Short Transmission Line
Short Transmission Line
Short Transmission Line
The phasor
diagram is
drawn taking
Ir, the
receiving end
current as the
The terms with in the simple brackets is small as compared to unity, using binomial expansion
and limiting only to second term
Vs ≈ Vr + IrR cosΦr + IrX sinΦr
Here Vs is the sending end voltage corresponding to a particular load current and power factor
condition. It can be seen from the equivalent circuit that the receiving end voltage under no
load is same as the sending end voltage under full load condition i.e Vr(no load) = Vs .
where Vr and Vx are the per unit values of resistance and reactance of the line.From the
equivalent circuit diagram we can observe that
Vs = Vr + Ir ( R + jX) = Vr + IrZ
Is = Ir
In a four terminal passive network the voltage and current on the receiving end and sending
end are related by following pair of equations
Vs = AVr + BIr
Is = CVr + DIr
Comparing the above two sets of equations, for a short transmission line A = 1, B = Z, C = 0,
D = 1. ABCD constants can be used for calculation of regulation of the line as follows:
Normally the quantities P,Ir and cosΦr at the receiving end are given and ofcourse the ABCD
constants.Then determine sending end voltage using the relation Vs = AVr + BIr. Vr(no load)
at the receivind end is given by Vs/A when Ir = 0.
frequency constant.