other Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 15-17,
leftovers where and when shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
appropriate. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Keep appetizers in appropriate Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena appetizers (8:00AM-
conditions based on enterprise System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
procedures. Audio-visual Written or oral
Use and store required food storage room questions to test
containers in proper temperatures to Lecture room knowledge on
maintain freshness, quality and taste. Storage/stock appetizers and
room food safety issues
Perform Mise Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 20-22,
en place utensils and equipment are based on shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
the required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena salads and (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, recipe System Assesor) Laboratory City dressings 5:00PM)
cards or enterprise requirements. Audio-visual
Assemble ingredients according to room Written or oral
correct quantity, type and quality Lecture room questions to test
required. Storage/stock knowledge on
Prepare ingredients based on the room commodity and
required form and time frame. food safety issues
Thaw frozen ingredients following
enterprise procedures.
Wash raw ingredients with clean
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Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
potable water, where necessary.
Prepare a Prepare variety of salads using fresh Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 20-22,
variety of salads (seasonal) ingredients according to shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
and dressings acceptable enterprise standards to Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
maximize eating qualities, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena salads and (8:00AM-
characteristics and taste. System Assesor) Laboratory City dressings 5:00PM)
Prepare dressings suitable to either Audio-visual
incorporate into, or accompany room Written or oral
salads. Lecture room questions to test
Taste and season prepared salads ad Storage/stock knowledge on
dressings in accordance with the room commodity and
required taste. food safety issues
Follow workplace safety and
hygienic procedures according to
enterprise and legal requirements.
Present a variety Select suitable plate according to Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 20-22,
of salads and enterprise standards. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
dressings Present salads attractively according Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
to enterprise standards. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena salads and (8:00AM-
Accompany salads and dressing System Assesor) Laboratory City dressings 5:00PM)
based on clients requirements. Audio-visual
Present salads and dressings room Written or oral
hygienically, logically and Lecture room questions to test
sequentially within the required Storage/stock knowledge on
timeframe. room commodity and
food safety issues
Store salads and Keep salads in appropriate Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 20-22,
dressings conditions based on enterprise shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
procedures. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Use and store required containers in Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena salads and (8:00AM-
Assesor) City
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Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
proper temperature to maintain System Laboratory dressings 5:00PM)
freshness, quality and taste. Audio-visual
room Written or oral
Lecture room questions to test
Storage/stock knowledge on
room commodity and
food safety issues
Perform mise- Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 22-24,
en -place utensils and equipment are based on shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
the required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while making
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena sandwiches and (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, recipe System Assesor) Laboratory City preparing fillings 5:00PM)
cards or enterprise requirements. Audio-visual
Assemble ingredients according to room Written and oral
correct quantity, type and quality Lecture room questions to test
required. Storage/stock candidate’s
Prepare ingredients based on the room knowledge on
required form and time frame. appropriate food
Thaw frozen ingredients following combinations for
enterprise procedures. sandwiches and
Wash raw ingredients with clean hygienic food
potable water, where necessary. handling
Prepare a Prepare variety of sandwiches based Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 22-24,
variety of on appropriate techniques. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
sandwiches Select suitable bases from a range of Dual (Bread and room/Library while making
bread types. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena sandwiches and (8:00AM-
Produce sandwiches using correct System Assesor) Laboratory City preparing fillings 5:00PM)
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Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
ingredients to an acceptable Audio-visual
enterprise standard. room Written and oral
Select and use appropriate Lecture room questions to test
equipment for toasting and heating Storage/stock candidate’s
according to enterprise procedures room knowledge on
and manufacturer’s manual. appropriate food
Prepare sandwiches logically and combinations for
sequentially within the required time sandwiches and
frame and/or according to hygienic food
customer’s request. handling
Follow workplace safety and requirements
hygienic procedures according to
enterprise and legal requirements.
