Experience of Energy Saving and Naphtha To Gas Conversion Projects at IFFCO
Experience of Energy Saving and Naphtha To Gas Conversion Projects at IFFCO
Experience of Energy Saving and Naphtha To Gas Conversion Projects at IFFCO
M. Rajashekhariah,
IFFCO-Phulpur, Allahabad, India
Yogesh Narula
IFFCO-Phulpur, Allahabad, India
food requirements.
Implications of Feedstock and
he Indian Fertilizer Industry has come a
Commissioning Experience Since there was no gas flow, the water was
pouring down through the chimney tray and
Level of top section of CO2 Absorber packing to the bottom section of absorber,
The CO2 Absorber in CDR plant is divided in 3 leading to an increase in level of the bottom
section 1st wash section, 2nd wash section and section and a decrease in top section. To
the bottom CO2 absorber section. Flue gas from overcome this problem a 2”line was connected
flue gas cooler is introduced in the bottom from the discharge of the rich solution pump to
section of the CO2 absorber through flue gas the suction of 1st wash water circulation pump.
blower while the CO2 lean KS-1 solution is
introduced from the top of the absorption Low flow through Flue Gas Blower
section onto the packing. Here the CO2 is During the start of the plant, the desired flow of
absorbed in KS-1 solution. The flue gas then flue gas from flue gas blower was not obtained
moves upward into the treated flue gas washing at full opening of dampener provided at the inlet
section where the flue gas comes in contact with of blower. Although the indication at DCS was
water for washing of amine content in it. At the showing 100% full opening, it was found in the
top of washing section, a chimney tray is field that dampener was stuck at 90% opening,
provided. The level of each section is resulting in restriction of flow through blower.
maintained by circulation pumps. Overflow of The dampener was opened and the problem was
each section comes to the adjacent lower rectified.
Final Shut-down Valve in CO2 Line
During initial filling of column with DM water Final Shut-down Valve (USV-01) is installed in
for starting circulation, there was a problem of CO2 product line connected to main CO2 header,
level build up in top section of the column. which is closed in case the CO2 blower is not in