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Pipeline Maintenance Inspection & Repair

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 Provide requirements for the safe and reliable
operation of pipeline systems for the whole
service life
 Requirements are given for operation, inspection,
modifications and repair
Basic Requirements
Detailed procedures for operation, inspection, and repairs shall
be establish. This procedures provide information about :
• Organisation and management;
• Start-up and shut-down procedures;
• Operational limitation;
• Cleaning and other maintenance, e.g pigging;
• Corrosion control, including inspection and monitoring;
• Inspection;
• Emergency procedures;
• Reporting procedures.
In-Service file
 An in-service file of historical data shall be established and
maintained for the whole service life
 The in-service file shall contain information regarding :
 results and conclusion from the in-service inspections;
 accidental events and damages to the pipeline systems;
 repair and modifications; and
 operational data affecting corrosion and other
 The in-service file, together with the design, fabrication,
installation (DFI) resume, shall be the basis for future
inspection planning
The following parameters should be controlled or monitored to ensure that
critical fluid parameters are kept within the specified design limits :
• pressure and temperature along the pipeline;
• dew point for gas lines;
• fluid composistion, flow rate, density and viscosity

All safety equipment in the pipeline system shall be tested and inspected
at agreed intervals, including :
• pressure control and over-pressure protection devices,
• emergency shut down systems, and
• automatic shut down valves
Inspection and monitoring philosophy
• An inspection and monitoring philosophy shall be established, and
this shall form the basis for the detailed inspection and monitoring
• The philosophy shall be evaluated every 5 to 10 years
• Inspections and monitoring shall be carried out to ensure safe and
reliable operation of the pipeline system
• All inspection and monitoring requirements identified during the
design phase as affecting safety and reliability during operation shall
be covered in the inspection and monitoring program
Special inspection
 A special investigation shall be performed in case of any
event which impairs the safety, reliability, strength or
stability of the pipeline system. This investigation may
initiate further inspections
 If mechanical damage or other abnormalities are detected
during the periodic inspection, a proper evaluation of the
damage shall be performed, which may include
additional inspections
Periodic Survey
• The Start-up inspections shall be completed within one year (1 year)
from start of production
• In case of significant increase in temperature or pressure after this
first inspection, the need of additional inspections should be
• The following should be considered for a long term inspection
programme reflecting the overall safety objective for the pipeline :
 operation conditions of the pipeline,
 consequences of failure
 likelihood of failure
 inspection methods, and
 design and function of the pipeline
Periodic Survey (cont’d)
• The long term inspection program shall include the entire pipeline
system. The following items, at minimum, should be considered :
- pipeline,
- risers,
- Valves,
- Tee and Y connections,
- mechanical connectors,
- flanges,
- anchors,
- clamp
- protecting structures,
- anodes,
- coating.
Periodic Survey (cont’d)
Inspection shall be carried out to ensure that the design
requirements remain fulfilled and that no damage has occurred.
The inspection program should address, such as :
 Exposure and burial depth of buried or covered lines
 Free spans, including mapping of length, height, and
support condition
 Identification of areas where upheaval buckling or
excessive lateral buckling has taken place
 Sand wave movements affecting the pipeline integrity
 Mechanical damage to pipe, coating and anodes
 Leakage
 etc.
Periodic Survey (cont’d)
• The risers shall be part of the long-term inspection programme for
the pipeline system. Special attention shall be given to the following
elements for riser inspections :
 Riser displacement due to pipeline expansion or foundation
 Coating damage
 Technique for corrosion control of any risers in closed conduit
of J-tubes
 Extent of marine growth
 Extent of any previous damage due to corrosion
 Integrity and functionality of riser supports and guides
 Integrity and functionality of protecting structure
Periodic Survey (cont’d)
The frequency of future external inspections shall be determined based
upon an assessment of :
 Degradation mechanisms and failure modes,
 Likelihood and consequences of failure,
 Results from previous inspections,
 Changes in the operational parameters,
 Repair and modifications, and
 Subsequent pipelay operation in the vicinity
Periodic Survey (cont’d)
• Critical sections of the pipeline system vulnerable to damage or
subject to major changes in the seabed conditions i.e support and/or
burial of the pipeline, shall be inspected at short intervals, normally
on an annual basis
• The remaining sections should also be inspected, ensuring a full
coverage of the entire pipeline system within a 5 yo 10 years period
• In the splash zone and in the atmospheric zone, damaged and/or