Present a variety Produce sandwiches using correct Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 22-24,
of sandwiches ingredients to an acceptable shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
enterprise standard. Dual (Bread and room/Library while making
Present sandwiches hygienically, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena sandwiches and (8:00AM-
logically and sequentially within the System Assesor) Laboratory City preparing fillings 5:00PM)
required timeframe. Audio-visual
Present sandwiches attractively room Written and oral
using suitable garnishes, condiments Lecture room questions to test
and service wares Storage/stock candidate’s
Observe factors in plating in room knowledge on
presenting sandwiches. appropriate food
combinations for
sandwiches and
hygienic food
Store Utilize quality trimmings and other Job Workshop Direct observation April 22-24,
sandwiches leftovers where and when shadowing/ Research of the candidate 2021
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Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 16 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
appropriate. Dual Christian room/Library while making
Stored sandwiches hygienically at Training Casido Kitchen sandwiches and (8:00AM-
the proper temperature considering System (Bread and Laboratory preparing fillings 5:00PM)
the factors specified by the Pastry Audio-visual
enterprise. Assesor) room Written and oral
Keep sandwiches in appropriate Lecture room questions to test
conditions to maintain freshness and Storage/stock candidate’s
quality. room knowledge on
appropriate food
combinations for
sandwiches and
hygienic food
Perform Mise Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 27-29,
en place utensils and equipment are based on shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
the required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena and cooking meat (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, recipe System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
cards or enterprise requirements. Audio-visual Interview the
Assemble ingredients according to room candidate the type
correct quantity, type and quality Lecture room of culinary method
required. Storage/stock that he/she is
Prepare ingredients based on the room performing
required form and time frame.
Thaw frozen ingredients following
enterprise procedures.
Wash raw ingredients with clean
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Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
potable water, where necessary.
Cook meat cuts Identify and use appropriate cooking Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 27-29,
for service methods for cooking. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
Cook a variety of portioned meat Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
cuts in accordance to standard recipe Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena and cooking meat (8:00AM-
specifications. System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
Cook a variety of offal dishes Audio-visual Interview the
according to standard recipes. room candidate the type
Carve meats using the appropriate Lecture room of culinary method
tools and techniques. Storage/stock that he/she is
Adjust ingredients to meet special room performing
requests of customers. Direct observation
Taste and season cooked dishes in of the candidate
accordance with the required taste of while preparing
the dishes. and cooking meat
Follow workplace safety and
hygienic procedures according to Interview the
enterprise and legal requirements. candidate the type
of culinary method
that he/she is
Present meat Present meat dishes attractively Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 27-29,
cuts for service according to classical, cultural and shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
enterprise standards. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Present meat dishes hygienically, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena and cooking meat (8:00AM-
logically and sequentially within the System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
required timeframe. Audio-visual Interview the
Selected suitable plate according to room candidate the type
enterprise standards. Lecture room of culinary method
Observe factors in plating dishes in Storage/stock that he/she is
presenting meat dishes. room performing
CBLMs on Trainers Date developed: Document No.:
Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 18 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
Store meat Utilize quality trimmings and other Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 27-29,
leftovers where and when shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
appropriate. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Store fresh and cryovac-packed meat Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena and cooking meat (8:00AM-
correctly according to health System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
regulations. Audio-visual Interview the
Use and store required containers in room candidate the type
proper temperature to maintain Lecture room of culinary method
freshness, quality and taste. Storage/stock that he/she is
Store meat in accordance with FIFO room performing
operating procedures and storage of
meat requirements.
Perform Mise Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 29-31,
en place utensils and equipment are based on shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
the required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, recipe System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
cards or enterprise requirements. Audio-visual Portfolio Report
Assemble ingredients according to room like sampling of
correct quantity, type and quality Lecture room dishes cooked by
required. Storage/stock the candidate
Prepare ingredients based on the room
required form and time frame.
Thaw frozen ingredients following
enterprise procedures.
Wash raw ingredients with clean
potable water, where necessary.
Prepare Select vegetables according to, Job Juan De Workshop Direct observation April 28-30,
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Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 19 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
vegetable dishes quality. shadowing/ Christian Research Cookery of the candidate 2021
Select vegetables accompaniments Dual Casido room/Library Inc. while preparing
to complement and enhance menu Training (Bread and Kitchen dishes (8:00AM-
items. System Pastry Laboratory Lucena 5:00PM)
Prepare variety of vegetables dishes Assesor) Audio-visual City Portfolio Report
following appropriate cooking room like sampling of
methods to preserve optimum Lecture room dishes cooked by
quality and nutrition. Storage/stock the candidate
Select and serve suitable sauces and room
accompaniments with vegetables.
Taste and season cooked dishes in
accordance with the required taste of
the dishes.
Follow workplace safety and
hygienic procedures according to
enterprise and legal requirements.
