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APN-070 Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

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Reactance Method

Distance Protection
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD)
Compensation Factors
APN-070, Edition 1


1 Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors ................................................................. 3

1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Basics .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.1 Loop Equation ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Ground faults .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.3 Compensation factors.............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2.4 Phase-to Phase Fault................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Example with detailed source data ................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Calculate Dr and Kx setting for Zone 1 ...................................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 Calculate Zone 2 boundary (factor “n”) ..................................................................................................... 7
1.3.3 Calculate Kr and Kx setting for Zone 2 ...................................................................................................... 7
1.3.4 Zone 1: Compensation angels for neg. and zero sequence, 𝜹𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑_𝑰𝟐 and 𝜹𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑_𝑰𝟎................................ 8
1.3.5 Zone 2: Compensation angels for neg. and zero sequence, 𝜹𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑_𝑰𝟐 and 𝜹𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑_𝑰𝟎.............................. 10
1.4 Example with limited information regarding source impedance data................................................................ 12
1.5 Simulate and Check – based on example with detailed source data .................................................................. 13
1.5.1 Tests at Zone 1 boundary....................................................................................................................... 13
1.5.2 Tests at Zone 2 boundary....................................................................................................................... 15
1.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 16

APN-070 2 Edition 1
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

1 Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD)

Compensation Factors
1.1 Introduction
This document provides a description of the Distance protection with RMD method focusing on the load compensation
and the compensation factors that can be set.

The influence of a non-homogenous source impedance is described. The description is then supported by means of an
application example and simulation results based on the example application.

1.2 Basics
Distance protection must establish the fault location based on an impedance measurement. The loop impedance from the
relay to the fault location includes the fault resistance at the fault location (RF in diagram below). As the voltage across RF
depends on the fault current (IF) at the fault location, which includes the infeed from the remote end, this will affect the
result of the impedance measurement.

The Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) includes a load compensation which eliminates the fault resistance
from the loop equation. This load compensation works best in a homogenous system; such a system has the same
impedance angle on both sides of the fault location. In most applications this is approximately true so that the
compensation angles described here do not have to be applied.

1.2.1 Loop Equation

The generalized loop equation for the RMD is based on the following single line representation (copied from manual):

Figure 1: Line Supplied from 2 Sides (1-Pole Representation)

Based on the above single line diagram, the loop equations or the ground fault and the phase to phase faults are derived.
The 3-phase faults are measured with a loop based on positive sequence values. For the 3 phase faults no compensation
factors apply.

Edition 1 3 APN-070
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

1.2.2 Ground faults

Figure 2: Short Circuit of a Phase-to Ground Loop

And so, the ground loop equation is given as follows:

When the system is homogenous, the impedance angles on the A and B side of the fault location are the same, the factors
with the compensation angles are not required; the default setting for comp is zero (𝑒 0 = 1).

When the system is not homogenous, the source impedance at the two sides, A and B, have different impedance angles,
compensation factors can be set to make allowance for the non-homogeneity.

1.2.3 Compensation factors

This above equation includes the following factors. The substitute current and the compensation angle that are
specifically used in the RMD distance protection must be set for best results. The following table gives a summary and
brief description of the parameters:

The compensation factors are settable under the general settings where they apply to all zones and, optionally, each zone
may be set in advanced mode with its dedicated factors. The screenshot below shows all the compensation factors as set
in a zone when Zone Settings is “advanced”:

APN-070 4 Edition 1
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

The residual compensation factor, 𝑘0 , is set by default with the two parameter Kr and Kx. The setting mode can be
changed in DIGSI to enter the 𝑘0 directly with magnitude and angle:

Note: For the conversion from 𝑘0 to Kr and Kx the line angle setting is also considered.

1.2.4 Phase-to Phase Fault

The phase to phase loops does not have a zero-sequence component, here the substitute current is always derived from
the negative sequence current. The diagram below is used to derive the loop equation.

Figure 3: Short Circuit of a Phase-to-Phase Loop

From this the Ph-Ph loop equation is derived:

Edition 1 5 APN-070
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

This equation includes the same compensation factors, the zero sequence factors do not apply:

1.3 Example with detailed source data

To illustrate how the compensation factors can be calculated and applied an example with significantly different
impedance angle at the two infeed sides is used.

The diagram below illustrates this application example. The relay that will be considered is designated as “RMD”. The
source behind the relay (S1) is fed by overhead lines and transformers so that it has a large impedance angle. The remote
source is supplied from a cable connected network with relatively small impedance angle. A cable, Cab1, is the feeder
with the smallest impedance (shortest) at the remote end and it will be used to fix the Zone 2 boundary.