disbonded coatings can cause severe corrosion damage. Risers
carrying hot fluids are most vulnerable to such damage
• In the submerged zone, coating malfunctions are not critical unless
they are combined with deficiency in the cathodic protection system
• For risers contained in J-tubes filled with non-corrosive fluid
inspection of external corrosion may not be required if adequate
properties of the fluid is verified by periodic testing
• Inspection by special internal tools may be used to detect external
corrosion of risers and pipelines in all three zones including risers
conintained in J-tubes, if required
Severe corrosion damage
In the splash zone
Damage due to corrosion
In atmospheric zone
Risers in the Splash zone and the Atmospheric zone
 In the splash atmospheric zone, visual examination of the coating shall be
performed in order to assess the needs for preventive maintenance
 Besides visual indications of direct damage to the coating, effects such as
rust discoloration and bulging or cracking of the coating are
indicative of under-rusting
 Coating systems which prevent close inspection of under-coating corrosion
shall require special consideration
 The frequency of the external inspection in the splash zone of risers
shall be determined based on :
 the fluid category,
 the line pipe material,
 coating properties and
 any corrosion allowance
Pipeline and Risers in the Submerged Zone
 To a large extent, inspection of external corrosion protection of pipelines
and risers with sacrificial anodes can be limited to inspection of the
condition of anodes
 Excessive anode consumption is indicative of coating deficiencies, except
close to platforms, templates and other structures where curent drain may
lead to premature consumption of adjacent pipe anode
 Potential measurements on anodes, and at any coating damage exposing
bare pipe metal, may be carried out to verify adequate protection
 For pipelines with impressed current cathodic protection systems,
measurements of protection potential shall, at minimum, be carried
out at locations closest to, and most remote from, the anode(s)
 A survey of the external corrosion protection system, should be carried
out within one year of installation
• Inspection of internal corrosion is carried out in order to confirm the
integrity of the pipeline system, primarily by means of in situ wall
thickness measurements
• The objective of monitoring internal corrosion :
- to confirm that the fluid remains non-corrosive or,
- to assess the efficiency of any corrosion preventive measures,
- to identify requirements for inspection of corrosion
• Pipelines and risers manufactured from Corrosion Resistant Alloys
(CRA) do not normally require inspection and monitoring of internal
Pipeline internal inspection
Corrosion Inspection
• Internal corrosion inspection shall be carried out with a carrier
tool (“inspection pig”) capable of inspecting the internal surface
of the pipeline along its full circumference and length, or a critical
part thereof
• The technique for detection of internal corrosion (e.g magnetic
flux leakage or ultrasonic examination) shall be selected based on
considerations :
- Linepipe material
- Diameter and wall thickness
- Expected form of damage
- requirements to detection limits and defect sizing capability
Pipeline Pig
Corrosion Inspection (cont’d)
• The frequency of internal inspections shall be determined
based on factors such as :
- Criticality of pipeline
- Potential corrosivity of fluid
- Detection limits and accuracy of inspection system
- Results from previous surveys and monitoring
- Changes in pipeline operational parameters, etc.
Corrosion Monitoring
• The following major principles of corrosion monitoring may be
applied :
- fluid analyses
- Corrosion probes
- In-situ wall thickness measurements
• Techniques and equipment for corrosion monitoring shall be selected
based upon :
- Monitoring objectives, including parameters for accuracy and
- Fluid corrosivity and the corrosion preventive measures to be
- Potential corrosion mechanisms
• Repair and modification shall not impair the safety level of
the pipeline system below the specified safety level
• All repairs shall be carried out by qualified personnel in
accordance with agreed specifications and procedures, and
up to the standard defined for the pipeline
• All repairs shall be tested and inspected by experienced and
qualified personnel in accordance with agreed procedures
• Pipeline systems with defects may be operated temporarily
under the design conditions or reduced operational
condiditons until the defect has been removed or repair has
been carried out
General (cont’d)
• When a defect is observed, a evaluation of the defect shall be
performed and shall, as a minimum, include :
- Determined details of the defect
- Mechanisms causing the defect
- Accuracy and uncertainties in the inspection results
- Option for further operational conditions of the pipeline system
- Repair method
• Depending upon the condition of the damage, a temporary repair may be
accepted until the permanent repair can be carried out
• If temporary repair is carried out, it shall be documented that the
pipeline integrity and safety level is maintained either by the temporary
repair itself and/or in combination with other precautions
Selection of most effective
Repair/Rehabilitation methods )

