The document provides guidelines for assessing the integrity of cross-country pipelines. It discusses the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) which regulates safety in India's oil and gas industry. The guidelines cover assessing threats like corrosion, conducting integrity surveys using pigs and tools, evaluating defects, and providing a matrix for integrity assessment of piggable and non-piggable pipelines. The objective is to assess pipeline health over the lifecycle and decide on residual life to safely operate beyond design life.
The document provides guidelines for assessing the integrity of cross-country pipelines. It discusses the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) which regulates safety in India's oil and gas industry. The guidelines cover assessing threats like corrosion, conducting integrity surveys using pigs and tools, evaluating defects, and providing a matrix for integrity assessment of piggable and non-piggable pipelines. The objective is to assess pipeline health over the lifecycle and decide on residual life to safely operate beyond design life.
Original Description:
Presentation of Oil Industry Safety Directorate 141
The document provides guidelines for assessing the integrity of cross-country pipelines. It discusses the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) which regulates safety in India's oil and gas industry. The guidelines cover assessing threats like corrosion, conducting integrity surveys using pigs and tools, evaluating defects, and providing a matrix for integrity assessment of piggable and non-piggable pipelines. The objective is to assess pipeline health over the lifecycle and decide on residual life to safely operate beyond design life.
The document provides guidelines for assessing the integrity of cross-country pipelines. It discusses the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) which regulates safety in India's oil and gas industry. The guidelines cover assessing threats like corrosion, conducting integrity surveys using pigs and tools, evaluating defects, and providing a matrix for integrity assessment of piggable and non-piggable pipelines. The objective is to assess pipeline health over the lifecycle and decide on residual life to safely operate beyond design life.
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DIRECTORATE OISD- 141 Guidelines for Integrity Assessment of Cross Country Pipelines UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & ENERGY STUDIES
By: Jayant Mukherjee
Batch: M Tech HSE 2016- 18 500055653 Content 1. OISD Overview 2. Purpose 3. Scope 4. Definition 5. Reference Documents 6. General 7. Integrity Threat Classification 8. Types of Damages 9. Types of Defects Detected 10.Assessing Defects and Damage in an Ageing Pipeline System 11.Integrity Assessment of Piggable & Non- Piggable Pipelines OISD Overview Oil & Gas industry in our country is involved in activities ranging from crude oil exploration, production, refining, transportation up to distribution of petroleum products to the end consumer. At present, all these activities are mostly being carried out by various Public Sector Oil companies under overall administrative control of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Govt. of India. Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Govt. of India in 1986, constituted Safety Council assisted by Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD). Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) is a self-regulatory body staffed with personnel drawn from various oil companies. Major functions of OISD Oversee the implementation of all the decisions of the Safety Council Keep abreast of the latest design and operating practices in the area of safety and fire fighting in the hydrocarbon industry Preparation of Standards Carryout periodic safety audits, review, suggest procedures for improvements and report on the implementation of the suggestions to Safety Council Collect relevant information and exchange it with the members of the Oil Industry including information regarding near miss accidents, accidents and disasters occurring in the Oil Industry Ensure implementation of all approved codes of practices for industrial hygiene Review disaster control procedures and company preparedness Review in-plant training programmes with regard to safety SOP FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT OF PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS PIPELINES Purpose The purpose of the procedure is to assess health and integrity of old operative & ageing pipelines (beyond design life), residual life assessment and jobs to be undertaken by operators for repair of damages/ defects with the objective to prevent incident and sustain pipeline operation. Scope
This procedure/ guideline is applicable to cross
country pipelines transporting crude/ petroleum products /Natural Gas /LPG. Definitions Cross country Pipeline: Cross country pipeline means all pipelines located beyond the boundary of any facility including pipelines after separator (exploratory well) and its associated facilities, which are required for transportation of liquid hydrocarbon from one point to another excluding piping within the Refinery/ Separation and / or Processing plant up to plant isolation valves. Coating: A material applied to a pipeline / structure to separate it from the environment for preventing corrosion. CP: Cathodic Protection A technique to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making that surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell. CIPL: Close Interval Potential Logging is technique for finding coating defect. Consequence: Means impact on the public, employees, property and environment due to pipeline failure. Design Pressure: The maximum internal pressure which the pipeline can be subjected to as determined by design procedure applicable to materials and locations involved. DCVG: Direct Current Voltage Gradient is technique for coating survey. Earthing: Earthing is provision of a safe path of electrical current to ground in order to protect structures, plant and equipment from the effects of stray electrical current and electrostatic discharges. Electrical Resistance (ER) /Electrochemical Noise Technique (ECN)/Linear Polarization Technique (LPR) probes measure corrosion rates. IPS: Intelligent Pigging Survey is pipeline inspection tool. LSAW : LSAW steel pipe is the abbreviation of Longitudinally Submerged Arc Welding steel pipe MPY : Mils penetration per year (MPY) is a unit of measurement equal to one thousandth of an inch. It is used to gauge a coupons corrosion rate. Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP): The maximum pressure at which the pipeline is allowed to operate. MAOP may be less than or equal to the design pressure. Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP): The highest pressure at which the pipeline is operated during a normal operating cycle corresponding to a declared pipeline capacity. Operating Pressure: It is the pressure corresponding to a particular flow rate at which pipeline is operated. Operating pressure may be less than or equal to MAOP. Operating Company: Shall mean individual, partnership, corporation or public agency/organization or any other entity that operates cross country pipeline.
