Amte 128
Amte 128
Amte 128
Lightweight but with higher strength
Aluminum alloys are classified by their major alloying
ingredient. The elements most commonly used for
aluminum alloying are copper, magnesium, manganese,
and zinc. Wrought aluminum and wrought aluminum
alloys are identified by a four-digit index system.
Aluminum alloys can be categorized into a number of groups
based on the particular material’s characteristics such as its
ability to respond to thermal and mechanical treatment and the
primary alloying element added to the aluminum alloy. When we
consider the numbering/ identification system used for
aluminum alloys, the characteristics are identified. The wrought
and cast aluminums have different systems of identification; the
wrought having a 4-digit system, and the castings having a 3-
digit and 1-decimal place system.
The lxxx series of aluminum alloys represents
commercially pure aluminum, of 99 percent or higher
purity. Pure aluminum offers high corrosion resistance,
excellent thermal and electrical properties, and is easily
worked. However, pure aluminum is very low in strength.
Alloys within the 2xxx series utilize copper as the principal alloying
agent. When aluminum is mixed with copper, certain metallic
changes take place in the resultant alloy's grain structure. For the
most part, these changes are beneficial and produce greater
strength. However, a major drawback to aluminum-copper alloys is
their susceptibility to intergranular corrosion when improperly heat-
treated. Most aluminum alloy used in aircraft structures is an
aluminum-copper alloy. Two of the most commonly used in the
construction of skins and rivets are 2017 and 2024.
The 3xxx series alloys have manganese as
the principal alloying element, and are
generally considered non-heat treatable. The
most common variation is 3003, which offers
moderate strength and has good working
The 4xxx series aluminum is alloyed
with silicon, which lowers a metal's
melting temperature. This results in
an alloy that works well for welding
and brazing.
Magnesium is used to produce the 5xxx series
alloys. These alloys possess good welding and
corrosion-resistance characteristics. However,
if the metal is exposed to high temperatures or
excessive cold working, its susceptibility to
corrosion increases.
If silicon and magnesium are added to aluminum,
the resultant alloy carries a 6xxx series
designation. In these alloys, the silicon and mag-
nesium form magnesium silicide which makes the
alloy heat-treatable. Furthermore, the 6xxx series
has medium strength with good forming and
corrosion-resistance properties.
When parts require more strength and little forming, harder
aluminum alloys are employed. The 7xxx series aluminum
alloys are made harder and stronger by the addition of zinc.
Some widely used forms of zinc-aluminum alloys are 7075 and
7178. The aluminum-zinc alloy 7075 has a tensile strength of 77
KSI and a bearing strength of 139 KSI. However, the alloy is
very hard and is difficult to bend. An even stronger zinc alloy is
7178 which has a tensile strength of 84 KSI and a bearing
strength of 151 KSI
The cast alloy designation system is based on a 3
digit-plus decimal designation xxx.x (i.e. 356.0). The
first digit (Xxx.x) indicates the principal alloying
element, which has been added to the aluminum
Ixx.x 99.000% minimum aluminum
2xx.x copper
3xx.x silicon plus copper and or magnesium
4xx.x silicon
5xx.x magnesium
6xx.x unused series
7xx.x zinc
8xx.x other elements
The second and third digits (xXX.x) are arbitrary numbers given to
identify a specific alloy in the series. The number following the
decimal point indicates whether the alloy is a casting (.0) or an ingot
(.1 or .2). A capital letter prefix indicates a modification to a specific
Naturally aged alloys, such as the copper-zinc- mag-
nesium alloys, derive their full strength at room
temperature in a relatively short period and require no
further heat treatment. However, other alloys,
particularly those with a high zinc content, need
thermal treatment to develop full strength. These
alloys are called artificially aged alloys.
Annealing is a process that softens a metal and
decreases internal stress. In general, annealing
is the opposite of hardening. To anneal an
aluminum alloy, the metal's temperature is raised
to an annealing temperature and held there until
the metal becomes thoroughly heat soaked.
Annealing temperature for Aluminum Alloy:
570°F to 770°F
Commercially pure aluminum does not benefit from heat
treatment since there are no alloying materials in its
structure. By the same token, 3003 is an almost identical
metal and, except for a small amount of manganese, does
not benefit from being heat treated. Both of these metals
are lightweight and somewhat corrosion resistant.
However, neither has a great deal of strength and,
therefore, their use in aircraft is limited to nonstructural
components such as fairings and streamlined enclosures
that carry little or no load.
Alloy 5052 is perhaps the most important of
the non heat-treatable aluminum alloys. It
contains about 2.5 percent magnesium and
a small amount of chromium. It is used for
welded parts such as gasoline or oil tanks,
and for rigid fluid lines. Its strength is
increased by cold working.
Heat-treatable alloys have their hardness
condition designated by the letter -T followed
by one or more numbers.
T Solution heat treated
T2 Annealed (cast products only)
T3 Solution heat-treated, followed by strain hardening. Different amounts of
strain hardening of the heat-treated alloy are indicated by a second digit.
For example, -T36 indicates that the material has been solution heat-
treated and has had its thickness reduced 6 percent by cold rolling.
T4 Solution heat-treated, followed by natural aging at room temperature to
a stable condition.
T5 Artificially aged after being rapidly cooled during a fabrication process
such as extrusion or casting
T6 Solution heat-treated, followed by artificial aging
(precipitation heat-treated).
T7 Solution heat-treated and then stabilized to control its growth
and distortion.
T8 Solution heat-treated, strain hardened, and then artificially
T9 Solution heat-treated, artificially aged, and then strain-
T10 Artificially aged and then cold worked.
Material which has been previously heat-treated can generally
be reheat treated any number of times. As an example, rivets
made of 2017 or 2024 are extremely hard and typically receive
several reheat treatments to make them soft enough to drive.
As discussed earlier, the number of solution heat-treatments
allowed for clad materials is limited due to the increased
diffusion of core material into the cladding. This diffusion results
in decreased corrosion resistance. As a result, clad material is
generally limited to no more than three reheat treatments.
Both heat-treatable and nonheat-treatable alu-
minum alloys can be strengthened and hardened
through strain hardening, also referred to as cold
working or work hardening. This process
requires mechanically working a metal at a tem-
perature below its critical range. Strain hardening
alters the grain structure and hardens the metal.
The mechanical working can consist of rolling,
drawing, or pressing.
Heat-treatable alloys have their strength
increased by rolling after they have been
solution heat-treated. On the other hand,
nonheat-treatable alloys are hardened in the
manufacturing process when they are rolled to
their desired dimensions. However, at times
these alloys are hardened too much and must
be partially annealed.
Where appropriate, a metal's hardness, or temper, is
indicated by a letter designation that is separated
from the alloy designation by a dash. When the basic
temper designation must be more specifically defined,
one or more numbers follow the letter designation.
These designations are as follows:
F As fabricated.
O Annealed, recrystallized (wrought
materials only).
H Strain hardened.
Hi Strain hardened only.
H2 Strain hardened and partially annealed.
H3 Strain hardened and stabilized.