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Ion Exchange Units: Cation Exchange (Softeners) and Anion Exchange

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A L A B A M A A & M A N D A U B U R N U N I V E R S I T I E S

Ion Exchange Units: Cation Exchange

(Softeners) And Anion Exchange

on exchange units are known primarily as water ions from the resin are added to the water. This pro-
softeners. But they can also remove nitrates, sul-
and various toxic metals from water. Under-
cess makes the water “soft.”
The calcium and magnesium, which cause hard-
standing how ion exchange works and what contami- ness, are reported as grains per gallon (gpg), mil-
nants different units will remove can help you make ligrams per liter (mg/L), or parts per million (ppm).
informed decisions about water treatment by ion Approximately 20 mg of sodium are added per gallon
exchange. for each grain of hardness reduced.
How Ion Exchange Works Eventually a point is reached when very few sodi-
Ions are atoms, small particles that are the build- um ions remain on the resin; thus, no more calcium or
ing blocks for molecules. Ions have a weak electrical magnesium ions can be removed from the incoming
charge. The charge may be positive (for cations) or water. The resin at this point is said to be “exhausted”
negative (for anions). This positive and negative or “spent” and cannot accomplish further water treat-
charge is similar to the north or south pole of a mag- ment until it is “recharged” or “regenerated.” This can
net or the positive or negative terminal of a car bat- be done by backwashing with a sodium carbonate
tery. solution.
Positively charged sodium ions are commonly Most water in Alabama does not contain enough
used to coat cation exchange resins. Negatively minerals to require softening.
charged chloride or hydroxide ions are commonly What Cation Exchange Removes. Water softeners
used to coat anion exchange resins. Mixed bed resins exchange calcium and magnesium with sodium. This
combine both positive and negative ions. exchange occurs as the hard water passes through a
Ion exchange units actually exchange ions from resin bed which attracts and holds calcium and mag-
the resins with those in the water. When water to be nesium in exchange for sodium. Calcium and magne-
treated passes through the ion exchange unit, ions in sium cause hard water, and high levels can scale
the water are attracted by either a positive or a nega- pipes, water heaters, boilers, and appliances, reducing
tive charge to the ions in the resin bed. Since the ions water flow and efficiency.
from the water are usually held more tightly by the Cation exchange resins also remove barium, cad-
resins than they were held in the water, they are, in mium, copper, iron, manganese, radium, zinc, and
effect, removed from the water in the exchange pro- other metallic, positively-charged ions.
Factors To Consider Before Buying A Water Sof-
Cation Exchange Units (Softeners) tener. Consider the following factors before buying a
water softener.
How Cation Exchange Works. Cation exchange
resins are usually coated with positively charged sodi- Types Of Water Softeners. Softeners are either manu-
um ions. When water containing dissolved cations al, semi-automatic, or automatic.
contacts the resin, the cations are “exchanged” for or A manual water softener can be as simple as a
trade places with the loosely held sodium ions on the tank to hold the exchange resin and appropriate pip-
resin. ing for raw (inlet) and treated (outlet) water. Tanks
In this way the calcium and magnesium ions must be constructed of corrosion-resistant material
responsible for hardness are removed from the water because of the concentrated salt solutions that are
and placed on the exchange resin, and the sodium used.
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More sophisticated systems may include a sepa- However, people on restricted salt diets should con-
rate tank for mixing and containing the brine solution sult their physicians before using softened water from
used for regenerating the resin, additional valves for ion exchange units for drinking and cooking.
backwashing the exchange resin, and switches for
automatic or semi-automatic operation. Anion Exchange
For semi-automatic operation, the homeowner How Anion Exchange Works. Anion exchange units
sets the system switches when recharging is neces- have a resin that exchanges chloride or hydroxide for
sary. The system completes the process without need the anions (the negatively charged atoms) that they
for further attention. remove. Most use chloride, which increases the chlo-
ride content of water and may cause a salty taste.
For automatic operation, all steps of the recharg-
ing process are controlled by a timing mechanism What Anion Exchange Removes. Anion exchange
that the homeowner sets based upon water usage. units can remove nitrate, sulfate, and other negatively
