New KBR Process For Coal To Ammonia: Kamal Gursahani, Siva Ariyapadi, Meghji Shah and Richard Strait
New KBR Process For Coal To Ammonia: Kamal Gursahani, Siva Ariyapadi, Meghji Shah and Richard Strait
New KBR Process For Coal To Ammonia: Kamal Gursahani, Siva Ariyapadi, Meghji Shah and Richard Strait
The KBR Transport Reactor Integrated Gasifier, also known as TRIGTM, is an advanced coal
gasification technology that provides clean, particulate-free syngas. The TRIG is a compact, high
pressure, circulating fluidized bed reactor, with no internals or moving parts. Its operation and
mechanical design are derived from KBR’s fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) technology, which has
over 60 years of successful commercial operating experience. In this paper, we describe the new KBR
coal to ammonia process, in which the TRIG is integrated into the process flow sheet of a KBR
ammonia plant, supplying hydrogen for a typical 1500 MTPD ammonia synthesis loop. The paper
further discusses overall process integration and optimization elements that build on the unique
attributes of the TRIG to produce an efficient and robust coal based ammonia plant design.
he recent high prices of oil and natural gas
are leading to an increased interest in technology for converting coal to ammonia.
technologies such as coal gasification,
which convert lower value hydrocarbon Coal Gasification
feedstocks into higher value end products. In the
past, before oil and natural gas were widely Coal, like other fossil fuels, is basically a mixture
available as energy sources, coal was used to of compounds of carbon and hydrogen, but also
make coal gas, which was piped, to customers in containing appreciable amounts of oxygen, nitro-
towns and cities for lighting, heating and cooking gen, sulfur, and mineral matter. Coal gasification
needs. Even today, South Africa still uses coal breaks down coal into its constituents by subject-
gasification as a technology to meet much of its ing it to high pressure and temperature, in the
petrochemical needs. Likewise, in China, much of presence of steam, and a limited amount of oxy-
the ammonia production is based on synthesis gas gen. By limiting the amount of oxygen, the feed
obtained via coal gasification. coal does not burn and produce combustion prod-
ucts, but instead breaks down into more valuable
Ammonia, the most widely used intermediate for syngas, containing mainly carbon monoxide and
making fertilizers, is usually manufactured by the hydrogen. For the manufacture of ammonia, coal
catalytic steam reforming of natural gas. Natural needs to be converted into as much hydrogen as
gas has one of the highest proportions of hydrogen possible. The syngas from coal gasification can
among all fossil fuel feedstocks. Hence, from an undergo a catalytic water-gas shift reaction with
efficiency standpoint, natural gas is an ideally the addition of more steam, to convert the carbon
suited feedstock for the manufacture of ammonia. monoxide to carbon dioxide and produce addi-
However, with increasing natural gas prices, coal tional hydrogen for ammonia synthesis.
CO 2
FIGURE 3: Block Flow Diagram of the KBR Coal to Ammonia Process
Ammonia Synthesis
As shown in Figure 5, the feed to the ammonia Figure 6: Sketch of Typical KBR 3-Bed Horizon-
converter is pre-heated in a feed-effluent ex- tal Converter
changer. The ammonia synthesis converter is a
KBR horizontal converter with three equilibrium Ammonia Refrigeration
beds and inter-stage cooling. The third equilib-
rium stage is divided into two beds in series, so Ammonia converter effluent is chilled and ammo-
the converter contains a total of four beds. Each nia condensed out in a proprietary KBR ammonia
bed is filled with 1.5-3.0 mm promoted iron cata- unitized chiller. This specially designed exchanger
lyst. provides cooling of the converter effluent through
interchange of heat with synthesis gas returning
Synloop Purge from the primary separator, and boiling ammonia
refrigerant at two different temperature levels. By
its unitized design, this exchanger replaces sepa-
rate exchangers and flash drums. Mechanically, it
Steam consists of concentric tubes running through boil-
ing ammonia compartments. The ammonia vapors
from the refrigerant compartments are routed to
0C the ammonia refrigeration compressor, which is a
Chiller two stage centrifugal compressor. The ammonia
Horizontal CW vapors from the refrigerant drums are compressed
Magnetite and condensed in a water-cooled ammonia con-
Converter Ammonia Product
denser. The condensed ammonia then goes to an
ammonia accumulator. Warm ammonia product is
drawn from the bottom of the accumulator and
Figure 5: Sketch of a KBR Conventional Ammo-
sent to the urea plant via the warm ammonia
nia Synthesis Loop
product pump. The accumulator also supplies
ammonia refrigerant for the refrigeration system.
Figure 6 shows a sketch of a typical 3-bed hori-
The ammonia refrigeration system is also de-
zontal magnetite converter. In the converter, hy-
signed to produce all cold ammonia product to be
drogen and nitrogen react over the iron catalyst to
sent to a storage tank.
form ammonia. Converter effluent is cooled by
generating HP steam, pre-heating boiler feed wa-
Ammonia Recovery
ter, pre-heating feed to the converter, and against
cooling water before refrigeration. A small purge The high-pressure purge gas from the synthesis
flow is provided from the synthesis loop to pre- loop is used as a driving stream for an ejector,
vent build up of inert components viz. methane which pulls up inerts from the ammonia accumu-
and argon, in the synthesis loop. lator and the flash vapor from the ammonia let-
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