For the calculation of the compensation factors the line and cable data as well as the zone reach settings are required.
The table below lists the key system impedance data applicable to this example network:

The RMD will be set base on the OHL impedance with 2 zones as follows:

Zone 1 = 80%

Zone 2 = 135%

APN-070 6 Edition 1
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

1.3.1 Calculate Dr and Kx setting for Zone 1

The Zone 1 is set to underreach, the measured loop up to the zone boundary only contains the OHL impedance, and
therefore the Kr and Kx setting can be calculated with the OHL1 data:
1 𝑅0
𝑍1_𝐾𝑟 = ∙ ( − 1)
3 𝑅1
1 1,5
𝑍1_𝐾𝑟 = ∙( − 1) = 1,33
3 0,3

1 𝑋0
𝑍1_𝐾𝑥 = ∙ ( − 1)
3 𝑋1
1 16,4
𝑍1_𝐾𝑥 = ∙( − 1) = 1
3 4,1

1.3.2 Calculate Zone 2 boundary (factor “n”)

To calculate the Kr and Kx parameters for Zone 2, the total positive and zero sequence impedance between the relay and
the Zone 2 boundary applies. This includes the entire OHL impedance plus a section of the cable:

How many km into Cab1 does the zone 2 reach?

𝑋1𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑒2𝑠𝑒𝑡 − 𝑋1_𝑂𝐻𝐿1
𝑍2𝑘𝑚_𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜_𝐶𝑎𝑏1 = ( ) ∙ 𝐶𝑎𝑏1_𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
5,535 − 4,1
𝑍2𝑘𝑚_𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜_𝐶𝑎𝑏1 = ( ) ∙ 20𝑘𝑚 = 11,67𝑘𝑚

Based on this the “loop” impedance of Zone 2 can be calculated as follows:

The factor “n” derived here indicates what percentage of the cable impedance is included in the zone 2 set reach. The
factor “n” will be used in several calculations below!

1.3.3 Calculate Kr and Kx setting for Zone 2

Using the loop impedances from above table, the Kr and Kx for Zone 2 can be calculated as follows:
1 𝑅0
𝑍2_𝐾𝑟 = ∙ ( − 1)
3 𝑅1
1 5,945
𝑍2_𝐾𝑟 = ∙( − 1) = 0,779
3 1,782

1 𝑋0
𝑍1_𝐾𝑥 = ∙ ( − 1)
3 𝑋1

Edition 1 7 APN-070
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

1 19,27
𝑍1_𝐾𝑥 = ∙( − 1) = 0,827
3 5,535

Note that the “line angle” for zone 2 must also be set as calculated in the table above (72,16°).

1.3.4 Zone 1: Compensation angels for neg. and zero sequence, 𝜹𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑_𝑰𝟐 and
The angle compensation factors will correct the influence of a non-homogenous loop impedance (impedance angle on
source and remote side of fault location are not the same). The compensation angles are calculated at the respective zone

In the diagram below the equivalent circuit (generalized for zero and negative sequence) for deriving the equation used
to calculate the compensation angle is shown. The compensation angle equals the angle difference between the current
flowing into the circuit at the bottom and the I2 (or I0) measured by the relay.

I2 or I0
ZA m· ZL (1-m)· ZL ZB


Equation for zero sequence compensation angle:

Equation 1

The values that must be applied in this equation for Zone 1 are listed in the table below. Note, the source impedance, ZB,
includes the Cab1 impedance in this example:

With this data the numerator and denominator of the equation above can be determined:

APN-070 8 Edition 1
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

The zero-sequence compensation angle 𝑍1_𝛿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝_𝐼0 for Zone 1 can then easily be calculated with the angles in above
𝑍1𝛿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 = arg(𝑍𝐴0 + 𝑍𝐵0 + 𝑍𝐿0) − arg((1 − m)ZL0 + ZB0) = 14,035°

The same procedure is applied for the negative sequence angle by using the negative sequence impedance:

With this data the numerator and denominator of the equation can be determined:

The neg-sequence compensation angle 𝑍1_𝛿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝_𝐼2 for Zone 1 can then easily be calculated with the angles in above
𝑍1𝛿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 = arg(𝑍𝐴2 + 𝑍𝐵2 + 𝑍𝐿2) − arg((1 − m)ZL2 + ZB2) = 9,508°

Edition 1 9 APN-070
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Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

1.3.5 Zone 2: Compensation angels for neg. and zero sequence, 𝜹𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑_𝑰𝟐 and
For zone 2 the same equations apply. The impedance values must however be calculated based on the zone boundary of
zone 2. In the diagram below the equivalent circuit (generalized for zero and negative sequence) for deriving the
equation for calculation of the compensation angle is shown. The compensation angle equals the angle difference
between the current flowing in at the bottom and the negative (or zero) sequence current measured by the relay. For the
calculation the factor “n” established earlier applies. The factor “n” as calculated above (Kr and Kx setting of Zone 2), is
equal to 0,583 (58,33%).

I2 or I0
ZA ZL+n·ZC (1-n)· ZC ZB


The following table shows the calculation steps (Note for the calculation the numerator is the sum of all impedances and
remains the same, the denominator is the sum of the impedances on the righthand side of the fault location):

With this data the numerator and denominator of the equation can be determined:

The zero-sequence compensation angle 𝑍2_𝛿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝_𝐼0 for Zone 2 can then easily be calculated with the angles in above

APN-070 10 Edition 1
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

𝑍2𝛿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 = arg(𝑍𝐴0 + 𝑍𝐵0 + 𝑍𝐿0) − arg((1 − n)Zcab0 + ZB0) = 11,1°


The same procedure can be applied for the negative sequence angle:

The neg-sequence compensation angle 𝑍2_𝛿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝_𝐼2 for Zone 2 can then easily be calculated with the angles in above

𝑍2𝛿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 = arg(𝑍𝐴2 + 𝑍𝐵2 + 𝑍𝐿2) − arg((1 − n)Zcab2 + ZB2) = 4,6°


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Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

1.4 Example with limited information regarding source impedance data

What if only limited data regarding the source impedances is available. In this case the compensation angles cannot be
determined exactly. Instead they can be estimated, or the default setting of 0° can be used. In many applications, using
the default setting of 0° is the best compromise.