Present Uniformly cut and attractively Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 29-31,
vegetable dishes present vegetables. Select suitable shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
plate according to enterprise Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
standards. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
Observe factors in plating dishes in System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
presenting poultry and game dishes. Audio-visual Portfolio Report
Present vegetables dishes room like sampling of
hygienically, logically and Lecture room dishes cooked by
sequentially within the required Storage/stock the candidate
timeframe. room
Store vegetables Utilize quality trimmings and other Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation April 29-31,
dishes leftovers where and when shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
appropriate. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Pastry Lucena
Assesor) City
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Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 20 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
Store vegetables at the correct Training Kitchen dishes (8:00AM-
temperature. System Laboratory 5:00PM)
Maintain optimum freshness and Audio-visual Portfolio Report
quality in accordance with enterprise room like sampling of
storing techniques and procedure. Lecture room dishes cooked by
Store vegetable in accordance with Storage/stock the candidate
FIFO operating procedures and room
storage of vegetable requirements.
Perform Mise Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 4-6,
en place utensils and equipment are based on shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
the required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, recipe System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
cards or enterprise requirements. Audio-visual Portfolio Report
Assemble ingredients according to room like sampling of
correct quantity, type and quality Lecture room dishes cooked by
required. Storage/stock the candidate
Prepare ingredients based on the room
required form and time frame.
Thaw frozen ingredients following
enterprise procedures.
Wash raw ingredients with clean
potable water, where necessary.
Prepare and Prepare variety of egg dishes Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 4-6,
cook egg dishes according to standard recipes using a Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
range of cooking methods. room/Library while preparing
Cook eggs based on clients Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
requirements. Laboratory City 5:00PM)
CBLMs on Trainers Date developed: Document No.:
Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 21 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
Select and prepare sauces and Audio-visual Portfolio Report
accompaniments specific to egg room like sampling of
preparations. Lecture room dishes cooked by
Taste and season cooked dishes in Storage/stock the candidate
accordance with the required taste of room
the dishes.
Follow workplace safety and
hygienic procedures according to
enterprise and legal requirements.
Present egg Select suitable plates according to Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 4-6,
dishes enterprise standards. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
Present eggs hygienically and Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
attractively using suitable garnishes Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
and side dishes sequentially within System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
the required timeframe. Audio-visual Portfolio Report
Observe factors in plating dishes in room like sampling of
presenting egg dishes. Lecture room dishes cooked by
Storage/stock the candidate
Store egg dishes Store fresh and processed eggs at the Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 4-6,
correct temperature. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
Maintain optimum freshness and Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
quality in accordance with enterprise Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
storing techniques and procedures. System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
Utilized quality trimmings and other Audio-visual Portfolio Report
leftovers where and when room like sampling of
appropriate. Lecture room dishes cooked by
Store egg in accordance with FIFO Storage/stock the candidate
operating procedures and storage of room
egg requirements.
CBLMs on Trainers Date developed: Document No.:
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Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
Perform Mise Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 6-8,
en place utensils and equipment are based on shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
the required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, recipe System Assesor)) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
cards or enterprise requirements. Audio-visual Written or oral
Assemble ingredients according to room questions to test
correct quantity, type and quality Lecture room candidate’s
required. Storage/stock knowledge on
Prepare ingredients based on the room appropriate
required form and time frame. cooking methods
Thaw frozen ingredients following for various
enterprise procedures. commodities and
Wash raw ingredients with clean safety issues
potable water, where necessary.
Prepare starch Select and prepare variety of starch Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 6-8,
dishes products according to standard shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
recipes using a range of cooking Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
methods. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
Cook eggs based on clients System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
requirements. Audio-visual Written or oral
Select and prepare sauces and room questions to test
accompaniments specific to egg Lecture room candidate’s
preparations. Storage/stock knowledge on
Taste and season cooked dishes in room appropriate
accordance with the required taste of cooking methods
the dishes. for various
Follow workplace safety and commodities and
hygienic procedures according to safety issues
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Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
enterprise and legal requirements.
Present Starch Selected suitable plate according to Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 6-8,
dishes enterprise standards. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
Present starch dishes hygienically Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
and attractively using suitable Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
garnishes and side dishes. System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
Observe factors in plating dishes in Audio-visual Written or oral
presenting starch dishes. room questions to test
Lecture room candidate’s
Storage/stock knowledge on
room appropriate
cooking methods
for various
commodities and
safety issues
Store Starch Store starch at the correct Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 6-8,
dishes temperature. shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
Maintain optimum freshness and Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
quality in accordance with enterprise Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena dishes (8:00AM-
storing techniques and procedures. System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
Utilize quality trimmings and other Audio-visual Written or oral
leftovers where and when room questions to test
appropriate. Lecture room candidate’s
Store starch in accordance with Storage/stock knowledge on
FIFO operating procedures and room appropriate
storage of starch requirements. cooking methods
for various
commodities and
safety issues
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Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 24 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
Perform mise en Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 11-13,
place utensils and equipment are based on shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
the required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while handling and
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena cooking game and (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, recipe System Assesor) Laboratory City poultry 5:00PM)
cards or enterprise requirements. Audio-visual
Assemble ingredients according to room Sampling of dishes
correct quantity, type and quality Lecture room cooked by the
required. Storage/stock candidate
Prepare ingredients based on the room
required form and time frame.
