Assignment 1 - Procument (Khaireena)
Assignment 1 - Procument (Khaireena)
Assignment 1 - Procument (Khaireena)
b) Suggest the most suitable procurement options that would meet the Client’s
criteria for the proposed development
Before any of the construction project activities start, there will always be an initial process of
submitting a proposal (tender) to manage the undertaking of the project. This process is called
tendering process. In construction context, the tender is treated as an offer to do the work for a
certain amount of money or a certain amount of profit.
Tendering systems in a wider term is called the project delivery systems or project procurement
systems. They are the very first stage in any construction project processes. The dictionary
definition of procurement is ‘the obtaining of goods and service’. Put in a construction context this
can be taken to mean ‘obtaining the whole spectrum of goods, materials, plant and services in
order to design, build and commission a building that delivers the best possible value for money
for the client over its life cycle’ (Duncan, 2009). While Masterman (1996) described project
procurement as the organizational structure needed to design and build construction projects for
a specific client. In other words, project procurement can be defined as the process of obtaining
and providing a certain project starting from the pre-construction until the postconstruction of the
project (Hansen, 2012).
1. Conventional/Traditional Procurement
Conventional or traditional procurement is probably still the most popular tendering system around
the world. It sets out the risks among both parties in balance make it still to be chosen and used
by both parties. Under conventional procurement, the design should be completed first before
competitive tenders are invited and the contract is executed. The client has control over the design
through their appointed consultants for example architect. Generally, there is no design
responsibility on the contractor (The Joint Contracts Tribunal Limited, 2019). Assuming that there
will be less changes introduce during construction period, construction costs can be determined
with reasonable certainty. The responsibility of both parties is determined clearly. The contractor’s
responsibility included all financial and other risks during construction period, whilst the employers
take the responsibility and risk for the design. The employers also have the ability to influence the
development of the design to meet their requirements. Moreover, they usually will have the ability
to influence the construction process through their representatives acting as their agent (Hansen,
2012). In summary, this conventional/traditional procurement will benefit in cost and quality of the
project, but at the expense of time.
2. Design and Build Procurement
Design and build is a fast-track strategy. Construction can start before all the detailed design is
completed, but at the contractor’s risk. Under a design and build strategy, a single contractor
assumes the risk and responsibility for designing and building the project, in return for a fixed-
price lump sum. It is very important, therefore, that the brief and performance or quality
specifications for important requirements in the project are fully and unambiguously defined
before entering into this type of contract. If requirements are not specific, the employers should
provide contractors with a performance specification at tender stage. The contractors develop the
design from the specification, submitting detailed proposals to the employers in order to establish
that they are in accordance with the requirements of the specification. The employers are,
therefore, in a strong position to ensure that their interpretation of the specification takes
preference over the contractors’. Specification is a risky area for inexperienced employers.
Moreover, the contractors have a legal duty to provide the employers with a project that is fit for
its purpose (Hansen, 2012). In summary, this design and build procurement will benefit in cost
and time of the project, but at the expense of quality.
This is also a fast track strategy which overlaps the design and construction stages and allows
early elements of the construction process to be commenced before design has been completed.
It is a process whereby an organization, normally construction based, is appointed to the
professional team during the initial stages of a project to provide construction management
expertise under the direction of the contract administrator (Hansen, 2012). It employs and
manages works contractors who carry out the actual construction of the project. He then gets fee
for his management services. The main characteristics of this procurement system are the
contractor is appointed on a professional basis as an equal member of the design team providing
construction expertise. Secondly, reimbursement is on the basis of a lump sum or percentage fee
for management services plus the prime cost of construction. Lastly, the actual construction is
carried out by works or package contractors who are employed, coordinated and administered by
the management contractor. In summary, this management contracting procurement system will
benefit in time and quality of the project, but at the expense of cost.
4. Construction Management Procurement
In this type of procurement, the employer will appoint a Construction Manager to manage the
overall contract in return for a management fee as with Management Contracting. Also, as before,
the project can benefit from early involvement of the contractor. In this process the contracts for
the sub-contractors are placed directly between the employer and the sub-contractor and the
employer will need to have a high level of involvement during the design development and the
construction phases of the work. As with management contracting, the final costs will only be
known once the final work elements have been awarded. Similar in concept to Management
Contracting, contractors are contracted directly to the employer and the construction manager
manages the process for the client on a simple consultancy basis (Hansen, 2012).
Since the client highlighted the following criteria for the proposed development, the most suitable
procurement is design and build procurement. This is because this design and build procurement
will benefit in cost and time of the project, but at the expense of quality. Provided that the client’s
requirements are accurately specified certainty of final project cost can be achieved and this cost
is usually less than when using other types of procurement. The absence of a bill of quantities
makes the valuation of variations extremely difficult and restricts the freedom of clients to make
changes to the design of the project during the post-contract period.
Design and build contracts can be awarded on a fixed price, lump sum basis, but price certainty is
then dependent on not making any subsequent changes as these could prove to be expensive
as prices charged by the contractor for those changes will not be subject to competition (Lupton,
2011). The use of this system enables design and construction to be overlapped and should result
in improved communications being established between client and contractor. These two
characteristics enable shorter, overall project periods to be achieved and project management
efficiency to be improved. Although well-designed and aesthetically pleasing buildings can be
obtained when using this category of procurement system, the client’s control over this aspect of
the project is less than using other methods of procurement.
As a summary, design and build contract is appropriate where the client wants early start of
works. Works can start immediately after finalizing most required drawings, while the detail design
is under development (construction works, and design can be overlap). Furthermore, in the design
and built procurement method contractor will provide his maximum expertise at the design stage.
Clients will ask selected contractors to submit technical proposals along with their initial designs
and project plan. And the client will thoroughly evaluate these proposals before moving to the
next phase. Mainly client will look into aesthetical appearance of the design, quality of proposed
materials and time frame (project programmer) for the project proposed by each contractor
Themes, 2020).
4 pros & Cons - Design and Build Procurement/Contracts in Construction. Quantity Surveyor
blog. (2020). Retrieved 3 June 2020, from
Design and build procurement route. (2020). Retrieved 3 June 2020,