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Experimental Study of Steel Slag Used As Aggregate in Asphalt Mixture

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American Journal of Construction and Building Materials

2017; 1(1): 12-18

doi: 10.11648/j.ajcbm.20170101.12

Experimental Study of Steel Slag Used as Aggregate in

Asphalt Mixture
Magdi M. E. Zumrawi, Faiza O. A. Khalill
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan

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To cite this article:

Magdi M. E. Zumrawi, Faiza O. A. Khalill. Experimental Study of Steel Slag Used as Aggregate in Asphalt Mixture. American Journal of
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2017, pp. 12-18. doi: 10.11648/j.ajcbm.20170101.12

Received: September 29, 2016; Accepted: February 8, 2017; Published: February 27, 2017

Abstract: Steel slag is a by-product of the steel industry and can be used potentially as aggregate in asphalt mixture. This
study evaluates the use of Steel Slag Aggregates (SSA) as substitute for natural aggregates in the production of hot mix asphalt
(HMA) for road construction. Based on intensive laboratory testing program, the characteristic properties of SSA were
assessed to determine its suitability to be used in HMA. Four different percentages (0, 50, 75 and 100%) of SSA were used,
and the proposed mix designs for HMA were conducted in accordance with Marshall mix design. The experiments results
revealed that the addition of SSA has significant improvement on the properties of HMA. An increase in density and stability
and a reduction in flow and air voids values were clearly observed in specimens prepared with 100% SSA. It is concluded that
the steel slag can be considered reasonable alternative source of aggregate for concrete asphalt mixture production.

Keywords: Aggregate, Asphalt Mixture, Stability, Steel Slag

comprehensive study, based on local materials and conditions,

1. Introduction of the feasibility of utilizing the steel slag produced by
Steel slag has been used to construct pavements for nearly steelmaking factory in Khartoum as a replacement for natural
one hundred years. Since it was discovered that the residue aggregate in production of asphalt concrete mixture.
from the manufacture of steel could be crushed and
processed into a product that looked like crushed rock, 2. Literature Review
researches were started to investigate the usefulness of this
“waste” product. In Sudan, Giad factory in Khartoum 2.1. Steel Slag Production
produces significant quantities of steelmaking slag as the Metallurgical slag is a waste or by-product formed in
major waste during the manufacture of iron and steel. The metallurgical processes from impurities in the metals or ores
estimated daily production of steel slag is 15 – 20 tons. The being treated. The metallurgical slags are classified in two
disposal of steel slag in landfills may cause environmental types; ferrous and nonferrous slag. The ferrous slag includes
hazards. The material produced by crushing and screening is iron slag generated in blast furnace process and steel slag
the Steel Slag Aggregate (SSA). produced from various processes (open hearth, basic oxygen
In asphalt hot mixes (AHM), the physical and mechanical and electric arc furnace). The nonferrous slag such as copper
properties of the used aggregates play the major role in and nickel slag, [3]. The Steel slag is defined by Kalyoncu
determining the overall properties of the mixtures. It is found [4] as "a non-metallic product, consisting essentially of
that these required properties for AHM are found in the SSA, calcium silicates and ferrites combined with fused oxides of
[1], [2]. The use of steel slag as an aggregate substitute to iron, aluminum, manganese, calcium and magnesium that are
natural aggregates is considered a standard practice in many developed simultaneously with steel".
countries. The incorporation of steel slag as a AHM aggregate Processing of steel slag for steel recovery is very important
has been evaluated extensively in many parts of the world, but as it results in an angular, generally well-graded, material that
not yet in Sudan. In order to consider the use of SSA in Sudan, is relatively free of metallic, and the recovered steel (2 to 4%
local materials, climate, and specifications must be taken into of raw steel production) is a valuable scrap, [5]. There are
account. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out a
American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2017; 1(1): 12-18 13

several different types of steel slag produced during the diagram of the general flow and production of different slag
manufacturing process, including furnace slag, raker slag, in a modern steel plant.
ladle slag, and cleanout or pit slag, [6]. Figure 1 shows a

Figure 1. Flow chart of steel slag production in a modern steel plant, [6].

