Aemzp0fa Eps dc0 Pot Enc Ingpdf
Aemzp0fa Eps dc0 Pot Enc Ingpdf
Aemzp0fa Eps dc0 Pot Enc Ingpdf
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Copyright © 1975-2009 Zapi S.p.A.
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Publication N°: AEMZP0FA
Edition: September 2009
Figure 2-1
Figure 2–2
Figure 5-3
Figure 5-4
4 Note: The stepper motor should be connected with two distinct common (negative)
references (CNA#10 and CNA#11). We advice against using just one
common wire. That is because it takes long delay to detect when a single
common wire is broken.
CNA#3 and CNA#2 are optional with the primary function to limit the maximum
steered angle in CW and CCW side (with SW modifications it is possible to use
them as centering request).
CNA#3 and CNA#2 are detected low if they are lower than 1.3 V.
CNA#3 and CNA#2 are detected high if they are higher than 6.6 V or open.
Besides there is a third digital input (CNA#1). Default choice asks CNA#1 connected
to a plus battery to work properly. For an application without CAN Bus, the
information of an active travel demand can be wired to this input (see 12.1).
CNA#1 is detected low if it is open or lower than 5.17 V.
CNA#1 is detected high if it is higher than 11 V.
By closing jumper J12 between pin 1 and 2 (now it is closed between pin 2 and 3
see Figure 4-1) it is possible to reverse CNA#1 logic. Then CNA#1 must be
connected to a minus battery to work properly.
CNA#1 is detected low if it is lower than 1.3 V.
CNA#1 is detected high if it is open or higher than 3.3 V.
4 CAN stands for Controller Area Network. It is a communication protocol for real time
control application. CAN operates at data rate of up to 1 Megabits per second.
It was invented by the German company Bosch to be used in the car industry to
permit communication among the various electronic modules of a vehicle,
connected as illustrated in the figure below:
The best cable for can connections is the twisted pair; if it is necessary to increase
the immunity of the system to disturbances, a good choice would be to use a cable
with a shield connected to the frame of the truck. Sometimes it is sufficient a simple
double wire cable or a duplex cable not shielded.
In a system like an industrial truck, where power cables carry hundreds of Ampere,
there are voltage drops due to the impedance of the cables, and that could cause
errors on the data transmitted through the can wires.
U The eps-dc0 drains low level of curr ent and so low section c ables (4 mm 2) are
adopted for the power con nections. This cou ld be a drawback: i n fact, a low
section cable has higher reactance (impedance) than a wide secti on cable. As
a consequence the noise generated on the minu s battery c able, by t he CAN
lines swit ching, wil l be a wide amplit ude spike. So, when it is pos sible, we
suggest to use a (as short as poss ible) cable of a wide section for the minus
battery connectio n, even for th e eps-dc0 and the other low current u nits in the
U VERY IMPORTANT: The eps-dc 0 has the 120 ohm s term inati on r esist ance
U Wrong Layout:
Can Bus
Power cables
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
This is apparently a good layout, but can bring to errors in the can line.
The best solution depends on the type of nodes (modules) connected in the
If the modules are very different in terms of power, then the preferable
connection is the daisy chain.
U Correct Layout:
Can Bus
Power cables
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
The chain starts from the –BATT post of the controller that works with the highest
current, and the others are connected in a decreasing order of power.
U Correct Layout:
Can Bus
Power cables
Node 1
Node 2
Control Lift
Node 3
In this case the power cables starting from the two similar controllers must be as
short as possible. Of course also the diameter of the cable concurs in the voltage
drops described before (higher diameter means lower impedance). So, in this last
example, the cable between the minus of the Battery and the common ground point
(pointed by the arrow in the image) must dimensioned taking into account thermal
and voltage drop problems.
U ZAPI contro llers are designed according t o the prEN954-1 specific ations fo r
safety related parts of control system and to UNI EN1175-1 norm. The safety of
the machine is strongl y related to inst allation; length, layout and screening of
electri cal connection s have to be carefully d esigned.
ZAPI is always available to c ooperate with the cus tomer in order to evaluate
installation and co nnection s oluti ons. Furthermore, ZAPI is available to
develop new SW or HW solutio ns to impro ve the safety of th e machine,
according to customer requirements.