Some models can measure water usage or remaining charged atoms called anions. Researchers are devel-
softening capacity and recharge themselves only oping resins to selectively remove nitrate more effi-
when needed. ciently than can now be done.
Maintenance. Maintenance of cation exchange units Factors To Consider Before Buying An Anion
is largely confined to restocking the salt supply for Exchange Unit. Frequent monitoring is suggested if
the brine solution. With manual and semiautomatic you use anion exchange for nitrate removal. As the
models, the consumer will also have to start the anion exchange resin becomes “spent,” the nitrate
regeneration cycle. trapped in the resin may be exchanged with sulfate in
the water if the water contains sulfate concentrations
An exchange resin lasts many years. However, if that are moderate to high. Under these circumstances,
it is not regenerated on a regular basis, it may become nitrate concentrations at times can be higher after
contaminated with slime or impurities from the raw water passes through the device than in the original
water and become unusable. If this happens, the resin water.
must be replaced with new material.
Resins can also become clogged with tiny parti- Mixed Bed Ion Exchange
cles of iron if the raw water contains much dissolved Often called demineralizers, mixed bed ion
iron. Backwashing or reversing the normal flow of exchange units combine resins for removal of both
water through the treatment unit may be required to positive and negative ions. They do not remove
remove the iron. Special additives may be included in organic chemicals and they produce water similar to
the brine regenerating solution to help minimize this distilled water.
condition. Mixed bed units for industrial use are renewed
Softened water is more corrosive than harder with hydrogen ions from an acidic solution for cation
water, and the waste brines may be a disposal prob- exchange and with hydroxyl ions from an alkaline
lem. Softening only the hot water tank lines or leav- solution for anion exchange. These acidic and alka-
ing the major cold water line for drinking water line solutions are too dangerous for home use.
unsoftened can help overcome this problem. Water Mixed bed units for homes are usually not
for outdoor taps does not need to be softened. rechargeable. They must be discarded after a certain
Cost. The cost of a water softener can be balanced volume of water has passed through them. Therefore,
against the savings of soft water. Softening hard they are expensive.
water can reduce the quantity of cleaning products
needed by as much as 50 percent. The life of the Water Softeners At A Glance
home’s plumbing system and water-using appliances How Water Softeners Work: Remove minerals
can be extended. Other benefits include the time which cause hardness and replace them with sodium
saved in cleaning and removing scale and better through cation exchange.
results in laundry, dishwashing, and personal groom- Pros/Cons: Can pay for itself in savings in soap, hot
ing. water. Not recommended for drinking water for indi-
Health Effects. The major disadvantage of water viduals on a salt-free diet. Must buy salt regularly.
softeners is that they remove beneficial calcium and Must dispose of brine solution.
magnesium and substitute sodium. The sodium added Maintenance: Restock salt supply for brine solution
to softened water is normally a relatively small frac- used to regenerate the resin. Start regeneration cycle
tion of the sodium intake from other dietary sources for manual and semi-automatic models. Backwash to
and is probably not a problem for healthy people. remove iron or other particles that may clog system.

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Magette, William L. 1988. Using Ion Exchange
Units To Soften Your Well Water. Water Resources
19. Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. The
University of Maryland. College Park, MD.
Shaw, Byron H., and James O. Peterson. 1990.
Improving Your Drinking Water Quality. G3378.
Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Service. University
of Wisconsin. Madison, WI.
Vogel, Michael P., James W. Bauder, and Jeffrey
S. Jacobsen. 1989. Groundwater: Household Water
Treatment. Montana Cooperative Extension Service.
Montana State University. Bozeman, MT.

Prepared by James E. Hairston, Extension Water Quality Scientist, assisted by

Leigh Stribling, Technical Writer, and John M. Beck, Extension Associate.
For more information, call your county Extension office. Look in your telephone direc-
tory under your county’s name to find the number.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, Acts of May
8 and June 30, 1914, and other related acts, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) offers
educational programs, materials, and equal opportunity employment to all people without regard to
race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability.
Last Modified 09/12/01

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