Welded sleeve
Mechanical sleeve
Composite Wraps
Hot tap fitting
Hot tap and STOPPLE®

Global buckling
 Upheaval buckling or lateral deflection resulting in
plastic bending strains, the pipeline may continue
operating until the need of repair has been evaluated,
provided that the operational parameters are kept
within a range that prevents the accumulation of low-
cycle high strain fatigue failure in the buckled section
Grooves, gouges, cracks and notches

 Sharp defects like grooves, gouges, and notches should

preferably be removed by grinding or other agreed
repair methods.
 For ground defects where all sharp edges are confirmed
as removed, that defect can be regarded as a smooth
metal loss defect
Metal Loss Defects
 Metal loss defects caused by e.g corrosion, erosion, or grind repair
shall be checked for capacity.
 A dent is defined as a depression which produces a gross
disturbance in the curvature of the pipe wall, and which results
in a diameter variations of more than 2% of the nominal diameter
 A dent affecting the longitudinal or circumferential weld can
result in cracks, and removal of the damaged portion of the pipe
should be considered
 The damaged part can be cut out as a cylinder, or repaired by
installing a full encirclement welded split sleeve which is designed
to take the full internal operating pressure
• The most suitable method for repairing a leak in the pipe depends
upon e.g :
- Pipe material
- Pipe dimensions
- Location of leak
- Load conditions
- Pressure
- temperature
• The following repair methods may be used :
- The damaged portion is cut out of the pipe as a cylinder and a
new pipe spool is installed either by welding or by an
mechanical connector
- Clamps are installed, and tightness is obtained by either
welding, filler material, friction or other qualified mechanical
Leak on pipeline
Leaks (cont’d)
• Leaking flanges and couplings may be sealed by :
- Installing a seal clamp covering the leaking flange or coupling,
- Increasing the bolt pre-load, or
- Replacing gaskets and seals
• Prior to increasing the pre-load in bolts, it shall be documented by
calculation that no over-stressing occurs in bolts, flange or
• In case the pre-load in the bolts is removed, e.g due to changing of
gasket, new bolts shall be used for the flange connection
• All repair clamps, sleeves, pipe spools, and mechanical connectors
shall be qualified prior to installation and leak tested after
Repair by Welding
• A welding procedures specification shall contain following
information, such as :
- Material standard, quality level grade and project
- Diameter and wall thickness,
- Groove preparationg and design, including tolerances
- Welding process, number and location of welders
- Etc.
• For underwater welding the welding procedure specification shall
contain, in addition to the procedure above, such as :
- Water depth (max/min)
- Pressure inside the chamber
- Gas composition inside the chamber
- Humidity, maximum level
- Etc.
Underwater welding
Repair by Welding (cont’d)
• Repair welding may, in special cases, be carried out on pipelines
while operating, depending on :
- Pipe material,
- Pipe wall thickness,
- Product tipe,
- Pressure and Temperature
• It shall be documented that safety for carrying out the repair is
acceptable, and a safety procedure shall be established
• All repair welds shall be subject to visual and non-destructive
testing. Following the repair, pressure testing may be required
for the repaired section.
Pipeline Welding Repair
 A remaining life for the component should be determined
once it has been established that the component containing
flaw is acceptable at the current time,
 The remaining life is used to establish appropriate inspection
interval and/or in-service monitoring plan, or the need for
 The remaining life is not intended to provide a precise
estimate of the actual time to failure.
 The remaining life can be estimated based on the quality of
available information, assessment level and appropriate
assumptions to provide an adequate safety factor for
operation until the next scheduled inspection
Remaining life estimates will fall into one of the following three general
categories :
1. The remaining life can be calculated with reasonable certainty Example :
general uniform corrosion. The remaining life is the future corrosion
allowance divided by the assumed corrosion rate from previous thickness
data, corrosion design curves, or experience in similar services.
2. The remaining life cannot be calculated with reasonable certainty Example
: stress corrosion cracking mechanism where there is no reliable crack
growth rate data available or hydrogen blistering where a future damage
rate cannot be estimated
3. There is little or no remaining life
In this case remediation, such as repair of the damaged component,
application of a lining or coating to isolate the environment, and/or
frequent monitoring is necessary for future operation