In the past, the application of steel slag was not attractive physical and mechanical characteristic of an aggregate
because vast volumes of blast furnace slag were available. played an important role in providing the ideal durability,
Steel slag has been used commercially since the mid-19th permeability, stability and resistance against abrasion,
century. Recently, due to availability of electric-furnace steel cracking, and permanent deformation. Besides, the chemical
throughout the world, also the growth of available amounts composition of an aggregate was continuously studied and
of this type of waste, steel slag is becoming increasingly found to be a factor affecting its adhesion with other
important, while the application of steel slag is also rapidly construction material to form an ideal combination. The
growing in the developed countries, particularly in areas with National Slag Association (NSA) [10] along with the Federal
high concentration of iron and steel production such as the Highway Administration (FHWA) [11] has documented some
United States, England, Japan and Canada. of the characteristics properties of steel slag.
Nowadays, extensive researches play a vital role to remove
steel slag from industrial waste into modern industrial 2.2.1. Physical Properties
product which is effectively used for many industrial Steel slag aggregates (SSA) are highly angular, roughly
purposes, especially as raw material in road construction, [7], cubical pieces having flat or elongated shapes. They have
[8]. Special attention has been directed at investigating the rough vesicular nature with many non-interconnected cells
possibilities of using it as substitute for natural mineral which gives a greater surface area than natural aggregates of
aggregates when producing asphalt mixtures. Even the old equal volume; this feature provides an excellent bond with
Romans used slag from furnaces in the construction of bitumen, [10]. The rough textured surface of SSA provides the
Roman roads in the Sussex District in England, [5]. Recently, particle interlock, and if properly compacted, the high stability
the use of steel slag as an aggregate substitute to natural required for good serviceable pavements can be attained.
aggregates is considered a standard practice in many Moreover SSA particle exhibits higher porosity, superior
countries. In the USA slag is used from the first half of the adhesion with binder due to its surface structure and chemical
19th century as road construction material, from the second content, and favorable shapes. Pores continuity in SSA may
half of the 19th century as railway ballast and in cement improve the water permeability in asphalt mixes and improve
industry, and from the beginning of the 20th century as the skid resistance, while the superior adhesion with bitumen
aggregate for asphalt mixtures, [9]. may address the problem of stripping and moisture related
damage on pavement. SSA has high bulk specific gravity and
2.2. Steel Slag Properties less than 3% water absorption. Also SSA exhibits high density,
but apart from this feature most of the physical properties of
Different properties of various aggregates influenced their steel slag are better than hard traditional rock aggregates.
level of performance and suitability for an application. The GeoPave [12] pointed out that steel slag aggregates are
14 Magdi M. E. Zumrawi andFaiza O. A. Khalill: Experimental Study of Steel Slag Used as Aggregate in Asphalt Mixture