QRA: QRA is abbreviation of Quality Risk Assessment.
Right-ofUser (RoU) / Right-of-Way (RoW): Through
PMP Act1962 or in accordance with the agreement with the land owner or agency to lay and operate the cross country liquid hydrocarbon pipeline.
Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS): It is the
minimum yield strength specified by specification or standard under which material is purchased from the manufacturer.
Sectionalizing Valve ( SV): Valve (MOVs / HOVs) used
in the cross country pipeline system for isolation of a SCADA: Acronym for supervisory control and data acquisition, a computer system for gathering and analyzing real time data. Terminal Station / Receiving Station / Receipt Terminal: Terminal / Receiving station / Receipt terminal is the last station on the pipeline used for receipt of liquid hydrocarbon UT: Ultrasonic Thickness Meter is commonly used for pipe thickness. Reference documents OISD standards 141, 214 and 226 API RP 1160 (Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid Pipelines) ASME B31.4 (Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries) ASME B31.8 (Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems) ASME B31.8S (Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines) ASME 31G (Manual for determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines) General An Operator with an ageing asset shall determine extended life beyond initial design limits and ensure future integrity. In this regard operators must first of all conduct baseline survey against which the performance of the pipeline can be judged. This includes a smart pig run, a review of operating records, etc. It has to be understood that an accurate assessment depends on good quality data collected over the life of the pipeline. Integrity Threat Classification Following are the critical monitoring/inspection, which are essential to assess the health and the integrity of old and ageing the pipelines: a) External corrosion b) Internal corrosion c) Stress corrosion cracking TYPES OF DAMAGING AGENTS Third-Party Damage Corrosion Related Equipment Incorrect Operation Weather Related Manufacture Construction Environment Types of defects detected:- 1. External Metal Loss & Internal Metal Loss 2. Leaks, Cracks (including stress corrosion cracking), Arc Burns 3. Girth Weld Flaws 4. Pipeline manufacturing defects such as pipe weld defects, ovelity, laminations etc. 5. Dents o Dents with Stress Concentrators o Plain Dents o Double Dents o Dents that Affect Welds 6. Gouges 7. Wrinkle Bends / Buckles 8. Previous Repairs 9. Mill-Related Anomalies Assessing Defects and Damage In An Ageing Pipeline System Any reported defects in the pipeline can be assessed using fitness-for-purpose methods. The analysis and any resulting repair depend upon: i. defect severity: location, depth, length, orientation, ii. financial/strategic value of pipeline, iii. threat to environment & public relations, iv. regulatory/legal/insurance considerations, v. failure consequences. Matrix For Integrity Assessment Of Piggable And Non-Piggable Petroleum & Natural Gas Pipelines The matrix for integrity assessment of petroleum and natural gas pipeline has been prepared with the objective of assessing the health of the pipeline during its life cycle as well as assessment of residual life prior to deciding to continue beyond the design life. This will give a guideline to the industry to incorporate in their respective SOPs with the ultimate objective of minimizing failures and sustain pipeline operations. PART-I INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT OF PIGGABLE PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS PIPELINES 1. FEED QUALITY ANALYSIS It is done with respect to CO2, H2S, Cl, S, moisture or water, condensate, pH value etc. which is the type of test. There are three stages which shows the different hazards. COMMISSIONING STAGE To be analysed prior to design. Any deviation w.r.t. design should be analysed and corrective action taken w.r.t (i) source control (ii) corrosion inhibitor dosing (iii) odourant dosing (iv) Pipe metallurgy DURING DESIGN LIFE SPAN To be analysed once in a year. Any deviation w.r.t. design or change in service should be analysed by management to take corrective action(s) like : i) design review, (ii) additional protection for internal corrosion substantiated by IPS results or (iii) Change in pipe metallurgy. BEYOND DESIGN LIFE To be analysed once in a year. (i) Past and recent data shall be used for detail analysis as well deciding pipeline condition for future use. 2. GEOMETRIC PIGGING COMMISSIONING STAGE Geometric pigging should be carried out (prior to hydro testing) after cleaning of pipeline using foam pig and cleaning pig, to identify ID, dents, pipeline bend condition etc., in the entire pipeline etc., Deviations should be corrected prior to commissioning If the pipeline commissioning after pressure testing is anticipated to be delayed beyond six (6) months, pipeline shall be preserved using corrosion inhibitors or by filling the line with non- flammable non-toxic gas and at a positive pressure 3. SCRAPPER PIGGING DURING DESIGN LIFE SPAN The foam pig should not be used in place of scrapper pig. The frequency of cleaning will be as per OISD-STD-141, 226 and 214 as under: (i) Non ATF Petroleum Product Pipelines - once in six months. (ii) ATF pipelines also carrying other petroleum products once in three months. (iii) Dedicated ATF Pipelines once in a year. (iv) Crude Oil Pipelines once in three months. BEYOND DESIGN STAGE The foam pig should not be used in place of scrapper pig. The frequency of cleaning will be as per OISD-STD-141, 226 and 214 as under: (i) Non ATF Petroleum Product Pipelines - Once in six months. (ii) ATF pipelines also carrying other petroleum products - once in three months. (iii) Dedicated ATF Pipelines once in a year. (iv) Crude Oil Pipelines once in three months. (v) Two phase / multiphase flow once in a year (or more frequently if there is significant liquid hold-up) 4. PIG RESIDUE ANALYSIS DURING DESIGN LIFE SPAN AND BEYOND The quantity of muck and residue analysis of each pigging should be compared and a trend should be analysed w.r.t. the tendency of corrosion / deterioration of pipeline. If there is an increase in quantity of muck /corrosion product, other corrosive indications, such as sulphur, pH, H2S etc. the pigging frequency should be increased and corrosion rate should be determined. Increased trend in corrosion product is the signal that feed quality to be analysed immediately to ascertain the corrosivity. 5. INTERNAL CORROSION MONITORING BEYOND AND DURING DESIGN LIFE SPAN Corrosion monitoring facilities (corrosion coupons and ER probes), electrochemical noise technique (ECN probes) or Linear polarization technique (LPR probes), UT sensors etc., shall be installed in liquid / Natural Gas/LPG pipelines in line with OISD- STD-141/OISD-STD-226/OISD-STD-214. For wet natural gas line also the corrosion coupon & probes at appropriate locations shall be provided for assessing internal corrosion rate. If the rate of corrosion is more than 1 MPY, suitable doses of corrosion inhibitor shall be injected to mitigate the internal corrosion and a corrosion rate monitoring program should be implemented The wet natural gas should be considered corrosive and inhibitor dosing is must since beginning along with monitoring of effectiveness of corrosion inhibitor. Internal corrosion data should be cross verified with IP results and fitness assessment details to decide for pipe repair / replacement. 