Alternatively, the available limited data may be used to adapt the compensation angle setting. The methods presented for
this approach are theoretically derived. The data available in this example is limited to what is shown in the table below
the single line:

Figure 4: Line Supplied from 2 Sides (1-Pole Representation)

The compensation angles cannot be calculated as in the example above, using e.g. Equation 1, due to the lack of detailed
source impedance data. A good compromise is to apply boundary conditions based on typical (experience) values for
source data. (this can be verified by evaluation of disturbance records).

APN-070 12 Edition 1
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

Compensation Angle Setting



A side is stronger infeed


5 f ZA - f ZB
Comp. Ang. Setting

Max Angle difference < 10° 10


0,2 0,4 0,8 1,6 3,2
Strong Infeed ZA/ZB Weak Infeed

Using the above graph, the compensation angle can be estimated. Based on the busbar short circuit currents, the side A
has a negative sequence source impedance that is smaller than side B:
|𝑍𝐴| 𝐼𝐹𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡_3𝑝ℎ_𝐵
= = 0.25 𝑡𝑜 0.9
|𝑍𝐵| 𝐼𝐹𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡_3𝑝ℎ_𝐴

If we assume that at 132kV the impedance angle difference between the sources (and the line) is less than 10° then a
setting for the negative sequence compensation angle can be derived from the diagram: approximately between -2° to
+2°. Here again the option of using the default setting of 0° is mentioned because it is a good compromise. A selection
based on the graph would be done using the following rule:

Therefore, for Zone 1 the setting of -2° is used and for Zone 2 the setting of +2° can be used.

1.5 Simulate and Check – based on example with detailed source data
With all the compensation factors set, faults are modelled to illustrate the correct operation of the settings. Faults are
applied at the Zone 1 and Zone 2 boundary and the loop calculation is checked with SIGRA.

1.5.1 Tests at Zone 1 boundary

Both single phase to ground and phase to phase faults are simulated at the zone 1 boundary.

Edition 1 13 APN-070
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

The above diagram was obtained by modelling a fault AG with 5 Ohm fault resistance at the zone 1 boundary. The
maximum deviation from the set zone 1 reach was 15 m (0,46%). The measurement was done by application of I0 as
well as I2 as substitute; shown as separate curves in the diagram.

Check against un-compensated measurements

The above diagram shows very good results with the compensated measurement. To illustrate the benefit of
compensation a comparison with uncompensated measurements is shown below. The RMD compensation angles are left
on default (comp =0) and the conventional distance protection without load compensation are used in the comparison

This comparison shows that the uncompensated measurement has significant deviation compared to the compensated

The conventional impedance protection has a load angle dependency that is superimposed on the measuring error due to
non-homogeneity. At no load (load angle = 0) it has a result similar to RMD without compensation angles. With load
export it measures a smaller impedance and with load import a larger impedance.

APN-070 14 Edition 1
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

The above diagram was obtained by modelling a fault BG with fault resistance increasing from 0 Ohm to 10 Ohm. The
load angle was -10° . The maximum deviation from the set zone 1 reach was 23 m (0,71%). The measurement was done
by application of I0 as well as I2 as substitute; shown as separate curves in the diagram.

Finally, a set of tests are done with Ph-Ph faults:

The phase to phase faults are also measured with negligible deviation from the expected fault reactance.

1.5.2 Tests at Zone 2 boundary

Both single phase to ground and phase to phase faults are simulated at the zone 2 boundary to check if the calculated
compensation factors are correct.

The diagram below illustrates the effectiveness of the compensation angles.

Edition 1 15 APN-070
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Reactance Method Distance Protection (RMD) Compensation Factors

The uncompensated RMD (I0 = 0° and I2 = 0°) show a relatively constant positive error and the conventional distance
protection has a load angle dependent deviation, similar to what was observed at the zone 1 boundary. The compensated
RMD has a result with insignificant deviation from the set boundary.

The tests with AB faults at the zone 2 boundary confirm the results.

1.6 Conclusion
The correct operation is highly dependent on the correct application of the residual or zero-sequence compensation
factor. It is not explicitly indicated in the relay manual and personnel will need to find this out. This document should
support the personal applying the RMD method focusing on the load compensation and the compensation factors that
can be set and supports for selecting the most suitable model for testing.

It should also support the personnel who set relays and those who test them for a better understanding of the methods of
residual compensation, how the resistive reach is set and affected by the compensation and how the relay characteristics
are modeled.

APN-070 16 Edition 1
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