Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Reg. No. :
5. List out any two major challenges in link layer of a wireless network.
11. a) Compare and contrast between the capabilities of 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G Networks.
b) Discuss the features, functioning, managerial issues and services supported by
LTE/LTE-A in detail.
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12. a) Present a detailed overview on PDP context and configuring PDP addresses in
mobile stations ? Give necessary diagrams.
b) Discuss the LTE roaming architecture, with required diagrams projecting the
pros and cons of it ?
14. a) What is prioritized Handoff in cellular systems and how is it handled ? Bring out
the challenges in it.
b) Compare and distinguish between mobility management issues in Pico and
Micro cellular networks.
15. a) Explain how architecture support QoS in 3GPP Networks and its challenges.
b) Discuss in detail about Quality of Service with respect to LTE Networks. How
is it different from the other networking scenario ?
16. a) Discuss the Aggregation models and their impact upon the performance of
Network Layer of a wireless networks.
b) Discuss in detail how the QoS requirements of End-to-End IP is achieved.
Consider an application specific to this and analyse.