6. INTELLIGENT PIGGING SURVEY COMMISSIONING STAGE, DESIGN LIFE AND BEYOND LIFE SPAN In this IPS the internal inspection tools shall be capable of detecting corrosion, stress corrosion cracking (only for oil pipelines), illegal fittings intending for pilferage and deformation anomalies including dents, gouges, grooves, previous repairs , Mill-Related Anomalies and weld cracks. . The decision of using weld crack detection tools shall lie on the individual pipeline operator based on the condition of seam weld and girth weld and on the basis of the last IPS carried out as stated 7. Cathodic protection, monitoring, upgrading and effectiveness testing. COMMISSIONING STAGE In case, permanent Cathodic Protection is not available within six (6) months from the start of pipeline laying, sacrificial anode based Temporary CP to be ensured. This should be made permanent within six months. Permanent CP system design to ensure continuous power availability through battery backup at designated locations along ROW. DURING LIFE STAGE SP readings at feeding points shall be monitored fortnightly. The PSP reading (ON potential) at the TLPs for entire pipeline to be taken once in a quarter and survey results shall be plotted graphically to identify and locate cathodic holidays/ un-protected strech of pipeline. Instant PSP off potential along with ON PSP readings at test lead points of entire pipeline shall be taken once in a year. 8. COATING SURVEY DURING DESIGN LIFE SPAN Once in 5 years. As per the identification of damage of the coating, repair should be taken up Immediately. BEYOND THE LIFE SPAN Coating Survey : Within one year immediately after completion of design life, Pearson/ CAT/DCVG Survey to be carried out for the entire pipeline. 9. SOIL TESTING DURING DESIGN LIFE SPAN If any industrial effluent is flowing over the ROW/ROU or any environmental change is noticed on the ROW, or there is any significant increase in current density, the soil samples shall be tested for determining the efficacy of the existing coating and wrapping of the pipeline. During patrolling the line walker to take note of the any environmental changes or any industrial effluent entering the ROW. Based on this report, soil investigation needs to be planned. Soil resistivity test shall be carried out once in ten years in line with clause no. BEYOND THE LIFE SPAN Within one year immediately after completion of design life, Soil resistivity survey shall be carried out. After that, Soil resistivity test shall be carried out once in ten years in line with clause no. 5.15 of OISD-STD-188. 10. REGULAR LINE PATROLLING Each operating company shall maintain a periodic pipelines patrol program. Road and railway crossings shall be inspected at least once in 3 months. Water body crossings shall be inspected at least twice a year i.e. prior to and after monsoon or flash flood for exposure. Line Walk by company official at least once in a year for entire length of pipeline shall be carried out after the monsoon. LIQUID PIPELINES Rail/Road Bridge, Suspended crossings shall be inspected once in 3 months to check supports/structures and anti-corrosion coatings where pipe exits/enters ground. Ground / Aerial Patrolling of ROW - twice in a week (urban areas and non-urban areas) to observe surface conditions, leakage, any construction activity, encroachments, washouts and any other factors affecting the safety and operation of pipeline. GAS PIPELINES Patrolling of ROU/ROW shall be carried out once in 30 days for location class 3 and 4 and once in 90 days (once in a quarter) for location class 1 and 11. Inspection of leak detection system DURING DESIGN LIFE STAGE Proper functioning of leak detection system shall be re-checked. Effectiveness of the operation to be checked once in a year
History of leak data and nos. with type of repair shall be used for upgrading /replacement of leak detection system. 12. Inspection of communication and control system DURING DESIGN LIFE SPAN AND BEYOND Installation of dedicated communication system, control system, safety interlock and SCADA to be ensured. Proper functioning of communication system, control system and safety interlocks shall be re- checked and ensured need to be upgraded, if functionality is found poor. Base data and nos. with type of repair shall be used for replacement / upgradation of Part II MATRIX FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT OF NON- PIGGABLE PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS PIPELINES 1. Feed Quality Analysis It is done with respect to CO2, H2S, Cl, S, moisture or water, condensate, pH value etc. which is the type of test. There are three stages which shows the different hazards.