Machine manufacturer holds the responsibility for the truck safety features
and related approval.
7.9 EMC
U EMC and ESD performances of an electron ic sy stem are strongly influ enced
by the inst allation. Special attention must b e given to the lengths and the
paths of the electric con nections and the shields. This situ ation is beyond
ZAPI's con trol . Zapi can of fer assistance and suggestio ns, based on its years
experience, on EMC related items. However, ZAPI declines any responsibility
for non-comp liance, malfuncti ons and failures, if corr ect testing is not made.
The machine manufactur er holds the respons ibilit y to carry out machine
validation, based on existing norms (EN12895 for industrial truck; EN50081-2
for other applications).
EMC stands for Electromagnetic Compatibility, and it represents the studies and the
tests on the electromagnetic energy generated or received by an electrical device.
Emission refers to the energy radiated from the controller and the harness.
Immunity can be divided in two main branches: rejection from external
electromagnetic fields and from electrostatic discharges (ESD).
So the analysis works in three directions:
7.9.1 Emission
Emission refers to the electromagnetic disturbances that the device generates in
the surrounding space. Countermeasure should be adopted to prevent the
propagation of those disturbances. We talk about “conduction” issues when guiding
structures such wires and cables are involved; “radiated emissions” issues when it is
studied the propagation of electromagnetic energy through the open space. In our
case the origin of the disturbances can be found inside the controller with the
switching of the mosfets which are working at high frequency and generate RF
energy. Wires and cables are responsible for the spreading of this RF
distu rbance because they work s as antennas, so a good layout of the cables and
their shielding can solve the majority of the emission problems.
Three ways can be followed to reduce the emissions:
1) SOURCE OF EMISSIONS: finding the main source of disturbs and works on it.
2) SHIELDING: enclosing contactor and controller in a shielded box; using
shielded cables.
3) LAYOUT: a good layout of the cables can minimize the antenna effect; cables
running nearby the truck frame or in iron channels connected to truck f rame is
generally a suggested not expensive solution to reduce the emission level.
7.9.2 Electromagneti c Immuni ty
The electromagnetic immunity concerns the susceptibility of the controller to
external electromagnetic fields and their influence on its correct work made.
These tests are carried out at determined levels of electromagnetic fields, to
simulate external undesired disturbances and verify the electronic device response.
Here are some suggestions to improve the electromagnetic immunity:
1) SHIELDING: enclosing controller and wiring when possible on a shielded box;
using shielded cables.
2) LAYOUT: hide the exposed wires, which are connected to the controller, behind
metallic part working like natural barriers.
3) FERRITES: embrace the exposed wires, connected to the controller, with a split
or solid ferrite.
4) BY-PASS CAPACITOR: connect an interference suppression capacitor (Y type)
between the minus battery and the truck frame, as close as possible to the
7.9.3 ESD
When an accumulation of charge occurs in a part insulated from the ground, it may
discharging in a shot when turning in contact with a part having different potential.
This phenomenon is called Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).
In forklift trucks applications, special attention should be adopted for avoiding ESD.
The main rul e is that it is always muc h easier and cheaper to avoid ESD from
being generated, than to increase the level of imm unity o f the electronic
U It is strongly suggested to connect to the truck frame all the parts of the truck
that can get in touch wit h the operator (who is m ost of t he time the sourc e of
ESD). For example, we strongly suggest t o conn ect the stepper moto r fr ame
to the truck frame.
7.11 How can st eer accu racy b e impr oved? Minimizing mechanical pl ays
The highli ght of a correct installation fo r a steering system with
potentiom eters i s to neutralize the mechanical plays . In fact the accuracy for
pursuing the commanded position is only effective in case no mechanical play exists
between the coupled parts. First mechanical play to be neutralized is the one in the
shaft of the command (or feedback) pot. Obviously potentiometer is a fragile device
and mechanical connection of its shaft with a rigid frame requires a joint clearance
or slotted hole to avoid damage. This joint clearance is absolutely negative because
it determines that a certain tiller position (or steered wheel position) corresponds to
different positions for the pot’s shaft (all the positions inside the joint clearance). The
consequence is a poor accuracy of the pursuing at the commanded position. An
effective countermeasure to neutralize this mechanical dead zone in the
potentiometer is to use a spring to keep the shaft in contact with an end-stroke
inside the joint clearance (see figure below).