strong and durable materials. They have excellent angular 2.3. Previous Investigations
shape which helps to develop very strong interlocking
properties. They have high resistance to abrasion and impact. The use of steel slag in asphalt concrete has been
investigated by many researchers. The previous studies have
2.2.2. Chemical Properties been conducted on HMA with varied percentage of SSA.
The chemical composition of steel slag is a complex Most of the studies were concerned about the utilization of
matrix structure consisting primarily of simple oxides steel slag in HMA as coarse aggregate replacement. The
determined from elementary analysis of x-ray fluorescence. effects of steel slag on the performance of asphalt concrete
According to Emery [13], steel slag usually contains four are reviewed below.
major oxides, namely lime, magnesia, silica and alumina. United States have extensive experience with the addition
Minor elements include sulfur, iron, manganese, alkalis and of steel slag to HMA. Their experiences indicate that the
trace amount of several others. Table 1 shows the list of addition of steel slag may enhance the performance
various ranges of compounds presents in steel slag as characteristics of the pavement. In asphalt mixtures, the steel
reported by Emery [13]. slag is usually added as part of the coarse aggregate fraction
of the mixture at a percentage of 20% to 100%, depending on
Table 1. Chemical composition of steel slag (source [13]). the application of the mixture. Since the slag is rough, the
Open Basic OxygenSteel material improves the skid resistance of the pavement. Also,
HearthSteel Slag Slag because of the high specific gravity and angular, interlocking
Calcium oxide (CaO) 25.8 41.3 features of the crushed steel slag, the resulting HMA is more
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 16.4 15.6
stable and resistant to rutting ([14], [1], [15]).
Iron (FeO or Fe2O3) 26.0 20.0
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 10.0 6.9 Ahmedzade and Sengoz [16] evaluated the effect of steel
Manganese oxide (MnO) 11.2 8.9 slag in HMA with 100% coarse aggregate (limestone)
Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 2.4 2.2 replaced by SSA. They observed improved fatigue resistance
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) 0.8 0.5 as the steel slag mix exhibited higher indirect tensile strength
Free lime (free CaO) 2.1 3.3
and modulus values than the coarse aggregate mix. Pasetto
The chemical composition of steel slag varied with the and Baldo [17] conducted a study on steel slag in HMA by
steel making practice and the quality of steel being produced. substituting the natural aggregate at 0%, 30%, 60%, and 90%
However, in accordance with the description from FHWA SSA based on the total aggregate weight. The substitution
[11], there were many grades of steel that can be produced, included both coarse and fine aggregate particles. It was
and the properties of the steel slag can change significantly found that all the slag mixes exhibited better rutting
with each grade. Grades of steel can be classified as high, resistance than the control mix under repeated axial loads.
medium, and low, depending on the carbon content of the However, the 90% SSA mix performed better than all the
steel. High-grade steels had high carbon content. To reduce other slag mixes.
the amount of carbon in the steel, greater oxygen levels were Due to its high levels of hardness and angularity, steel slag
required in the steel-making process, [6]. is able to improve skid resistance. Kehagia [18] carried out a
study on the skid resistance of a thin wearing surface using
2.2.3. Mechanical Properties three different mixes: 100% slag mix, partial slag
According to The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) replacement mix, and a natural aggregate mix. Skid
[11] the processed steel slag has favorable mechanical properties resistance was measured four months and one year after
for use as aggregates in construction; these include good installation on a high traffic highway in Greece. After one
abrasion resistance, good soundness characteristics, and high year, all the slag mixes had outperformed the natural
bearing strength. These properties greatly improve the aggregate mix. The mix with 100% slag exhibited the best
performance of asphalt mixes and road safety level. SSA skid resistance. The minimum allowable skid number on this
exhibits less susceptibility to abrasion due to its high particle type of roadway was 35. After one year of service, the value
density, allowing it to provide better skid resistance than natural for the 100% slag mix section ranged from 58 to 64, whereas
aggregate. Steel slag has a high degree of internal friction and the section with partial slag replacement varied from 48 to
high shear strength. FHWA [11] has documented the general 60. The natural aggregate section without steel slag displayed
mechanical properties of steel slag as given in Table 2. acceptable numbers from 40 to 57. The study showed that
steel slag can improve HMA roadway conditions.
Table 2. Mechanical properties of Steel Slag (source [11]). Based on the results of the previous studies reviewed,
Property Value adding steel slag in HMA has significant improvement on the
Los Angeles abrasion (ASTM C131), % 20 - 25 mechanical properties of the mix in terms of resistance to
Sodium sulfate soundness loss (ASTM C88), % < 12 fatigue cracking, rutting and thermal cracking. Improvements
Angle of internal friction 40° - 50°
in skid resistance also increase the safety of drivers on the
Hardness (measured by Moh's scale of mineral hardness)1 6-7
California bearing ratio (CBR), % top size 19 mm (3/4 inch)2 Up to 300 roadway. The results indicated from the studies clearly show
potential benefits of using SSA in HMA. However, due to
Note: 1. Hardness of dolomite measured on same scale is 3 to 4. climate and material variations, the use of steel slag in HMA
2. Typical CBR value for crushed limestone is 100%.
American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2017; 1(1): 12-18 15