Type of corrosion found in pipeline


Estimation of remaining life of pipe

network using software

 Re-qualification is a re-assessment of the design under

changed design condition.

 Re-qualification may be triggered by a changed in the original

design basis, by not fulfilling, or by mistakes or shortcomings
having been discovered during normal or abnormal operation.

 Possible causes may be:

1) preference to use this standard, e.g. due to requirement
for higher utilitaion for existing pipelines (Uprating);
2) changed of the premises;
• environmental loads,
• Deformation,
• Scour.
General (cont’d)

3) Changed of operational parameter;

• pressure or temperature,
• Corrosivity of medium.
4) deteroration mechanism having exceeded the original
• corrosion velocity, both internal and external ;
• dynamic responses, contributing to fatigue, which
may be caused by lacking supports etc
5) Extended design life;
6) discovered damage;
• dent,
• damage to pipeline protection,
• weld defect,
• corrosion related defect.
7) damage anode.
General (cont’d)

 Within the original design life, and without essential changes

in the manner of employment (repair etc.), the standard
under which the pipeline was built shall apply when
considering incidents, minor modifications or rectification of
design parameters exceeded during operation

 The same safety level shall apply for lifetime extension of an

existing pipeline as would apply for the design of a new
Design Criteria

 A target safety level below shall apply for a re-qualification

Limit Safety Classes
Probability Bases
state Low Normal High
SLS Annual per Pipeline1) 10-2 10-3 10-3
ULS Annual per Pipeline1)
FLS Annual per Pipeline2) 10-3 10-4 10-5
ALS Annual per Pipeline2)

1) Or the time period of the temporary phase

2) The failure probability will effectively be governed by the last
year in operation or prior to inspection depending on the
adopted inspection philosophy
3) Refers to the overall allowable probability of severe
Design Criteria (cont’d)
System pressure test
System pressure test may be required when
• The original mill pressure test or system pressure test does
not satisfy requirement according to this standard at the new
design pressure
• A significant part of the pipeline has not been system pressure
tested e.g. new pipeline section
All Relevant deterioration mechanism shall be evaluated. Typical
deterioration mechanism:
- corrosion - accdental loads - fatigue
- erosion - development of free spans
- settlement
Design Criteria (cont’d)

 Sufficient reliability or safety measure shall be applied to

account for the accuracy and uncertainities in the inspection

 Accumulated damage experienced prior to the re-qualification

shall be included in the evaluation

 Operation experience, e.g. change of operational condition,

inspection records and modifications, shall be considered in a
re-qualification assessment

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