Prepare poultry and game based on
its enterprise poultry and game
preparation techniques.
Thaw frozen ingredients following
enterprise procedures.
Wash raw ingredients with clean
potable water, where necessary.
Cook poultry Handle poultry and game efficiently Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 11-13,
and game and hygienically to minimize risk of shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
dishes food spoilage and cross- Dual (Bread and room/Library while handling and
contamination. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena cooking game and (8:00AM-
Cook poultry and game dishes System Assesor) Laboratory City poultry 5:00PM)
according to enterprise standard Audio-visual
recipes and appropriate cooking room Sampling of dishes
methods. Lecture room cooked by the
Taste and season cooked dishes in Storage/stock candidate
accordance with the required taste of room
the dishes.
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Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
Plate/present Select service wares in accordance Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 11-13,
poultry and with type of poultry and game dishes shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
game dishes Plate/present poultry and game using Dual (Bread and room/Library while handling and
suitable sauces, garnishes and Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena cooking game and (8:00AM-
accompaniment. System Assesor) Laboratory City poultry 5:00PM)
Present poultry dishes hygienically, Audio-visual
logically and sequentially within the room Sampling of dishes
required timeframe. Lecture room cooked by the
Observe factors in plating dishes in Storage/stock candidate
presenting poultry and game dishes. room
Store poultry Store poultry and game ensuring Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 11-13,
and game storage conditions and optimal shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
temperature are maintained. Dual (Bread and room/Library while handling and
Utilize quality trimmings and other Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena cooking game and (8:00AM-
leftovers where and when System Assesor) Laboratory City poultry 5:00PM)
appropriate. Audio-visual
room Sampling of dishes
Lecture room cooked by the
Storage/stock candidate
Perform mise en Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 13-15
place utensils and equipment are based on shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
the required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena and cooking fish (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, recipe System Assesor) Laboratory City and seafood 5:00PM)
cards or enterprise requirements. Audio-visual
Assemble ingredients according to room Written or oral
correct quantity, type and quality Lecture room questions to test
CBLMs on Trainers Date developed: Document No.:
Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 26 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
required. Storage/stock candidate’s
Prepare ingredients based on the room knowledge on
required form and time frame. storage issues
Thaw frozen ingredients following related to fish and
enterprise procedures. seafood
Wash raw ingredients with clean
potable water, where necessary.
Handle fish and Select seafood according to quality. Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 13-15
seafood Handle seafood hygienically in shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
accordance with enterprise handling Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
and storing techniques. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena and cooking fish (8:00AM-
Thaw frozen seafood correctly to System Assesor) Laboratory City and seafood 5:00PM)
ensure maximum quality and to Audio-visual
retain their nutrients. room Written or oral
Lecture room questions to test
Storage/stock candidate’s
room knowledge on
storage issues
related to fish and
Cook fish and Clean, gut and fillet fish correctly Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 13-15
shellfish and efficiently according to shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
enterprise standards. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Clean and prepare shellfish and Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena and cooking fish (8:00AM-
other types of seafood correctly and System Assesor) Laboratory City and seafood 5:00PM)
in accordance with enterprise Audio-visual
standards. room Written or oral
Cook seafood dishes according to Lecture room questions to test
enterprise standards using a variety Storage/stock candidate’s
of cooking methods. room knowledge on
Use fish and shellfish by-products storage issues
CBLMs on Trainers Date developed: Document No.:
Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 27 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
appropriately for a variety of dishes related to fish and
and menu items. seafood
Taste and season cooked dishes in
accordance with the required taste of
the dishes.
Follow workplace safety and
hygienic procedures according to
enterprise and legislated
Plate/Present Present seafood dishes hygienically, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 13-15
fish and seafood logically and sequentially within the shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
required timeframe. Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
Prepare and present fish and seafood Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena and cooking fish (8:00AM-
for service in accordance to System Assesor) Laboratory City and seafood 5:00PM)
enterprise standards. Audio-visual
Prepare suitable sauces and dips room Written or oral
according to standard recipes and as Lecture room questions to test
required to accompany seafood Storage/stock candidate’s
menu items. room knowledge on
Select and use presentations and storage issues
garnishing techniques according to related to fish and
recipes and enterprise standards. seafood
Carry out services according to
enterprise methods and standards.