must be investigated using local materials, based on local screening into the desired sizes. Samples of steel slag and
specifications. Therefore, the aim of this study is to natural aggregates were prepared to three different sizes; the
investigate the effects of steel slag in HMA specifically for coarse sizes are 19 to 5 mm, the fine sizes passing sieve no. 4
Sudan local materials and climate. (4.75mm) and retained on sieve no. 200 (0.075mm) and filler
material of size finer than 0.075 mm.
3. Laboratory Testing A series of tests were carried out to determine the quality
of asphalt used and the characteristics properties of SSA and
As the objective and purpose of this paper are to test the natural aggregates. Laboratory tests conducted on aggregates
suitability of SSA for its application in the manufacture of include gradation, specific gravity and absorption, crushing
asphalt mixtures, an intensive laboratory testing program was value, Los Angeles abrasion test. Consistency tests
conducted. The tests were carried out to determine the performed on asphalt include penetration, ductility, softening
characteristic properties of SSA and evaluate them in point, kinematic viscosity and specific gravity test. Safety
accordance with the standard specifications. It presents also tests of flash and fired points were also conducted on asphalt.
the details regarding the proposed mix design for HMA that The testswere carried out in accordance with ASTM [14].
contains SSA. Then it describes in detail the tests of HMA
that contains SSA and presents and analyzes the physical and 3.3. Mix Design
mechanical property tests results. For the evaluation of using SSA in asphalt mixes, Marshall
3.1. Materials Used specimens using natural aggregate were prepared at asphalt
content 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6% by weight of aggregate to be
The materials used in testing include asphalt, natural compared with those prepared with 50, 75 and 100% of SSA.
aggregate and steel slag aggregate. The asphalt used in Marshall Specimens were prepared and tested in accordance
preparing all specimens of penetration grade 60 - 70. This with ASTM D1559.
asphalt was obtained from asphalt plants belong to road For all specimens, aggregate and asphalt were heated at
contractors at Toria hill in Omdurman town. temperatures of 140 and 180 °C, respectively. Specimens
The natural aggregate used in this study is crushed stones were compacted with 75 blows of Marshall’s hammer on
of different sizes. This aggregate was collected from the each side to count for heavy traffic category. Specimens were
crushing plants at Toria hill. extracted from the molds and kept at ambient temperature for
Steel slag was delivered from the by-product of steel one day. Necessary data for obtaining the specific gravity,
manufacturing at Giad factory in Khartoum. After the steel percentage of air voids (VA), voids filled with bitumen
slag has been crushed and graded into the desired sizes it was (VFB) and voids in Mineral Aggregates (VMA) and to count
stockpiled for delivery (Figure 2). The surface texture of the for stability correction were measured and recorded. These
slag was observed to be quite variable, from very dense and data are mainly the weight in air and water and the height of
solid like basalt, to vesicular like volcanic cinders. SSA the specimens. To conduct the Marshall stability and flow
samples were selected from three different stockpiles of tests, the specimens were kept in a water bath at 60°C for 30
coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and mineral filler. The minutes. The Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) values for
samples of SSA were delivered to the road laboratory at the specimens prepared with different aggregate
university of Khartoum. combinations were determined according to Marshall
Stability, percentage of air voids and voids filled with
3.4. Results and Discussion

The results of the experiments conducted for measuring

the physical properties of asphalt cement are listed in Table 3.

Table 3. Physical properties of asphalt cement used.

Test Method Result

Penetration, 0.1mm ASTM D5 62
Ductility, cm ASTM D113 100
Softening Point, °C ASTM D36 58
Kinematics viscosity, cst ASTM D2170 340
Flash point, °C ASTM D92 250
Fire point, °C ASTMD92 320
Specific gravity ASTMD70 1.03
Figure 2. Stockpiling of steel slag aggregates at crushing plant.
The steel slag and natural aggregate samples were used to
3.2. Sampling and Testing
determine the physical and mechanical properties such as
The steel slag sample was subjected to crushing and abrasion resistance, specific gravity, water absorption,
16 Magdi M. E. Zumrawi andFaiza O. A. Khalill: Experimental Study of Steel Slag Used as Aggregate in Asphalt Mixture

flakiness and elongation, and stripping and coating. The tests Marshall tests results on the prepared specimens showed that
results are shown in Table 4. the Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) was increased from a
The abrasion test provides an indication of the relative quality value of 5.1% in the case of specimens prepared with natural
of competence of various sources of aggregate with similar aggregate to a value of 6.1% for specimens prepared with
mineral compositions. The abrasion test is used as an indication 75% SSA. The reason is due to the high absorption value of
of aggregate wear resistance. In this case, comparing the steel the (SSA) used.
slag aggregate results to the natural aggregate results illustrate
that slag particles show high resistance to abrasion as given in Table 5. Asphalt Hot Mix design results.
Table 4. Also, the specific gravity values of the slag are always Percent of SSA
more than the natural aggregate. 0 50 75 100
Optimum Asphalt Content, % 5.1 5.6 6.1 5.3
Table 4. Physical and mechanical properties of aggregates.
Max. Unit Weight, KN/m3 24.0 23.9 24.0 24.0
Percent of SSA Marshall Stability, Kg 1390 1530 1700 1560
Test Flow, % 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.2
0 50 75 100
Bulk specific gravity 2.92 2.93 2.95 3.10 Air voids, % 4.6 4.1 4.3 3.3
Absorption,% 2.3 2.6 2.7 3.2 VMA, % 15.8 16.7 17.4 17.4
Los Angles abrasion, % 14 12.0 11.5 10 VFB, % 71 74 74 80
Flakiness, % 22.1 14.0 11.2 8.4
Elongation, % 21.0 12.2 10.0 7.5 When stability and density values are considered,
Stripping & coating Above 95 specimens prepared with SSA had the highest stability
compared with the specimens prepared with natural
The results of the mix design for both the SSA mix and the aggregates, as shown in Figure 3. It is believed that the
conventional natural aggregate mix are presented in Table 5. reason for this is due to the low crushing and Los Angeles
Comparing the results, it can be observed that steel slag abrasion values of the (SSA) when compared to natural
aggregate provide better properties and high values of density aggregates.
and stability, which resist permanent deformation. The

0% Slag 50% Slag 75% Slag 100% Slag


Marshall Stability (Kg)






3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5

Asphalt Content (%)

Figure 3. Corrected stability curves for different asphalt mixtures.