Figure 7–1
V -B U
1 4 1 7
5 8 8 14
Figure 8–1
1 4 1 7
5 8 8 14
Figure 8–2
It assumes a number between 0 to 255. This setting is used to (virtually)
connect the hand-set to a remote unit CAN Bus connected. With the hand-set
connected to the eps-dc0 it is possible to communicate with a remote Zapi unit.
Every Zapi unit has its own identification number (e.g. eps-dc0 is 6; traction
controller is 2; pump controller is 1).
By setting CONNECTED TO to 2, the hand set will be virtually connected to the
traction controller.
It assumes a number between 0 to 3. This setting is used to specify which one
local elaboration unit must be virtually connected to the hand-set.
In fact eps-dc0 has two uCs aboard. When MODEL TYPE is set to 0, the hand
set is communicating with the main uC; when MODEL TYPE is set to 1, the
hand set is communicating with the slave uC.
1) Opening Zapi Menu 24V 50A 00000
' % '
2) Press ENTER to go into the General Menu ' ' '
5) The Display will show the first parameter LEVEL = 7
9) The Display will show the new level LEVEL = 1
10) When you are satisfied with the result of the ' ' '
changes you have made, press OUT ' % '
12) Press ENTER to accept the changes, or press ' ' '
OUT to discard them ' % '
13) The Display will show PARAMETER CHANGE
Figure 11–7
(Stepper Motor version only). Level 0 to 9. It determines the scaling factor
between the speed of the steering wheel and the speed of the steering motor
but only when the steering wheel is slow turning. By increasing the
SENSITIVITY value, the steering motor speed increases too. In practice, it
changes the sensitivity of the steering wheel when it is slow turning.
Level 0 to 9. It sets a minimum amount of motor torque when the steering motor
is slow turning. It is useful (together with the ANTIROLLBACK parameter, see to neutralize the recall torque generated by the elastic tyre on the
steered wheel.
Depending on the configuration, this parameter has different meaning.
CAN Bus Code = 254
- Cause: This alarm occurs if the main uC detects the safety contact, of the
slave uC, closed prior to be commanded.
- Remedy: This alarm occurs if the connection CNA#4 (NK1) is around a
voltage of 12 Vdc when switching on the key. In fact, when the
safety contacts are open, NK1 is expected being connected to a
minus battery voltage (not 12 V). Search for a harness problem or
replace the controller.
CAN Bus Code = 252
- Cause: This alarm occurs if the main uC detects the safety contact, of the
slave uC, open when expected being closed.
- Remedy: It is necessary to replace the controller.
.2 Two Bl inks Alarms
CAN Bus Code = 70
- Cause: This alarm occurs if the circuit to limit via hardware the current in
the motor is either always active at key-on or repeatedly active
when the motor is turning.
- Remedy: Check the motor is suited to work with the eps-dc0 (not oversized).
Otherwise it is necessary to replace the controller.
CAN Bus Code = 247
- Cause: This alarm occurs only when the setting CAN BUS is PRESENT.
Then the eps-dc0 must receive the event messages from the
traction controller. If these messages lack more than about 1 sec,
this alarm occurs.
- Remedy: Check the CAN Bus communication
communication system and analyse the
frames from the traction controller to the steer controllers.
CAN Bus Code = 220
- Cause: This alarm occurs if the current in the steering motor stays close to
the maximum current longer than 1 sec.
- Remedy: Search for a mechanical problem locking the motor. To make
easier the fault catching, set DEBUG OUTPUT to level 11 (see
.3 Three Blin ks Alarms
CAN Bus Code = 243
- Cause: This alarm occurs when the mean voltage on the Direct line of the
stepper motor (connection CNA#9) is not null: the voltage on every
stepper motor line is a sine wave with null mean voltage.
- Remedy: Check the continuity of the stepper motor connections. In particular
the resistance between CNA#9 and the minus battery (with the
stepper motor at rest) is expected being very low (close to 30
CAN Bus Code = 242
CAN Bus Code =228
- Cause: This alarm occurs for an error in the redundant
redundant test of the feedback
When the feedback potentiometer is used together with the
feedback encoder, the angle of the steered wheel is measured
with both of them: FEEDBACK ENC and FEEDBACK POT in the
tester menu are expected to be equal. When they are different
more than 20 degrees this alarm occurs (SET MAX FB POT–SET
MIN FB POT corresponds
corresponds to 180 degrees).