Observe factors in plating dishes in
presenting seafood dishes.
Store fish and Utilize quality trimmings and other Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 13-15
seafood leftovers where and when shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
appropriate Seafood are stored Dual (Bread and room/Library while preparing
hygienically in accordance with Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena and cooking fish (8:00AM-
enterprise handling and storing System Assesor) Laboratory City and seafood 5:00PM)
CBLMs on Trainers Date developed: Document No.:
Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 28 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
techniques. Audio-visual
Check date stamps and codes are room Written or oral
checked to ensure quality control, Lecture room questions to test
where applicable. Storage/stock candidate’s
Store seafood accordance with FIFO room knowledge on
operating procedures and storage of storage issues
seafood requirements. related to fish and
Perform mise en Clean, sanitize and prepare tools, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 18-20,
place utensils and equipment are based on shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
the required tasks. Dual (Bread and room/Library while making and
Identify ingredients correctly, Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena presenting desserts (8:00AM-
according to standard recipes, recipe System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
cards or enterprise requirements. Audio-visual Sampling of
Assemble ingredients according to room desserts made by
correct quantity, type and quality Lecture room the candidate
required. Storage/stock
Prepare ingredients based on the room
required form and time frame.
Select, measure and weigh
ingredients according to recipe
Select and use appropriate
equipment in accordance with
manufacturers’ manual.
Thaw frozen ingredients following
enterprise procedures.
Wash raw ingredients with clean
potable water, where necessary.
CBLMs on Trainers Date developed: Document No.:
Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 29 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
Prepare desserts Use standard or enterprise recipes to Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 18-20,
and sweet produce a variety of hot, cold and shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
sauces frozen desserts, appropriate for a Dual (Bread and room/Library while making and
variety of menus. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena presenting desserts (8:00AM-
Produce range of sweet sauces to a System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
desired consistency and flavor Audio-visual Sampling of
Taste prepared desserts and sweets room desserts made by
in accordance with the required taste Lecture room the candidate
Follow workplace safety and Storage/stock
hygienic procedures according to room
enterprise and legislated
Plate/Present Present desserts hygienically, Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 18-20,
desserts logically and sequentially within the shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
required timeframe. Dual (Bread and room/Library while making and
Decorate desserts creatively. Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena presenting desserts (8:00AM-
Observe factors in plating dishes in System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
presenting desserts. Audio-visual Sampling of
Portion desserts according to room desserts made by
enterprise standards. Lecture room the candidate
Present desserts in accordance with Storage/stock
enterprise presentation techniques. room
Accompaniments, garnishes and
decorations are used to enhance
taste, texture and balance.
Store desserts Utilize quality trimmings and other Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 18-20,
leftovers where and when shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
appropriate. Dual (Bread and room/Library while making and
Store desserts at the appropriate Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena presenting desserts (8:00AM-
temperature and under the correct System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
conditions to maintain quality, Audio-visual Sampling of
CBLMs on Trainers Date developed: Document No.:
Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 30 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
freshness and customer appeal. room desserts made by
Select and use suitable packaging to Lecture room the candidate
preserve taste, appearance and Storage/stock
tasting characteristics room
Store sweet sauces to retain desired
quality and characteristics.