A slight decrease in the flow value was noticed in the case prepared with SSA when compared to the values of the NAG
of specimens prepared with SSA when compared to the specimens as shown in Figure 5 and 6, respectively. It seems
natural aggregate (NAG) specimens. The curves shown in that the particle shape, grading and maximum nominal size
Figure 4 show that all specimens prepared at their optimum for the aggregate used play the major role in the
Asphalt Content (OAC) are in the range recommended by the determination of these values. It is important to mention that
Asphalt Institute between 3-5 mm for the surfacing and the AV and VMA values obtained for specimens prepared
heavy traffic category ([15]). The Percentage of air voids with SSA and NAG specimens comply with the values
(AV) decreased while VMA increased for specimens recommended by the Asphalt Institute [15].
American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2017; 1(1): 12-18 17

0% Slag 50% Slag 75% Slag 100% Slag


Marshall Flow (mm)

3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5

Asphalt Content (%)

Figure 4. Flow curves for different asphalt content and mixtures.

0% Slag 50% Slag 75% Slag 100% Slag



Air Voids (%)






3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
Asphalt Content (%)

Figure 5. Air voids versus asphalt content relationship for different asphalt mixtures.

0% Slag 50% Slag 75% Slag 100% Slag

VMA (%)

3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5

Asphalt Content (%)

Figure 6. Voids in mineral aggregate for different asphalt mixtures.

18 Magdi M. E. Zumrawi andFaiza O. A. Khalill: Experimental Study of Steel Slag Used as Aggregate in Asphalt Mixture

4. Conclusion Session, Annual Conference, Transportation Association of

Canada, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2004.
In this research, natural aggregate was replaced by SSA,
[3] C. Shi, “Steel Slag—Its Production, Processing,
which is waste material derived from the steel industry, in Characteristics, and Cementitious Properties,” Journal of
different asphalt concrete mixes. The effectiveness of Materials in Civil Engineering 16, ASCE, 2004, pp. 230-236.
replacing natural aggregate by SSA was judged by the
improvement in the physical and mechanical properties of the [4] R. S. Kalyoncu, Slag iron and Steel. US Geological Survey
Minerals Yearbook, 2001.
tested samples. The following conclusions can be drawn:
The physical properties of SSA basically satisfy the [5] J. Emery, Steel Slag Utilization in Asphalt Mixes. National
requirements of Marshall Specification for design of Slag Association, MF 186-1, 1984, www.nationalslagassoc.org
HMA. Based on laboratory test results, SSA appears to [6] Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) and
be especially beneficial for the use in Sudan to reduce Department of Transportation and Federal Highway
the dependent on naturally occurring aggregate. Thus, it Administration, steel slag-material description. 2002.
is recommended that the producers and the users of
[7] P. Kumar, A. Kumar, “Steel industry waste utilization in road
AHM in Sudan consider the use of SSA. sector of India,” J. Inst. Eng. (India) Civil Eng. Div., 80
From the economic point of view, utilization of steel (2000) 4, pp. 182-185.
slag as road construction aggregate may reduce the cost
of extracting and processing naturally occurring [8] R. Dippenaar, “Industrial uses of slag (the use and reuse of
iron and steelmaking slags) Ironmaking Steelmaking,” 32
aggregates. The steel producing industry may also (2005) 1, pp. 35-46.
reduce their cost for treating and disposing the huge
number of steel slag stockpiles. [9] D. W. Lewis, Properties and Uses of Iron and Steel Slags.
The use of natural aggregate in the HMA layer of road National Slag Association, MF 182-6, 1982,
pavement is seen as a wasteful use of a finite natural
resource. Therefore, the use of waste (secondary) [10] National Slag Association (NSA), Steel Slag Product
materials is recognized as being of benefit to both Information. 2013, www.nationalslag.org.
environment and society. Of the various waste [11] Federal Highway Administration (FHA), User Guidelines for
materials, the steel slag can be considered reasonable Waste and Byproduct Materials in Pavement Construction.
alternative sources of aggregate for concrete asphalt April 2012.
mixture productions.
[12] GEOPAVE, “Steel Slag Aggregates,” Material Technology,
Technical note 9, Nov. 1993.

References [13] J. J. Emery, “Slags as Industrial Minerals,” Proceedings, Third

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