- Remedy: Check the potentiometer
potentiometer connected to CNB#6 is right working.
Verify also the sensor bearing in the motor (encoder) has not a slip
(the sensor bearing has two rings: one is connected to the rotor
shaft; the other is connected to the motor frame. C heck these two
rings are strictly connected to their structure without slip.
CAN Bus Code =84
- Cause: In closed loop application (Twin pots) this alarm occurs if the
command potentiometer
potentiometer (CPOC1 on CNA#9 or CPOC2 on
CNA#8) changes with a jerk larger than MAX SP SLOPE (see This alarm is used to catch a discontinuity in the
voltages of the command potentiometer.
In open loop application with two command encoders, it occurs
when the counting from one encoder is not matched with the
counting from the second encoder
CAN Bus Code =223
- Cause: This alarm occurs if the feedback potentiometer (CPOT on
CNB#6) changes with a jerk larger than 0.3 V in 16 msec. This
alarm is used to catch a discontinuity in the voltages of the
feedback potentiometer.
- Remedy: Change the feedback potentiometer.
CAN Bus Code =222
- Cause: This alarm occurs if the feedback potentiometer (CPOT on
CNB#6) does not change (or changes in the opposite direction) its
value even if commanded to change.
- Remedy: Verify the feedback potentiometer is not mechanically
mechanically loosened.
Check there is not a mechanical block of the steered wheel.
Be sure the wiper has not reached its own electrical limit because
of too much angle of the steered wheel.
Besides, this alarm may occur at the installation when the motor
rotates in the wrong direction and turns away from the wished
To make easier the fault catching, set DEBUG OUTPUT to level
11 (see
.4 Four B lin ks Alarms
CAN Bus Code = 13
- Cause: It occurs if a test to write and read one location in EEPROM fails.
The SW expects to read the written
w ritten value. It occurs also when the
hour counter gives different values between the t hree redundant
locations in which it is recorded. It occurs also when the busy bit of
the EEPROM does not rise within 12 msec.
- Remedy: It is necessary to replace the controller.
CAN Bus Code = 244
CAN Bus Code = 225
- Cause: This alarm occurs when the parameters to compensate for the
gain of the current amplifiers (ADJUSTMENT #03 and
ADJUSTMENT #04) have the default values (i.e. the maximum
current was not regulated).
- Remedy: It is necessary to send the controller to Zapi to perform the
maximum current regulation.
CAN Bus Code = 65
- Cause: This alarm occurs only when DIAG MOTOR TEMP is on and the
thermal sensor inside the motor measures a temperature higher
than 150 degrees. It occurs also when trying to acquire the motor
resistance with a temperature in the motor higher than 150 degree
(still with DIAG MOTOR TEMP to ON).
- Remedy: Check the thermal sensor in the motor is right working. If it is,
improve the cooling of the motor.
CAN Bus Code = 32
- Cause: This alarm occurs in the initial rest state after key on if the outputs
of the motor voltage amplifiers between phase U and W is not in
the window from 2.2 to 2.8 Vdc.
CAN Bus Code = 85
- Cause: This is just a warning to inform that the steering controller is
limiting the angle in the steering direction. No speed reduction
occurs on the traction.
CAN Bus Code = 237
- Cause: This warning occurs only if CAN BUS is PRESENT. At key-on the
eps-dc0 asks to the traction controller to send a list of parameters
via CAN Bus. From the request until the parameters are correctly
relieved, this warning occurs. The steer is not activated yet, and
the safety relays remain open when this warning is present.
Checks should be carried out by qualified personnel and any replacement parts
used should be original. Beware of NON ORIGINAL PARTS.
The installation of this electronic controller should be made according to the
diagrams included in this Manual. Any variations or special requirements should be
made after consulting a Zapi Agent. The supplier is not responsible for any problem
that arises from wiring methods that differ from information included in t his Manual.
During periodic checks, if a technician finds any situation that could cause damage
or compromise safety, the matter should be bought to the attention of a Zapi Agent
immediately. The Agent will then take the decision regarding operational safety of
the machine.