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Total Marks : 4 Submission Date : 19 Nov 2018


CHAPTER – 4 ( PTU last years Questions )

Instructions :

1. Assignment should be on proper notebook

2. Complete all questions , Incomplete assignments will not get any marks

3. Use proper pencil and scale for circuit diagrams

Section – A


a) Explain Barkhausen condition of oscillations

or can also be asked as

State the necessary conditions for oscillations in feedback amplifier.

b) Why is negative feedback employed in high gain amplifier ?

c) Enlist various advantages and disadvantages of Wein Bridge oscillator.

d) Discuss basic principle of RC oscillator

e) Why the crystal oscillators used in radio transmitter?

f) What is an Oscillator? How does it differ from an Amplifier?

g) Compare Crystal Oscillator and RC Phase Shift Oscillator.

h) What is the effect of high frequencies on RC coupled amplifier gain characteristics?

i) What is the Miller Effect?

j) Principle of producing sustained oscillations in LC oscillator

or can be asked as

How oscillation are produced in LC oscillator

Section – B

2. Discuss feedback concept with block diagram .

3. Derive an expression for closed loop gain A f or voltage gain of an amplifier with positive
and negative feedback .

4. Explain with the help of circuit diagram the purpose of providing negative feedback.

5. Explain working of RC Phase shift oscillator with diagram .

6. Explain working of Wein bridge oscillator with diagram .

7. Draw a circuit diagram of Colpitt's oscillator and explain its working.

8. Draw a circuit diagram of Hartley oscillator and explain its working.

9. What are the different types of negative feedback? Explain each with block diagram.

Section - C

10. Derive a general expression for oscillator with frequency of oscillation for Colpitt’s and
Hartley Oscillator

11. A colpitt’s oscillator has C1 = 200 pf , C2 = 8000 pf . Determine the range of inductance
value ,if frequency of oscillation vary between 1 MHz AND 3MHz .

12. A Hartley oscillator is desgined with L1 = 4 mH , L2 = 40 µH and a variable

capacitance .Determine the range of capacitance value , if frequency of oscillation vary
between 1 MHz and 3 MHz .

13. In a Transistor Colpitt’s oscillator we have L = 100 mH, LRFC 0.6mH, C1 = 0.001 mF,
C2= l0mF . Find
a) operating frequency b) feedback fraction c) minimum gain to sustain oscillations &
Emitter Resistance if Rc = 2.5kΩ
Total Marks : 4 Submission Date : 19 Nov 2018


CHAPTER – 5 ( PTU last years Questions )

Instructions :

1. Assignment should be on proper notebook

2. Complete all questions , Incomplete assignments will not get any marks

3. Use proper pencil and scale for circuit diagrams

4.For rectifier questions you can follow your BEEE book

Section – A

a) Why is hybrid model of a transistor preferred over other methods?
b) Draw the hybrid model of CE, CB and CC BJT's.
c) What is the value of Ripple factor for half wave and full wave rectifier?
d) Determine the value of ripple factor in the full-wave rectifier operating at 50 Hz with a
e) 100 μF capacitor filter and 100Ω load.
f) Define T model of a Bipolar Transistor.

2. Derive the equation for voltage gain, current gain, input impedance, output impedance for
BJT using low frequency h-parameter model for
a) CE configuration
b) CC configuration.

3. Calculate these circuit parameters for the circuit shown in figure1.Transistor h-

parameters are : hfe = 75, hie = 2.1kΩ, hoe = l µS.
4. Draw the circuit diagram of a full-wave bridge rectifier circuit and Calculate
a) Idc b) Irms
c) Ripple factor d) Efficiency of rectification e) PIV rating of a diode

5. Determine input impedance, current gain, voltage gain and output impedance of a
transistorin terms of h-parameters.

6. Explain the variation of hybrid-pi parameters with respect to current, voltage and

7. What are the Physical origins of resistances in hybrid -p1 model of CE Transistor
amplifier at high frequencies?

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