New pipeline/ Construction & commissioning
Stage To be analysed prior to design. Any deviation w.r.t. design should be analysed and corrective action taken w.r.t (i) source control (ii) corrosion inhibitor dosing During design life span To be analysed once in a year. Any deviation w.r.t. design or change in service should be analysed by management to take corrective action(s) like : (i) design review (ii)additional protection for internal corrosion substantiated by IPS results, if possible or (iii)Change in pipe metallurgy Beyond design life To be analysed once in a year, Past and recent data shall be used for detail analysis as well deciding pipeline condition for future use. 2. Internal Corrosion Monitoring New pipeline/ Construction & commissioning Stage Provision for installation of probe/coupon should be ensured at initial stage. During design life span If the rate of corrosion is more than 1 MPY, suitable doses of corrosion inhibitor shall be injected and a corrosion rate monitoring program should be implemented. The wet natural gas should be considered corrosive and inhibitor dosing is must since beginning along with monitoring of effectiveness of corrosion inhibitor. Beyond design life If the rate of corrosion is more than 1 MPY, suitable doses of corrosion inhibitor shall be injected and a corrosion rate monitoring program should be implemented. The wet natural gas should be considered corrosive and inhibitor dosing should continue since beginning along with monitoring of effectiveness of corrosion inhibitor Internal corrosion data shall be cross verified with IP results and fitness assessment details to decide for pipe repair / replacement. 3. Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA) To be carried out in line with OISD-GDN-233, NACE SP-0206- 2006, NACE SP-0208-2008,NACE SP-0110 2010 New pipeline/ Construction & commissioning Stage Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment to be done not later than 10 years of commissioning intending to create base line data. Defects detected with ICDA to be corrected. During design life span Frequency of Internal corrosion direct assessment shall, in no case, be more than 10 years. In place of ICDA, if possible, IPS tool for non- piggable pipeline, which gives complete wall thickness measurements, can be used and internal corrosion phenomenon/ rate can be measured. Defects detected with ICDA to be corrected within recommended time. Beyond design life Within one year immediately after completion of design life, ICDA shall be carried out & subsequently frequency shall be decided based on the findings and not later than 8 years interval. 4. Cathodic protection, monitoring, upgrading and effectiveness testing. New pipeline/ Construction & commissioning Stage In case, permanent Cathodic During design life span Protection is not available within 6 months from the start of pipeline laying, sacrificial anode based Temporary CP to be ensured. This should be made permanent within six months. Permanent CP system design to ensure continuous power availability thru battery backup at designated locations along ROW. During design life span PSP readings at feeding points shall be monitored fortnightly. The PSP reading (ON potential) at the TLPs for entire pipeline to be taken once in a quarter and survey results shall be plotted graphically to identify and locate cathodic holidays. Instant PSP off potential readings at test lead points of entire pipeline shall be taken once in a year. Beyond design life Current consumption data/ current density data/ protection level of the line etc., to be analysed for each pipeline (half yearly. 5. Coating survey (CAT/ DCVG/ CIPS) New pipeline/ Construction & commissioning Stage One month after Commissioning of permanent CP in the pipeline. During design life span Once in 5 years. As per the identification of damage of the coating repair should be taken up immediately Beyond design life Based on overall analysis, if required large scale coating reconditioning program or upgradation of CP unit should be planned. Within one year immediately after completion of design life, External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) shall be carried out on the basis of the results of CAT/ DCVG/ CIPL survey and as per NACE SP-0502-2010 6. Soil Testing During design life span If any industrial effluent is flowing over the ROW/ROU or any environmental change is noticed on the ROW, or there is any significant increase in current density, the soil samples shall be tested for determining the efficacy of the existing coating and wrapping of the pipeline. During patrolling the line walker to take note of the any environmental change or any industrial effluent entering the ROW. Soil resistivity test shall be carried out once in ten years in line with clause no. 5.15 of OISD-STD- 188. Beyond design life Within one year immediately after completion of design life, Soil resistivity survey shall be carried out. After that Soil resistivity test shall be carried out once in ten years in line with clause no. 5.15 of OISD-STD-188. Previous data shall be used for risk analysis etc. 7.Risk assessment
New pipeline/ Construction & commissioning
Stage Quantitative Risk Assessment to be carried out at the design stage with special focus on high consequence area and risk should be identified with fatality frequency curve. Measures should be taken to bring down the risk to acceptable level. During design life span Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) to be carried out once in 5 years to identify the risk considering the actual population and effect at high risk area or low risk area has become high risk area due to increase in population and permanent settlements. The risk reduction measures should be implemented. Beyond design life Risk assessment shall be carried out after completion of design life as per ASME B31.4 & ASME B31.8, ASME B31.8S, API 1160, ASME 31G.