Store dessert in accordance with
FIFO operating procedures and
storage of dessert requirements
Select Meet food requirements of client Job Christian Workshop Cookery Direct observation May 20-22,
packaging and user prior to packaging in shadowing/ Casido Research Inc. of the candidate 2021
materials accordance with the enterprise Dual (Bread and room/Library while packaging
standard following the criteria for Training Pastry Kitchen Lucena foods (8:00AM-
packaging. System Assesor) Laboratory City 5:00PM)
Select qualities of packaging Audio-visual Written or oral
materials in accordance enterprise room questions to test
standards. Lecture room candidate’s
Storage/stock knowledge on
room packaging types
and methods for
different types of
food, hygienic
practices in
maintaining food
quality and
nutritional value
Package food Package food in compliance with Job Workshop Direct observation May 20-22,
CBLMs on Trainers Date developed: Document No.:
Methodology Level 1 May 3, 2021 Issued by: Page 31 of 72
Revised by:
Supervised Work-Based Learning Mark Warren Revellame
sanitary, occupational health and shadowing/ Christian Research Cookery of the candidate 2021
safety and local health regulations Dual Casido room/Library Inc. while packaging
requirements. Training (Bread and Pastry Kitchen foods (8:00AM-
Observe environmental requirements System Assesor) Laboratory Lucena 5:00PM)
for food packaging area. Audio-visual City Written or oral
Adopt appropriate packaging room questions to test
procedures according to enterprise Lecture room candidate’s
specifications. Storage/stock knowledge on
Label food according to industry room packaging types
standards. and methods for
different types of
food, hygienic
practices in
maintaining food
quality and
nutritional value
Cleaver knife
Siever, small 8 pcs
Spatula 9 pcs
Can opener 2 pc
Peelers 9 pcs
Dear Trainees:
The following questionnaire is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Supervised Industry
Training (SIT) or On the Job Training (OJT) you had with the Industry Partners of Southern
Luzon State University-Dual Training and Livelihood Center, Lucena Campus. Please check (/ )
the appropriate box corresponding to your rating for each question asked. The results of this
evaluation shall serve as a basis for improving the design and management of the SIT in
Bubbles Crispy Pata and Restaurant to maximize the benefits of the said Program.
Thank you for your cooperation.
5 – Outstanding
3 – Good/Adequate
2 – Fair/ Satisfactory
Printed Name: Qualification:
Host Industry Partner: Supervisor:
Period of Training: Instructor:
TRAINEE’S RECORD BOOK The Trainee’s Record Book contains all the required competencies in
your chosen qualification. All you have to do is to fill in the column “Task
Required” and “Date Accomplished” with all the activities in accordance with
the training program and to be taken up in the school and with the guidance of
1X1 the instructor. The instructor will likewise indicate his/her remarks on the
“Instructors Remarks” column regarding the outcome of the task accomplished
by the trainees. Be sure that the trainee will personally accomplish the task and
Trainee’s No.: PTC-2021-CSS-001
confirmed by the instructor.
Personal Data:
PRINCIPLE 1: The training is based on the curriculum develop from the
competency standards.
Family name Given name Middle name
Phone number: Date of birth: Age: Status:
PRINCIPLE 2: Learning is modular in structure.
Rater A
Rater B
Rater C
Average Ratings
Were you provided with the results of the Industry and 4.67
8 SLSU-DTLC’s assessment of your OJT?
Has the Bubbles Crispy Pata and Restaurant designed the 4.33
2 trainingto meet your objectives and expectations?
Has the Bubbles Crispy Pata and Restaurant and its 4.00
4 staff welcomed you and treated you with respect and
Has the training provided you with the necessary technical 4.67
and administrative exposure of real world problems and
General Interpretation
The institutional evaluation shows the result of the following: SLSU is “Outstanding” in monitoring the progress in
the industry and got the highest average of 5.00, second SLSU is “Outstanding” also in creating an orientation about
OST/OJT and provided the results of the industry assessment for the OJT with an average of 4.67; Provides the
necessary assistance such as referrals or recommendations in finding the company for the OJT especially they are
effective in achieving the OJT objectives and providing feedbacks with an average of 4.33. Lastly is LSU showed
coordination with the industry partner in the design and supervision of the SIT/OJT, conducting assessment for
program upon completion results an average of 3.67 and marked as “Very Good.” In the part of the Industry: Bubbles
Crispy Pata and Restaurant is “Outstanding” in facilitated the training, including the provision of the necessary
resources such as facilities and equipment needed to achieve your OJT objectives and got the average of 5.00; next is
the supervisor is effective in supervising trainees through regular meetings, consultations and advise, provided trainees
with the necessary technical and administrative exposure of real world problems and practices, the training program
allowed trainees to develop self-confidence, self motivation and positive attitude towards work, industry improved
personal skills and human relations and the satisfactions of the training industry got an average of 4.67; the Bubbles
Crispy Pata and Restaurant appropriate for the type of training required and/or desired got the avergae of 4.33 and The
Bubbles Crispy Pata and Restaurant designed the training to meet your objectives and expectations. Lastly the
Bubbles Crispy Pata and Restaurant showed coordination with PTC – Lucena City in the design and supervision of the
SIT/OJT got the lowest average of 4.00.
I recommend that they should provide all the requirements needed for the OJT of trainees sp that there is no conflict in
the training of the trainees. But as we can see ,in the average the institution and the industry are fit to do and OJT of
the trainees.